Transcript of this meeting [PDF]

Transcript of this meeting [PDF]

Transcript of this meeting [PDF]

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are forever inundated with headlines and figures that talk about 20,000 police <strong>of</strong>ficersbeing lost across the country, then London will not be immune from that.Sir Paul Stephenson (Commissioner, MPS): OK. You are right; your job is to hold meto account and your job, over previous years, is to get me to make better use <strong>of</strong>Londoner’s money. There have been significant debates around the MPA with variouspeople saying we are not making the best use <strong>of</strong> Londoners’ money and we waste it incertain places. We are not salami slicing now. We have some major projects to deliverwhat we think are realistic savings. I am being very honest about it. Until I see themoney, until I see the final settlement and until I get to December 2010 I do not knowhow much I can guarantee to protect all our operational capability. It is my ambition. Iam being very honest and open about it. Of course I wear no party political hat.John Biggs (AM): No. A very, very final; you have repeatedly said to the MPA - and Ithink it is quite right in established law - that there are operational decisions that you takeand the MPA cannot instruct you on operational matters. Is police headcount anoperational matter?Sir Paul Stephenson (Commissioner, MPS): I will take that away and take advice onit. Whether it is an operational matter or not it is a matter <strong>of</strong> how much money you havegot and how many you can afford to employ. It is an outcome <strong>of</strong> what money we havegot. So whether it is operational or whether it is the MPA’s, the reality is we cannotemploy more people than we have got money for.John Biggs (AM): So you will formally answer that?Sir Paul Stephenson (Commissioner, MPS): I will come back to you. We have <strong>this</strong>debate at every MPA on what is mine and what is yours. I will always come back andsay, even if I think it is mine, I do honestly try to come back to the MPA and try to seeksupport.John Biggs (AM): Thank you. Thank you for giving me that time, Chairman.Kit Malthouse (Chairman): Thanks, John [Biggs].Sir Paul Stephenson (Commissioner, MPS): Sorry, if I may? One thing that I will notengage in - and I do not wear any party political hat - and have not engaged in is whatpeople are calling shroud waving. I think that frightens Londoners unnecessarily. I donot think that anybody should be going out there and saying there will be disaster on thestreets or there will be a retreat from the streets until we see the money.John Biggs (AM): I agree with that. I would add another constituent which is, I think, alot <strong>of</strong> our police <strong>of</strong>ficers and commanders are frightened by <strong>this</strong> as well. They wantcertainty and clarity and we have a duty to try to give that to them.Kit Malthouse (Chairman): OK. Valerie [Brasse]?www.merrillcorp.com31

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