Transcript of this meeting [PDF]

Transcript of this meeting [PDF]

Transcript of this meeting [PDF]

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Sir Paul Stephenson (Commissioner, MPS): Happy to answer all <strong>of</strong> that. Firstly, asyou are well aware, there is a TP change programme ongoing and the MPA has seen theterms <strong>of</strong> reference and been consulted at various <strong>meeting</strong>s about that. However, the letterthat the borough commander - and <strong>this</strong> is not about embarrassing anybody; boroughcommanders are doing a challenging job and they are trying to consult and trying to havediscussions and it is very difficult having those discussions when those discussions canbe, occasionally, misinterpreted or we are clumsy with our language.The letter which he sent, which is largely a very good letter, is a little contradictory. Youquoted parts <strong>of</strong> it. What you did not quote - and I will now quote it - he said right at theend <strong>of</strong> <strong>this</strong>, and does seem a bit contradictory, “I would emphasise that the TPDevelopment programme has not yet made any concrete decisions for the same reasons,but you would expect us to have embarked on a close examination <strong>of</strong> the way we can dobusiness in <strong>this</strong> climate”. I think those two statements seem a little bit contradictory.What I can give you today is, firstly, what I said last month is true; the abstractions - andthe reason why I asked Lynne [Owens] to come here today is because, clearly, there doesneed to be a significant debate and the person who is leading <strong>this</strong> in TP needs to be part<strong>of</strong> that debate here in <strong>this</strong> MPA around the important issue <strong>of</strong> Safer Neighbourhoods. Ithink we are still maintaining our abstraction rate, the target <strong>of</strong> which is 5%. I think thatis right, Lynne [Owens]?Secondly, I can give you an absolute assurance that there will be no major change topolicy and no change to the Safer Neighbourhood model without bringing any proposalback before the MPA. That is absolute. The end <strong>of</strong> Neil Basu’s [Borough Commander,London Borough <strong>of</strong> Barnet] letter was actually saying that. No decisions have beenmade. I do accept some <strong>of</strong> the language might have led to some confusion.We are making that clear to all borough commanders. You are asking me what action amI taking to make that clear? Firstly, the letter that both myself and the Chairman sent outto settle <strong>this</strong> (inaudible).Secondly, Lynne [Owens] is going to be sending out a framework that contains thediscussions and consultations that we expect borough commanders to have. We do notwant to do it for borough commanders. They are very important people who are used todealing with their local authority councillors and local neighbourhoods. We do realisethat needs to take place within a framework that underpins the guarantees I have justgiven. That framework document is going out <strong>this</strong> week which will make it clear thatthere will be no removal <strong>of</strong> the ring fencing, no changes in policy and no changes in theward base without any proposals coming back before the MPA.To go on to your third point, I do expect them to make <strong>this</strong> meaningful consultation. I doexpect it to be with the chief executives, I do expect it with the leaders and I do expect itwith the councillors but, more importantly, I expect it to be with neighbourhoods andwith people who are on the Safer Neighbourhood Panels to make sure that, when we dowww.merrillcorp.com19

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