PART 1 INTRODUCTION - Park Lane Jewelry

PART 1 INTRODUCTION - Park Lane Jewelry

PART 1 INTRODUCTION - Park Lane Jewelry


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Welcome to...PARK LANE LEADERSHIP FOR EXECUTIVE MANAGERSAs a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Executive you have a unique and exciting opportunity to impact and influence lives, alongwith the ability to help others grow and develop their business by providing support and commitment to theirsuccess. Adding significance to the lives of others will be a rich and rewarding part of your career as a <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong> Executive.<strong>PART</strong> 1<strong>INTRODUCTION</strong>Keys to SuccessJewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> has a long and rich history of success. This success has been built upon tried and true principlesestablished by our Founders, Arthur and Shirley LeVin. We take great pride in being innovative but will continue toadapt and grow in order to provide all of our field associates with the best products, programs and opportunities available.<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> believes these basic leadership principles are timeless and they are the “Keys to your Success”A LEADER leads by example when they• Personally hold Fashion Shows• Personally sponsor new Fashion Directors• Maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity• Set personal growth and income goals• Attend and participate in all Company-sponsored eventsA LEADER develops Leaders when they• Regularly hold meetings and opportunity sessions• Provide support and mentoring programs.• Conduct leadership training programs on a regular basis• Empower team members by delegating and sharing responsibilitiesA LEADER knows what it means to be a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>r when they• Understand and are able to share all Company Policies and Procedures• Promote and put into practice all company sponsored programs and promotions.• Demonstrate a belief and trust in the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Opportunity• Understand and are willing to share the Purpose and Mission of <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>Being a leader is both an honor and a privilege and yet it comes with responsibility and expectations. We, at <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong>, are committed to doing everything we can to help you achieve your dreams.Together we can do great things!This Guide is intended to provide an overview of the resources and programs that are available to you as anExecutive Leader. It is intended to be a guide for you to become an Executive Leader and a reference for you to useas you grow and develop your <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> organization.If you are new to the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> family we are excited to have you on the team. You have seized the opportunity to jointhis successful and dynamic organization. Because of your success and achievement, you are stepping into a leadershiprole. We are committed to your success and make one very important recommendation:For the first 90 days we ask that you utilize the programs just as they have been presented. This will allow you to immerseyourself in the programs and culture and make your transition as easy as possible. These programs are timetested for success. It is because we value your ability to lead and we ask you to apply your skills to the “<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>Way” in order to maximize your success. You have the tools. You have the programs. You have this guide.All you have to do is Start Now!1

Getting Started:• Set a date for your own personal <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> jewelry show. Your <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> contact /upline will provide the coaching on how tocreate the most successful <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Fashion Show for you. Your contact/upline will assist you in introducing the jewelry andthe <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> opportunity to your friends, neighbors and business associates. You will receive both the profits and the FiveStar Hostess credits from the show, as you are the hostess as well as the director, for this event. The profits are sent in theform of a “profit check” after the kit satisfaction.• Wear the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> jewelry from your kit immediately! In working with such a highly visible product, you have an advantagewith jewelry in that you are a walking advertisement for your business! Wear your jewelry everywhere and watch the reaction!Have fun accessorizing! Create your own look!• Get acquainted with your own sample kit of jewelry. Our jewelry will become the “vehicle” through which you will create initialinterest in the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> opportunity; whether you are talking to a customer, a future hostess or a potential recruit prospect.• Practice handling the jewelry and learn the names of the items. Unroll and roll up the ensembles of jewelry that you have inyour own kit. Group your jewelry by color and style, such as, gold items together, silver items together, gemstones together,glitzy items together and so on. Practice placing the jewelry on family members & close acquaintances. The jewelry will createan emotional response from almost everyone! Get used to the product power that you have in your jewelry sample kit.• Eventually you will want to have duplicates of the items you personally like to wear. As you earn more jewelry as a hostess foryour own show, and from the “Super Start” program, you can select items that you want to add to your kit. You will want tokeep the jewelry in your own kit ready for show business, so having duplicates of your favorite pieces allows you to keep yourkit packed and ready for a show or an interview!• Ask some friends to schedule a jewelry show for you. This will give you a base of show dates to use as practice. Doing someshows with several friends that serve as hostesses will give you an opportunity to become comfortable with your jewelry. Letyour first few hostesses choose something from your kit to wear at their show!• Make a list of personal contacts with whom you wish to share <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>. This might be a list of people with little or no experiencein direct sales. Include your family and friends on this list. These people may become your first level/Fashion Directors.They most certainly will have a show to help you launch your business.• Continue to work with your <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Home Office contact person or up line manager to present the jewelry and business opportunitiesto your friends, acquaintances and professional colleagues.• Make a list of anyone that you know with previous party plan/direct sales management experience. These people may becomepart of your Executive Team.• Schedule a separate get-together for prospects with experience. Many times, an individual appointment is appropriate andcomplimentary to the person’s level of experience. Always discuss your experienced contacts with your Home Office contactor your up line manager. The purpose of those appointments is to share the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> management opportunity.• Visit the website: www.jewelsbyparklane.com if you have not done so already. Register for access to the Field Interfacesection by clicking on the “representative login” and sign up to be a member. In addition, you may select a membership tomyparklane.com so that you can have your own webpage and complete access to all of the benefits of membership. Ask yourHome Office contact for assistance.2

Part 2 STARTING YOUR PARK LANE BUSINESSPERSONAL SALESYou will receive 45%-50% profit on the “net” sales* of your personal jewelry shows. Holding personal shows is a good way tobecome comfortable with showing the jewelry, the customer saving plan, the hostess plan and offering the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> opportunity.You will have plenty of time to study the materials that contain information on the show outline that includes more detail. You caneasily learn the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> show style by watching the show DVD that comes in your kit. The DVD will show you the steps andstyle in showing the jewelry. Note particularly that <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> endorses the “Roller Method” of showing the jewelry as opposedto pre-displaying the jewelry at a show. This style allows the show-holder to create suspense in showing the jewelry and to holdthe attention of the guests. Arrange the jewelry items in your kit in the rollers. Start with “basic” items in the first rollers and havethe more “glitzy” and dramatic items in your final rollers. You can also group the gold items, silver items, gemstone items, mixedmetals, and dressy items in separate rollers. You will want to show your jewelry by unrolling the rollers, one at a time, during thepresentation section of your show. This method is effective for creating suspense and curiosity with the guests. Refer to the “GettingStarted” section in The Guide to Success. As you practice the “Roller Method” at each show, you will become more comfortableand will maintain control of the show presentation, while bringing about optimum show results: sales, bookings & recruitprospects.*Net sales/non-commissionable sales – see Part 9 of Executive GuideFIVE <strong>PART</strong> SHOW PRESENTATION –AT A GLANCE!<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> jewelry should always be presented in the simplest & most exciting format. Creating desire for the product is a key focus.Besides sales, an additional focus should be placed on obtaining future booking dates & identifying recruit prospects. By usingthe <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s 5-part show format, one can keep the presentation simple, organized & duplicable. This is important if you areexpecting new directors to conduct a solo show with successful results. USE THE PARK LANE ROLLER METHOD FOR SHOWUNIFORMITY. The Roller Method is further explained in the section following Part 5 of the show. Time allotted to each show partmay vary as the number of guests at a show varies.<strong>PART</strong> 1 – OPENING TALK - 5 MINUTESObjective: Welcome guests & give overview of <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s programs. Okay to use a cue card.• Introduce yourself, welcome guests, thank hostess – name game or ice-breaker.• Brief background of <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>• Focus on jewelry; quality, styles, variety, bonus item/savings plan, unconditional replacement guarantee.• Distribute wish lists to guests• Have guests prepare to model <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> jewelry by removing their own jewelry.<strong>PART</strong> 2 – JEWELRY PRESENTATION - 30 MINUTESObjective: Create desire for product, introduce booking & recruiting seeds & entertain guests.• Use the ROLLER METHOD to present one ensemble at a time – creates suspense!• Ask each guest to model an ensemble & wear their selection for remainder of presentation.• Show some attractive jewelry combinations – creates desire for multiple item orders.• Have guests write desired items on wish list – no focus on prices – no catalogs are needed during this part of the show.• Continue to plant seeds (make suggestions) on ways to obtain jewelry by booking or becoming a recruit.<strong>PART</strong> 3 – BOOKING TALK & RECRUITING TALK – 10 MINUTESObjective: To inform guests about the hostess 5 Star Hostess plan & director programs.• Review 5 star program & current hostess specials.• Conduct a “dueling calculator” or other demonstration showing hostess benefits.• Complete back of “Wish List” (Door Prize Slip) to obtain information about booking & recruit interest.• Demonstrate the “Who Do You Know” flip chart (Available from the download section of the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> website).• Use the $50 Referral Reward Certificate to obtain recruit recommendations.<strong>PART</strong> 4 – TRY-ON SHOPPING TIME – 30 MINUTESObjective: To build desire in the guests for multiple orders by giving them an opportunity to try on the jewelry.• Invite guests to return selections they modeled to the display table. Have mirror, shopping guide & pens ready.• Encourage guests to try on additional jewelry ensembles & add items to their wish list.• Listen for comments that will indicate booking & recruiting interest.• Bring out catalogs during the shopping time, upon request.• Stay at display table & comment on items that are favorite hostess free credit choices.• When first guest appears to have completed wish list, begin “order write-up” with that guest.• Ask your hostess to stay with guests and continue the shopping experience.3

<strong>PART</strong> 5 – ORDER CONDITIONING (ORDER WRITE-UP) – 30-60 MINUTESObjective: To complete orders, obtain future show dates & determine recruiting interest.• Determine the order & build additional items using $12 bonus item savings plan.• Complete customer order blank & collect payment.• Determine future show date – handle any objections & offer bonus show date incentive ($50 HRC or $100 HRC).• Book show date – invite new hostess to meet with you at the end of the show for their initial hostess coaching.• Assess recruiting interest. Suggest separate appointment to preview <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> program.• Ask for referrals. Explain local expansion program. Invite to set a personal appointment or to attend next opportunity event.The <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Five Part Show is designed to produce results that will build your business. Best results are achieved whenwe keep the show simple in style and take only enough jewelry to show a sampling of <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s line (suggested 50-60 items– maximum) and with only a minimum of other table props. The “ROLLER METHOD” can be explained as <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s style ofpresenting the jewelry. Place jewelry items & jewelry ensembles in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> soft rollers and roll up the jewelry in the rollers forstorage in your kit. This way, jewelry can be “unveiled” (unrolled) and presented one selection or ensemble at a time during thepresentation of the jewelry section of a show. As you present each selection, the director can describe the item, say the name ofthe item and model the item on a guest. Arrange the rollers so that they contain a specific type of jewelry; thank you gifts, pearls,silver tone, colored gemstones, etc. Show the “glitzy”, dressier jewelry in the last roller. Hostess Only items can be displayed andunveiled at a separate time and kept in a different color roller. Details of the Five Part Show can be found in the Guide to Successand the E-Z Guide.(see Part 9)PERSONAL SPONSORINGPersonal Recruiting/Sponsoring - Decide to share the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> opportunity immediately with everyone you know within closeproximity of where you live. It is smart to work initially with people that live close to you. While you are learning the programs, it isgood to work in what <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> calls a “common sense” area. This is defined as working with people that are available to attenda show, attend an opportunity gathering and attend a training class. By starting within close proximity of your contacts, as themanager, you will be able to maximize your time by spending time on activities that produce results (as opposed to spending timetraveling long distances to see prospects).Referrals - You are able to “refer” other people to the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Home Office that live a distance from you. You may provide thenames and contact information of anyone that lives anywhere in the USA to the Home Office. You can e-mail those names toleads@jbpl.com or give them to your Home Office contact. These names will be forwarded to managers that conduct <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>business in the area of your referral. When the prospect joins <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, you will receive full recruiting credit that will apply to any<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> program for which recruiting credit is given. You will find more information on this process in the Guide to Success.Split Recruits - This is a specific program that allows you to actually show the program to someone that may live a distance fromyou and may want to join <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>. For instance, if you visit an acquaintance or relative that lives in another state, you may decideto show that person the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> opportunity. Upon making a decision to join <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, your person would complete a DirectorAgreement and pay any appropriate fees (credit card preferable). You would forward that agreement on to the Home Officeby mail or fax. Write the words, “SPLIT RECRUIT” on the top of the agreement and put your name in the area on the agreementthat asks for “recruiter”. The Home Office will then position the recruit with a local manager and you, the recruiter, will receive anoverride on one-half of the recruit’s sales. This program applies to Fashion Director level only.Direct Appointment Program - The Direct Appointment program is unique to <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>. This program offers the opportunity foryou to “direct appoint” qualified individuals (with Home Office approval) to join your team in a specific management position thatis commensurate to their previous party plan/direct sales management experience. As you add names to your list of people withparty plan/direct sales management experience, discuss these people with your Home Office contact person or your up line manager.They will assist you in becoming acquainted as to what level might be best for your management candidate. It is advisableto have your HO contact/Up line manager conduct the interview or assist you in presenting the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Opportunity and to helpproperly assess the appropriate level for the management candidate. You will become more comfortable with this process as youbuild your team. All direct appointments to a level of management require approval from the Home Office prior to a level of managementbeing offered to a management candidate.Recommendation Program - The <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Recommendation program provides an opportunity for every level in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>(FD – VP) to recommend to Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, leaders with direct sales/party plan management experience. When the recommendedleader is lateral to or above the level of the recommender, the recommender will be recognized as the recruiter and willreceive a 2% bonus on the total net sales of the organization that the new Executive develops. By personally recommendingother qualified Executives you may qualify to benefit from a lifetime residual income! This 2% bonus is paid weekly according tothe Parent Recommendation Bonus section outlined on the Business Opportunity Brochure. The first six weeks of the new Manager/VP’sactivity, the recommender will receive the 2% bonus automatically, without qualification. After the six week time frame haspassed, the recommending manager must meet the qualifications in order to receive the 2%.The sales of your personally sponsoredlateral and above direct appointment leaders will count towards your promotion to the next level in the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Success4

Ladder. Refer to promotion requirements in the Business Opportunity brochure. Note: No one Manager can be more than 50% ofthe overall goal required to promote. Recommending direct sales management candidates is an additional avenue to developingyour very own <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Empire. Refer to the Glossary & Clarifications section in the Business Opportunity brochure for furtherexplanationSummary: By putting all of these programs into action immediately, it will “kick-start” your new Executive Level Business.Participate in ALL of the activities and watch your business grow FAST!JEWELS BY PARK LANE - 5 “I” RECRUITING CYCLESharing the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Opportunity will soon become a primary activity in building your <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> business.While it is easy and fun to share what <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> has to offer, understanding the recruiting program that <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong> provides can be most easily understood through <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s “Five I” program. These are the stepsto take when you want to introduce someone to <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>. You will want to learn the steps, practice themand teach them to your team. The five “key” components of the program each start with the letter “I”, so theprogram is easy to learn and easy to remember. This program will guarantee your new recruits the “proper”start with Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>.INTEREST –This is the first step, whether you are dating a show or creating interest in a recruit prospect.Explain how to create interest- obtain names & phone numbers-set personal appointments to preview jewelry.Interest can be created by wearing the jewelry. It can also be created by becoming experienced in makingfriends, networking and seeking people who might like to do what you do. <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> offers a CD called“Realize Your Best” which can be given to hostesses & prospects to give them a glimpse of our opportunityand create desire to hear more!INTERVIEW (Information Session) – Learn how to share the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Opportunity by using the “RealizeYour Best” booklet. Tell the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> story and show the jewelry to a prospect. Bring the interview to aclose and utilize the “Start Up Plan” to help the new recruit program their calendars for success. The “Start-Up Plan” will take the new recruit, with your help, step-by-step, through the process of how to start theirnew <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> career and how to set up a plan for success. The new recruit should be guided through the“Start-Up Plan” as they build a picture of their first month in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>. Spending time with the new recruit inscheduling the first month will be time well spent. A new recruit deserves clear direction and guidance. Witha strong start to the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> business, success will surely follow!The Start Up Plan (#233) is very useful in setting your new recruits on a path of organized success.Once the interview is concluded, assist the new person in beginning the Start Up Plan. If time doesnot allow completing the form together, then schedule another time to continue to work the StartUp Plan together. It is helpful if the new person is guided step by step. While working with the StartUp Plan, allow time to coach the new recruit on the benefits of the Five Star Hostess Program. As anewly-sponsored recruit, they will not only enjoy the profits from their show but will also receive thefree jewelry credits offered under the Five Star Hostess Plan. The Start Up Plan allows a space forpreparing a list of family, friends and acquaintances. There is also a calendar where a show schedulecan be created. There is also suggested dialogue that the new recruit can use when contactingfriends and acquaintances. By reviewing the Start Up Plan with the new prospect, the recruitercan help them organize their first few weeks in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> so as to give them the very bestand strongest start!5

INTRODUCTORY SHOW – The introductory show (first show) is conducted for all new recruits by a *qualifiedmanager. The new recruit should be coached as a hostess and may enjoy the free hostess credits plusthe profits from the show sales (the first $500 of net sales will satisfy the cost of the kit). It is suggested thata goal is set for a successful introductory show that is excess of the first $500 in net sales. A good goalfor an Introductory Show is 10 guest orders and 3 bookings. For a strong start, a minimum of 6 bookingsshould be dated within the first few weeks of new recruit’s calendar. The new <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>r is paid commissionon all sales in excess of the first $500 net sales. A completed agreement (including a completed backof the agreement listing the first 6 booking show dates and hostess information) is to be submitted to thecompany along with the first show(s).INITIAL TRAINING CLASS – This is an organized class which is held for new recruits after the qualifiedintroductory show has been held and a minimum 5 additional bookings are obtained. The class should betaught by the lead manager and held weekly at the same time and in the same place. Class should take approximately3 hours and covers customer, hostess & director programs. Also covered is how to conduct a5 part show. New recruits should review how to complete a customer order and a hostess order during thisclass. The new specials for the current month should be reviewed. End with a challenge related to what ishappening for the current month. The ITC will provide the initial information that a new recruit will need tostart his/her business. It is important to only provide the information needed to start the business and to notoverload a new person with a lot of additional information or paperwork.INITIAL PAPERWORK/PROGRAMS CLASS– This class should take place about a week after the InitialTraining Class. Cover just the basics of processing a show, explaining myparklane.com on-line order-entrysystem and completing a customer exchange form. Explain how to complete a contest claim form, how totrack and claim the Super Start program, the Success Builders Awards and how to process the applicationfor the Star Fleet program. Don’t overload new directors with paperwork. Set up a “report” time or contacttime for a new recruit to talk weekly with their manager.*qualified manager – For purposes of conducting an introductory show, a qualified manager is usually aDivision Manager, Sr. Division or Vice President. There may be some exceptions, however, the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>manager conducting the Introductory Show, should be skilled in conducting a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> fashion show,should be effective in the booking process and must be knowledgeable of the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> programs andincentives.CONDUCTING AN INTERVIEWSharing the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Opportunity can be done individually or in a group setting. When an individual interview/informationsession is appropriate, such as an appointment that you have secured with a guest thatyou met at a show, schedule a time to meet as soon as there is interest shown. Use the “Realize Your Best”booklet as your guide for the interview allowing the prospect to listen to the program while following the picturesand explanations in the brochure. Once the interview is completed, the prospect may keep the “RealizeYour Best” booklet and will then have something to share with family members. Here are the main partsof a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> interview:• Get acquainted and create rapport with prospect• Share <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s company history• Explain the product line and the guarantee• Share the Customer bonus item plan• Explain the Five Star Hostess Plan• Explain the Director position and our various marketing methods.• Share a few earnings examples & the opportunity for advancement.• Share the incentives & prizes that <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> offers• Show the jewelry• Ask for decision and close interview• Use Start Up Plan to get the prospect started and schedule the Introductory Show.6

SAMPLE JEWELRY KITSAs a manager, you will want to oversee the completion of the new Director agreements to ensure rapiddelivery of sample jewelry kits. All sample jewelry kits are issued only to new recruits who have at least $500in net sales (or have purchased the kit outright) plus have 5 additional show dates scheduled. <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>invests in each new recruit by offering no out-of-pocket costs for the jewelry kit and the registration/shippingcosts are offered at the lowest possible cost. (See Director Agreement for start up costs).In the event a recruit is at a distance where you will not be seeing her personally for the Introductory Showand the Initial Training Class, the new recruit may pay for the kit outright (check current kit costs on the DirectorAgreement) or have the new recruit send in customer orders for at least $500 net sales and the commissionon the sales will satisfy the cost of the kit…If indicated on the agreement, the kit may be shippeddirectly to the Fashion Director.DIRECTOR AGREEMENT PROCEDURESA Director Agreement must be completed by every person as they join <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>. The agreement must becompleted, both sides and faxed or mailed to Home Office. The reverse side of the Agreement MUST becompleted with the details of the six bookings. If the new person is a Fashion Director, then the Agreementmay be submitted on-line. <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> must be in receipt of a completed Agreement before commission andoverrides can be paid. A social security number is required in order to receive profits. All agreements for directappointments (levels above Fashion Director) must be pre-authorized by a Home Office executive priorto acceptance.Part 3 Basic Recruiting Tools – Business BuildersThere are a number of recruiting tools, known as Business Builders which are sponsored by Jewels by <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong>. The following is an explanation of the key business builders:“REALIZE YOUR BEST” INTERVIEW BOOKLETThis is a tremendous tool for sharing our opportunity with potential recruits. How will they know the <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong> story unless we tell them? This booklet does exactly that! Each page effectively builds upon the previouspage. You may want to send this to prospects requesting information who live a distance from you.Use as a guide during an interview. This is the most effective way to share the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> story! After visitingwith your prospect and discovering her needs and desires, you will be able to personalize how the <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong> Opportunity may be just what she’s looking for! Be warm and friendly and be a good listener! Useher name often. Compliment and encourage her. Keep her in the spotlight and make her feel like a milliondollars. People will remember how they felt when they were with you! As you move from page to page andeach part of our program is explained, ask questions such as, “What do you think about our savings plan?”Or “How would you feel about giving away that much jewelry?” This keeps you talking with her rather thanto her. As you finish sharing the Realize Your Best Booklet, ask, “When would you like to receive your firstprofit check” or “what did you think of our programs?” Our goal is to connect the prospect’s heart to thehope and possibility that they can have the life they have always dreamed of and guide them into an informeddecision to join the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> family!THE START UP PLANThe Start Up Plan is very useful in setting your new recruits on a path of organized success. Once the interviewis concluded, assist the new person in beginning the Start Up Plan. If time does not allow completingthe form together, then schedule another time to continue to work the Start Up Plan together. It is helpful ifthe new person is guided step by step. While working with the Start Up Plan, allow time to coach the new7

ecruit on the benefits of the Five Star Hostess Program. As a newly-sponsored recruit, they will not only enjoythe profits from their show but will also receive the free jewelry credits offered under the Five Star HostessPlan. The Start Up Plan allows a space for preparing a list of family, friends and acquaintances. Thereis also a calendar where a show schedule can be created. There is also suggested dialogue that the newrecruit can use when contacting friends and acquaintances. By reviewing the Start Up Plan with the newprospect, the recruiter can help them organize their first few weeks in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> so as to give them the verybest and strongest start!$50 REFERRAL REWARD CERTIFICATEThis $50 certificate can be redeemed for $50 in free jewelry by the recommender of a new qualified recruit.It is an incentive for someone outside of <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> to give you the name of a potential recruit. Double andtriple your new recruit possibilities by encouraging people to fill out more than one Referral Reward Certificate.The Certificate can be used anywhere, but it should always be offered during the recruiting talk of afashion show.While hostess coaching, you will want to share the benefits of our opportunity by saying, “My Company willgive you an additional $50 in jewelry for recommending people to us.” Show her the Referral Reward sideof the form and ask the listed questions. Example: “Do you know someone who loves jewelry or could useextra money… is an enthusiastic people person….?” Let her know that you trust her judgment and that youwant someone just like her! Explain that by recommending three people to join us in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, she willreceive $50 in free jewelry for each qualified recruit! Be sure to suggest that she recommend herself and tellher why you believe she’d make a great <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Director. Also ask her to list the reasons she feels eachof her recommendations would be good in our business.During a show presentation, it is very effective to show a pretty wrapped package and let the guests knowthat you’ll be giving this gift away today. (This could be an item that is no longer in our line.) Tell them thatyou have the referral slips and ask how many they would like, “Two or three?” Then go into a visual recruitingtalk, including the fact that a new representative can earn their sample jewelry kit from the sales of theirfirst show. Let them know that you love your work and let it show through your enthusiasm. At the conclusionof the recruiting talk, explain the Referral Reward Certificate. Let them know that by recommendingsomeone who may not be here tonight, they’ll be in on the drawing for the gift. Tell them that they can alsorecommend someone who is at this show, including them self! You will want to mention that only one personcan recommend the hostess. Explain that for each certificate they complete and submit, their name willbe entered in the drawing additional times. Share with them that their friends appreciate knowing that theywere thought of in a complimentary way. They will be flattered when you phone to tell them!. Collect all completedforms and do the drawing.The follow-up call is the most important step in making full use of the $50 Referral Reward Certificate. Whencalling the prospect, be cheerful and friendly. You may say something like, “Hello – (prospects name)-. Thisis – (your name) - with Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> and just last night I met a friend of yours who said such nicethings about you that I had to give you a call. She shared with me that you are fun and fashionable (or youhave sales management experience) and she really felt that you would be great in my business. Our FashionDirectors simply show jewelry and earn approximately $100 in three hours time. Would extra income appealto you right now? A newly accepted Director also receives a $1,000 jewelry wardrobe without an investment.I’m sure you can see why we prefer to meet new people through recommendation only.”(See Guide to Success for an expanded version of follow-up call.)8

“WHO DO YOU KNOW?” FLIP CHARTAlthough you will want to drop recruiting seeds throughout the presentation, this tool has been designed toreveal our opportunity to guests in a casual setting. The pages have colorful attention-getting pictures forthe guests to view as you read the actual words on the reverse side. Put your personality into it and havefun! This Flip Chart can be presented during Part 3 of your show presentation: The Booking & Recruitingsection. You may introduce the $50 Referral Reward Certificate before or after showing the Flip Chart. Youcan do a drawing from all of the generated referrals.“REALIZE YOUR BEST” OPPORTUNITY CDThis audio experience is a valuable tool for your recruiting results. You will “realize your best”, as you helpothers realize theirs. The CD includes perks and testimonials. It has been designed to help the listeneridentify with someone already in the business. Carry one with you at all times. You never know when youmight meet someone who needs what we have and you’ll be ready! While shopping and in social situations,compliment the person on their jewelry or be prepared when they compliment you on your jewelry!You could explain that we have positions to fill in this area and would they help you by listening to the CDand perhaps recommending someone. In friendly conversation, briefly touch on the opportunity and tell herthat you will call her in couple of days to find out who she could recommend to you. When you pick up theCD, bring your jewelry along and visit with her about <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>!Give the CD to your future hostess and ask her to listen to it prior to her show. Let her know that you’ll get itback from her when the two of you meet for her hostess coaching.When you’re with her ask, “What stood out in your mind from this CD? Who could you most relate to?” Atthe end of hostess coaching, explain how easily her upcoming show could become her introductory show.During order conditioning, send the CD home with individuals that expressed an interest and those that youhave selected. Be sure to ask the magic question, “Have you ever thought of doing something like this?”You could say, “I feel there is information on this tape that will be of interest to you; please take it home andlisten to it and I’ll call you in a couple of days to answer any questions you may have.”MAKES IT ALL POSSIBLE BROCHUREIncludes highlights of the Empowering Women magazine plus a Realize Your Best brochure and a “ThankYou for inquiring” letter from <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, complete with a personalized message.This booklet contains highlights of several <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Leaders and the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> story.HELP WANTED SIGNThis sign is helpful in getting the attention of possible recruit prospects. It may be placed on your table priorto a Show Presentation or an Open House. Also, display at a Trade Show or Fair Booth. People will knowthat you are “now hiring”! This is a good visual on a jewelry display at an Opportunity Event.9

Steps to Building a GroupPart 4 BUILDING YOUR TEAMAs an Executive Manager with <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, initially, it is a good idea to focus on two avenues of local recruiting activity:Your Central – You will want to recruit and immediately start up a group of Fashion Directors linked directly to you. This includesany Fashion Directors that your direct Fashion Directors sponsor. This activity can be the basis for high weekly profit checks. Onthe 15% override schedule for the Sr. Division & Vice President compensation plan, every $1000 in net sales that is submitted byany FD directly under you will yield a $150 override! With 10 FD’s submitting $1000 each in weekly sales, that is an override foryou of $1500 - WEEKLY! That activity can be done in one or two shows per FD! Your central group is a terrific profit center.Your Downline Manager Groups – By taking advantage of the “Direct Appointment” program, you are in a position to build satellitegroups immediately. For example, should you appoint (after approval is obtained) a person qualified to work at the DivisionManager level; you will work with that new manager to help them build a central group of Fashion Directors. Your override is 3%on that Division group, however, consider that as a Sr. Division or Vice President, ALL of the group sales and all of the grouprecruits generated by your Division group will count for your weekly overrides, your weekly bonuses, as well as your monthly bonuses!Besides direct appointing managers, a Leader can develop new satellites by utilizing <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s advancement programand developing new leadership.A small percentage of something big is betterthan a big percentage of something small!Development of Managers/Advancement Program - A very powerful profit-generating program is the development of management.Once you become acquainted with <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s compensation plan (as shown in the Business Opportunity brochure),you will have the opportunity to work with people in your organization and to encourage them to step up the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> SuccessLadder (i.e., promote to the level above their current level). By fulfilling the requirements to promote up a level, sales and newrecruits are the by-product of the development process. As the top manager, you will receive the appropriate profit/override fromthe increased activity. You will want to create from the onset of your business, what <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> calls, a “recruiting culture”; a culturethat encourages EVERYONE on your team to incorporate the sharing of the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Opportunity as a regular part of theirday-to-day business activity. Refer to <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s Business Opportunity brochure that contains our compensation program PLUSthe requirements to promote up to the next management level.Advancement - In the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> program, there is one activity that will stand out as being the single, biggest tool in building andexpanding a team: ADVANCEMENT. As each <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>r, no matter the level, meets the criteria for promotion to the next level,there will be an upsurge in sales, bookings and the number of new recruits, simply due to fulfilling the requirements for promotion.Refer to the Business Opportunity brochure for advancement requirements. The momentum and excitement that is generated byon-going promotions within your group is powerful!The key step that <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> encourages every Fashion Director to take is that of promoting up one level to Branch Director. It’seasy, it’s fun and it’s profitable! A Fashion Director (FD) earns 30% on personal sales. By sponsoring just ONE personal recruitand meeting qualifications to go to Branch Director, a FD can step up to a personal commission of 35% and begin to earn from5-10% override on the sales of the new recruit. In order to advance to Branch Director, the FD must:• Submit 4 personal shows (minimum $200 net sales per show) within the Wednesdays of a calendar month AND• Sponsor One personal recruit who starts within the SAME calendar month and goes on to qualify with $1000 personal sales(net/non) within the four commission dates following their first Wednesday (start date).The key step that <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> encourages every Fashion Director to take is to promote up one level to Branch Director.CREATING BALANCEA key to building a thriving group in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> is to maintain balance. This means that you will initially spend time on personalshows, bringing in personal recruits and identifying experienced people in order to build satellite groups. By keeping your activitiesin balance, you will grow and thrive. By continuing to build personally, you will have many satellite managers direct to you. Bykeeping a balance, no one downline or satellite manager should ever be the majority of your group’s sales volume. A good guideis to keep your sub-groups balanced with no one sub-group accounting for more than 30% of your entire team total. Building wide(continuing to recruit people connected directly to you and deep (helping your “directs” build their teams many levels deep) is agood method to accomplish this. The most successful method of growth is to continue to share the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Opportunity and tosponsor new people. Create a balance between all of your activities: personal sales, personal recruiting, and developing managementgroups.10

Part 5 BUILDING A BUSINESSCREATING PROFITS<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> can provide you with immediate “cash flow”! Once you get started in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, the best newsis that you can begin to receive “cash flow” on a weekly basis in the form of a profit check sent directly toyou and checks that are sent directly to your people. Everyone is paid on net sales that are submitted bymidnight, Wednesday of each week. Wednesday is “commission” day when the profit checks are preparedand checks are then sent on Friday to people that have submitted activity for that week. Direct Deposit maybe elected as a method of receiving weekly profit checks. Everyone is paid in accordance with <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’scompensation plan (Note: Refer to Business Opportunity brochure for commission structure). Up line managersare paid overrides on the initial sales of their people (including the kit qualifying amount of $500 netsales) and subsequent sales of all new recruits AND their recruits in their down line. Keep recruiting andwatch your “cash flow” grow!Profit ChecksAs stated, profit checks are sent out each Friday. The check stub will contain the amount of personal andgroup sales that have been submitted in your group within the previous week. The name of the directorand/or manager group submitting sales will be listed on the check stub. On the back side of the check stubwill be a list of miscellaneous check deductions, if any. It is good to note that the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> program ispractically a “fee-free” program. Most of the fees for hostess options are designed to be “pass-along” fees.If there are any fees deducted or due, they will be indicated on the check stub.Direct DepositJewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> offers Direct Deposit of profit checks. If you are familiar with this process, you arealready know how convenient it is to have your check electronically sent to your bank account. You will benotified by email all of the information that would normally be on your check stub. Complete details can befound in the Guide to Success. The Direct Deposit form may be found in the download section of the fieldinterface of the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> website.Compensation PlanThe <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Compensation Plan (Business Opportunity brochure) or “pay plan” is consistently acknowledgedby leadership in direct sales as the most generous and inclusive compensation plan available industrywide. One is very well compensated for their activity in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>! Each level, from Fashion Director upto Vice President, has its own unique compensation plan. Starting with the Fashion Director level (30%),the personal commission increases to 45%-50%. Note that at the Sr. Division and Vice President Level,there is an opportunity to earn an additional 5% on personal sales by submitting a minimum of one personalqualified recruit each and every month, thereby bringing the Sr. Division & Vice President earning potentialon personal sales to 50%. This 5% is automatically calculated and added to your next paycheck after meetingthe qualifications.Note that as one promotes, each level expands to offer more ways to earn; an increase in personal commissionpercentage, weekly overrides on group sales and finally weekly and monthly bonuses, at the topexecutive levels. All monthly bonuses are automatically calculated and added to your next paycheck aftermeeting the qualifications.11

EXECUTIVE PROFIT POTENTIALHere is a multi-pronged approach to the creation of immediate and on-going income:1) Consistent personal show business.2) Conducting Introductory Shows.3) Consistent personal recruiting.4) Seeking and sponsoring direct appointments5) Creation of a recruiting culture whereby each new FD is encouraged to step up to BD immediately, withthe immediate recruitment of at least one personal recruit6) Strong and consistent start up programs for all new Directors/Direct AppointmentsStrong starts for all new recruits will result by following the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> “Start-Up Plan” which is recommendedfor all new <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>rs. Refer to the “Start-Up Plan” brochure that you will find in the paper supply packagethat comes with your jewelry kit. The key to your success will be following the recommended “<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>Way”, which consists of the time-tested <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> training methods.EARNINGS EXAMPLESThe following four Potential Earnings Examples for the levels of Division Manager, Sr. Division Manager,Sales Vice President and Company Vice President are included to give you, the Executive Manager, anoverview of earnings possibilities of the Executive Levels when all avenues of the compensation plan areutilized. Remember, these are only examples of earnings potential and the results will vary depending onthe size of the group, the number of new recruits and other factors that will affect results.<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Business OpportunityDivision ManagerPotential Earnings Example(Min. $500 net shows are used in all examples)Personal Volume:2 shows @ $500ea x 45% commission $450.00Group Volume:1 Personal FD Intro Show @$500 x 15% override $75.006 FD x 1 show ea = $3,000 x 15% override $450.00Br/Group (4 Br/6 active) submitting 10 total group shows = $5,000 x 8% override $400.00Area/Group (1 Area/4 active) submitting 6 total group shows = $3,000 x 3 % override $90.00Weekly Sub-Total $1,465.00Monthly Bonuses:Over 10 Qualified Recruits = $500.00 monthly ($115.39/wk) $115.39Over $10,000 PV/GV = $500.00 monthly ($115.39) $115.39Star Fleet Bonus Check = $360 monthly ($83.08/wk) $83.08TOTAL POTENTIAL WEEKLY EARNINGS $1,778.86TOTAL POTENTIAL MONTHLY EARNINGS $7,708.40TOTAL POTENTIAL YEARLY EARNINGS $92,500.7212The above example is based on Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s Business Opportunity and does not take into consideration additional earnings from contests.

<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Business OpportunitySenior Division • Potential Earnings Example(Min. $500 net shows are used in all examples)Personal Volume:3 shows @ $500ea x 50% commission $750.00Group Volume:1 Personal FD Intro Show @$500 x 15% override $75.0010 FD x 1 show ea = $5,000 x 15% override $750.00Br/Group (8 Br/12 active) submitting 18 total group shows = $9,000 x 8% override $720.00Area/Group (1 Area/4 active) submitting 6 total group shows = $3,000 x 3 % override $90.00Div/Group (2 Div/15 active) submitting 20 total group shows = $10,000 x 3 % override $300.00Weekly Bonus:Over $12,500 Group Volume $500.00Weekly Sub-Total $3,185.00Monthly Bonuses:Over 15 Qualified Recruits = $500.00 monthly ($115.39/wk) $115.39Over $15,000 PV/GV = $500.00 monthly ($115.39/wk) $115.39Star Fleet Bonus Check = $480 monthly ($110.77/wk) $110.77TOTAL POTENTIAL WEEKLY EARNINGS $3,526.55TOTAL POTENTIAL MONTHLY EARNINGS $15,281.72TOTAL POTENTIAL YEARLY EARNINGS $183,380.60The above example is based on Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s Business Opportunity and does not take into consideration additional earnings from contests.<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Business OpportunitySales Vice President • Potential Earnings Example(Min. $500 net shows are used in all examples)Personal Volume:2 shows @ $500ea x 50% commission $500.00Group Volume:1 Personal FD Intro Show @$500 x 15% override $75.0015 FD x 1 show ea = $7,500 x 15% override $1,125.00Br/Group (8 Br/12 active) submitting 18 total group shows = $9,000 x 8% override $720.00Area/Group (5 Areas/12 active) submitting 20 total group shows = $10,000 x 3 % override $300.00Div/Group (5 Div/25 active) submitting 60 total group shows = $30,000 x 3 % override $900.00Sr. Div/Group (4 Sr. Div/48 active) submitting 80 total group shows = $40,000 x 3 % override $1,200.00Weekly Bonuses:Over 100 Active $200.00Over $50,000 Group Volume $1,000.0020 Recruit Starts $200.00Weekly Sub-Total $6,220.00Monthly Bonuses:Over 30 Qualified Recruits = $500.00 monthly ($115.39/wk) $115.39Over $200,000 PV/GV = $2,000.00 monthly ($461.54/wk) $461.54Star Fleet Bonus Check = $480 monthly ($110.77/wk) $110.77TOTAL POTENTIAL WEEKLY EARNINGS $6,907.70TOTAL POTENTIAL MONTHLY EARNINGS $29,933.37TOTAL POTENTIAL YEARLY EARNINGS $359,200.40The above example is based on Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s Business Opportunity and does not take into consideration additional earnings from contests.13

<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Business OpportunityCompany Vice President • Potential Earnings Example(Min. $500 net shows are used in all examples)Personal Volume:2 shows @ $500ea x 50% commission $500.00Group Volume:1 Personal FD Intro Show @$500 x 15% override $75.0020 FD x 1 show ea = $10,000 x 15% override $1,500.00Br/Group (10 Br/15 active) submitting 20 total group shows = $10,000 x 8% override $800.00Area/Group (5 Areas/15 active) submitting 20 total group shows = $10,000 x 3 % override $300.00Div/Group (5 Div/25 active) submitting 40 total group shows = $20,000 x 3 % override $600.00Sr. Div/Group (8 SD/80 active) submitting 120 total group shows = $60,000 x 3 % override $1,800.00Sales VP (2 SVP/80 active) submitting 120 total group shows = $60,000 x 2 % override $1,200.00Weekly Bonuses:Over 200 Active $300.00Over $100,000 Group Volume $1,400.00Over $50,000 Group Volume $1,000.0030 Recruit Starts $200.00Weekly Sub-Total $9,675.00Monthly Bonuses:Over 120 Qualified Recruits = $1,000 monthly ($230.77/wk) $230.77Over $500,000 PV/GV = $4,000 monthly ($923.08/wk) $923.08Star Fleet Bonus Check = $480 monthly ($110.77/wk) $110.77Quarterly Bonuses:Over $1,000,000 PV/GV = $10,000 quarterly ($769.23/wk) $769.23Annual Bonus:Over $8,000,000 PV/GV = $65,000 yearly ($1,250.00/wk) $1,250.00TOTAL POTENTIAL WEEKLY EARNINGS $12,958.85TOTAL POTENTIAL MONTHLY EARNINGS $56,155.02TOTAL POTENTIAL YEARLY EARNINGS $673,860.20The above example is based on Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s Business Opportunity and does not take into considerationadditional earnings from contests.14

SUCCESS GUIDELINESThese suggested guidelines will assist you in building your business. Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> stands ready toassist you in any reasonable way in the development of your business.• Conduct eight (8) or more personal fashion shows per month EIGHT WILL MAKE YOU GREAT!• Each week have one (1) new Fashion Director start for every two managers on your staff.Example: 14 managers on your staff = 7 new Fashion Director weekly starts.• Development of managers in the Senior Division organization per month as follows:a. Develop four (4) new Branch Directorsb. Develop one Area or Division• Assist managers in recruiting and sponsoring new Fashion Directors• Conduct weekly Sales Meetings/Opportunity Meetings and Monthly Rallies• Conduct Branch Director Development Classes every six (6) or eight (8) weeks• Conduct creative field trips on a periodic basis to create new bookings and obtain recruit leads• Conduct individual planning sessions with a goal towards development of people.• Attend two (2) National Conventions yearlyUNLIMITED EARNING OPPORTUNITYTo grow your <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> business, you must inspire other team members to aspire to your <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> position.There are no limitations to the heights you may reach, when you help enough people attain their goalsand fulfill their ambitions and dreams.Each Executive Manager who is venturing upward on <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s success ladder and striving to meet promotionrequirements should offer other people in the group the same opportunity that was given to them.During the building period, if a sub-manager reaches a lateral position prior to the Executive Manager meetingfull qualification for the next level of management, Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s Management Development BonusProgram compensates the parent Executive Manager with an override commission of two percent (2%).See details of the “Parent/Recommendation Bonus” in the Business Opportunity brochure.ADDITIONAL EXECUTIVE MANAGER ADVANTAGESJewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> sponsors incentive contests throughout the year offering managers many opportunitiesto obtain exciting awards in addition to weekly profit checks.Success Builders is a monthly, personal contest that offers Directors and Managers an opportunity to earnfree catalogs, Gifts of the month, free monthly new edition jewelry, designer clothing and special annualawards. (See Success Builder brochure for details).Star Fleet is a personal/group recruiting contest that allows managers to earn $240, $360 or $480 permonth. (See Star Fleet brochure for details)Free Supplies can be earned on a monthly basis for group recruiting achievements. Executive Managerscan qualify for a minimum of $50 in supply credit every month. See guidelines in the Business OpportunityBrochure. (Completed supply forms must be faxed to Home Office indicating “Executive Manager’s supplycredit”. Simply pay tax, shipping and any overage.)15

Part 6MAXIMIZE COMPANY PROGAMSWorking with <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> is like having a partner that is always ready to give you the support that you needto build your business. Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> has a collection of highly-developed programs and on-goingcampaigns that are designed to help your team achieve new sales & recruiting levels while earning fantasticprizes and high profit checks. Some of the programs are a standard part of each year and some of the programschange with each campaign and each season of the year. Here are some of the key programs thatwill help you build your business:Customer Bonus ItemThe Customer Bonus Item/Customer Savings Plan is designed to help build sales. As a customer places anorder of $30 or more, they are entitled to choose one item of equal value ($30) or less and pay only $12 forthat item. The $12 item is the customer bonus item. The program continues upward to 2 items for $12 each(equal value to the order or less) when a customer’s order is $60 or more and 3 bonus items for $12 eachwhen the order is $90 or more. The more bonus items the customer chooses, the more the average price ofeach item is ultimately reduced. This program is unique to <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> and after a little practice; the result willbe higher show totals.Five Star Hostess ProgramThis is the top of the line in terms of hostess programs! <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s Five Star Hostess Program will richlyreward a hostess with free jewelry from a variety of avenues that result from her show. Review the Five StarPlan to be sure you are clear on what is offered to a hostess. The first Four Stars pertain to the hostess’original show and the Fifth Star pertains to the bookings that result from her show. There is no limit to whatthe Hostess may earn in free jewelry and <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> hostesses are rewarded richly! The more orders andfuture bookings, the more FREE jewelry the hostess will earn. A show MUST have a minimum of $200 in netsales in order to qualify to receive benefits from the Five Star Hostess Plan.16Five Star Hostess PlanThe First Star is called the “Thank You Award”. A hostess may choose any of the items featured on the front of the planproviding she submits a qualified guest list to you within 3 days. She will receive her selection along with the other hostesscredits when the show arrives. There is a $14 plus tax & shipping “pass-along” fee to the hostess for this award.The Second Star is the “Customer Order Credit”. The hostess will receive a $20 shopping credit for EACH customer orderobtained. With 10 or more orders, the hostess may receive the Instyle bracelet - jet, clear, or amethyst (pictured in the FiveStar Hostess Plan). Note: If the hostess receives LESS than $80 in FREE jewelry, the Director pays a fee of $7 which willbe deducted from the weekly profit check after the show is submitted. If the hostess receives $80 or MORE in FREE jewelryunder Star #2, the Director pays a fee of $9. HOWEVER, if, on this particular show, there are AT LEAST NINE (9) $12 bonusitems ordered, the director incurs no fees. This is one way to “liquidate the fee” and give jewelry to the hostess, “FEE-FREE”!The Third Star is the Hostess “Half Price Privilege”. A hostess may purchase up to FOUR items from our regular line at HALFPRICE. Directors/Managers are paid their respective percentage of profits on all Half Price items that a hostess selects.The Fourth Star is the “Hostess Collection” privilege. A hostess may qualify to purchase up to FOUR “Hostess Only” discounteditems. The Director may offer challenges to the hostess so she qualifies to shop from the collection. An example of achallenge would be obtaining 5 outside orders before the show or conducting a $1000 show.The Fifth Star is the “Booking Awards”. A hostess may receive a “Shopping Spree” by having 3 bookings from the show datedand held within 30 days of the original show. There is a fee of just $20 for this privilege. This fee is a “pass-along’ fee to thehostess.THREE BOOKING GIFTS* – As part of Star #5, the hostess may choose a special THREE BOOKING GIFT after the threebookings have been held. The Director pays $20 for this special gift. In <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, we call this the “Friendship Gift” in thatonly friends of the hostess can help her to earn it!*Three Booking Gift – Directors are eligible to order “samples” of THREE BOOKING GIFTS to add to their kit. Each sampleis $30. Only orders for single samples of any design are allowed.

Hostess Reward Certificate (HRC)The HRC is an additional incentive that can be offered to any hostess to obtain results above and beyondthe norm. It is worth an additional $50 in free jewelry for the hostess. The Director may challenge a hostessto reach additional goals and may reward the hostess with one or two HRCs. Unless stated otherwise,the maximum number of HRC’s that may be offered to a hostess is two. ($50 or $100 additional free jewelrycredit) It is used at the same time as the free credits from the Five Star plan are redeemed. There isa $5 fee for every $50 HRC that is redeemed. The fee may be paid by the director at the time the HRC isredeemed with a show or passed along to the hostess when redeeming the HRC.Super StartThe Super Start program rewards EACH new <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>r during their first six months they are with thecompany. Each person has their own start date; that is the Wednesday that they submit their first salesand agreement. From that date on, the new <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>r may track his/her own results. There are two mainlevels of the Super Start program:• Level One – Requires $1000 net/non personal sales• Level Two – Requires $2000 net/non personal sales OR $1000 in net/non personal sales AND sponsoringONE new recruit ($500 minimum net sales) in that month.The prizes that can be earned are jewelry of their choice and business tools. Any prizes earned from thenew director’s first month in the business must be claimed within 30 days on a Super Start claim form bysending the completed form directly to the company (fax or mail). The form is also available on the <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong> website and may be submitted on-line. Each of the subsequent month’s prizes must be claimedmonthly within 30 days. This is a great program for creating on-going excitement and retention of new people.Success BuildersThis is an on-going program that is a mainstay of all <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>rs’ activity. It is a tool that gives guidelines tobuild successful personal sales activity. The program is based on the sales submitted within the Wednesdaysof any calendar month. There are four key levels:• Award One ($1,000) which rewards free catalogs• Award Two ($1,500 + one qualified recruit), rewards with the “Gift of the Month”.• Award Three ($2,500) rewards with the monthly collection of new jewelry.• Award Four ($4,000) earns a designer outfit.Refer to the Success Builders brochure for more details. This program rewards consistency in personalsales activity. Claim forms must be submitted within 30 days of the qualifying month. The easiest way toclaim awards is on-line in the “Contest Center” section of the Field Interface.Star FleetThe Star Fleet program rewards consistent monthly recruiting, on both personal and group recruits. Thisis a monthly “car allowance” in the form of a bonus of $240, $360, or $480. Division Managers and levelsabove can earn the bonus with either personal recruiting or group recruiting. Once a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>r qualifiesfor their FIRST Star Fleet bonus, a Contest Claim Form must be submitted. Thereafter, <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> will trackyour recruiting and upon qualifying, will send you a bonus check! Refer to the Star Fleet brochure for moredetail. All levels of Directors and Managers may participate in the Star Fleet program.17

Sales Contests<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> offers various sales and recruiting contests through out the year. These contests are designedfor you to use to achieve short-term results. <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> supplies the prizes and the format. All you have todo is to promote the contest and keep the excitement high through the deadline date of the contest. Anyprize earned in a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> contest can be claimed using a generic Contest Claim Form. This form is availablein the download section of the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> “field interface” section of their website. Instruct your teammembers to submit their own claim forms directly to the company via mail or fax. Most contests can beclaimed on-line.Travel Trips<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> generally offers two travel trip contests through out the year. Each trip is launched at Conventionand the sole purpose (other than to provide a free vacation to an exotic & fun location) of the contest is togive you the tools and the power to build the numbers of people in your group. As the travel trip contests arerecruiting-based, any one in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> can earn a trip for one or two people by meeting the contest requirementswithin the trip qualification time frame. Division Managers and management levels above are issueda group goal and can earn the trip on their group recruiting efforts and/or personal recruiting efforts. As anew manager, it is easiest to work to earn the trip through personal recruiting. Your efforts will be rewardedwith an increased file count!Convention<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> offers two national Conventions per year. The February Convention is held in and around variousmajor cities in the US and the July/August Convention is held in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s founding city – Chicago. Every<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>r is invited to attend Convention where there is a fun celebration, motivational and educationaltraining and a special awards and recognition celebration. It is said that <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Conventions are like aMiss America Pageant and the Academy Awards, all rolled into one weekend! Convention is an integral partof the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> experience. It is expected that ALL <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Executive Managers attend all Conventions.18

Part 7DEVELOP AND TRAIN YOUR TEAMTRAINING PROGRAMSTraining is a very important part of building a solid business organization. Since 1955, Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>has provided a success system that has produced literally hundreds of thousands of individuals that havegenerated profits from part-time, full-time and BIG-time, all in an independent business style. At the foundationof this success has been a well-designed and time-tested training program. The training programs havebeen created by Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> and can be learned and taught by each local manager. Each managershould learn the basics of programs and put them into action as they build their business. It is not necessaryto “know” all there is to know before you begin your business. You can learn the programs, as needed,as you begin your personal and group activity. There are various forms of training programs, each designedto support the different goals of our business; selling, booking and recruiting. Remember to “Do It the <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong> Way”!INITIAL TRAINING CLASS & INITIAL PROGRAMS/PAPERWORK CLASSThe ITC/IPC classes are designed for the person that is NEW to <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>. In Part 3 of this guide, the twoclasses are highlighted in the “Five ‘I’ Recruiting Cycle”. The most important thing to note about the twoclasses is that they should be offered by the lead manager in an organized manner and according to the<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> training outlines. As recruiting is a core activity in our business, it is advised, that if you want tobuild a team FAST, that the classes be offered each and every week. New recruits that have held a qualifiedIntroductory Show AND have dated at least 6 bookings to be held within the first few weeks followingthe Introductory Show are invited to attend and participate in the Initial Training Class and they also receivetheir own sample jewelry kit at the conclusion of the ITC (may only receive kit provided they have submitteda minimum of $500 in personal net sales). The classes should be offered at the same place and sametime each week for effectiveness and consistency. It is best to choose a training time that works well for allconcerned and to keep the same training day and time from week to week. These are ONE-TIME classes,designed for a first-time <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>r; however, you will want to encourage new people to repeat the classesand to attend the classes again with their OWN new recruits.19

INITIAL TRAINING CLASSSuggested Agenda – Estimated 3 hoursIf you are new to <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, review the EZ Guide prior to conducting the ITC1) WELCOME & Introductions – Company background & assistance new recruits can expect of Company & manager.2) Objectives of a Showa. To Sell – Review the Customer Savings Plan & Unconditional Replacement Guaranteeb. To Book – Review the benefits and parts of the Five Star Hostess Planc. To Recruit – Review the new Director program3) Hostess Coaching – Refer to the coaching circle found in the EZ Guide, page 7a. Initial Hostess Coachingb. Personal Hostess Coachingc. Last Minute Hostess CoachingParts 1-3 will take about one hour. Take a short break here and set up a kit to conduct a “mock” show.4) Five Part Show – Review that we are in show business. In-home shows are the best source for a new Fashion Directorto build a business. The scheduled time for a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> fashion show and more detail on the show parts can befound in the EZ Guide, pages 10-14. Take time to watch the show CD that comes with your kit. Become familiar withour show outline. Demonstrate what to say at each part, how to show the jewelry, explain the Wish List, explain thepsychology behind each part and let your new Directors watch you demonstrate a show. Show them how to modeljewelry on the guests. Make it fun!a. Opening Talkb. <strong>Jewelry</strong> Presentationc. Booking Talkd. Try-On Timee. Order Conditioning5) Complete sample of the customer order and a hostess order. Let them keep a copy of the order so they can take it totheir show and use as a reminder of what an order looks like:a. Customer Orderb. Hostess Order6) Cover current Contests/Programs, including Super Start, Success Builders and current travel trip. Provide informationof the current month’s specials. Explain the steps and the benefits to go from Fashion Director to Branch Director.Tell them that you want them to share their business with a friend and “bring a buddy”. Set simple goals for the firstmonth in business.7) Issue new jewelry kit to qualified directors & issue meeting reminder for next meeting. Encourage the new Directorsto bring a guest to the next meeting. Spend time at the end of the class visiting and offering encouragement for thefirst solo show. Most new recruits will spend a little time at the end of the training class, looking at their new jewelry!INITIAL PAPERWORK CLASSThis class should be conducted approximately one week AFTER the Initial Training Class. It has been found thatit is best NOT to overwhelm new Directors with too much information at any given time. After they have conducted a few soloshows, they are ready for more information. Here are some guidelines for the Initial Paperwork Class. The Class can betaught by a sub-manager in your group at the same time (different room) as the ITC. Another option is to have your sub-managersconduct their own Initial Paperwork Class with their own group of Fashion Directors on a weekly basis.201. Explain FSIB form, review customer & hostess order form. Explain & demonstrate on the computer the myparklane.com on-line program.2. Have new director enter show(s) on the computer independently (or write up first show)3. Explain Booking Claim Form & Contest Claim Form4. Explain Customer Exchange Form5. Explain how to order supplies6. Review how to track current contests, travel trip contest, Success Builders & Super Start programs7. Review compensation plan & set goal for advancement from FD to Branch Director.8. Explain weekly support appointment & set time for call9. Explain follow up on leads/referrals & absentee order guests10. Review benefit of weekly/biweekly meetings & rallies.

ADVANCED TRAININGThose Directors and Managers that are new to <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> should be shown how to gain immediate accessto the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> website. The first step is for everyone to register with <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> as their Agreement andsales are submitted. Encourage new Directors to explore the website. Once registered and upon gainingaccess to the “field interface”, which is the portion of the website that is designed for <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> representativesonly, they should be given a “tour” of the benefits of the “field interface” by the training manager. Everynew <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> representative should be encouraged to sign up as either a gold or platinum member ofmyparklane.com. This membership provides many perks and conveniences that streamline the activities ofevery new <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>r.Each manager, after conducting an Introductory Show, should immediately demonstrate how the show isentered in the on-line order system, which is part of the myparklane.com memberships. Internet trainingshould continue as a part of the initial training process for all new directors.ADVANCED TRAINING FOR FASHION DIRECTORSTraining in the basics of our business should be an on-going activity offered by every top manager. <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong> offers a review program, called “The Success Seminar” which is an intensive review of the basic skillsnecessary to build a business. The Success Seminar will review the basics of book, sell and recruit, plusoffer more detail on perfecting those skills. This could be offered monthly or quarterly to all members of yourteam, but is especially designed for Fashion Directors and newly-promoted Branch Directors. You will find“The Success Seminar” outline on the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> website, under downloads; tools and informative materials.BRANCH DEVELOPMENT CLASSESThe advancement opportunity that the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> program offers to EACH Fashion Director will be a contributingfactor in the rapid growth of a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> team. Leaders should offer a two-week (two sessions)Branch Development course for all Fashion Directors that is designed to teach them pre-management skillsand also offers a closer look at the skills that are required to develop a business. The Branch DirectorDevelopment course will offer a review of the basics of “book, sell and recruit”. This course can be offeredover a two or three week time-frame. All Fashion Directors can be invited at the end of their first month inthe business. The BD Development course outline can be found in the download section of the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>website.MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT TRAININGAs a top manager begins to build and develop a team of mid-level managers, it is important to hold a monthlymanager meeting. This will not only create a special time where you can connect more closely with yourmanagement team, but you can teach management skills and can plan for the activities of the up-comingmonth. For those managers that may work at a distance from the top manager, other options may be offeredfor a regular meeting such as conference calling and on-line video and/or power point presentations.On-going contact is a key to creating growth and strengthening relationships between team members.Technology can assist today with contact like never before. Remember however, nothing will effectively takethe place of direct, personal and regularly-scheduled contact with your team.WEEKLY TRAININGWeekly training on mini-subjects should be an on-going activity that happens at every sales and opportunitymeeting. The topic of “meetings” is described a little more in depth in Part 8, but it’s good to note that aweekly meeting is necessary when building a strong team. Building momentum comes through the avenueof frequent contact. As people grow their <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> business, they will be seeking more information andmore skills. Presenting on-going training on a weekly basis will ultimately promote more success and greaterretention. Weekly training meetings allow for recognition of the past week’s achievements and ongoingreinforcement and training of skills needed to grow a business.21

ON-THE-JOB TRAININGOur Co-founder, Shirley LeVin, built her success in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> on the premise of “never walk alone” in businessactivities. In other words, this is an “each-one-teach-one” type of business. While you, as the top manger,are in the process of conducting your own shows and interviewing your own recruit prospects, be sureto ALWAYS invite one or two new people to accompany you and have them WATCH! Discuss your resultsand suggest that they go out and try what they saw in the show or the interview. Nothing works better thanshowing people the best way to do a show or an interview. Tell them, show them and then let them go outand try it themselves! All levels of <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>rs should be taught how to share the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> opportunity!As a new Executive Manager with <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, you will want to put these various training activities immediatelyinto action. Ask your Home Office contact/up line for assistance in implementing these training programswithin your new organization. On-going and consistent training can make ALL the difference in your salesproduction and growth!Part 8BUILD A SCHEDULE THAT BUILDS YOUR BUSINESSMEETINGSTo flourish as a leader, you must have a special talent for guiding and directing people and with it comesan obligation and a responsibility. You are obliged to pass on what you know and how to build a business!Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> provide a huge array of tools, business builders and programs to assist you in buildingyour business. <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> also provides subject material for meetings. However, it is your obligation ANDopportunity to implement the programs and subject matter in a meeting setting. Meetings require properplanning to be effective. To decide the purpose of a meeting, to set the objectives, to plan the meeting andto then add the enthusiasm – that’s the formula for a successful meeting!When it comes to meetings, the best formula for success is to hold regularly-scheduled sales/opportunitymeetings. The preferred and recommended <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> meeting time is Monday night (or at least at thebeginning of each week). Monday is the beginning of the work week for many people and bringing peopletogether after the weekend to keep them in the “groove” of their business seems to work best. Most newannouncements will come to you in the form of a Leadership Directive (see Part 9), e-mailed to Executivesevery Thursday. This way you will have a few days to formulate ideas for your weekly meeting. You willwant to spend at least as much time planning your meeting as it takes to hold your meeting – most likely youwill spend more time planning than it takes to conduct your meeting!WEEKLY TRAINING MEETINGSAs your group grows, you will be able to accomplish two things during your meetings within the regularagenda. You will be able to spend time with your active team members and present workshop topics that focuson skills that help them build their business. In addition, as your managers become more skilled in interviewing,you can “break out” the invited guests (prospects) and have one of your managers conduct a groupopportunity session. When you bring the guests back to the main meeting after they have been interviewed,they can be introduced and welcomed as new team members!A few examples of good workshop and skill-building topics might be:• How to conduct a personal coaching with a hostess• How to build larger customer orders by using the Wish List• How to effectively use the customer bonus items ($12 customer bonus item)• How to demonstrate the jewelry at a show• How to plant booking and recruiting seeds at a show22

• How to effectively book a firm show date with a guest• How to create recruit interest at shows• How to share the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> opportunity (Use the Realize Your Best brochure)• How to invite guests to an opportunity event.You will feature topics in your workshops that will help your team grow. Many people are new to the partyplan business when they join <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, so the skills of book, sell and recruit must be taught and presentedweekly by an experienced manager.As a new executive, you could start by holding your meetings in your home. As you grow, you will want tofind a suitable, local meeting space. Below is a basic agenda for an opportunity meeting. When you startyour executive business, mostly everyone will be new to <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, so you can invite everyone to an opportunityevent and encourage them to bring their friends. This way, you can train your new group as well asshare the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> opportunity with interested prospects! This is time well spent!OPPORTUNITY EVENTSSummary of <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Opportunity Meeting AgendaWELCOME & <strong>INTRODUCTION</strong>SCOMPANY BACKGROUND AND TALENT SEARCHRECOGNITIONCUSTOMER PROGRAMHOSTESS FIVE STAR PLANJEWELRY FASHION SHOWTESTIMONIALSPRESENTATION OF PROGRAM & OPPORTUNITYSHORT BREAK AND COLLECT GUEST REGISTRATION CARDS (available from <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s supply department)CLOSE MEETING: INTRODUCE NEW RECRUITS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, THANK YOU’S & RAFFLES23

Detailed Sample Meeting AgendaThis is an example of a weekly <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> meeting that can present both the opportunity to guests and a skillbuildingtopic to directors in the same meeting timeframe. The meeting agenda is designedto last from 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours.Location:___________ Date ____________ Theme:____________(Upbeat music playing as attendees arrive)WELCOME & <strong>INTRODUCTION</strong>S Lead manager begins meeting on time (and ends on time!). Introduce yourself, yourmanagers, directors & guests. Warm welcome to everyone!COMPANY BACKGROUND AND TALENT SEARCH Lead manager or designated presenter gives history/backgroundof Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>; state purpose for the meeting (Talent search, sharing opportunity with guests)RECOGNITION Beginning the meeting with recognition sets the tone for an exciting meeting. It also gives the guests apreview of what kind of awards can be earned in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>; it showcases winners & achievers; it demonstrates what thegroup is all about; having fun & rewarding achievement. Recognizing top achievers “raises the bar” for future performance.Suggestions for categories of recognition: Recognition of all new directors that successfully held first 6 shows infirst few weeks; new directors that sold $1000/$2000/$3000 first week. Recognize immediate recruiting. Set high performancestandards. Celebrate conclusion of a campaign, recognition of winners of current incentive contest.CUSTOMER PROGRAM Showing & explaining the customer program towards the beginning of the meeting will createinterest in our company’s plan and will be impressive to guests. It will also be a review for new directors. Have someoneshare the program that is successful and skilled in utilizing it with guests. Present special customer incentives.HOSTESS FIVE STAR PLAN The Five Star Hostess program can also be previewed in the beginning of the meeting.It is impressive to guests when they realize how much free jewelry they can receive for booking a show. Have someonethat has experienced great success with the Hostess plan present this segment. Props can be used, large stars, duelingcalculators or showing amounts of jewelry that is earned by a typical hostess. Present special hostess incentives.JEWELRY FASHION SHOW We are in the fashion business! This is a good time to have a mini-fashion show. It isfun for the guests to be the models. They have fun modeling and they love to show off the jewelry. After they model,they will already feel a part of <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>! Have directors preselect the jewelry for their guests to model. The guests canwear their “best” outfits and wear the jewelry with flair.TESTIMONIALS Personal testimonial should be done by several members of the organization; best to choose peoplewith different backgrounds so guests can find someone to identify with. The testimonial should be 3-5 minutes, shouldbe about the person and what attracted them to <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> and something about their progress to date. The person givingthe testimonial should be asked NOT to share the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> program or try to convince the guests to join. The <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong> opportunity will be presented next by the special guest/lead manager.PRESENTATION OF OPPORTUNITY/SKILL BUILDING WORKSHOP This is the part of the program where the guestscan be split off from the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>rs (optional). If space permits, an experienced interviewer should take the guests toseparate room, lobby, restaurant (if in a hotel) and present the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Opportunity. The <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Directors & Managersremain in the main room for a short skill building session. Choose a topic that will enhance the skills of the teammembers; How to book shows; how to order condition with a guest, how to effectively use the Free Bonus Item and soon. Any skill or technique that is used in the business will make a good workshop topic.SHORT BREAK Take a short break, have some refreshments and re-convene. Introduce the new recruits.CLOSE MEETING Special announcements, re-launch contest, conduct raffles, and recognize meeting helpers. Offerchallenge. Announce next meeting date and theme. Read something inspirational.New recruits gather with recruiters & lead manager after the meeting, review Start-Up Plan & set a date for IntroductoryShows. Begin orientation training by coaching new recruits on details of customer plan/hostess plan & make plans for asuccessful first show.24

SUGGESTED WEEKLY SCHEDULE FOR LEADERSAs a top manager, it is up to us to plan our time wisely and to keep our focus on the activities that will bringabout results. Consider the following weekly activities when planning your own schedule.• Two personal or Introductory Shows weekly• Coaching of hostesses• Initial Training Class for new recruits• Initial Programs/Paperwork Class/training on the myparklane.com website.• Effective planning and preparing for meetings• Weekly Sales/Opportunity Meeting• Interview time with four prospective recruits• Telephone and personal communication• Weekly Sales Report• Creative field work – Getting out and seeing new people.The suggested activities are a guide for balancing your time. The time spent on various activities will varyfrom group to group and can be adjusted for the geographic expanse of your team. Balancing and prioritizingyour activities will contribute greatly to consistent growth.MONTHLY RALLY/OPPORTUNITY EVENTSince many of <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s promotions and incentive contests are on a monthly basis. It is a good idea toconduct a monthly RALLY. What is a RALLY? A RALLY is a larger meeting that helps to close one monthand kick off the next month! A RALLY can be a celebration-of-sorts. You will want your team to invite familymembers, neighbors and friends as this is a celebration! A RALLY can have the same general agenda as aregular sales/opportunity meeting, but you would add the following activities.• Introduction of ALL new Directors that joined the previous month• An exciting fashion show of new jewelry items/ensembles. Invited guests make the most excited models.By the end of the Rally, most guests that model will FEEL like they already belong in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>!• Recognition for the month for top personal sales, top group sales, top personal recruiting and top grouprecruiting.• Recognition of all promotions, starting from those promoting to Branch Director and levels above.• A special guest/top leader to present the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> opportunity!• Kick off the next BIG contest, <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> incentives for the month or travel trip offered by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>.• Special/seasonal refreshments to conclude with a social time.RALLIES are fun! Make it special. Here is where you candevelop your own style and show your creativity.MAKE THE MOST OF MEETINGS!THEY ARE GET-TOGETHERS WITH A PURPOSE!25

Part 9 BUSINESS RESOURCES<strong>Jewelry</strong> Catalogs<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> offers two catalogs per year; the main catalog that launches the spring-summer line is presentedat <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s February Convention. It is exciting to see new items launched that mirror the fashion trendsfor the New Year. It is suggested that a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> representative have a supply of catalogs on-hand at alltimes and circulate them freely. The second catalog is presented at the summer Convention. This is a supplementcatalog also contains jewelry that has been presented monthly since the February Convention.Monthly New Issue BrochuresFollowing the presentation of a new catalog, <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> will launch a mini-line of new jewelry, monthly. Thisis referred to as the “new issue”. It is presented in a brochure that is available from the company. You maysimply add these brochures to your current catalog to make one complete current line that is available forthat season. Note: The jewelry that is available to earn on Award 3 of the Success Builder Program (Part 5)is found in the monthly brochures.The <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> “Fold-over” Invitation<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> offers a “fold-over” show invitation that is very useful in several ways. This invitation features asampling of our current line, highlights of the customer and hostess program and can be mailed to gueststhat are invited to a show. However, this unique invitation can ALSO be used as a business card and canalso be given to an interested person that requests a catalog. This little invitation will give someone a “preview”of everything that <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> has to offer a guest or someone that is interested in shopping our jewelryline. It will “whet” the fashion appetite of a prospect and they will want to see MORE jewelry. Set an appointmentfor a show or a private showing and keep them in suspense until they can see our product line!The Product GuaranteeJewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s product guarantee is a key factor in the on-going success of each salesperson’scareer. <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> has what is probably the strongest guarantee in the fashion accessory market place. The“UNCONDITIONAL” Replacement Guarantee offers free replacement (or exchange) on <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> fashionjewelry within the first 120 days of the purchase. The 120 days begins with the date stamped on the customerorder blank that comes attached to the jewelry order. (The replacement guarantee on watches is for aperiod of 30 days.) After the 120 day period has expired, <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> will still replace a jewelry item (providedit is still in stock) for FREE. The only cost to the customer is a small fee to cover shipping and transportation/insurance.The fee is currently $7 per jewelry item and $12 per watch. Customers may return an itemfor exchange directly to the company. There are instructions for returning items for exchange on the back ofthe customer order blank.Pricing of <strong>Jewelry</strong>All jewelry in the main section of the line is priced at retail. Besides the “in-line” collection, <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> offersa special Hostess Collection that is available to HOSTESSES ONLY at a generous discount. Directors aretaught to offer this collection in return for enhanced show results. The collection is an important incentivethat is part of our Five Star Hostess Plan. Additionally, there is a collection of “Three Booking Gifts” that isavailable ONLY for Hostesses that have 3 bookings that result from their own show. This item is FREE to aqualifying hostess; however, Directors / Managers pay a $20 fee to provide this gift to a Hostess. A Directormay purchase a sample of Three Booking items for $30.Delivery of <strong>Jewelry</strong>Representatives provide the shipping address for each show. The entire group of customer orders PLUSthe hostess’ order is ALL shipped to the designated address. The jewelry arrives individually gift-boxed,26

packaged by individual customers (with receipt attached) and shipped, along with the FREE jewelryearned by the Hostess. Normal processing/shipping time (depends on geographic region) is from one totwo weeks. Express delivery may be selected for an additional fee. Executive Managers often opt for the“Speedy” delivery option where multiple shows are batched together and shipped to one address. Minimumorders apply for free next day and second day delivery of batched orders. See the Guide to Success or theon-line myparklane.com order entry section for specific delivery charges and options.Net Sales/Non-Commissionable SalesA designation that is important to note is whether an item is sold as a “net” item or a “non-commissionable”item.• “NET” sales refer to items upon which representatives are paid a regular commission. Those are itemsthat are ordered from <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s in-line collection at full price AND items ordered by a Hostess at half-priceas part of Star #3 in the Five Star Hostess Plan.• Throughout <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s literature, you may notice a term that references “star total”. The term “star total”is synonymous with “net” sales total.• “NON-COMMISSIONALBLE” refers to any items that are purchased at a discount. Commission is NOTpaid on these items. These items are:The customer $12 bonus item, the $14 Hostess Thank You gift, Hostess discounted items and any discounteditem that is offered as a special incentive to a guest or a hostess for a limited period of time.• All non-Commissionable sales totals COUNT for contests (unless specifically stated to the contrary).Cash RefundsCash refunds are only allowed in the first thirty (30) days from the ship date stamped on the receipt thatcomes attached to the jewelry order. Suggesting an exchange of an item is preferable to a cash refund.Personal Kit GuaranteeKits that are issued to a new Director or Manager come with a product guarantee of 30 days only. Any itemin the kit may be replaced, if necessary, within the first 30 days of the issuance of the kit. The item must beaccompanied by the Personal Kit Replacement form.Back OrdersShould there be a back order on an item that is not currently available, the customer’s validated order blankwill indicate which item is temporarily out of stock. As soon as the item is available, it will be shipped directlyto the customer at the address indicated on her order blank. In order for this automated back order systemto be successful, the correct and complete name, e-mail, address, city, state and zip code fields are requiredon all customer and hostess order blanks. This information is captured in a bar code on the top of the orderblank and electronically scanned. When the backordered item is shipped, an e-mail message is automaticallygenerated informing the customer or hostess that the item has been shipped. This system is for electronicallysubmitted orders only. Please know that if a backorder postcard is received with a mailed or faxedorder, it needs to be mailed back to <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> with completed information.EZ GuideThe EZ Guide is designed for the brand, new Fashion Director. It is also helpful to an Executive Managerthat is new to <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>. It contains easy-to-read instructions for starting as a representative with <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong>. Starting with how to prepare and organize a kit, how to set up a home office, how to get ready foryour first solo show, and how to work with a hostess. There is also a brief show outline. This is a quicksummary that can be easily read in 15 minutes. The information provided in the EZ Guide is sufficient for adirector to “start up” a new business. It is best NOT to overwhelm a new person with too much informationin the first few weeks of their new <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> experience.27

Guide To SuccessThe Guide to Success is included in a new representative’s kit pack. The Guide contains everything (inmore detail) a new <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>r needs to know to start and build a successful home-based business. TheGuide will serve as a resource book and is not designed to take the place of a “live” training class or on-goingtraining that a new representative receives from the lead manager. In addition to company information,business-building activities, and show details, the Guide to Success lists various policies and proceduresthat are to set a standard of excellence in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>.Week At A GlanceThe Week at a Glance is a review of the incentives that are currently available for <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>rs, guests andhostesses. It is e-mailed every Thursday to all <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>rs. There is also a helpful “Tip of the Week” thatcan be used by everyone. The “Week at a Glance” can also be found in the field interface section of theJewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> website, under “downloads”.Leadership DirectiveThe Leadership Directive is a weekly publication that is e-mailed to Sr. Division Managers and Vice Presidentseach Thursday morning. The Directive may contain late-breaking news and selected training ideasand announcements. It is designed for upper level management only and is not to be circulated amongother levels.The NetworkThe Network is a monthly publication produced by Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>. It is available on-line to all representativesin the “Field Interface” section of <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s website. Contained in the Network is a compilationof announcements, contests, training ideas and selected articles on <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> representatives, who may befeatured for a variety of achievements. There is also monthly recognition for top sales and personal/grouprecruiting.Part 10 TECHNOLOGY TOOLS www.myparklane.comAs a manager, you will find the Internet invaluable in building your <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> business. The basic internetportal is called the “Field Interface” which is available free to all representatives. Immediately after submittingan agreement, managers should encourage all new representatives to obtain their log-in and passwordso they may access the Field Interface. In addition to the free Field Interface, <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s website offers twopremium levels of technology tools to enhance and increase business by offering order submission, e-mailand personal, company sponsored, <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> websites.The Free Field Interface access includes:• The <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> catalog• Current Director, Customer & Hostess specials• Current programs listed in the “Week at a Glance” section.• On-line form submission• Downloadable forms and supplies• Ability to order supplies on-line• Training information• Travel Trip Information• Convention information and registration forms28

Gold Membership ($50 annual subscription)• Field Interface Access• Online Order Submission• Eliminate the 4% credit card surcharge when using on-line order processing.• Viewable Web Page with contact information (does not include “Shop with Me” feature)• Online InvitationsPlatinum Membership ($150 annual subscription)• Field Interface Access• Online Order Submission• Eliminate the 4% credit card surcharge when using on-line order processing.• Personal Website Listing on Jewelsbyparklane.com• Premium Website where customers may use “Shop with Me” feature• My<strong>Park</strong>lane.com email address• 500 Free Business Cards• Online Invitations• Special Executive Privilege – Sr. Division & Vice-Presidents – Free samples of monthly customer and hostessincentivesThese are just a few highlights of the Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> web site. The Internet does not take the place ofconnecting with your team, in person and on the phone. However, many answers to questions can be foundon-line. The single, best feature of the site is the on-line order entry, which allows each team member toenter orders, on-line, day or night! Entering business on-line makes good business sense given that manypeople are juggling a family and a full-time job while working <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> into their busy lives. You will want toencourage each of your Directors to subscribe to the myparklane.com program and send sales activity to thecompany via the internet! It’s fast, accurate and a real time-saver in today’s busy world!Part 11APPLICATIONS OF LEADERSHIPPARK LANE CYCLES OF SUCCESSA LEADER can be a determining factor in the success or lack of success in an organization. Leaders havea business plan and in order to be a winner, one also has to have a strategy. Strategy consists of importantactions that are taken by a leader in order to lead an organization to achieve success.A LEADER’S strategy is the perspective; the vision and the direction that is chosen. Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>has the programs in place to support the achievement of success. The programs are learnable, doable,teachable and repeatable.A LEADER in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> can view a <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> year-at-a-glance in order to plan a strategy that is needed toguide an organization to achieve success!The <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> year could be said to begin a new cycle with each Convention. Two Conventions are offeredper year; one in the fall and one in the early spring. Conventions offer training, awards, camaraderie andan opportunity for all <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>rs to see the BIG picture of what is possible in <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>. All LEADERS areexpected to attend Convention and to enroll their teams for Convention attendance. Here is a 6 month cycleof activities that a LEADER should provide an organization, beginning with each Convention:• Convention Awards & Recognition – An approximate 10 week block of time where everyone can be focusedon earning top awards and recognition to be presented at the next Convention. Everyone has the29

same starting date for Awards and Recognition, so no matter if one is new to <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>; everyone has anequal chance to be a winner! There are awards for top personal sales, top group sales, top personal recruitingand top group recruiting at every level of director and management position. Promotions are also recognizedat each Convention. All <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>rs should attend Convention.• Travel Trip Campaign – Launched at Convention, the travel trip campaign offers LEADERS an opportunityto increase their team numbers; such as, to build a team of 50 into team of 500. Using the trip destinationas a theme, a leader can move through this cycle of the year and achieve big increases plus producetrip winners!• Top Performance Weeks Campaigns - Every April and November, <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> sponsors a two weeksales and recruiting contest that pushes all directors and managers to reach a higher level of achievement.Both of these two week campaigns are strategically placed and designed to increase your sales, recruitsand future show bookings. Top sales and recruiting efforts are recognized at Convention.At the Convention, there is a launch of new campaigns and new incentives, including the new Travel Trip.Leaders should offer training programs, classes, meetings and activities that will provide continuous growth,understanding of the business and opportunities for creating a greater income, using the campaigns thatwere launched at Convention and throughout the year.1. Opportunity Sessions & interviews2. Booking Campaigns3. New Directors Training Classes4. Branch Development Classes5. Sales & skill training meetings6. Introducing Short-term contests7. Promoting Monthly IncentivesThe cycle of success repeats again beginning with the next Convention!Company-Issued Reports<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> makes reports available to Executives that contain information on sales & recruiting activity, contestsummaries, lists of newly-promoted managers and reports that will help you, as an Executive Manager,obtain an up-to-date, overview of the activity within your organization. Certain reports also go to lower levelsof management within your organization. NOTE: These reports are a resource only! They are not meant tobe a substitute for an on-going, direct contact field report that an Executive Manager should be providing tothe Home Office on a weekly basis. Reports include the following:Weekly Report Titles:Sales and Recruiting (alphabetical by level)Weekly Sales Report (listed by genealogy)Group RecruitsPromotions ListSuper Start SummaryTrip Contest SummaryMonthly Report Titles:Monthly Recruiting AnalysisActive Group GenealogySales and Recruiting (alphabetical by level)Monthly Personal Sales RankingMonthly Group Sales Ranking30

Quarterly Report Titles:Sales and Recruiting (alphabetical by level)Sales and Recruiting (listed by genealogy)Personal Sales RankingGroup Sales RankingAdditionally, <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> offers reports for Top Performance Weeks campaigns, Convention Recognition contestsand other periodic contests.Part 12 DIRECTORY FOR EXECUTIVE MANAGERSJewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> is known far and wide for great customer service, both to customers and hostesseswho receive their product AND to the field of representatives that call themselves “<strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>rs”. The HomeOffice is located in Schaumburg, near Chicago, Illinois. <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> is recognized and respected as theworld’s largest jewelry party plan company.As an Executive Manager, you can count on <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> to support your business activities and to be availableto assist you in many ways. Below is a summary listing the main resources available to you. Your upline manager or Home Office contact will also advise you as to the appropriate path of contact.Jewels by <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>, Inc.100 East Commerce DriveSchaumburg, IL 601731-800-621-0088 PhoneCustomer Service Fax: 1-847-884-7064Commission Department Fax: 1-847-884-0432For assistance with customer service, e-mail: cs@jbpl.orgFor assistance with technical issues, e-mail: websupport@myparklane.comFor assistance with commissions/overrides, change of address, e-mail: cd@jbpl.comFor Executive Managers requesting kit shipment, e-mail: kits@jbpl.orgWebsite: www.jewelsbyparklane.comSupply Department: Supplies@jbpl.orgTo reach <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>’s Public Relations Department: PR@jbpl.orgFor submission of referrals, recommendations or prospects for the Direct Appointment Program, send details(your prospect’s name, address, phone, e-mail), your name, how you know this person and some informationabout the management experience of the person you are recommending. Send this information bye-mail to leads@jbpl.org.You can benefit “BIG TIME” by recommending people to <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong>!For all other inquiries, call customer service at 1-800-621-0088. The entire Home Office staff is there toassist you!31

The information contained in the Executive Guide is to give you, the <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> Executive, an overviewof the programs, product and procedures that can assist you in building your <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> business.Please know that your up line/Home Office contact can provide additional details on the <strong>Park</strong><strong>Lane</strong> programs, so don’t hesitate to ask for additional information and assistance when it would behelpful. Everyone at <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Lane</strong> wishes you the very best success!NOTES:32

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