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PHASE LOCKED LOOP APPLICATIONSREFERENCES1. deBeliecize, H., "La reception synchrone," OndeElectron., vol. II, pp. 230-240, June 1932.2. Gardner, F. M., Phaselock Techniques, New York:Wiley, 1966.3. Grebene, A. B., and Camenzind, H. R., "Frequencyselective integrated circuits using phase lock techniques,"IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-4, pp. 216-225,Aug. 1969.4. Moschytz, G. S., "Miniaturized RC filters using phaselockedloop," Bell System Tech. J., vol. 44, pp. 823-870,May 1965.5. Viterbi, A. J., Principles of Coherent Communication,New York: McGraw-Hili, 1966.6. Mattis, J. A., "The Phase Locked Loop - Acommunication system building block", Broadcast Engigineering,Feb. 1972.7. Grebene, A. B., "A monolithic signal conditioner/synthesizer," NEREM Record, vol. 12, pp. 60-61, Nov.1970.8. Chu, L. P., "Phase·locked AM radio receiver," IEEETrans. Broadcast and Television Receivers, vol. BTR-15,pp. 300-308, Dec. 1969.9. Mattis, J. A., and Camenzind, H. R., "A new phaselockedloop with high stability and accuracy," SigneticsCorp. Appl. Note, Sept. 1970.76

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