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PHASE LOCKED LOOP APPLICATIONSRF-FM GENERATORDESIGN IDEAS FOR USING PHASE LOCKEDLOOPS+ 18MODULATIONFREQUENCYLOW-PASS FILTERIF REQUIREDThe following design ideas were drawn mainly from theSignetics-EDN Phase Locked Loop Contest. These circuitsshould be viewed as design suggestions only since Signeticshas not verified their operating characteristics. I n all cases,however, the principle of operation appears to be sound.Quotation marks indicate quotes taken directly from thecontest entry.10KCENTERFREQ. ADJ.AIRCRAFT VHF OMNIDIRECTIONAL RANGE (VOR)RECEIVERFigure 8-68PRECISION POWER INVERTER (566,540)Figure 8-69 shows a precision 12 VDC to 115 V AC 100Winverter. Its triangular output is derived from the 566function generator, providing a high degree of frequencystability (±.02%/oC). The 540 power driver is used todrive the power output stage. Because of third harmonicattenuation in the transformer, the output is very close toa pure 60Hz sine wave.Herbert F. Kraemer of Minneapolis, Minnesota, submittedthe winning contest entry which uses one phase lockedloop (562) as an AM detector, a second loop (565) as anFM detector and a third loop (565) as a self-biased phasedetector."The circuit is a new type of VOR (VHF omnidirectionalrange) receiver used in air navigation to determine anairplane's angular bearing with respect to a VOR transmitterlocated on the ground. The principles of the circuitallow any desired increase in accuracy, as compared tocurrent units, with potential cost savings.PRECISION 100 WATT POWER INVERTER+12V87+10 +2.2 566Figure 8-6965

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