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PHASE LOCKED LOOP APPLICATIONSSINGLE TONE BURST GENERATOR (566)Figure 8-65 is a tone burst generator which supplies a tonefor one-half second after the power supply is activated; itsintended use is as a communications network alert signal.Cessation of the tone is accomplished by the SCR, whichshunts the timing capacitor C1 charge current whenactivated. The SCR is gated on when C2 charges up to thegate voltage, which occurs in 0.5 seconds. Since only 70llAare available for triggering, the SCR must be sensitiveenough to trigger at this level. The triggering current can beincreased, of course, by reducing R2 (and increasing C2 tokeep the same time constant). If the tone duration must beconstant under widely varying supply voltage conditions,the optional Zener diode regulator circuit can be added,along with the new value for R2, R2 = 82K.If the SCR is replaced by a npn transistor, the tone can beswitched on and off at will at the transistor base terminal.I.SK10KFREQUENCY MODULATED GENERATORFOR SMALL DEVIATIONS (TO ±20%)+VMODULATIONFREQUENCYADJUSTLOW-PASS FILTER ORSINE CONVERTER MAYBE INSERTED HERE+VCENTER r---.,.---iFREQ.ADJUST10KIF SINUSOIDAL MODULATIONIS REQUIREDFigure 8-66/VSINGLE BURST TONE GENERATOR+12VFREQUENCY MODULATED GENERATORFOR LARGE DEVIATIONS (TO ±100%)+V+VI.SK. 001RlMOD.FREO .ADJ.CENTERFREO.ADJUSTVc+12V+12V10K·~h"'82K180KI C 2OPTIONAL "::" -::- so -::-MFDREGULATEDCAPACITORCHARGING CIRCUITSCRJTONE FREQ. ~IO.S SEC TONEBURST FOLLOWING1 APPLICATION OF POWER:lR,c,20KR C2I C1~K~j----J ~_ _ DEVIATION- - ADJUSTLOW-PASS FILTER OR SINE CONVERTERMAY BE INSERTED HERE IF SINUSOIDALMODULATION IS REQUIREDrFigure 8-65Figure 8-67LOW FREQUENCY FM GENERATORS (566)Figures 8-66 and 8-67 show FM generators for lowfrequency (less than 0.5MHz center frequency) applications.Each uses a 566 function generator as a modulationgenerator and a second 566 as the carrier generator.Capacitor C1 selects the modulation frequency adjustmentrange and C{ selects the center frequency. Capacitor C2is a coupling capacitor which only needs to be large enoughto avoid distorting the modulating waveform.If a frequency sweep in only one direction is required, the566 ramp generators given in this <strong>section</strong> may be used todrive the carrier generator.RADIO FREQUENCY FM GENERATORS (566, 560B)Figure 8-68 shows how a 5608 may be used as a FMgenerator with modulation supplied by a 566 functiongenerator. Capacitor C1 is chosen to give the desiredmodulation range, C2 is large enough for undistortedcoupling and C3 with its trimmer specifies the centerfrequency. The VCO output may be taken differentiallyor single ended.A 5618 or 5628 with appropriate pin numbering changesmay also be used in this application. If a sweep generatoris ~esired, the 566 may be connected as a ramp generator(described elsewhere in this chapter).64

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