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PHASE LOCKED LOOP APPLICATIONfTRIANGLE-TO-SINE CONVERTERS (566)Conversion of triangular wave shapes to sinusoids isusually accomplished by diode-resistor shaping networks,which accurately reconstruct the sine wave segment bysegment. Two simpler and less costly methods may be usedto shape the triangle waveform of the 566 into a sinusoidwith less than 2% distortion_The first scheme (Figure 8-64al uses the non-linearlOS - VOS transfer characteristic of a p-channel junctionFET to shape the triangle waveform. The second scheme(Figure 8-64b) uses the non-linear emitter base junctioncharacteristic of the 511 B for shaping.In both cases, the amplitude of the triangle waveform i$critical and must be carefully adjusted to achieve a loWdistortion sinusoidal output. Naturally, where addition~1waveform accuracy is needed, the diode-resistor shapi'19scheme can be applied to the 566 with excellent result$since it has very good output amplitude stability whenoperated from a regulated supply.+12VFET TRIANGLE·TO-SINE CONVERTER25KAMPLITUDEADJUST1001%SQUAREWAVEOUTPUT.JLFigure 8-64a+12VTRIANGLE·TO-SINE CONVERTER2KRl10KSINEOUTPUTS(\J.001"F6 85 456610K200 47KL.------..... -----..-4--

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