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PHASE LOCKED LOOP APPLICATIONSTRANSLATION LOOP FOR PRECISE FM (5618,5628)A translation loop mixes the output of two oscillators andproduces a signal whose frequency is equal to the sum ordifference of the two. In the most useful application of thiscircuit, one oscillator is a precise crystal-controlledoscillator and the second is a low frequency voltagecontrolledoscillator so that the loop output is a FM signalwhose center frequency is slightly offset from the crystaloscillator frequency. Since the offset oscillator suppliesonly a small percentage of the final output frequency, itneed not be as precise as the crystal oscillator.Such a loop is shown in Figure 8-50a. The VCO is drivenuntil the filtered low frequency component of the P02output is equal to the offset frequency f m . When thisoccurs, lockup is achieved and the VCO output is eitherfR + fm or fR - f m. By adjusting the VCO free-runningslightly above f m , the latter case can be eliminated. If fmis frequency modulated, then the output will also befrequency modulated since it has the same absolutedeviation.TRANSLATION LOOP FOR PRECISION TV INTERMEDIATE-FREQUENCY FM GENERATORVCOFigure 8-50aFigure 8-50b shows a translation loop made from a 561Band 562B. It is designed to produce a 4.5MHz signal with adeviation of ±25kHz. The 561 B serves as the VCO andPO 1; the 562B serves as the crystal oscillator and PD2. A4.400MHz crystal controls the reference frequency fRoThe offset frequency fm is 100kHz frequency modulated±25kHz at a modulation frequency of 400Hz. Theaccuracy of the output frequency is that of the referenceoscillator plus that of the offset oscillator; since fm is asmall percentage (2%) of fR, its stability can be considerablyless than that of the crystal oscillator. In this case, fmcan be provided by a 566 VCO modulated, if desired, by asecond 566. (The triangle wave 566 output results in aconstant df/dt.)TRANSLATION LOOP FOR PRECISION TV INTERMEDIATE - FREQUENCY FM GENERATOR+18fm = 100KHz ± lIf(150MV-RMS)+18fR4.400 MHz cCRYSTAL-=5pF680fm11 5628.05330 14-=.05P LPFNO.243pF-=SET VCO1-15pFfR + fm =4.5MHz ± 6fFigure 8-50b55

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