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PHASE LOCKED LOOP APPLICATIONSTYPICAL FM DEMODULATOR WITH IF AMPLIFIER AND LIMITER USING THE 560B+18V200pFr- - - ---,J T1* I 7.5KII51 1612 1514560BColK0.0113 10 DEMODULATEDFM OUTPUTlK1.5m. ~ 2~ ~0.01 Cd* TURNS NO. 36 BIFLAR WIRE WOUND ON 1/2-WATT, lOOK RESISTOR BODY** PART OF NE51 OAFigure 8-47The PLL is tuned by adjusting the VCO to the centerfrequency of the FM signal. This is accomplished byconnecting a capacitor across pins 2 and 3. The capacitorvalue is determined using the equation Co :::::: 300/f o , pFwhere f o, the free-running VCO frequency, is in MHz. Theexact value is not important as the internal resistors areonly within ±10% of nominal value and fine tuning isnormally required. Fine tuning may be accomplished byusing a trimmer capacitor in parallel with Co or by using apotentiometer connected across the power supply with therotor connected to pin 6 through a 200n current limitingresistor.The dc gain of the loop, which sets the' lock range andthreshold sensitivity, can be controlled by the placement ofa resistance between pins 14 and 15, the low pass filterterminals . .A low pass filter connected to these te'rminalscontrols the capture range or selectivity· of the loop. Inbasic terms, it may be said that the low pass filter sets thebandwidth of the demodulated information which will beobtained. For most applications, a single capacitorconnected between pins 14 and 15 will provide the requiredfiltering. The capacitance value required can be approximatedas follows:1330C~ mfdwhere f is the desired bandwidth in Hz. For example, if thedesired information bandwidth is 15kHz, the required lowpass filter capacitance will be:1330C ~ -- = .09mfd15000The output swing is a function of the frequency deviationof the incoming signal, and is approximately 0.3V p-p for.±1% deviation. For example, a standard 10.7MHz IFfrequency has a deviation of ±75kHz; therefore, the±0.75 x 100percentage deviation equals= ±0.7% and the10.7.7%output voltage will be 0.3V p-p x - = .21 V p-p, or 74mV1%rms for 100% modulation.The de-emphasis network requires an external capacitorfrom pin 10 to ground. This capacitor Cd and the 8000ninternal resistance should produce a time constant ofapproximately 75psec for standard FM broadcast demodulation.The value of the de-emphasis capacitor for thisapplication is determined by the following formula:75 x 10-68000= 0.0094 mfdFor most applicatioilS, a 0.01 mfd value would besatisfactory since the manufacturing tolerance of theresistor is on the order of 20%.52

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