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PHASE LOCKED LOOP APPLICATIONSSIMPLIFIED DIAGRAM OF 567 TONE DECODER CCOV+O-~--,---~------~----____ --________ --__________ ,---~4RSV+-VBE~01COMPARATOR014·018 V1R1(EXT.)VCO OUTPUTt---+------OTO PHASEFEEDBACK DETECTORCOMPARATOR024-028 V2C1(EXT.)02 r--r-+IFLlp·FLOPFigure 8-32The total swing of the capacitor voltage, as determined bythe comparator sensing voltages, isDue to the excellent matching of integrated resistors, theresistor ratio K may be considered constant. Figure 8-33shows the pin 5 and pin 6 voltages during operation. It isobvious from the proportion that t1 + t2 is independent ofthe magnitude of V+ and dependent only on the timeconstant R1C1 of the external components. Moreover, if(V 1 + V2)/2 = V+/2, then t1 = t2 and the duty cycle is50%. Note that the triangular waveform is phase shiftedfrom the square wave. A differential stage (022 and 023)amplifies the triangular wave with respect to (V1 + V2)/2to provide the quadrature output. (Due to the exponentialdistortion of the triangle wave, the quadrature output isactually phase shifted about 80 0 , but no operatingcompromises result from this slight deviation from truequadrature.)--- PINS _____ PINSFigure 8-33One source of error in this oscillator scheme is currentdrawn by the comparators from the R 1 C 1 mode. Anemitter follower, therefore, is inserted at X to minimizethis drain and 021 placed in series with 020 to drop thecomparat~r sensing voltage one Vbe to compensate for theVbe drop in the emitter follower.39

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