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PHASE LOCKED LOOP APPLICATIONSThe 561, shown in Figure 8-20, contains all of thecircuitry of the 560 and in addition, has a quadraturephase comparator. This enables it to be used as asynchronous AM detector. The quadrature phase detectorconsists of transistors 01-04 and 015, 016 which arebiased and driven in the same manner as the loop phasedetector. However, the quadrature detector input is singleended rather than differential (as the loop phase detectorinput) and an external 90 0 phase shift network is requiredto provide the proper phase relations. The demodulatedAM output is brought out at pin 1.The 562, shown in Figure 8-21, is basically the same asthe 560 except that the loop is broken between the VCOand phase comparator. This allows a counter to beinserted in the loop for frequency multiplication applications.Transistors 01-04 provide low impedance differentialVCO outputs (pins 3 and 4), and the upper stage phasedetector inputs are brought out of the package (pins 2 and15). A bias voltage is brought out through pin 1 to providea convenient bias level for the upper stage of the phasedetector.SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF 5628Vcc@...-----I----+--+---o@LOW PASSFILTER~+-------~+-----4---+---r--O~o 0VCOOUTPUTS03 J-4--------+------~all J--~.---4---------4-------+---+---+---0@ i::~io ~~M~~T~~~TED.1----+---1---4-------0 @ FM/RFCR5f-----Q @ DE-EMPHASIS7VB.2KVCO1.2KPHASECOMPARATORFigure 8-2132

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