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PHASE LOCKED LOOP APPLICATIONSThe VCO is a high frequency emitter-coupled multivibratorformed by transistors Q11-Q14. It operates from aregulated 7.7V supply formed by 6.3V supply formed byZener diode CR 1 (a reverse-biased base-emitter junction) inseries with the 14V regulated supply. The VCO frequencyis thus immune from supply voltage variations. Fourconstant current sources formed by Q20' Q21, Q23, Q24,and biased by CR6 and CR7 supply operating current forthe VCO. Voltage control of the frequency is achieved bya differential amplifier, Q22 and Q25. As the base voltageof Q22 increases with respect to the base voltage of Q25,additional current is supplied to the emitters of Q12 andQ13' increasing the charge and discharge current of thetiming capacitor Co' increasing the VCO frequency.Reducing the base voltage of Q22 with respect to Q25similarly reduces the VCO frequency. Two Zener diodesand two transistors, CR4, CR5, Q5 and Q10, respectively,provide level shifting which allows the VCO to be drivenby the outputs of the phase detector.The phase detector is a doubly-balanced multiplier formedby transistors Q6-Q9, Q17 and Q1S. Signal input is madeto the lower stage, biased at about 4Vby means of 2k.Qbase resistors. The upper stage is biased and driven directlyby the VCO output taken from the collector resistors ofQ12 and Q13· A differential output signal is availablebetween the collectors of Q 6 (and QS) and Q7 (and Q9)·An external network, together with the 6K collectorresistors, comprises the low pass filter. The phase detectoris operated from regulated 14V appearing at the emitterof Q27. A resistor in the collector of Q25 can be shuntedwith an external capacitor to form a de-emphasis filter. Thede-emphasized signal is buffered by emitter follower Q19before being brought out.The TRACK RANGE input, pin 7 on all three loops, allowsthe user to control the total current flowing through thefrequency controlling differential amplifier Q22, Q25. Thisis done by controlling the effective emitter resistance ofQ29' the current source for Q22, Q25. Current may beadded or subtracted at pin 7 to, respectively, reduce orincrease the tracking range.SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF 5618VCC@DEMODULATEDSKSK6K 6K .-----+-+----l--o@LOW PASSFILTER~+----+-+---+-1--~-o~CRs.-----+----+----+--+--+--o@ ~::~io ~~~~~~~~TEDl---+--I--+----O@ FM/RF INPUT~O-~---+----~t-----Q @ DE-EMPHASISL-----1--~--4--o4VCR6S.2K3K+---+---'loNv--@OFFSETCONTROL-=- ® MULTIPLIE(QUADRATUREPHASE COMPARATOR)VCOPHASECOMPARATORFigure 8-2031

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