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PHASE LOCKED LOOP APPLICATIONSTRANSIENT PHASE ERROR AS ANINDICATION OF DAMPING0.7 6W .----r---,-----r----,----,.---,--r------,wn0.6 I----F---=-=~--+---+---+---+--I-----I0.5 I--~~~+_\_-+---+---+---+--I-----I0.40.30.2NOISE EFFECTSThe effect of input noise on loop operation is very difficultto predict. Briefly, the input noise components near thecenter frequency are converted to phase noise. When thephase noise becomes so great that the ±90 0 permissiblephase variation is exceeded, the loop drops out of lock orfails to acquire lock. The best technique is to actually applythe anticipated noise amplitude and bandwidth to theinput and then perform the capture and lock rangemeasurements as well as perform operating tests with theanticipaterl input lel(:~1 J;,d modulation deviations. Byincluding a small safety factor in the loop design tocompensate for small processing variations, satisfactoryoperation can be assured.DAMPING-0.1 I--_FA+-C_TO_R--+_----1r--~+--- «==-++-_--+_~-0.2 I---+---+---+--~ __ -+~__+--I__---I-0.3 1.--_.1..-_....1...-_--1-_--'-_---'-_---' __ 1-----.1Figure 8-18Another way of estimating damping is to make use of thefrequency response plot measured fo~ the natural frequency(w n ) measurement. For low damping constants, thefrequency response measurement peak will be a strongfunction of damping. For high damping constants, the3dB-down point will give the damping. Table 8-3 givesthe approximate relationship.SIMPLIFIED MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENTThe majority of the PLL tests described can be done witha signal generator, a scope and a frequency counter. Mostlaboratories have these. A low-cost digital voltmeter willfacilitate accurate measurement of the VCO conversiongain. Where the need for a FM generator arises, it may bemet in most cases by the VCO of a Signetics PLL. (Seethe applications in this <strong>section</strong>.) Any of the loops may beset up to operate as a VCO by simply applying themodulating voltage to the low pass filter terminal(s). Theresulting generator may be checked for linearity by usingthe counter to check frequency as a function of modulatingvoltage. Since the VCOs may be modulated right down todc, the calibration may be done in steps. Moreover,Gardner *' shows how loop measurements may be made byapplying a constant frequency to the loop input and themodulating signal to the low pass filter terminal to simulatethe effect of a FM input so that a FM generator may beomitted for many measurements.ESTIMATING DAMPING FROM MODULATINGFREQUENCY (w m ) RESPONSEPEAK AMPLITUDELOW FREQUENCY~ AMPLITUDE.3 6.0dB.5 3.2dB.7 2.2dB1.0 1.3dB5.0 .5dBW-3d8wn1.* see references29

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