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PHASE LOCKED LOOP APPLICATIONSPLL MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUESThis <strong>section</strong> deals with user measurements of PLLoperation. The techniques suggested are meant to help theuser in evaluating the performance of his PLL during theinitial setup period as well as to point out some pitfallsthat may obscure loop evaluation. Recognizing that theuser's test equipment may be limited, we have stressedthe techniques which require a minimum of standard testitems.CENTER FREQUENCYCenter frequency measurements are easily made byconnecting a frequency counter or oscilloscope to theVCO output of the loop. The loop should be connected inits final configuration with the chosen values of input,bypass and low pass filter capacitors. No input signalshould be present. As the center frequency is read out, itcan be adjusted to the desired value by the adjustmentmeans selected for the particular loop. It is important notto make the frequency measurement directly at the timingcapacitor unless the capacity added by the measurementprobe is much less than the timing capacitor value sincethe probe capacity will then cause a frequency error.When the frequency measurement is to be converted to adc voltage for production readout or automated testing,a calibrated phase locked loop can be used as a frequencymeter (see Applications Section).CAPTURE AND LOCK RANGEFigure 8-14a shows a typical measurement setup forcapture and lock range measurements. The signal inputfrom a variable frequency oscillator is swept linearlythrough the frequency range of interest and the loop FMoutput is displayed on a scope or (at low frequencies)X-Y recorder. The sweep voltage is applied to the X axis.CAPTURE AND LOCK RANGEMEASUREMENT SETUPFigure 8-14b shows the type of trace which results. Thelock range (also called hold-in or tracking range) is given bythe outer lines on the trace, which are formed as theincoming frequency sweeps away from the center frequency.The inner trace, formed as the frequency sweepstoward the center frequency, designates the capture range.Linearity of the VCO is revealed by the straightness of thetrace portion within the lock range. The slope (l1f/l1 V) isthe gain or conversion factor for the VCO.CAPTURE AND LOCK RANGE OSCILLOGRAMRgure 8-14bBy using the sweep technique, the effect on centerfrequency, capture range and lock range of the inputamplitude, supply voltage, low pass filter and temperaturecan be examined.Because of the lock-up time duration and variation, thesweep frequency must be very much lower than the centerfrequency, especially when the capture range is below 10%of center frequency. Otherwise, the apparent capture andlock range will be a function of sweep frequency. It is bestto start sweeping as slow as possible and, if desired, increasethe rate until capture range begins to show an apparentreduction-indicating that the sweep is too fast. Typicalsweep frequencies are in the range of 1/1000 to 1/100,000of the center frequency. I n the case of the 561 and 567,the quadrature detector output may be similarly displayedon the Y axis, as shown in Figure 8-15, showing theoutput level versus frequency for one value of inputamplitude.~--------------lPHASE DETECTOR OUTPUTS VS FREQUENCYFigure 8-14aFigure 8-1526

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