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~PHASE LOCKED LOOP APPLICATIONSFUNCTIONAL APPLICATIONSLOW PASS FILTERThe simplest type of low pass filter for the second orderloop is a single pole RC type shown in Figure 8-5b. I n allSignetics' loops, the resistor is internal and the capacitor isexternal. The inside resistor greatly improves the centerfrequency stability of the loop with temperature variations.Fortunately, the capture range and loop damping arerelated to the square root of this internal resistor value, sovariations in its absolute value have little effect on loopperformance. The nominal value of the internal resistorfor each loop is given in the circuit diagrams of thedetailed circuit descriptions in this chapter. The typicaltolerance on these integrated resistors is ±20%.FM TelemetryThis application involves demodulation of a frequencymodulated subcarrier of the main channel. A popularexample here is the use of the PLL to recover the SCA(storecast music) signal from the combined signal of manycommercial FM broadcast stations. The SCA signal is a67kHz frequency modulated subcarrier which puts it abovethe frequency spectrum of the normal stereo or monauralFM program material. By connecting the circuit of Figure8-8 to a point between the FM discrimator and thede-emphasis filter of a commercial band (home) FMreceiver and tuning the receiver to a station which broadcastsan SCA signal, one can obtain hours of commercialfree background music.As a functional building block, the phase locked loop issuitable for a wide variety of frequency related applications.These applications generally fall into one or more of thefollowing categories:a.)b.)c.)d.)e.)FM DemodulationFrequency SynthesizingFrequency SynchronizationSignal ConditioningAM DemodulationFM DEMODULATIONIf the PLL is locked to a frequency modulated (FM) signal,the VCO tracks the instantaneous frequency of the inputsignal. The filtered error voltage, which forces the VCO tomaintain lock with the input signal then becomes thedemodulated FM output. The linearity of this demodulatedsignal depends solely on the linearity of the VCO controlvoltage-to-frequencytransfer characteristic.510 pF 510pF0-lh-OEMFM4.7K4.7K10K4.7K1.8K~5KI2 83 9tOOlNE565.00110 l74.001 5 tJlK.. . 018lK.047lK+10 VOLTS+24 VOLTSBACKGRO UNOMUSIC (S CAl1-::-It should be noted that since the PLL is in lock during theFM demodulation process, the response is linear and can bereadily predicted from a root locus plot.FM demodulation applications are numerous; however,some of the more popular are:Broadcast FM DetectionHere, the PLL can be used as a complete I F strip, limiterand FM detector which may be used for detecting eitherwide or narrow band FM signals with greater linearity thancan be obtained by other means. For frequencies withinthe range of the VCO, the PLL functions as a self containedreceiver since it combines the functions of frequencyselectivity and demodulation. One increasingly popular useof the PLL is in scanning-receivers where a number ofbroadcast channels may be sequentially monitored bysimply varying the VCO free-running frequency.Figure 8-8Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)This refers to what is essentially digital frequencymodulation. FSK is a means for transmitting digitalinformation by a carrier which is shifted between twodiscrete frequencies. In this case, the two discretefrequencies correspond to a digital "1" and a digital "0,"respectively. When the PLL is locked to a FSK signal, thedemodulated output (error voltage) shifts between twodiscrete voltage levels, corresponding to the demodulatedbinary output. FSK techniques are often used in modems(modulator-demodulators), intended for transmitting dataover telephone lines.18

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