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PHASE LOCKED LOOP APPLICATIONSROOT LOCUS AND FREQUENCYRESPONSE PLOTS OF FIRST ANDSECOND ORDER LOOPS-----Fh)0----0+jw-6----.-..... 6R,F~".R,C , l+jw-6 .6-, ,,-Figure 8-5aA1\\\ w, wThe stability problem can be eliminated by using a lag-leadtype of filter, as indicated in Figure 8-5c. This type of afilter has the transfer function1 + 72sF(s) =----1 + (71 + 72)swhere 72 = R2C and 71 = R1C, By proper choice of R2,this type of filter confines the root locus to the left halfplane and ensures stability. The lag-lead filter gives afrequency response dependent on the damping, which cannow be controlled by the proper adjustment of 71 and 72'In practice, this type of filter is important because it allowsthe loop to be used with a response between that of thefirst and second order loops and it provides an additionalcontrol over the loop transient response. If R2 = 0, the loopbehaves as a second order loop and if R2 = 00, the loopbehaves as a first order loop due to a pole-zero cancellation.Note, however, that as first order operation is approached,the noise bandwidth increases and interference rejectiondecreases since the high frequency error components in theloop are now attenuated to a lesser degree.-jwROOT LOCUSFREQUENCY RESPONSEFigure 8-5bSECOND ORDER PLL RESPONSEWITH SIMPLE LAG FILTERWith the addition of a single pole low pass filter F(s) of theform+jwF(s) =where 71 = R1C, the PLL becomes a second order systemwith the root locus shown in Figure 8-5b. Here, we againhave an open loop pole at the origin because of theintegrating action of the VCO and another open loop pole-1at a position equal to- where 71 is the time constant of71the low pass filter._jwOne can make the following observations from the rootlocus characteristics of Figure 8-5b.a.)b.)As the loop gain K v increases for a given choiceof 71, the imaginary part of the closed looppoles increase; thus, the natural frequency ofthe loop increases and the loop becomes moreand more underdamped.If the filter time constant is increased, the realpart of the closed loop poles becomes smallerand the loop damping is reduced.As in any practical feedback system, excess shifts ornon-dominant poles associated with the blocks within thePLL can cause the root loci to hend toward the right halfplane as shown by the dashed line in Figure 8-5b. This islikely to happen if either the loop gain or the filter timeconstant is too large and may cause the loop to break intosustained oscillations.FREQUENCY RESPONSEFigure8-5cIn terms of the basic gain expressions in the system, thelock range of the PLL W L can be shown to be numericallyequal to the dc loop gain2wL = 41TfL = 2Kv'Since the capture range wL denotes a transient condition,it is not as readily derived as the lock range. However, anapproximate expression for the capture range can bewritten as14

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