Annual Report 2005/06 THE WORLD OF SOUND - Sonova

Annual Report 2005/06 THE WORLD OF SOUND - Sonova Annual Report 2005/06 THE WORLD OF SOUND - Sonova


28% of the Phonak Group’s headcount as of March 31, 2006.These data were collected for the first time during the financialyear 2005/06. In 2006/07, we shall use the experiences to dateto define standards for the whole Group.During 2005/06, we launched a groupwide High PerformanceProgram, designed to strengthen and develop our middlemanagement, so that we are in a better position to fill keypositions internally in the future. With this in mind, a steeringcommittee comprising members of the Management Boardidentifies, assesses, and finally selects potential candidates fromthe entire Phonak Group. The training program is very practical,user-oriented, and tailored to the needs of the Phonak Group.The central goal is to promote specialist know-how, developpersonal, social and management skills, and encourage entrepreneurialthinking beyond the individual’s own area of responsibility.One important component of the High PerformanceProgram is the mentor program sponsored by the members ofthe Management Board and top management. This aims toexploit the synergy potential arising from the combination oftheory and practice. In February 2006, a total of 30 talentedyoung managers from 16 Group companies took part in a oneweekintroductory event organized in conjunction with adistinguished management school. The feedback from thoseattending was extremely positive. Participants were particularlyimpressed by the quality and practical nature of the coursecontent and the opportunity to exchange experiences beyondareas of responsibility and national borders. The program willcarry on next year.Interdisciplinary know-how in the “Science of Hearing” isparamount in order to develop and build superior hearing systems.Knowledge management is consequently a core element ofPhonak’s management philosophy: there are no barriers, no closeddoors; employees can contact anybody at any time. This philosophyis also reflected in the open and light architecture ofPhonak headquarters in Stäfa and of many other Groupcompany offices worldwide. A groupwide, centralized projectplatform supports the integration of interdisciplinary andbroadly based project teams. Dedicated and carefully plannedprofessional development as well as systematic internalizationof external know-how are also important knowledge managementdrivers.The production setup for manufacturing a hearing instrumentis similar to the watch industry. Very small components haveto be manually positioned and soldered with the aid of microscopes,in very clean, climate-controlled, and light rooms. Employeesat the different production sites share the same qualitystandards, identical production processes and standard workprocedures.In the current financial year, a groupwide survey of accidentrates in the workplace was undertaken for the first time. Thisrecorded 36 accidents that resulted in employees being unableto continue working. As expected, this rate is very low in relationto the total workforce of 3,428 (headcount as of March 31,2006) and is a reflection of the low risk profile enjoyed by thehearing instrument industry. Those accidents reported were investigated;suggestions for improvements will be circulatedto all Group companies. Viewed as a whole, the level of workaccidents as a percentage of total reported accidents that ledto work incapacity is almost negligible. Most of the accidentsthat happened to staff occurred during their free time or ontheir way to work, not actually at work. For the next financialyear the Phonak Group plans to introduce accident preventionmeasures that exceed those for security at the workplace.Phonak’s unique corporate culture makes it an exceptionallyattractive employer. We are able to attract skilled employeesfrom very diverse backgrounds thanks to a dynamic work environment,challenging tasks, performance-based management style,flat hierarchical structures, and open communication, relaxedbut courteous staff relations, and the fact that the hearinginstrument business plays an important social role and hasa secure future. To ensure that our staff participate in thecompany’s long-term financial success, we have set up variousemployee share option programs. Over 750 employees alreadyown shares in Phonak through these schemes.Sustainability37

Our customers buy a better quality of lifeOur approach is not technology for its own sake. Instead,we constantly strive for technological innovations, which cansolve everyday problems of people suffering from hearingimpairment. For over 40 years now, Phonak has been committedto providing high-tech solutions for hearing-impaired people,thereby restoring some of their quality of life. In the case ofchildren, Phonak’s products give them access to the wealth ofsounds, thereby helping them to develop the auditory skills theyneed to build their future. Furthermore, Phonak is a pioneer inthe field of high-power amplification for people with severehearing impairment.Phonak drives innovation and has set the standards withinthe hearing instrument industry for many decades. Savia,Phonak’s revolutionary hearing system in the digital premiumsegment, has established itself as the benchmark product inthe hearing instrument industry. Savia incorporates many “worldfirsts”like Real Ear Sound or EchoBlock, advanced functionswhich deliver unmatched hearing performance and provide aneffortless and natural hearing experience. In the other pricesegments, Phonak now also offers eXtra and Eleva (both launchedduring 2005/06), two hearing systems that boast the excellentsound quality and basic functionality provided by the PALIO platform.Another milestone in 2006/07 was the market launch ofmicroPower and Verve. With microPower, the advantages ofmicro hearing systems – comfort and cosmetic appeal – are forthe first time available to people with severe hearing impairment.Verve is in a class of its own – both in terms of technology andits comprehensive service package – and has carved out its ownsegment that is positioned above the digital premium segment.Investment in training and continuing educationLast year, Phonak continued to invest heavily in the educationof hearing care professionals and presented the latest scientificresearch and product innovations to a broad audience. As wellas holding conferences, the company also created a uniqueweb-based interactive learning platform. With innovation cyclesbecoming increasingly shorter and the number of hearing systemfunctions steadily growing, our employees and distributionpartners worldwide need to spend more time on training andcontinuing education. To ensure that users are able to fully benefitfrom the exceptional performance offered by our products,we need to ensure a high standard of education and trainingacross the entire value chain. With the help of the new interactivelearning platform, we can train our global workforce quicklyand efficiently while at the same time addressing our clientsdirectly. Leading scientists are already giving presentations onthis platform and recorded product presentations can be downloadedfrom anywhere in the world. One positive consequenceof this platform is that it reduces the amount of travel, therebybenefiting the environment.During the last financial year, Phonak once again organizedseveral highly regarded conferences on different topics inaudiology. Over 350 experts from 34 different countries attendedour Second European Conference for Pediatric Audiology inAmsterdam, the Netherlands, in October 2005. Here, internationallyrenowned specialists were able to share their knowledgewith audiologists and pediatric experts. Topics included otitismedia, causes of hearing impairment, environmental considerations,and current issues concerning the provision of hearinginstruments for infants.For November 2006 Phonak is planning an internationalconference in Chicago on the topic “Challenges associated withhearing care for the adult population”. An international teamof around 30 leading international experts will present the latestresearch findings. The scientific presentations are backed up bypractical information that is useful for everyday work.Recognizing that today’s hearing instruments may still beimproved to rival the hearing abilities of the human ear in allhearing situations, Phonak continuously pursues the development38 Sustainability

Our customers buy a better quality of lifeOur approach is not technology for its own sake. Instead,we constantly strive for technological innovations, which cansolve everyday problems of people suffering from hearingimpairment. For over 40 years now, Phonak has been committedto providing high-tech solutions for hearing-impaired people,thereby restoring some of their quality of life. In the case ofchildren, Phonak’s products give them access to the wealth ofsounds, thereby helping them to develop the auditory skills theyneed to build their future. Furthermore, Phonak is a pioneer inthe field of high-power amplification for people with severehearing impairment.Phonak drives innovation and has set the standards withinthe hearing instrument industry for many decades. Savia,Phonak’s revolutionary hearing system in the digital premiumsegment, has established itself as the benchmark product inthe hearing instrument industry. Savia incorporates many “worldfirsts”like Real Ear Sound or EchoBlock, advanced functionswhich deliver unmatched hearing performance and provide aneffortless and natural hearing experience. In the other pricesegments, Phonak now also offers eXtra and Eleva (both launchedduring <strong>2005</strong>/<strong>06</strong>), two hearing systems that boast the excellentsound quality and basic functionality provided by the PALIO platform.Another milestone in 20<strong>06</strong>/07 was the market launch ofmicroPower and Verve. With microPower, the advantages ofmicro hearing systems – comfort and cosmetic appeal – are forthe first time available to people with severe hearing impairment.Verve is in a class of its own – both in terms of technology andits comprehensive service package – and has carved out its ownsegment that is positioned above the digital premium segment.Investment in training and continuing educationLast year, Phonak continued to invest heavily in the educationof hearing care professionals and presented the latest scientificresearch and product innovations to a broad audience. As wellas holding conferences, the company also created a uniqueweb-based interactive learning platform. With innovation cyclesbecoming increasingly shorter and the number of hearing systemfunctions steadily growing, our employees and distributionpartners worldwide need to spend more time on training andcontinuing education. To ensure that users are able to fully benefitfrom the exceptional performance offered by our products,we need to ensure a high standard of education and trainingacross the entire value chain. With the help of the new interactivelearning platform, we can train our global workforce quicklyand efficiently while at the same time addressing our clientsdirectly. Leading scientists are already giving presentations onthis platform and recorded product presentations can be downloadedfrom anywhere in the world. One positive consequenceof this platform is that it reduces the amount of travel, therebybenefiting the environment.During the last financial year, Phonak once again organizedseveral highly regarded conferences on different topics inaudiology. Over 350 experts from 34 different countries attendedour Second European Conference for Pediatric Audiology inAmsterdam, the Netherlands, in October <strong>2005</strong>. Here, internationallyrenowned specialists were able to share their knowledgewith audiologists and pediatric experts. Topics included otitismedia, causes of hearing impairment, environmental considerations,and current issues concerning the provision of hearinginstruments for infants.For November 20<strong>06</strong> Phonak is planning an internationalconference in Chicago on the topic “Challenges associated withhearing care for the adult population”. An international teamof around 30 leading international experts will present the latestresearch findings. The scientific presentations are backed up bypractical information that is useful for everyday work.Recognizing that today’s hearing instruments may still beimproved to rival the hearing abilities of the human ear in allhearing situations, Phonak continuously pursues the development38 Sustainability

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