booking request form 2013/14 season msc sinfonia ... - Huisgenoot

booking request form 2013/14 season msc sinfonia ... - Huisgenoot

booking request form 2013/14 season msc sinfonia ... - Huisgenoot

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BOOKING REQUEST FORM <strong>2013</strong>/1/<strong>14</strong> SEASON MSC SINFONIA/OPERAONE BOOKING FORM PER CABIN Please complete & sign this <strong>form</strong> in blockletters and initial the terms & conditions fax back along with copies of your passport.Megatrav Fax (011) 886-9548 Tel (011) 886-9545Please visit www.<strong>msc</strong>scruises.co.za for more in<strong>form</strong>ation about your cruiseIndicate with a cross which ship you wish to bookDEPARTURE DATE REQUESTEDMSC SinfoniaCATEGORY OF CABINMSC OperaIndicate dinner sitting preferred with a cross 18h30 20h45 Your preferencepreference will be noted. . Seating S <strong>request</strong>s cannot be confirmed.Documents will be issued as per in<strong>form</strong>ation advised. . Incorrect in<strong>form</strong>ation will result in additional cost for your accountSurname as per passportFirst (as per passport)Title: Mr/Mrs/ MsID NumberDate of BirthPassport No.NationalityExpiry DateLead Name Passenger 2 Passenger 3 Passenger 4DD/MM/YYDD/MM/YYDD/MM/YYDD/MM/YYDD/MM/YYDD/MM/YYDD/MM/YYDD/MM/YYI require transfers from Durban airport / Durban harbour @ R 120 per person per way YES NOPostal addressCell No: Work Tel: Home Tel:E-mail:Fax No:Postal CodeEMERGENCY CONTACT (Person not travelling) Name: Cell No:NOTE: Passengers over 70 years require a doctor’s certificate of fitness to travel. MSC Cruises cannot accept passengers beyond 23 weekspregnancy.Mandatory Insurance Cover: Hollard Travel Insurance is underwritten by the Hollard Insurance Company, an authorised financial servicesprovider and managed by Oojah Travel Protection, an authorised financial services provider.SCHEDULE OF BENEFITSBenefitsCruise 8 Days or LessCruises 9 days + all Madagascar cruisesMedical & Related Expenses R750,000 R5,000,000Personal Accident R 50,000 R50,000Cancellation & Curtailment (Excess R500) R10,000 R15,000Baggage Loss (Excess R500) R10,000 R15,000Your policy contains restrictions regarding age limits, personal possessions, pregnancy and pre-existing medical conditions. General AdviceWarning: the above schedule of benefits is a summary of the terms, conditions and exclusions. MSC Cruises may provide you with in<strong>form</strong>ation only,but cannot advise you on whether the terms are specifically appropriate for your individual situation or needs. We recommend that you carefullyread the Policy Wording at the time of making your <strong>booking</strong>. Please contact Hollard Travel Insurance should you require any advice on the coverprovided: (011) 351 4532 (office hours). A copy of the Policy Wording can also be downloaded from the MSC Cruises website: www.<strong>msc</strong>cruises.co.zaI am aware that valid passports, visas, ID documents and health documents are required and that the obtaining of these documents is myresponsibility. I confirm that I am authorized to sign this Booking Form for all of the above mentioned persons and that on behalf of allpersons named above I have read, understood and agree to the Booking Terms & Conditions; Contract of Carriage and the Cruise FAQ’swhich together <strong>form</strong> the Standard Terms and Conditions and are available to view on www.<strong>msc</strong>cruises.co.zaName: Signature: Date:N.B. ALL PRICES QUOTED AS PER MSC CRUISE BROCHURE ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE PRIOR TO DEPARTURE DUE TO CURRENCYFLUCTUATIONS AND ANY INCREASE IN FUEL COSTS WHICH WILL ATTRACT SURCHARGES LEVIED AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF THE CARRIERPage 1 of 2

TERMS & CONDITIONS OF BOOKING MEGATRAV cc(Hereinafter referred to as “Travel Club”)RESERVATIONS AND PAYMENTA completed <strong>booking</strong> <strong>form</strong> and non-refundable deposit is required to confirm areservation. (The amount of the deposit is dependent on the holiday booked). Thebalance owing must be paid by the date stipulated on your confirmation but not lessthan six weeks prior to departure. The Travel Club reserves the right to cancel anyreservation in respect of payments not received timeously. Prices are quoted at theruling daily exchange rate. Until full payment has been made, we reserve the right tocharge any variations to the passenger’s account. The onus will be on the passengersto check that there have been no changes in price prior to making final payment.The Travel Club guarantees the price of land arrangements once full payment isreceived. Airfares are subject to the prices and conditions of the airlines and cannotbe guaranteed. Special <strong>request</strong>s must be made at time of <strong>booking</strong>. The Travel Clubwill communicate special <strong>request</strong>s to suppliers but cannot guarantee that such<strong>request</strong>s will be met. In the event of any reservation being completed less than 20days prior to the date of departure, the Travel Club will be entitled to levy a late<strong>booking</strong> fee and reserves the right to levy a fee for extra communication expenses.METHOD OF PAYMENTThe Travel Club will only accept payment by EFT or cashCANCELLATION AND AMENDMENTSThe Travel Club reserves the right to cancel any tour at any time prior to departure,in which event all payments will be refunded as full and final settlement of all furtherliability of whatsoever nature, howsoever arising, which may arise as a result of suchcancellation. In the event of passengers cancelling their reservations such cancellationmust be made in writing and notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained inthese <strong>booking</strong> conditions. The Travel Club reserves the right to claim a cancellationfee of up to 100% of the total package price as a pre-estimation of damages. TheTravel Clubs use a large number of suppliers it is not possible to list all theiramendment and/or cancellation charges. Accordingly, amendments to confirmedreservations at any time prior to departure will be made subject to the conditions thatthe customer is liable for all additional costs of whatsoever nature arising therefrom.The customer will also be liable for a R600 administration fee payable to the TravelClub in respect of each such amendment and / or cancellation.UNSCHEDULED EXTENSIONSIn the unlikely event of there being an unscheduled extension to the holiday causedby flight delays, bad weather, strikes or any other cause which is beyond the controlof the Travel Club, it is understood that the expenses relating to these unscheduledextensions, (hotel accommodation etc.), will be for the account of the passenger. TheTravel Club accepts no liability for changes, omissions or delays before or during thecourse of any published tour occasioned by technical difficulties, weather conditions,strikes or communication breakdownsREFUNDS AND UNUSED SERVICESNo refunds will be made for no-shows or any unused services.BREAKAWAYS FOLLOWING DEPARTUREWhile it is possible for the passenger to break away from planned holiday itineraries,after departure it is understood that extra expenses incurred as a result of such abreakaway will be for the passenger’s account and any unused service will not berefunded. Amendments and cancellations en route must be made with our operatorsdirectly.TRAVEL DOCUMENTSDocuments (vouchers, itineraries, etc.) are only prepared on receipt of full paymentof the package price, signed conditions of contract (i.e. our <strong>booking</strong> <strong>form</strong>) and ticketcopies (if <strong>request</strong>ed). Documents will only be issued after full and final payment.Passengers will be timeously advised of collection date.PASSPORTS, VISAS, VACCINATIONS AND INOCULATIONSThe responsibility to obtain proper, current and valid passports, visas, vaccinations,inoculations and the like, where required, is that of the customer alone. Thecompany shall not be responsible or liable for any consequence of any nature arisingfrom the customer failing to ensure that he/she has complied with all suchrequirements.RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITYThe Travel Club acts as agents only for local and international ground operators andairlines and accordingly accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss, damage, injury,accident, delay or any other irregularity howsoever arising. The Travel Club makesevery effort to ensure that all the arrangements and services connected with apassengers itinerary will be carried out as specified and/or in the most efficient andeffective way possible. However, we do not have direct control over the provision ofservices by suppliers and, whilst they are in all cases selected with the utmost care, wedo not accept liability for error and omissions of such suppliers Please be aware thathotels undergo renovations for time to time. Hotels take all possible steps to limitdisruption to their guests. We will not entertain complaints, or <strong>request</strong>s for refunds, ifa hotel in carrying our renovations whilst a guest is resident. If we are specificallyadvised of renovation work, dates may be provided but it is important to rememberthat these are subject to change and we are not always notified. We will not,therefore, be held accountable for complaints concerning renovations that extendbeyond the date originally specified. The onus is on the passenger to ensure that alltheir travel documents are in order.INSURANCEInsurance against cancellation and illness and for loss of baggage is highlyrecommended for all passengers travelling. On certain tours the Travel Club hasincluded insurance in the mandatory costs; where there is an option to purchasetravel insurance, the Travel Club will offer travel insurance should this not bepurchased, the Travel Club will require an indemnity <strong>form</strong> to be completed andreturned to the Travel Club before final documents can be released.ITINERARY VARIATIONSWhile every effort is made to keep to all confirmed itineraries, we reserve the right tomake changes for your convenience. Because we plan arrangements in advance anddo not own or control the airlines, hotels and/or other supplier companies who willprovide passenger holiday components, changes and even cancellations canoccasionally become necessary. In the event that the hotel accommodation,excursion, service, flight, etc. has been properly confirmed by the Travel Club, andnot withstanding this, is unavailable for any reason whatsoever, the Travel Club doesnot accept any liability.JURISDICTION OF THE MAGISTRATE’S COURTThe Travel Club shall be entitled, at its option to institute any legal proceedingsarising out of or in connection with this contract in any Magistrate’s Court havingjurisdiction in terms of Section 29 of the Magistrate’s Court Act No 32/1944 asamended, notwithstanding that the amount in issue may exceed the limits of suchjurisdiction.GENERALThis document together with Travel Club standard <strong>booking</strong> <strong>form</strong> and the TravelClub’s confirmation constitutes the sole record of the agreement between the parties.No party shall be bound by any representation, warranty, and promise of the like notrecorded herein. No addition to the Travel Club standard <strong>booking</strong> conditions shallbe of any force or effect unless in writing and signed by or on behalf of the parties.No indulgence which the Travel Club, (“the grantor”), may grant to the passenger(“the grantee”), shall constitute a waiver of any of the rights of the grantor, who shallnot thereby be precluded from exercising any rights against the grantee which mayhave arisen in the past or which might arise in the future. All costs anddisbursements, including legal costs on the attorney and client scale incurred by theTravel Club in recovering any damages and payments payable by the passenger to theTravel Club shall be for the passengers’ account. This agreement shall in all respectsbe governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of SouthAfrica. The passenger hereby consents to the jurisdiction of the Magistrates Courthaving jurisdiction over its person in respect of all proceedings in connection withthis agreement. The parties hereby respectively choose domicilium citandi etexecutandi for all notices and processes to be given and served in pursuance of thisagreement at their respective addresses as given on the Travel Clubs' standard<strong>booking</strong> <strong>form</strong>. Either party may change its domicilium by written notice deliveredby hand or sent by prepaid registered post to the other party. In this agreement anexpression which denotes a gender includes the other genders, a natural personincludes an artificial person and vice versa, the singular includes the plural and viceversa.Page 2 of 2

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