MontageTM PCR Centrifugal Filter Devices - Carl Roth

MontageTM PCR Centrifugal Filter Devices - Carl Roth

MontageTM PCR Centrifugal Filter Devices - Carl Roth


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5. Remove assembly from centrifuge. Separate vial from sample reservoir. Save filtrate untilsample has been analyzed.To recover the purified DNA:6. Place sample reservoir upright into a clean vial and add 20 µl distilled water or TE buffercarefully to the purple end of the reservoir. (Avoid touching the membrane surface).7. Invert the reservoir into a clean vial and spin at 1000 × g for 2 minutes.PerformanceTests using Montage <strong>PCR</strong> <strong>Centrifugal</strong> <strong>Filter</strong> <strong>Devices</strong> have characterized flow rate, retention andrecovery for a range of <strong>PCR</strong> fragment sizes. Typical recovery of <strong>PCR</strong> products approaches 90 %.Actual performance, however, depends upon the nature of the specific solute under study.The centrifugal forces presented here are measured at the base of the filtrate cup. Calculatecentrifugal force using this formula:RCF = 1.118 × 10 -6 × radius × (RPM) 2radius = distance in millimeters from center of rotation to base of filtrate vialFlow RateFactors affecting flow rate include solute type and concentration, relative centrifugal force, angle ofcentrifuge rotor, and temperature.Specifications- Maximum initial sample volume: 500 µL (0.5 ml)- Typical final concentrate volume: 18-20 µl- Maximum relative centrifugal force:- For concentration — 1000 × g- For recovery — 1000 × g3

- Active membrane surface area: 0.32 cm 2- Hold-up volume: 10 µl (unrecoverable volume trapped beneath membrane)- Diameter: 12.3 mm- Length, concentration mode: 45.0 mm (includes concentrator in capped filtrate vial)- Length, recovery mode: 48.2 mm (includes concentrator and retentate vial)Materials of ConstructionSample reservoir: polycarbonateMembrane support base: acetalFiltrate/retentate vial: polypropyleneO-ring: medical-grade silicone rubberOrdering InformationThis section lists the catalogue numbers for Montage <strong>Centrifugal</strong> <strong>Filter</strong> <strong>Devices</strong>. See the TechnicalAssistance section for information about contacting Millipore.Description Catalogue No. Qty.Montage <strong>PCR</strong> UFC7 <strong>PCR</strong> 50 50/pkMontage <strong>PCR</strong> UFC7 PC2 50 250/pkArt.No. AE94.2Art.No. AE94.1Technical AssistanceFor more information, contact the Millipore office nearest you. In the U.S., call 1-800-MILLIPORE(1-800-645-5476). Outside the U.S., see your Millipore catalogue for the phone numberof the office nearest you or go to our web site at www.millipore.com/officesfor up-to-date worldwide contact information. You can also visit the tech service page on our web siteat www.millipore.com/techservice.Standard WarrantyMillipore Corporation (“Millipore”) warrants its products will meet their applicable publishedspecifications when used in accordance with their applicable instructions for a period of one year fromshipment of the products. MILLIPORE MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESSED ORIMPLIED. THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE. The warranty provided herein and the data, specifications and descriptions of Milliporeproducts appearing in Millipore's published catalogues and product literature may not be alteredexcept by express written agreement signed by an officer of Millipore. Representations, oral or written,which are inconsistent with this warranty or such publications are not authorized and if given, shouldnot be relied upon. In the event of a breach of the foregoing warranty, Millipore's sole obligation shallbe to repair or replace, at its option, the applicable product or part thereof, provided the customernotifies Millipore promptly of any such breach. If after exercising reasonable efforts, Millipore is unableto repair or replace the product or part, then Millipore shall refund to the customer all monies paid forsuch applicable product or part. MILLIPORE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL,INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR ANY OTHER INDIRECT DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ECONOMICLOSS OR PROPERTY DAMAGE SUSTAINED BY ANY CUSTOMER FROM THE USE OF ITSPRODUCTS.<strong>Carl</strong> <strong>Roth</strong> GmbH + Co. KGSchoemperlenstraße 3-576185 KarlsruhePostfach 10012176231 KarlsruheTelefon: +49 (0) 721/ 5606-0Telefax: +49 (0) 721/ 5606-149E-mail: info@carlroth.deInternet: www.carlroth.degk 10/20064

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