Utility bill - Homewood City Schools

Utility bill - Homewood City Schools

Utility bill - Homewood City Schools


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Wise Owl*live and learn the Shades Cahaba wayWelcome Parents & Students!welcome back to school for the 2012-2013 school year!One of the things Shades Cahaba Elementary School is known for is ourcharacter education program. A unique thing about our program is the sixthtenet of The Shades Cahaba Way, our list of school rules. “Have fun…..life is agift.” Rarely do you see a school intentionally list “having fun” as a school rule.To teach children that learning, and all that comes with it – wonder, curiosity,creativity, exploration, discovery – can be a life-long pleasure is certainly agift to them. Capable and responsible people who make a difference in ourworld are joyful folks. We wish for each of our Shades Cahaba children toexperience the joy in life and the fun of learning. Perhaps that is one reasonwhy we were awarded the 2012 National <strong>Schools</strong> of Character Award this lastMay, one of twenty-four schools in the nation. It is an honor to be recognizedfor efforts of teaching children how to live responsibly, successfully, andjoyfully. Join us in “having fun” this year as we learn and live together!Sincerely,Sue GroganShades Cahaba Elementary PrincipalAs the new school year approaches,please welcome our new employeeswho will be joining us this year.DeShaundra Johnson-Enrichment: Ms. Johnsonhas been with <strong>Homewood</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> for 8 years as a4th grade teacher at Hall Kent Elementary School. Shehas a history of wonderful instruction that is challengingand rigorous.Marea Ennis-Counselor: Mrs. Ennis taught 2ndgrade for 5 years with us before returning to schoolfor graduate work. It is great to have her back at SCEand in the role of counselor.Lauren Luckie-PE Aide: Ms. Luckie has movedto Birmingham from Auburn where she worked as anassistant in an elementary school physical educationprogram. She will be working with Coach Christian asour PE Aide.Robert Burgins & Cheryl Polk-Custodial Staff:They bring enthusiasm and pride of providing a safeand clean environment for us each day.*Amy letson - 4th Gradewww.homewood.k12.al.us/shadescahabaAlong with thesenew teachers, weare pleased to have anumber of changeswithin the staff.Stefanie Fort - 5th GradeGenie Christian - P.E. TeacherSummer 2012check outour SCEpto websitewww.homewood.k12.al.us/sces/ParentResources/PTODON’T FORGETYOUR JULYUTILITY BILLPLEASE BRING YOUR JULY UTILITY BILLFROM ALABAMA POWER or ALABAMAGAS TO THE SHADES CAHABA OFFICETO COMPLETE THE REGISTRATION OFYOUR CHILD. THE BILL IS NEEDED BY3 P.M. ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 10TH INORDER TO ASSIGN YOUR CHILD TO ACLASS BY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15TH.August CalendarFirst PTO Meeting. In the Library14 from 6-7 p.m. Childcare provided.Class Lists Posted in class windows on15 the Gran Avenue side of school. Don’tforget your money...the NOLA Shaved Ice truckwill be there, too. 3 p.m.Kindergarten Popsicle Party.15 Shades Cahaba Playground. 6-7 p.m.Kindergarten Orientation followed16 by Supply Pick-up. 1-2 p.m.1st-5th Graders: Meet the Teacher16 2-4 p.m. Supply Pick-up 2:30-5 p.m.FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!20 Remember, 1st bell is at 7:50 a.m.New SCE Family Dinner. Welcome new21 SCE families of 1st-5th graders to ourschool family. Meet at the SCE Playground. 6-7 p.m.Room Parent Meeting. Parents to22 meet in the lunchroom. 9:30 a.m.Parent Night. Parents to meet in the27 gym. 6:00-7:30 p.m.PTO Luncheon. Jennifer Andress’ house.30 421 Windsor Drive. 12:00 p.m.

ShadesCahabaPTOHello! My name is JenniferAndress, and I am excited to serveas your PTO President for thisyear. I have been a ShadesCahaba parent for four years: myhusband, Keith, and I have a fourthgrader, John, and a second grader,Will. I have served the PTO in the pastfew years as a Room Parent, as RoomParent Co-Chair for two years, and asWinter Festival Corporate Sponsor Chairfor three years. I have loved serving the schoolin these capacities and look forward to workingwith all of you for a productive and fun year.How can you get involved in serving yourchild’s school? There are many areas in which weneed your help! All of our teachers need 2 roomparents to help coordinate classroom activitiesand field trips. Our Winter Festival is our annualHello fromthe PTO President!fundraiser; it is a special time that our school comestogether for fun, but also how we raise the fundsthat allow us to assist Shades Cahaba’s staffand students throughout each schoolyear. We need you to help make it asuccess! Finally, we have many otherevents throughout the year. Stop bythe PTO table in the gymnasium onSupply Day to learn about all we do,and how you can get involved!Thank you in advance, and Ilook forward to speaking with you at SupplyDay. I am always available to hear your ideas!Welcome!Jennifer AndressShades Cahaba PTO Presidentandressk@bellsouth.net585.5239Check out our newPTO websitePlease visit the PTO website atwww.homewood.k12.al.us/sces/ParentResources/PTO. Here youcan sign up to receive PTO emailsand learn more about what isgoing on!First PTO MeetingPlease plan on attending the firstSCE PTO meeting of the year onAugust 14th at 6:00 p.m. in thelibrary. Mrs. Grogan will previewthe start of the school year for us.Childcare will be provided.PTO LuncheonYou are invited to a WelcomeLuncheon at the home of PTOPresident, Jennifer Andress at421 Windsor Drive. The date isThursday, August 30th at 12:00.Bring a dish to share!**we’ve got a*new way atSupply DayPay for everythingin lunchroom...then pickup in gymThursday, Aug. 16thSCHEDULE:Kindergarten Orientation1:00 - 2:00Kindergarten Supply Day2:00-2:30Meet the Teachers (grades 1st-5th)2:00 - 4:00Supply Day: grades 1st-5th(recommended times:)Last name A-L: 2:30 - 3:30Last name M-Z: 3:30 - 4:30All students: 4:30 - 5:00SORRY...there is no childcareprovided during Supply Day

***stEp#1:LOBBY1SCESpirit Wearstop by the lobby and pick up a supply and apparelforM and browse through the great selection of SCE Spirit Wear.Make your selections and fill out that part of the order form. *You willneed a separate form for each child. No payments will be made in the Lobby.stEp#2:Lunchroom2LunchAccountsAt this stop, find outyour student’s lunch number, thelunchroom procedures and depositmoney in your student’s lunchroomaccount. *Lunch account requires aseparate check made out to SCCNP.One check for all kids in one family.3CashierFill out a Supply Day form(1 per child) and presentit to the Cashier. Here, you can payfor Supply Kits, Nap Mats, SpiritWear and Yearbooks. *Each childrequires a separate Supply Day form.Separate check written for each child.Checks made out to Shades CahabaElementary.Nap Mats: 5K students will haverest time during the school day. Inthe Gym, they will be able to selecttheir very own nap mat. Nap matsare $20.4EDP*Everythingwill be paidfor in thelunchroomSupply Kits * Nap Mats * Yearbooks * Spirit Wear * Lunch* * * * * * * * * * *cash & check only!No credit cards will be accepted.Please bring a separate checkfor each student.Supply Kit Prices:K $ 271st $ 272nd $ 253rd $ 294th $ 285th $ 32Yearbooks: Yearbooks areavailable for purchase for $20for Kindergarten - 4th gradestudents. All 5th grade studentswill receive a free yearbook asa gift from the PTO.The Extended Day Program is in place for those families that needsupervised after-school care for their students. Please stop by theEDP area to meet the director of EDP, have your questions answered andregister for this quality program. *This account will require a separate checkto Shades Cahaba EDP. One check for all kids in one family.stEp#3:gym5PTOPlease stop by and volunteer for anyof our special events and activitiesthroughout the year!PTO Opportunites: At this table, PTOrepresentatives can help answer any questionsregarding the SCE PTO.Room Parent: Your time and talents areneeded this year as a Room Parent. Find outmore about this fulfilling way to volunteer inyour child’s classroom. Don’t forget to sign up!Winter Festival: It’s never too early togear up for Shades Cahaba’s only fundraiser ofthe year, Winter Festival. This year’s event willbe Feb. 23, 2013!! Stop by our table for moreinformation and look for ways to get involvedand volunteer during this exciting event.Owl Prowl: You can visit this tableand sign up to volunteer during the OwlProwl (SCE’s annual fun run will be Sunday,Oct. 28 at 2 p.m.) and you can also registerto be a participant!6GirlScoutsStop by the Girl Scout table in the gymto find out how you and your daughtercan get involved in Daisy Scouts (K-1st grade),Brownie Scouts (2nd-3rd grade), and JuniorGirl Scouts (4th-5th grade). Troop leaders areneeded to help the SCE Girl Scout Program grow!7CubScoutsCalling all Scouts! All boys (1st – 5th) arewelcome to sign up to be a member ofPack 95! Visit Pack 95’s table at supply day andfind out about all the fun and exciting things thathappen in Cub Scouts!8SupplyKit Pick-upYOUR LAST STOP! Pick up all of thenecessary materials for each student(depending on their grade) in one fell swoop!These pre-assembled kits include all thematerials that your student will need throughoutthe school year. * Supply Kit’s & Nap matscannot be paid for in the gym.

* * *Wise Owl ReturnService RequestedShades Cahaba Elementary School3001 Independence Drive<strong>Homewood</strong>, AL 35209Need after school care?Try our Extended Day Program. TheExtended Day Program (EDP) is a service provided forchildren who may need after-school care. A variety ofsupervised activities, including a healthy snack, are offeredon campus. Also available are study halls for homework,games, sports, and arts and crafts. EDP begins after schooland you may pick up your child anytime until 6:00 p.m.Please go to the EDP area for information and registration,or contact Melinda Hollingsworth, the EDP director, atmhollingsworth@homewood.k12.al.us.SCE Teachers NEED YOU!Your time and talents are needed this year asa Room Parent. Each classroom has two lead parents/guardianswho act as Room Parents for the year. Room Parents’ responsibilities arecoordinating multiple activities with the help of your classroom’s teacherand other parent volunteers. If you are interested in finding out what a roomparents responsibilities are, please refer to the PTO tab on the SCE website.Reynolds Harper: reynoldsharper@charter.net 870.1189Catherine Johnson: catjohnson0563@charter.net 427.0563We asked future SCE Kindergartners...“What is the most exciting thing aboutbecoming a new Shades Cahaba student?”ahmir knight“I want to go to ShadesCahaba to be with mybig brother, Isaiah.”Margot brandrupI’m not sure but I’mthinking something aboutrecess and art class.Haines Durkin“I’m excited to sing and playinstruments in Mrs. Pepper’sclass and seeing my big brothers,Reilly and Dobbs, at school!Josie Davis“I want to go to ‘Big GirlSchool’ and be with mybig brother, Jared.”Foster Laird“FINALLY going to schoolwith my brother, Andrew!”Katharine Fitts“I want to do ‘art’ inelementary school & I willfinally be in school with mybig brother, Judson!.”

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