Ms. Maria Saifuddin Effendi Assistant Professor February 2009 Ms ...

Ms. Maria Saifuddin Effendi Assistant Professor February 2009 Ms ... Ms. Maria Saifuddin Effendi Assistant Professor February 2009 Ms ...


Ms. Maria Saifuddin EffendiAssistant ProfessorFebruary 2009Ms. Maria Saifuddin Effendi is serving as Assistant Professor at the Departmentof Peace and Conflict Studies, Faculty of Contemporary Studies, National DefenceUniversity, Islamabad (Pakistan) since February 2009. She is one of the fewest subjectspecialists of Conflict Resolution in Pakistan and has been working in the field for thepast nine years. Her areas of expertise include; Conflict Resolution Theories and Modelsapplicable for South Asian (Sri Lanka and Kashmir) and Pakistan’s conflicts, PyramidAnalysis, Mutually Hurting Stalemate/Ripeness Model, Interactive Conflict Resolution,Alternative Dispute Resolution and Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Models.Besides teaching at NDU, Ms. Effendi has been involved in curriculum development,Trainers’ Manual development and designing training sessions conducted by Search forCommon Ground (Pakistan chapter of a US based Peacebuilding organization), as aconsultant since September 2010. In March 2011, she has been able to secure consultancyfrom SFCG – Pakistan for PCS-NDU to carry out evaluation and impact of its one yearProject; “Radio for Peacebuilding in Pakistan”. She participated in the project as DirectorOperations.Ms. Effendi completed her specialization from University of Bradford – UK in2009 as Rotary World Peace Fellow 2006-08. She was awarded as the “Youngest PeaceScholar” in 101 years history of Rotary International after obtaining the prestigiousRotary World Peace Fellowship, Rotary Foundation (USA) in 2006. After completion ofthe degree at Bradford, she was selected for another award “Life-time PeaceAmbassador” by Rotary International – USA in recognition to her distinctive credentialsduring the fellowship period. Ms. Effendi has recently been nominated as one of the 40outstanding Peace Fellows who have contributed to the field of Conflict Resolution intheir respective countries, by Rotary International – USA and her success story is in theprocess of publication by the organization (forthcoming in February 2012).

<strong>Ms</strong>. <strong>Maria</strong> <strong>Saifuddin</strong> <strong>Effendi</strong><strong>Assistant</strong> <strong>Professor</strong><strong>February</strong> <strong>2009</strong><strong>Ms</strong>. <strong>Maria</strong> <strong>Saifuddin</strong> <strong>Effendi</strong> is serving as <strong>Assistant</strong> <strong>Professor</strong> at the Departmentof Peace and Conflict Studies, Faculty of Contemporary Studies, National DefenceUniversity, Islamabad (Pakistan) since <strong>February</strong> <strong>2009</strong>. She is one of the fewest subjectspecialists of Conflict Resolution in Pakistan and has been working in the field for thepast nine years. Her areas of expertise include; Conflict Resolution Theories and Modelsapplicable for South Asian (Sri Lanka and Kashmir) and Pakistan’s conflicts, PyramidAnalysis, Mutually Hurting Stalemate/Ripeness Model, Interactive Conflict Resolution,Alternative Dispute Resolution and Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Models.Besides teaching at NDU, <strong>Ms</strong>. <strong>Effendi</strong> has been involved in curriculum development,Trainers’ Manual development and designing training sessions conducted by Search forCommon Ground (Pakistan chapter of a US based Peacebuilding organization), as aconsultant since September 2010. In March 2011, she has been able to secure consultancyfrom SFCG – Pakistan for PCS-NDU to carry out evaluation and impact of its one yearProject; “Radio for Peacebuilding in Pakistan”. She participated in the project as DirectorOperations.<strong>Ms</strong>. <strong>Effendi</strong> completed her specialization from University of Bradford – UK in<strong>2009</strong> as Rotary World Peace Fellow 2006-08. She was awarded as the “Youngest PeaceScholar” in 101 years history of Rotary International after obtaining the prestigiousRotary World Peace Fellowship, Rotary Foundation (USA) in 2006. After completion ofthe degree at Bradford, she was selected for another award “Life-time PeaceAmbassador” by Rotary International – USA in recognition to her distinctive credentialsduring the fellowship period. <strong>Ms</strong>. <strong>Effendi</strong> has recently been nominated as one of the 40outstanding Peace Fellows who have contributed to the field of Conflict Resolution intheir respective countries, by Rotary International – USA and her success story is in theprocess of publication by the organization (forthcoming in <strong>February</strong> 2012).

<strong>Ms</strong>. <strong>Effendi</strong> had completed her first degree (M.A. and BA with Honours in 2002)in International Relations from University of Karachi (Pakistan) and attended severalcertificate courses/ diplomas in Conflict Resolution and Transformation from variouscountries such as Pakistan, Russia, India, Nepal, Sweden, Singapore, Italy, Bangladesh,Norway and UK. She was privileged of being trained in Mediation, ‘Transcend NordicMediation, Conflict Resolution, New Perspectives on Peace Work’ by Dr. Johan Galtung,the pioneer theorist of Conflict Transformation, organized by Transcend Peace Universityin Summer 2007, held in Jondal (Norway). She has been an active participant and speakerfor national and international conferences/workshops on Conflict Resolution andTransformation.Prior to beginning her studies at Bradford, <strong>Ms</strong>. <strong>Effendi</strong> served as ResearchScholar at Institute of Regional Studies (Islamabad), a leading think-tank of Pakistan,from 2002-09. She also served as Researcher at Pakistan Institute of International Affairs,Karachi from January – August 2002. She was recipient of Kodikara Fellowship 2005-06under a one-year project of Regional Center for Strategic Studies (RCSS), Colombo-SriLanka and published her first book titled as “Role of a Third Party in Conflict Resolution:A Case study of India and Norway in Sri Lanka”. In 2004, she was nominated asInternational Research Fellow 2004-07 by International Research Forum on SAARC(IRF-SAARC), Tokyo-Japan. Under the project of IRF-SAARC, she contributed chaptersand edited the volumes on South Asian Politics. In summer 2007, <strong>Ms</strong>. <strong>Effendi</strong> workedwith Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Sweden as VisitingResearch Fellow as part of the Armed Conflict Project and produced a monograph on“Iran Nuclear Crisis and its Implications for Pakistan”.<strong>Ms</strong>. <strong>Effendi</strong> is privileged to serve as a trainer of Negotiations and ConflictResolution in Summer Symposium on “Conflict Resolution, Prevention andReconciliation” at Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies,Bologna in 2010 and 2011. <strong>Ms</strong>. <strong>Effendi</strong> is author of two books and 18 researchpapers/articles, published in journals of international repute. She has recently publishedher second book “Understanding Ripeness in Kashmir: Insights from and Limitations

within the Mutually Hurting Stalemate (MHS) Model” with VDM Publishers, Germanyin March 2011.Courses taught at PCS – NDU (M.Sc Program)• Conflict Analysis and Management• Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding• Confidence Building Measures and Conflict Prevention• Practical Training in Conflict Resolving Techniques (Workshop course).Contact Details<strong>Ms</strong>. <strong>Effendi</strong> can be reached at and mariasaif@yahoo.comHer cell number is: +92-333-3362072Office: 051-9262066 – 68 (Ext: 6024)

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