Exposition Of Pratikramana Stotras

Exposition Of Pratikramana Stotras Exposition Of Pratikramana Stotras

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26 Exposition of Pratikramana StotrasRushabhdeva on Mount Shatrunjaya, Neminätha on MountGirnära, be triumphant! Mahävira Swami who graces SachoraNagar, Munisuvarat Swami in Bharucha and destroyer ofunhappiness and sins Lord Pärshvanätha seated in Muhari village,be triumphant! Other 20 Tirthankaras of 5 Videha kshetra and alsoall the Tirthankaras of all the directions, of past, present and future,I pay my respect. 3bÀ11axY0, bnBb1 zq¹w1 yJjHh

Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras 27Thus maximum of 170 Lord Tirthankaras may exist at the sametime, which can be counted as follows: 5 in 5 Bhärata Kshetras, 5in 5 Airävata Kshetras and 160 in 5 Mahä Videha Kshetras (5 x32=160 territories). In the present era 170 Tirthankaras existed atthe same time during the time of second Tirthankara LordAjitnätha.A minimum of 20 Tirthankaras are present all the time one in eachfour territories of 5 Mahä Videha Kshetra (4x5=20).Jaina scriptures describe two types of souls bhavya (noble), whowill attain liberation in due time and abhavya (unfortunate) soulswho will never attain liberation.It is said that Gautam Swami composed the first two verses of thispoem when he went on pilgrimage to Mount Ashtäpad.According to legend the mountain is named Ashtäpad becausethere are eight steps carved in the mountain to reach the peak. Theheight of each step is one Yojan (one Yojan equals 4 miles).There are 1,529,444,760 images of Jinas in Upper World,13,896,000,000 images in Lower World and 391320 in MiddleWorld in total there are 15,425,836,080.Chaitya Vandan is a spiritual adoration (bhäva puja) symbolizedby hymns of praise (stutis).13. Shri Jamkinchi SutraObject: To pay respect to all the places of pilgrimages located inthe Universe and all the images of Jinas in them.Sutra and Meaning:u02q02t h1’ 2sSd0, bEe6 j1#12z ‘1a4b6 z8

<strong>Exposition</strong> of <strong>Pratikramana</strong> <strong>Stotras</strong> 27Thus maximum of 170 Lord Tirthankaras may exist at the sametime, which can be counted as follows: 5 in 5 Bhärata Kshetras, 5in 5 Airävata Kshetras and 160 in 5 Mahä Videha Kshetras (5 x32=160 territories). In the present era 170 Tirthankaras existed atthe same time during the time of second Tirthankara LordAjitnätha.A minimum of 20 Tirthankaras are present all the time one in eachfour territories of 5 Mahä Videha Kshetra (4x5=20).Jaina scriptures describe two types of souls bhavya (noble), whowill attain liberation in due time and abhavya (unfortunate) soulswho will never attain liberation.It is said that Gautam Swami composed the first two verses of thispoem when he went on pilgrimage to Mount Ashtäpad.According to legend the mountain is named Ashtäpad becausethere are eight steps carved in the mountain to reach the peak. Theheight of each step is one Yojan (one Yojan equals 4 miles).There are 1,529,444,760 images of Jinas in Upper World,13,896,000,000 images in Lower World and 391320 in MiddleWorld in total there are 15,425,836,080.Chaitya Vandan is a spiritual adoration (bhäva puja) symbolizedby hymns of praise (stutis).13. Shri Jamkinchi SutraObject: To pay respect to all the places of pilgrimages located inthe Universe and all the images of Jinas in them.Sutra and Meaning:u02q02t h1’ 2sSd0, bEe6 j1#12z ‘1a4b6 z8

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