Exposition Of Pratikramana Stotras

Exposition Of Pratikramana Stotras Exposition Of Pratikramana Stotras

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24 Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras1. Violation of mind (mano-dushpranidhäna): It means a failureto surrender the mind to meditation. The mind gets distracted as aresult of anger, greed, deceit, pride and envy.2. Violation of Speech (väg-duspranidhäna): Use of harsh,hurtful or indecent words. Mispronounce, misunderstand or recitesutra hesitantly.3. Violation of body (käya-dushpranidhäna): Failure to inspectthe ground or object used while doing sämäyika, for presence ofliving creatures (pratilekhana) and removing such living creatures(pramärjana) by means of a whisk (rajoharana) or with the softflap of a garment.4. Forgetfulness of sämäyika (smrty-akarana): Inability toremember time when sämäyika is to be performed or whether ornot it has been performed.5. Instability in Sämäyika (anavasthita-karana): Failure toobserve the proper formalities in carrying out the sämäyika or togive it up halfway, or to take food immediately after it is finished.12. Jagachintämani Chaityavandan SutraObject: Veneration to all the Jain temples, Jinas‟ images,Tirthankaras (of past, present and future) and their attributes.Sutra and Meaning:YTy1q1\6a b02fbn ;exh¹/ t7S#x0fh q\40? YTy0. ue2t0s1'2a ueh1n,uee4Ê ue\q¹wa, uel0gx uebSdx1n, ue;1x 2x

Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras 25You are the wish-fulfilling gem and master of the noble souls(bhavya means living beings who have potential to liberatethemselves). The preceptors of entire Universe, protectors of sixcategories of living beings, brothers of every soul, guides of peopleseeking liberation, intelligent expounders of six substances ofUniverse. Whose images have been placed on Mount Ashtäpad,destroyers of eight karmas, whose religious order cannot bedestroyed by anyone, such are the 24 triumphant Peacefulliberators (Tirthankaras). 1q@';52'2n0 q@';52'2n0, j]' b0r#2a, KQ8b# bÀ12\b#, 2uax\1a2xn\0s zL;Y, hxq82[2n0 q6x2za, q82[bnBbhx b1n4 e@'Y, b0jY2uax\ x3b'42a 2ln40q82[2n0 x\h1a, b'an q8[3bnBbf4

<strong>Exposition</strong> of <strong>Pratikramana</strong> <strong>Stotras</strong> 25You are the wish-fulfilling gem and master of the noble souls(bhavya means living beings who have potential to liberatethemselves). The preceptors of entire Universe, protectors of sixcategories of living beings, brothers of every soul, guides of peopleseeking liberation, intelligent expounders of six substances ofUniverse. Whose images have been placed on Mount Ashtäpad,destroyers of eight karmas, whose religious order cannot bedestroyed by anyone, such are the 24 triumphant Peacefulliberators (Tirthankaras). 1q@';52'2n0 q@';52'2n0, j]' b0r#2a, KQ8b# bÀ12\b#, 2uax\1a2xn\0s zL;Y, hxq82[2n0 q6x2za, q82[bnBbhx b1n4 e@'Y, b0jY2uax\ x3b'42a 2ln40q82[2n0 x\h1a, b'an q8[3bnBbf4

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