Exposition Of Pratikramana Stotras

Exposition Of Pratikramana Stotras Exposition Of Pratikramana Stotras

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4 Exposition of Pratikramana Stotrassentences in Navakara Mantra. The first seven padas each has aseparate meaning while last two padas together have one meaning,thus for nine padas there are eight meanings (sampada). There are68 whole letters in the original Prakrit version of the NavakaraMantra.These are the five supreme beings (parmeshthis), who are reveredin this Mantra.Arihanta: Siddha is the highest stage of bliss even above the stateof Arihanta but in the Navakara Mantra, obeisance is offered firstto Arihanta because they are perfect worldly souls, builders of theford of righteousness, establishers of the four fold order of theJaina community and they devote their lives in preaching andguiding other living beings to the path of liberation. Lord Arihantahas 12 attributes; which are made up of 8 auspicious symbols(pratihärya) and 4 extra ordinary powers (atishaya).Twelve attributes of Arihanta are as follows:1. Jnänätishaya: Omniscience, the perfect knowledge of past,present and future of the entire Universe at the same time.2. Apäyäpagamätishaya: Lord Arihanta is free from all the faultsand where ever he travels there is absence of all natural calamitiesand diseases within the area of 125 Yojanas (1 Yojana equals 4miles) surrounding him.3. Pujätishaya: All celestial beings and humans either worship orhave desire to worship Lord Arihanta.4. Vachanätishaya: The speech of Lord Arihanta is „The Reality‟itself and well understood by celestial beings, humans and animalsin their own mode of expression (native tongue) and has 35 specialqualities.5. Ashoka Vruksha: Where a divine assembly hall is built, a treecalled Ashoka Vruksha, twelve times larger than the body of LordArihanta, is created by celestial beings. Lord Arihanta delivers hisuniversal sermon sitting under this tree. Over Ashoka Vruksha,there is another tree called Chaitya Vruksha. It is under this

Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras 5Chaitya Vruksha lord Arihanta acquires perfect knowledge(Kevaljnäna).6. Sura-pushpa vrushti: Shower of fragrant flowers by celestialbeings.7. Divya dhvani: The discourse of Lord Arihanta is accompaniedby divine music in the background played by celestial beings.8. Chämara: whisk9. Sinhänsana: A divine golden throne studded with preciousdiamonds10. Bhämandala: Halo behind the head of Tirthankara11.Devadudumbhi: The celestial beings play the musicalinstruments during the samovsharana.12. Chhatra: Divine three-tiered parasol above Tirthankara‟s head.Of the above 12, 1 to 4 is extraordinary powers (atishaya) and 5 to12 are symbols (prätihärya).Siddha: Siddhas are liberated souls and are absolutely free fromthe cycles of birth and death forever. The liberated souls live in anabode called Siddha-shilä located at the top of the universe. LordSiddha has 8 attributes.8 attributes of Siddhas are as follows:1. Ananta-jnäna: Infinite knowledge due to destruction ofknowledge obscuring (jnänävarniya) karma2. Ananta Darshana: Infinite perception due to destruction ofperception obscuring (darshanävarniya) karma.3. Avyäbädha-sukha: Eternal bliss due to destruction of feelingproducing (vedniya) karma.4. Ananta-chäritra: Perfect conduct due to destruction of deluding(mohaniya) karma.5. Akshaya-sthiti: Imperishable state due to destruction of agedetermining (äyu) karma.

<strong>Exposition</strong> of <strong>Pratikramana</strong> <strong>Stotras</strong> 5Chaitya Vruksha lord Arihanta acquires perfect knowledge(Kevaljnäna).6. Sura-pushpa vrushti: Shower of fragrant flowers by celestialbeings.7. Divya dhvani: The discourse of Lord Arihanta is accompaniedby divine music in the background played by celestial beings.8. Chämara: whisk9. Sinhänsana: A divine golden throne studded with preciousdiamonds10. Bhämandala: Halo behind the head of Tirthankara11.Devadudumbhi: The celestial beings play the musicalinstruments during the samovsharana.12. Chhatra: Divine three-tiered parasol above Tirthankara‟s head.<strong>Of</strong> the above 12, 1 to 4 is extraordinary powers (atishaya) and 5 to12 are symbols (prätihärya).Siddha: Siddhas are liberated souls and are absolutely free fromthe cycles of birth and death forever. The liberated souls live in anabode called Siddha-shilä located at the top of the universe. LordSiddha has 8 attributes.8 attributes of Siddhas are as follows:1. Ananta-jnäna: Infinite knowledge due to destruction ofknowledge obscuring (jnänävarniya) karma2. Ananta Darshana: Infinite perception due to destruction ofperception obscuring (darshanävarniya) karma.3. Avyäbädha-sukha: Eternal bliss due to destruction of feelingproducing (vedniya) karma.4. Ananta-chäritra: Perfect conduct due to destruction of deluding(mohaniya) karma.5. Akshaya-sthiti: Imperishable state due to destruction of agedetermining (äyu) karma.

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