Т.А. КАЗАКОВА Практические основы перевода

Т.А. КАЗАКОВА Практические основы перевода

Т.А. КАЗАКОВА Практические основы перевода


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бабушка надвое сказалабить баклушини богу свечка, ни черту кочергаметать громы и молнииморе по коленоон звезд с неба не хватает.Упражнение 5: Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения,включающие фразеологические культуронимы. Прокомментируйте выбранныесоответствия.1. I just want to get the hell out of this black hole of Calcutta.2. Spring has been playing Box and Cox with winter for months past.1453. Perhaps in a society that needs to cling to some remnants of faith, the preachersdwindling and political leaders in goal, the union man must be Simon Pure.4. If we wish to be reminded why Ireland continues to hold John Bull in suchloathing, we should listen.5. Our Austin is a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde, and Dorina is afraid of him.6. And there were three young couples in camp, also a Darby and John.7. Apparently he did not even trouble to acknowledge a very gracious epistle fromRichard giving him the Hobson 's choice of going to the Egypt expedition as secondin-commandor returning to Mysore.8. You can't stay an Uncle Tom when your people are fighting for their rights.9. It looks like we have got another John Doe in this case.Упражнение б: Переведите следующие парафразы и определите исходныеназвания.The Garden State the Rose against the Lily the Lake State the Golden State the City ofSeven Hills the Wise Men of the East the Union Jack колыбель трех революцийтретий Рим the Eternal City the Emerald Isle 146страна фьордов John Doe and Richard Roe Город Желтого Дьявола the CottonState one-armed bandit.Упражнение 7: Сравните английские и русские фразеологизмы, подберите срединих парные и определите сходство и различие в свойствах и функциях.Beat about the bush

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