Т.А. КАЗАКОВА Практические основы перевода

Т.А. КАЗАКОВА Практические основы перевода Т.А. КАЗАКОВА Практические основы перевода

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After only a brief rest they started on their way again. All were eager to get thejourney over as quickly as possible, and were willing, tired as they were, to go onmarching still for several hours. Gandalf walked in front as before. In his left hand heheld up his glimmering staff, the light of which just showed the ground before hisfeet; in his right hand he held his sword Glamdring. Behind him came Gimli, his eyesglinting in the dim light as he turned his head from side to side. Behind the dwarfwalked Frodo, and he had drawn the short sword, Sting. No gleam came from theblades of Sting or of Glamdring; and that was some comfort, for being the work ofElvish smiths in the Elder days these swords shone with a cold light, if any Ores werenear at hand. Behind Frodo went Sam, and after him Legolas, and the young hobbits,and Boromir. In the dark at the rear, grim and silent, walked Aragorn.81Упражнение 5: Найдите в английском тексте транскрипции древнегреческихимен и определите их русские соответствия при переводе. Сопоставьтеанглийский и русский варианты этих имен и прокомментируйте различия.Какие исторические комментарии могут понадобиться для понимания текста?When Schliemann read Homer's description of the Gorgon shield of Agamemnon andwas told that the buckler strap had been decorated with a figure of a three-headedsnake, he accepted all this as gospel truth. The chariots, weapons, and householdarticles portrayed in detail by Homer were for him part and parcel of ancient Greece.Were all these heroes -- Achilles andPatroclus, Hector and ^neas -- and this pageant of friendship, hate, love, and highadventure, nothing but mere invention? Schliemann did not think so; to his mind suchpeople and such scenes had actually existed. He was conscious that all Greekantiquity, including the great historians Herodotus and Thukidides, had accepted theTrojan War as an actual event, and its famous names as historical personages.Упражнение б: Проанализируйте текст и определите в нем термины итерминологические словосочетания. Составьте для текста двуязычныйтерминологический словник, отметив в нем единицы, транскрипция которыхдля данного текста неуместна. Переведите текст.Science often means different things to different people. To many it means bodies ofknowledge about82the physical world grouped under different subjects; to some it means research or thepursuit of truth; to some it means the development of technology intended to benefitmankind; and to others it means finding out, experimenting, measuring. These are alldifferent aspects of science, as the knowledge, experimenting, technology, etc., haveall been produced by what could be called the "processes of science". Environmentalproblems are just one aspect of life to which science can be applied, but they are quiteurgently in need of solution. Some science concepts are particularly relevant in thesolving of environmental issues. Among them are

1. Energy (types of energy, law of conservation of energy, and law of energydegradation);2. Ecosystem (energy flow in ecosystems, law of conservation of matter, nutrientcycling in ecosystems, evolution of ecosystems);f3. Resources (the nature of resources: inexhaustible, renewable, irreplaceable);4. Food (production, nutrition, energy use);5. Pollution (pollutant, threshold, synergy, persistence, biological magnification);6. Human population (growth and control, birth rate, death rate, fertility rate, marriageage, density, and distribution).83Упражнение 7: Переведите текст, обращая особое внимание на переводназваний учреждений и географических точек. Определите, в каких случаяхуместно применить переводческую транскрипцию, а в каких следуетприбегнуть к другим способам.Research Triangle Institute is a not-for-profit contract research corporation located ona 180-acre campus in North Carolina's Triangle Park. RTI is a free-standing corporateentity created in 1958 by joint action of the University of North Carolina at ChapelHill, Duke University, and North Carolina State University. RTFs organisationfacilitates the formation of multidisciplinary teams to address complex research issuesin many scientific, technical, and social subjects.Упражнение 8: Выделите в тексте имена и названия, которые следуетпереводить путем транскрипции. Попробуйте определить, какие единицынуждаются в переводческих комментариях. Переведите текст.The saga of the Northwest Indians probably began millennia ago when huntingfamilies in search of food set out from Siberia, walked across a land bridge, theBering Strait, to a new country that became known as Alaska. Later, many Indiantribes lived south of the Arctic Circle and divided into two distinct language groups:the Algonquians extended eastward to below Hudson Bay, and the Athapascansstayed in Northwest Canada. Gradually, some of each group moved southward.84The Lewis and Clark explorers of 1803 to 1806 probably were the first white men tobe seen by some descendants of those ancient Athapascan tribes. Mainly they lived onthe north side of the Columbia River; on the south side of the river tribes of theSalishan language family located. Salishan Indians derived their name from theSalish, another name for the Flathead tribes of Montana. Among other tribes of thisgroup are Chelan, Okanogan, Wasco, Kwakiutle, Aleut, etc.

After only a brief rest they started on their way again. All were eager to get thejourney over as quickly as possible, and were willing, tired as they were, to go onmarching still for several hours. Gandalf walked in front as before. In his left hand heheld up his glimmering staff, the light of which just showed the ground before hisfeet; in his right hand he held his sword Glamdring. Behind him came Gimli, his eyesglinting in the dim light as he turned his head from side to side. Behind the dwarfwalked Frodo, and he had drawn the short sword, Sting. No gleam came from theblades of Sting or of Glamdring; and that was some comfort, for being the work ofElvish smiths in the Elder days these swords shone with a cold light, if any Ores werenear at hand. Behind Frodo went Sam, and after him Legolas, and the young hobbits,and Boromir. In the dark at the rear, grim and silent, walked Aragorn.81Упражнение 5: Найдите в английском тексте транскрипции древнегреческихимен и определите их русские соответствия при переводе. Сопоставьтеанглийский и русский варианты этих имен и прокомментируйте различия.Какие исторические комментарии могут понадобиться для понимания текста?When Schliemann read Homer's description of the Gorgon shield of Agamemnon andwas told that the buckler strap had been decorated with a figure of a three-headedsnake, he accepted all this as gospel truth. The chariots, weapons, and householdarticles portrayed in detail by Homer were for him part and parcel of ancient Greece.Were all these heroes -- Achilles andPatroclus, Hector and ^neas -- and this pageant of friendship, hate, love, and highadventure, nothing but mere invention? Schliemann did not think so; to his mind suchpeople and such scenes had actually existed. He was conscious that all Greekantiquity, including the great historians Herodotus and Thukidides, had accepted theTrojan War as an actual event, and its famous names as historical personages.Упражнение б: Проанализируйте текст и определите в нем термины итерминологические словосочетания. Составьте для текста двуязычныйтерминологический словник, отметив в нем единицы, транскрипция которыхдля данного текста неуместна. Переведите текст.Science often means different things to different people. To many it means bodies ofknowledge about82the physical world grouped under different subjects; to some it means research or thepursuit of truth; to some it means the development of technology intended to benefitmankind; and to others it means finding out, experimenting, measuring. These are alldifferent aspects of science, as the knowledge, experimenting, technology, etc., haveall been produced by what could be called the "processes of science". Environmentalproblems are just one aspect of life to which science can be applied, but they are quiteurgently in need of solution. Some science concepts are particularly relevant in thesolving of environmental issues. Among them are

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