Т.А. КАЗАКОВА Практические основы перевода

Т.А. КАЗАКОВА Практические основы перевода

Т.А. КАЗАКОВА Практические основы перевода


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3. Criss-cross about the world he travelled with them, waxing in wickedness like aHogarthian page boy.4. She was entrancing, with that fragile beauty which in extreme youth sings out forlove and withers at the first cold wind.5. I went there full of curiosity and the faint, unrecognised apprehension that here, atlast, I should find that low door in the wall, which opened on an enclosed andenchanted garden, which was somewhere, not overlooked by any window, in the heartof that grey city.6. Long hours of work in her youth, authority in middle life, repose and security in herage, had set their stamp on her lined and serene face.7. Here was planted the seed of what would become his life's harvest.8. A nightmare distorted the images of the evening into horrific shapes.9. Everything was black and dead-still in the quadrangle; only at the quarter-hours thebells awoke and sang over the gables.10. He could tell her nothing new of the wonders of his presentation and knighthood;and his civilities were worn out like his information.249Упражнение 3: Следующий текст представляет собой образец ораторскогоискусства американских индейцев и построен на развернутой метафоре.Определите совокупность приемов для представления метафорических единиц вих соотношении на русском языке и переведите текст.The Great Spirit is in all things; he is in the air we breathe. The Great Spirit is ourFather, but the earth is our Mother. She nourishes us; that which we put into theground she returns to us.The life of an Indian is like the wings of the air. That is why you notice the hawkknows how to get his prey. The Indian is like that. The hawk swoops down on hisprey; so does the Indian. In his lament he is like an animal. For instance, the coyote issly; so is the Indian. The eagle is the same. That is why the Indian is always featheredup; he is a relative to the wings of the air.You have noticed that everything an Indian does is in a circle, and that is because thePower of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round. The skyis round. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nests in circles.Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing. The life of a man is a circlefrom childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where the Power moves.Упражнение 4: Переведите текст на английский язык, обращая внимание навозможность традиционных замен для метафорических единиц.ВАВИЛОНСКОЕ СТОЛПОТВОРЕНИЕ Сначала населяющие землю людиговорили на

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