home automation - Bpt Mitho 3 w 1

home automation - Bpt Mitho 3 w 1

home automation - Bpt Mitho 3 w 1


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<strong>home</strong> <strong>automation</strong>Touch Screen multifunction video terminal

Merging Home Automation withVideo Entry System and Security.<strong>Mitho</strong> is the innovative colour touch screen multipurpose terminal,designed for the management and control of electric <strong>home</strong> <strong>automation</strong>,security and the video entry system. It offers a new user-system interfaceconcept, focusing on simplicity and easy access to the various functionsavailable. The new terminal has lots of new features, including the LCDtouch screen display in 4.3” wide screen 16:9 format. The large displayoffers full screen navigation of the various menus that enhance userinteraction with the system. Menu navigation is simple and intuitive, basedon colour codes that facilitate the association of the functions with thecolours. <strong>Mitho</strong> is a terminal characterised by an original stylistic feature,highlighting the single video component in a geometrically perfect way.ALL- IN- ONE2

Systemmanagementand controlTouch Screen Multifunction Video Terminal3

Everything is under control.<strong>Mitho</strong> controls the temperature.You can manage various heating zones, assigning differenttemperatures to each of them. There is also a series of setprogrammes. Choosing between 5 different temperaturelevels makes it possible to meet all your heating needs at theprogrammed times and days.<strong>Mitho</strong> activatesthe irrigation system.You can create a system, without having topurchase expensive irrigation equipment,and customise watering times and cycles forevery single zone.<strong>Mitho</strong> means that youcan be at <strong>home</strong> even when you are.With the GSM communicator, you can use text messages toremotely control some of the <strong>home</strong> <strong>automation</strong> and burglaralarm system functions, and receive status and alarm alerts.You can use your mobile to activate scenarios, regulate theheating system, activate the burglar alarm system or receiveinformation on the system operating status(technical alarm alerts, mains status alerts, etc.)or alarms (intrusion alerts, mains alert, etc.).<strong>Mitho</strong> opens and closes.You can control, from just one place, curtains, blinds, shutters, skylightsor any other movement application. With the timer function, you can create lighting and ventilationscenarios in the rooms. You can stop the elements in a certain position, and to prevent overloadsin the electrical system, you can sequentially programme the activation times.<strong>Mitho</strong> controls consumption.As regards energy consumption, you can select the weeklyconsumption profile so as to enable energy savings to suityour needs on the basis of the priorities you have set.

<strong>Mitho</strong> lights up the whole <strong>home</strong>.From just one place, you can turn all the lights in the<strong>home</strong> on or off, zone by zone or point by point,and you can even adjust the brightness.<strong>Mitho</strong> communicateswith the outside and inside.It is much more than a normal video entrysystem, with image zoom, video entry systemanswer phone, porter message answer phoneand communication with other terminalsdistributed around the house.<strong>Mitho</strong> just a touch activatesyour scenario.You can choose any lighting, opening, and climate controlscenario. A simple “touch” is all that is needed to turn off allthe lights in the <strong>home</strong> simultaneously, to lower the blinds, toreduce the temperature, and to close the gas/water valve.<strong>Mitho</strong> controls security.You can totally or partially activate or deactivate the alarmsystem, choose a scenario or display the status of the variouscontrolled zones.

The terminal.The multifunction MITHO terminal makes it possible to control and monitorall the system devices and functions. By simply touching the touch screendisplay, you can switch lights on and off, regulate the temperature in thevarious environments, open or close the blinds, check the burglar alarm statusor enter a security scenario. The large terminal display allows you to answervideo entry system calls and communicate with any other terminals in your<strong>home</strong>, as well as listen to your video entry system answer phone messages.Clock and calendarRingtoneblock functionAccess to the lighting,opening andheating functionsAccess to the loadcontrol, timer andirrigation functionsScenariorapid accessAuxiliary buttonLanguageselectionAccess to the videoentry system functionsAccess tothe security functionsGeneralsystem settingsDoor lockreleaseDisplay of imagesfrom entry panels orsurveillance units6Video entry controlsystem voice mail

TECHNICAL FEATURESHands-free audiofunctions andintegrated receiverConcealed pinfor navigationTouch screen .3”wide screen LCD display,16:9 format 80 x 272 pixelPRODUCT DIMENSIONS203,5x108,4x30,8 mmINSTALLATIONRectangular recessed box, type 03Round recessed box, diameter 60 mmNOTE: the wall fixture bracket is included in the package.7

Video entry system functions.sPEcIFIc FuNcTIONsPorter voice mail witha maximum of 30messagesImage zoon withvarious levelsVideo entry control systemvoice mail that can store upto 10 video messages8Video Entr

Image zoomAnswerCall rejectDoor lock releaseStair light/Aux MuteIntercomVideo entry call answerphone/Porter messageanswer phoneDisplay of imagesfrom entry panels orsurveillance unitsBuilding functionDisplay of images fromentry panels or surveillanceunits, max 4Intercom address bookPossibility to select 9different ring tunesy SystemBuilding function:privacy, panic, porter

Electric <strong>automation</strong> functions.sPEcIFIc FuNcTIONsLights ON/OFF and dimmerfunction by zone, room orindividual light fittingScenario activationcontrols-level temperatureregulation and weeklyprogramming for every zone10Electric AuLights dimmeringLight timing for any hourof the day and for anyday of the weekManual temperatureregulation for every zone

Lighting/lights dimmeringAutomationof openingsHeat regulationIrrigationManagementof electrical loadsTimerScenariosAutomatism open/closecontrol by every zone and byindividual fittingIrrigation ON/OFF controlby zone and by timebands. Irrigation cycleprogramming; seasonalirrigation time adjustmentElectrical loadmanagement in relationto the maximum poweravailable and setpriorities. As regardstomationenergy consumption, youcan select the weeklyconsumption profile so asenable energy savingssuit your needs on thebasis of the priorities youhave set11

Burglar alarm functions.sPEcIFIc FuNcTIONsUser code entry keypadControl unit selectionfor systems with severalburglar alarm systemsPartial system enablementB u r g l a r12

Total system enablement opartial system enablementDisablingthe systemAlarm silencingRESETAlarm display resetAlarm memoryconsultationA1A3A2A4Area status displaySecurity scenarioAlarm status displayAlarm status display bycontrol unitAlarm memoryconsultationA l a r mA1Security scenarioactivation controlsA3A2A4Alarm status displayby area13

Home <strong>automation</strong> system architecture.TERMINALAPARTMENT ATwisted-pair cable, insulation mm*Multimaster bus2-wire X1 Video Entry System busAutomation busB2 Burglar Alarm busEntry panel power supplyAPARTMENT BAPARTMENT cVIDEO ENTRYsYsTEMDIsTRIBuTORAPARTMENT D2-WIRE X1 VIDEO ENTRYsYsTEM uNITENTRYPANELVideo Entry System<strong>Mitho</strong> can be connected directly to the 2-wire X1 video entry control or to the system 300, guaranteeing allthe functions typical of a BPT video entry control appliance, including the possibility to have more than oneintercommunicating monitor per apartment.1

Electric Automation<strong>Mitho</strong> interfaces with the world of BPT <strong>home</strong> <strong>automation</strong> by means of the gateway. Thanks to a programmable logicsystem, comprised of a series of devices and a field bus, it is possible to manage the electric <strong>automation</strong> (scenariocontrol, light control, door release control, irrigation, curtains, etc.) and heat regulation.AuTOMATIONPOWER suPPLYHOME AuTOMATION NODEsTwisted-pair cable, insulation mm** NOTE:the cable used is the bus BPT nH-C1DGATEWAYB2 SystemsERIALINTERFAcEBuRGLAR ALARMcONTROL uNITPOWER suPPLIEssIRENsENsORsBurglar AlarmAs in the case of the electric <strong>automation</strong>, it is possible to interface with the burglar alarm system on theBrahms B2 2-wire bus. This makes it possible to manage the activation or total disablement of the alarmsystem and view the status of the various zones under control.1

Basic system elements.TERMINALGATEWAYLocal power supply 12-2 V DC/12-16 V ACLocal power supply 12-2 V DCInstallationmax 1 monitorLocal power supply(3 MODULI)VAs/100MHmax 1 monitor + 1 gatewaymax 3 monitorsLocal power supply(8 MODULI)VAs/100.30max 3 monitors + 1 gateway16

Need to power the <strong>Mitho</strong> terminals and the OH/GW gatewaysin the roomTerminals e gatewayThe terminals and gateways are connected by the dedicated multimaster bus for globalcommands (time, date and event synchronisation, etc.).Possibility to connect a maximum of 10 devices between <strong>Mitho</strong> and the gatewayThe <strong>Mitho</strong> terminals and gateways can be connected for the same system with a free layoutMaximum distanceA+B+C+D+E+F+G: MAX 500 mTERMINALPowersupplyTERMINALTERMINALPowersupplyDGATEWAYFEPowersupplyABCTwisted-pair cable, insulation 5 mm*GGATEWAYPowersupplyGATEWAYPowersupplyLocal power supplyMultimaster bus* NOTE:the cable used is the bus BPT NH-C1D17


The BUS BPT system.A programmable logic system for HOME AUTOMATION. The system is made up of a series of input/output devicesthat communicate and are powered by a non-polarized twisted pair.POWER suPPLY AND DATAon BPT LON protocolThe input and/or output devices allow interface with the traditional controls of all civil series(switches, buttons, sensors) and with various electrical loads such as lights, motors, and solenoid valves.The devices are available in the modular or miniaturized versions. The latter can be placed in the recessedboxes of three or more modules, directly on din rails in the electrical panel or directly on the wall in a suitablecompartment.OH/RIOH/3RPIOH/Z.02OH/A.01HOASISLU MA ME GI VE SA DOInstallation on DIN railInstallation in recessed boxWall installationInstallation in recessed box19


Great compatibility.The miniaturised devices allow interface with traditionalcontrols available within the <strong>home</strong> (switches, sensors,push buttons) and with activations (electrical motors,lights). no special equipment is thus required.Fast installation.The BPT bus was designed to optimise cable laying andto connect all devices by means of non-polarised simpletwisted pair wiring, not restricted by dedicated paths.6 INPuTsMODuLE1 RELAY MODuLE+ 2 RELAYsEXPANsIONMODuLEAuTOMATIONTEMPERATuREZONE MODuLEcONTROLTERMINAL(max n. 3)BusREPEATER2OH/2RP3OH/T.012OH/6I2OH/RP2OH/MA2OH/Z.022OH/T.01M1OH/2RP1OH/Z.021OH/T.011OH/6I1OH/RP1OH/MAMNH-RBBAutomation busMultimaster busLocal power supply21

Electric <strong>automation</strong>.Performance.Up to 200 <strong>automation</strong> modules, to be divided into groups of a maximum of 79 modules(39+ REPEATER BUS MODULE+40) for OH/GW gateway.Up to 20 heating zones for OH/GW gateway, either independent or centralised.Management of user scenarios, created directly via the terminal, and installer scenarios, configured during programming.Maximum number of implementations for user scenario: 3010 m 20 m Maximum distance of buttons, sensors, etc. from the input devices: 20 m.The distance is halved to 10 m if the insulated input wires are flanked by mains conductors.Maximum distanceA+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I+J+K+L+M: MAX 500 m+REPEATER BUS MODULE+500 mGATEWAYPOWERSUPPLYHome <strong>automation</strong> nodesHome <strong>automation</strong> nodes*ZONE MODULEAD E FI K LBCG H JM100 m100 mAutomationpower supplyREPEATER BUSMODULE* NOTE:the cable used is the bus BPT NH-C1DMultimaster busAutomation busLocal power supply22

Electric <strong>automation</strong>.System configuration.AuTOMATIONPOWER suPPLYHOME AuTOMATION NODEsTwisted-pair cable, insulation mm*TERMINALGATEWAYsOFTWAREscREENsMultimaster busMultimaster busUSB cableMITHO PcPROGRAMMINGsOFTWARE* NOTE:the cable used is the bus BPT nH-C1D23

The system just as you want it.Terminal settings.It is possible to set and consult the following from the terminal:time/date/alarm clock9 polyphonic melodies16 languages (Italian, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Slovakian, Russian, Greek, Dutch,German, Romanian, Polish, Czech, Slovenian, Turkish)heat regulation programme settings (time, day, temperature levels, zone)video regulation (colour saturation, contrast)“user” scenarios and “timed” scenarios able to activate a series of events autonomously throughoutthe course of the dayirrigation parameters (start time, total irrigation period and anti-flooding time per individual valve)seasonal percentage which automatically recalculates all the watering times, adjusting them to current weatherconditionsload control on the basis of a consumption profile, in relation to the power used24

The system just as you want it.Burglar alarm infrastructure.Using PCMITHO software, with a tree programming structure, you can programme the electric <strong>automation</strong> system,calling up the physical status of the various environments and devices in order to simplify the activation processfor the same.From PC it is possible:Scenario setting“Standard” and “fast”Associatinginputs/outputs:attribute the control logic, with which theinputs interact with the outputs (step-step,impulsive, direct, on, off, enablement),to the available <strong>automation</strong> modulesDefine the systemstructure virtually from your PCin “offline” mode. It only needs to be physicallyconnected to the system when you decideto switch programming to the same, in area25

Burglar alarm infrastructure.sENsORsTERMINALPOWER suPPLYLoftsENsORsTERMINALPOWER suPPLYBuRGLAR ALARMcONTROL uNITsENsORssIRENFirst floorTERMINALPOWER suPPLYGATEWAYPOWER suPPLIEsGround floorLocal power supply2-wire X1 Video Entry System busB2 Burglar Alarm busMultimaster bus26

BRAHMS bus system.The system is characterised by the extremely easy wiring of all the elements making up the system, doing away withconnection and direction errors. Input and output modules, infrared sensors, sirens, additional keypads and keyplugs can be connected directly from the bus, with no constraints. In addition to transporting all the communicationsignals from the control unit to the peripherals and vice versa, the bus provides all the elements comprising thesystem and the power necessary for them to operate. It is also possible to connect other sensors, not specificallydesigned for the bus, by means of the specific interface module with power supply.B2 Burglar Alarm busMultimaster busGATEWAYTo THE MITHo TERMInALMAGNETIccONTAcTsERIALINTERFAcEINFRAREDsENsORcABLEcONTAcTGLAss BREAKINGsENsORGENERALsENsORGsMcOMMuNIcATORcONTROLuNIT4 INPuTMODuLEcONTROLuNITMODuLE1 sENsORINTERFAcEINPuT WITHPOWER suPPLYREPEATERMODuLEPOWER suPPLYREPEATERMODuLEKEYPAD2 OuTPuTsMODuLEINFRAREDPLuGsIRENINFRAREDKEY*NOTE:for the characteristics and performance of the burglar alarm system,refer to the relative Brahms documents.27

System components.MITHO BIMITHO NFColour video entry controlMITHO BIColour video entry control system, with .3” touch screen display in 16:9format, hands-free audio functions and integrated receiver, Ice white andblack Fusion coloursGeneral characteristicsDisplay: ,3” wide screen, 16:9 format, 80x272 pixel touch screenStandard equipment: 1 video input nib - 1 wall fixture bracketPower supply: 18÷2 V DC local (12÷16 V AC local)Absorption: 0,7 A (1, A peak) 12 V AC, 0. A (1,1 A peak) 16 V AC, 0,31 A(0,81 A peak) 18 V DC - 0,23 A (0,8 A peak) 2 V DCDimensions: 203,x108,x30,8 mmMITHO NFMITHO PLUS BIMITHO PLUS NFColour video entry controlMITHO PLUS BIColour video entry system, with ,3” touchscreen display in 16:9format, hands-free audio and integrated receiver, Ice whiteand black Fusion coloursGeneral characteristicsDisplay: ,3” wide screen, 16:9 format, 80x272 pixel touch screen displayStandard equipment: 1 video input nib - 1 wall fixture bracketPower supply: 18÷2 V DC local (12÷16 V AC local)Absorption: 0,7 A (1, A peak) 12 V AC, 0, A (1,1 A peak) 16 V AC, 0,31 A (0,81 Apeak) 18 V DC - 0,23 A (0,8 A peak) 2 V DCDimensions: 203,x108,x30,8 mmMITHO PLUS NF28

VAS/100MHTerminal power supplierGeneral characteristicsPower supply: 230 V AC 0/60 HzOutput voltage: 18 V DCMaximum output current: 00 mAAbsorbed power: 10 VAOperating temperature: from 0 °C to +3 °CDimension: low-profile 3-unit module for installation on DIN railOH/GwMITHO PLUS gatewayGeneral characteristicsLine connection: electric <strong>automation</strong> bus outputs/B2 (C) burglar alarm controlunit connection,Power supply 12÷2 V DCmultimaster bus/USB port for PC connectionAbsorption: 70 mA at 12 V DC, 0 mA at 18 V DC, mA at 2 V DCOperating temperature: 0-3 °CDimensions: low-profile -unit module for installation on DIN railOH/MPE6KwCurrent measurement moduleCreated on a -module DIN container, it makes it possible to measure thecurrent instantly, using the serial connection of the power line.General characteristicsPower supply: from bus lineRead power range: 6kW.Line connection: passing on module (in-out)Dimensions: low-profile -unit module for installation on DIN rail.29

Electric <strong>automation</strong> systemcomponents.OH/T.01Control terminalHome <strong>automation</strong> control terminal, back-lit 3,” LCD touch screen display,installation on wall.General characteristicsDisplay: Back-lit LCD touch screen displayProtection rating: IP30Operating temperature: from 0° C to +3° CDimensions: 116x9x27 mmPower supply: from bus lineConnections to system: non-polarised twisted pairThermal characteristicsNo. of heating zones: up to 20Operating mode: Manual, Automatic, System BypassSelectable programs: Heating, CoolingAnti-freeze temperature: +8° CField of temperature adjustment: from +2° C to +3° CHome <strong>automation</strong> zone characteristicsNo. of <strong>home</strong> <strong>automation</strong> zones: up to 2No. of controls: up to 2Control functions: direct, impulse, on/off, step-by-step, house, dimmerTimer controls: up to 0 programmableNo. of scenarios: 16 programmableNo. of activatable lights: up to 100No. of activatable openings: up to 0OH/A.01Power supplyThis is always required for the system to work as it manages the powersupply of all the devices in the system (control terminal, zone modules,relay modules, etc.) directly via bus (non-polarised twisted pair). It has 2terminals for connection to an optional back-up battery.General characteristicsPower supply: 230 V 0/60 Hz electronically protectedElectrical input: 10 VAEmergency power supply: 2 V DC, AC 00 mA (from external devices)Operating temperature: from 0° C to +3° CDimensions: low-profile 6-unit module for installation on DIN railConnections to system: non-polarised twisted pairOH/ASSupplementary power supplierThe Hoasis Plus emergency power supply cuts in automatically in theevent of a black-out, preserving the power supply to all the devices inthe system so that all the connected electrical applications return to theirprevious status when the power supply is restored. The power supply mustbe connected to 2 lead accumulators (OH/B06); the emergency powersupply recharges them, guaranteeing efficiency and a long working life.General characteristicsPower supply: 230 V 0/60 Hz electronically protectedPower absorption: 3 VAEmergency power supply: 2 V CC 00 mA (from OH/B06)Operating temperature: from 0 °C to +3° CDimensions: low-profi le 8-unit module for installation on DIN railConnections to system: non-polarised twisted pair30

OH/B065Rechargeable batteryConnected to the supplementary power supplier, they preserve the mains buspower supply, and keeps all the Hoasis devices powered for up to 10 hours.General characteristicsOutput voltage: 12 V DCOutput current: 6. A/hDimensions: 11x101x6 mmNH-RBBBUS repeaterThe data line repeater connects to the BPT <strong>home</strong> <strong>automation</strong> BUS and isused when the maximum distance between devices and power supplier isexceeded, when the maximum amount of cable laid is exceeded or when themaximum number of devices for the system is exceeded. The unit is set up forconnection to an emergency power supply. (12 V DC, AC).General characteristicsPower supply: 230V 0/60 Hz electronically protectedElectrical input: 2 VAEmergency power supply: 12 V DC-AC, 1AOperating temperature: from 0° C to +3° CDimensions: low-profile 8-unit module for installation on DIN railOH/6I6 inputs moduleRealised on a miniaturised container, it allows connection of 6 inputs fromcontrol devices (push buttons, sensors, etc.).46 mmGeneral characteristicsPower supply: from bus lineType of contact input: NO and NC, without cross passage of current or voltage at ends40,5 mm53,5 mmOperating temperature: from 0° C to +3° CDimensions: low-profile 1-unit module for installation on DIN railConnections to system: non-polarised twisted pair56 mm18 mmon/oFFStationbarometerAnemometerTechnicalalarmOH/RI1 relay 3 inputs module46 mmRealised on a miniaturised container, it allows connection of 3 inputs fromcontrol devices (push buttons, sensors, etc.) and 1 output for an electricalload. This is particularly recommended for the activation of applications thatrequire on-site location (e.g. activation of lights with switch/shunt controls).42,5 mm56 mm53,5 mm18 mmGeneral characteristicsPower supply: from bus lineType of contact input: NO and NC, without cross passage of current or voltage at endsNo. of relays: 1Type of relay: 20 V max, A max with resistive load (2 A max with inductive load) - NO contactOperating temperature: from 0° C to +3° C.Dimensions: low-profile 1-unit module for installation on DIN railConnections to system: non-polarised twisted pairon/oFFStationbarometerAnemometerTechnicalalarmIrrigation Boiler Solenoid valve Lighting31

CMade in ItalyLNLCCCOH/3RPI3 relays 3 inputs moduleRealised on a miniaturised container, it allows connection of 3 inputs fromcontrol devices (push buttons, sensors, etc.) and 3 outputs for electricalloads.85,5 mm60 mmL A69,5 mmN AN AS E R V IC E N A48,5 mm21 mmGeneral characteristicsPower supply: from bus lineType of contact input: NO and NC, without cross passage of current or voltage at endsNo. of relays: 3Type of relay: 20 V max, 16 A max with resistive load ( A max with inductive load) - NO contactOperating temperature: from 0° C to +3° C.Dimensions: low-profile 1-unit module for installation on DIN railConnections to system: non-polarised twisted pairon/oFFStationbarometerAnemometerTechnicalalarmIrrigation Boiler Solenoid valve LightingOH/R.01 relays inputs moduleAllows connection of inputs from control devices (push buttons, sensors,etc.) and outputs for as many electrical loads. The relays used forthe outputs are particularly recommended for electrical uses that requireswitched contacts (e.g. zone valves for heating management systems).General characteristicsPower supply: from bus lineType of contact input: NO and NC, without cross passage of current or voltage at endsNo. of relays: Type of relay: 20 V max, A max with resistive load (2 A max with inductive load)switched contactsType of relay action: 1 B-UOperating temperature: from 0° C to +3° C.Dimensions: low-profile 6-unit module for installation on DIN railConnections to system: non-polarised twisted pairon/oFFStationbarometerAnemometerTechnicalalarmIrrigation Boiler Solenoid valve LightingOH/RP1 relay moduleRealised on miniaturised container, with one output for electrical load.Particolarly recommended for activation of loads with high current inputs.46 mmGeneral characteristicsPower supply: from bus lineNo. of relays: 1Type of relay: 20 V max, 16 A max with resistive load ( A max with inductive load) - NO contact42,5 mm53,5 mmOperating temperature: from 0° C to +3° C.Dimensions: low-profile 1-unit module for installation on DIN railConnections to system: non-polarised twisted pair56 mm18 mmIrrigation Boiler Solenoid valve Lighting32

Made in ItalyMade in ItalyOH/2RP2 relays expansion moduleRealised on a miniaturised container, with 2 outputs for the same numberof electrical loads. Particularly recommended for activation of loads withhigh current inputs. It must always be used in conjunction with the OH/RPmodule, for which it is an expansion. It is equipped with a wire with asnap-in connector for connection to the OH/RP module.46 mmGeneral characteristicsPower supply: from OH/RPNo. of relays: 242,5 mm53,5 mmType of relay: 20 V max, 16 A max with resistive load ( A max with inductive load) - NO contactOperating temperature: from 0° C to +3° C.Dimensions: low-profile 1-unit module for installation on DIN rail56 mm18 mmConnections to system: directly to OH/RP module with wire with snap-in connectorIrrigation Boiler Solenoid valve LightingOH/MAAutomation module60 mmCLA85,5 mm69,5 mmSERVICECL NACNNAL CNA48,5 mm21 mmRealised on a miniaturised container, it includes 3 power relays formanagement of <strong>automation</strong>s (awnings, shutters, etc.) via related localcontrol buttons. It allows control by means of three local inputs (up, down,stop) with human presence function (the shutter raises or lowers when theup or down buttons are pressed and stops when they are released) andwith the “window” function (pressing the up or down keys for less than asecond allows the shutter to be raised or lowered for an adjustable timewith a default of 90 seconds).General characteristicsPower supply: from bus lineType of contact input: NO and NC, without cross passage of current or voltage at endsNo. of relays: 3Type of relay: 20 V max, 16 A max with resistive load ( A max with inductive load) - NO contactOperating temperature: from 0° C to +3° CDimensions: low-profile 1-unit module for installation on DIN railConnections to system: non-polarised twisted pairAutomationof openingsNH-DIMDimmer control moduleDIMMER1÷10 VLights dimmeringThe module, equipped with 1 relay and a 1÷10 V DC output, lets youcontrol a dimmer with a 1÷10 V DC input for incandescent lamps.General characteristicsPower supply: from bus lineNo. of relays: 1Type of relay: 16 A for DIMMER or resistive loads, A for inductive loads- NO contactOperating temperature: from 0° C to +3° C.Dimensions: low-profile 1-unit module for installation on DIN rail85,5 mm69,5 mm21 mmCLN A60 mmCCNN A48,5 mmL AS E R V IC EL CN A33

OH/Z.02 BBOH/Z.02 BBOH/Z.02 GRTemperature control zone moduleOH/Z.02 GR83,5 mm 40 mmRecessed module, colour gray or white.BPT plate included in the packaging. It allows temperature control forthe zone where it is located. From the zone module you can select theoperating mode (automatic/manual), modify the room temperature(in manual operation) by a maximum of +/- 2° C or override thetemperature control for the related zone.The module is to be installed recessed in a 3-module box.General characteristicsDisplay: LCD graphicProtection rating: IP30Operating temperature: from 0° C to +0° CDimensions: standard 3-module recessed boxPower supply: from bus lineOperating mode: Manual, Automatic, Zone Bypass.Anti-freeze temperature: +8° CType of input contacts: V 1 mAConnections to system: non-polarised twisted pairControllotemperaturaOH/GSMGSM communicator4 DIN2 DINIt can control up to 16 scenarios and 20 heating zones, as well as receivealerts for up to 6 technical alarms. The communicator enables remotecontrol and alert functions by sending and receiving texts to and fromtelephone numbers (up to 10) saved in the memory. In order to operate, theOH/GSM communicator must be equipped with a SIM card, not includedin the package. By sending a specific message, you can find out howmuch credit is left in the SIM. The OH/GSM can also be added after theinstallation of the system and can be used in “mixed systems” in which italso communicates with the B2 burglar alarm systems (see diagram below).The transformer is provided with the communicator (see diagram below).The power supply transformer is provided with the communicator. TheOH/GSM module offers the possibility to connect a 12V buffer batteryOH/B008 (code 6790-0600), not included in the package, which allowstext messages to be sent in the event of a power cut.General characteristicsPower supply: from the 1 V AC or 12 V DC supply lineEmergency power supply: 1 V DC , 800 mA (from OH/B008)Operating temperature: from 0 °C to +0 °CDimensions: low-profile -unit module for installation on DIN railDimensions: low-profile 2-unit module for installation on DIN railConnections to system: non-polarised twisted pairPower supply: from the 12 V DC supply lineType of GSM module: GSM/GPRS Modem DUAL BAND 900/1800 MHzAntenna: jointed with clamping screw fastening and connectionHOME AUTOMATION BPTTerminalBURGLAR ALARM BRAHMSB2 System2-wIREBUS BPTOH/GSM2-wIREBUS B24-wIREBUS C4C4 System3

OH/ANTOptional antenna for OH/GSMOptional antenna that can be used in place of the antenna supplied withthe communicator. Its use is recommended if there is poorreception/transmission of the signal with respect to the installation point orif the equipment is installed in metal cabinets.General characteristicsLength wire: 3 mThe antenna is equipped with two-sided adhesive for fasteningOH/B008Rechargeable battery for OH/GSMWhen connected to the GSM communicator, it makes it possible to sendsystem status messages even in the event of a mains black-out.General characteristicsOutput voltage: 12 V DCOutput current: 0.8 A/hDimensions: 96x62x2 mmNH-C1DBPT bus cableTwisted-pair cable, 70 V isolation cable, This is used for the connectionof all input/output devices that make up the system.General characteristicsDiametro esterno: External diameter: mmType of sheath: PVCConductor type: twisted-pairConductor section: 0.38 mmConductor resistance: 1 Ohms/kmConductor nominal impedance: 100 OhmsConductor capacity: 66 pF/mInsulation voltage: 300/300 VPackage: 100 m skeinReference standards: CEI 20-11 - CEI 20-3 - CEI 20-20 - CEI 20-30MH/SwElectric <strong>automation</strong> systemsoftware configurationGeneral characteristicsMinimum system requirements: PC Pentium III 700 MHz or higher, 128 MB RAM,Package: software CD, USB cable0 MB of space on HD, XGA video,Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista operating system3

HOME AuTOMATIONItem code DescriptionOH/MA 6760-0600 Automation module.NH-DIM 6760-0800 Dimmer control module.OH/Z.02 BB 6720-1200Recessed module for control of temperature by zone, 3 DIN modulesdimension, white colour. BPT plate, white colour, included in thepackaging.OH/Z.02 GR 6720-0220Recessed module for control of temperature by zone, 3 DIN modulesdimension, anthracite grey colour. BPT plate, anthracite grey colour,included in the packaging.OH/GSM 6710-0600 GSM communicator 230 V 0/60 Hz.OH/ANT 6790-0700 Optional antenna for OH/GSM.OH/B008 6790-0600 Rechargeable battery for OH/GSM.NH-C1D 6790-0100 BPT bus cable, Twisted-pair cable, 70 V isolation cable C.MH/Sw 6790-0900 Electric <strong>automation</strong> system software configuration.BuRGLAR ALARMFOR THE CODES RELATIVE TO THE BURGLAR ALARM SECTION, CONSULT www.BRAHMSELETRONICA.ITOR THE BRAHMS GENERAL CATALOGUE.VIDEO ENTRY sYsTEMFOR THE CODES RELATIVE TO THE VIDEO ENTRY SYSTEM SECTION, CONSULT www.BPT.IT OR THE BPT GENERAL CATALOGUE.37

04.2008 / 2459-0104 / 30 - ELLERANI - S. Vito/PN - 08F0486<strong>Bpt</strong> S.p.A. reserves the right to modify the information in this document at any time.WWW.BPT.ITBPT SpAVia Roma, 4130020 Cinto Caomaggiore (VE)Tel +39 0421/241241Fax +39 0421/241053Legal headquarters:Via Stazione, 2633079 Sesto al Reghena (PN)info@bpt.it

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