Light and Sound Study Guide

Light and Sound Study Guide

Light and Sound Study Guide


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Name ___________________<strong>Light</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Sound</strong> <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>Test Date _____October 6, 2010____________________1. Using the prism below, label the visible light spectrum. Make sure the colors are in order.prismRays bent the mostRays bent the least___violet_______________indigo______________blue________________green_______________yellow______________orange______________red______________2. Which color reflects the most light <strong>and</strong> why?White. White reflects all colors so it looks white.3. Which color absorbs the most light <strong>and</strong> why?Black. Black absorbs all colors so it looks black.4. How can the volume of a sound wave be adjusted?Change the amplitude.5. Which travels faster light or sound? Circle one.6. To hear sound you must have ____vibrations_____ to reach your ears.7. What type of wave is a sound wave?A compression wave because the molecules must press or compress together to pass on thesound energy. Just like dominoes falling.

8. Write an object for each word:absorb ______black objects__________________transmits ____window______________________reflects ______smooth shiny objects___________refracts __magnifying lens, water with a pencil in a cup_____9. List the colors that make white light. All colors in the visible spectrum.10. How are light <strong>and</strong> sound alike? Different?Same-both travel in waves.Different-light travels faster than sound.11. What happens to the pitch when the frequency increases? Decreases?Increases it becomes higher. Decreases it becomes lower.12. What is a sound medium?A sound medium is an object that sound passes through that vibrates <strong>and</strong> transfersthe sound energy. Solids, liquids, <strong>and</strong> gases are sound mediums. Solids are best.13. Define each of the following words <strong>and</strong> give an example.Transparent: light passes through easily such as air <strong>and</strong> clean smooth glass.Translucent: some light passes through such as frosted glass.Opaque: No light passes through such as brick <strong>and</strong> wood.14. Why can’t sound travel through space?<strong>Sound</strong> needs a substance to conduct sound energy in order for sound to travel.15. A reflection of sound is known as _____an echo________.

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