1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes


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- 2 *,-.ItRerLefbyvoucherforFebruaqr.lgS6-Ttems6tolSincruslve,6. Strongman t s Store7. Pafferlew Feed Mt]'lB. BodJ.eyte StoreI, Fofferlew Feed MillI0. fiJ't & Jeents Groeeryll.tuke t s Drug $torcl?. E. R. CrookL3. Fl-vntekls General St.ilr. Tnp. Est Gwillimbwy15. Strongnan'e Store16. Lorne HalghtI?, Nenmarket Era & Sx.1S. Office Specislty Mfg.19. W. J. Lyans?0. B. E. Corner2I. Recatver Gsnerel??. Sutton Reporter Pr*b.23. Oilbert ,t. Doe & Co.2lr. !4r. R. s. wetr?5. Mr. R. E. Weir26. Frorrincial tFeasufer?7. f,ssnr 0nt. Mayorse8. Assn. Aseesslrrg Off .29. !Ir. Honsrd Anderaon30. }fu. Ernest Elxon31.32.!tr. CLnrence Blenchardtr{r. xfllls Prlngle33.3h.l{n. S. strongnenToronto Stf,r Ltd.E[Iean McEanhern-Foc.ElLeen McEachern-Coa].lfllfred WLlson-Crroc ,lfi}fred Wlleon*CoalA1fred Godfrey-Foc1Alfred Godfrey-fnsulinBernard flarAontier-Groc .Walter Cr{.ttenden-ffos.Harry DbylEMary Clayton*fuoc.BuIIdozS-rU DrmpAdvertisLngOfflce $uppllasltlleege-Bldg. Inap.SalerlyIncome TaxAdvertibin$Audltor - Part paymentSal arlfPostage, lblaphoneInsuLln-fieneva JewsllM$nberetdp FeeMembershtp FecConvention @ensesConventl-on H(pensesConventl-on FcpensesConwntton SrpeneesPostngeAdverti sing$ 3o.oo27.oa8.oo5.92l+0.003.dl+?0.00S.oo39'oo30.0035.0o6.26Io2.Co9.03?80.6?' 18.9011,20hoo,oc25o.oo15.7h.65I0.0010.0020.0020.0020.0020.0016.003?.80Moved by Deputy R+eve Blxon snd seconded by CouncllLor Blenchard that Hr.Brruce ftye be appointed es fnupeator to enforce fa$LeflLy Control ln theTonnship for the yss <strong>1956</strong>r ilrd ttrret he he euthorl"zsd to sign bii.ls fnrganoline used in the epnayer Fotor.Camled.Moved by Deputy Reeve RLxon and laco:rdedby Counclllorl{srcer t}ratwhcro eheques are rsccf.ved cover{ng tuces or tarc #rearaand penaltlenand rhere exchange Ls not includ,ed or provlded for,but the cheque coversthe rccount of taxet or talc eruaars urd pcnalti.es.ln ftrll to deto.Be It Besolved tfiat the ltunlclpelity *beorb flry $hortage lnaofsr asexchenge l-a eonecrned end neeaipta be nrnilcd for ttre vslue of sheques so'recelved by the Trx Col,Iecton and lteesurerte offlce.Carrf-ed.iloved by Deputy Bewe Bixon end secended by Counclllorl{ercer thatthe Clerk pnspcre e By-;,nr to pnohlbit ths parlclng of cars and.trucks ontfie sidsrnelke ln the Viil.ege of Pefferlaw.ggrrlgg.Tork County ltusic Featival,$alvatLon Artny and the Chmrber of Corsnerceby lettor reqrrested grants frm the CouncLl. After considerlne sane,tu ,the follotrlng ResolutJon was peseed:.Hoved bt' Counclllor Blr,nchard and seconded by <strong>Council</strong>lor Merser that.a grant of Fifty DoiIlere be nnde to thc Ink; Shore Chamber of Ccnumrco. Qiq$ed,

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