1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes 1956 Georgina - Council Minutes


APPEAT FTTOU THE COUNT OF EE\TTSION*FEFC)REHISH9NoURJUDGEMcDOMffIA Heari-ng ryas helrl at the CLerkts officeon Decenber the L8t'ht1955 s{b }2100 ote}ock noor},Apyrellant -MF. Rr ILCornerRe - Land assessment on RolI No. 853Itf,. Corner etated that heLng eonneetcd with }finlclpslaffairsln the Tcnrnehip of ftorginn for eevernLVs#gr he felt that he knewsonetlrJ.ng about land valueg.He outLlned the three prlncipal"rear.eonE why he tJrought hls pnoperty slrould be reduced --1, the land weg Iow,2. Close to ttre Coverranent dock.3. $e,urlust accrrnulsted in front of hts cottage becau-qe ofthe dock .l?re Asaes$or, Mr. lEylor, heLd that he thought it was eevalurrble *s nany other propertlesIn the Township of Georglnassaesged on the same be.g1g.IJeclslonLanrl asseesnent reduced to S1r50.00.HiB Honou1' .Iudge I&DonSg$ correeted the rol}and i.nittallsd F1ame.Hearing adJourned.1?afla IClerk,-.-

APPEAT FTTOU THE COUNT OF EE\TTSION*FEFC)REHISH9NoURJUDGEMcDOMffIA Heari-ng ryas helrl at the CLerkts officeon Decenber the L8t'ht1955 s{b }2100 ote}ock noor},Apyrellant -MF. Rr ILCornerRe - Land assessment on RolI No. 853Itf,. Corner etated that heLng eonneetcd with }finlclpslaffairsln the Tcnrnehip of ftorginn for eevernLVs#gr he felt that he knewsonetlrJ.ng about land valueg.He outLlned the three prlncipal"rear.eonE why he tJrought hls pnoperty slrould be reduced --1, the land weg Iow,2. Close to ttre Coverranent dock.3. $e,urlust accrrnulsted in front of hts cottage becau-qe ofthe dock .l?re Asaes$or, Mr. lEylor, heLd that he thought it was eevalurrble *s nany other propertlesIn the Township of Georglnassaesged on the same be.g1g.IJeclslonLanrl asseesnent reduced to S1r50.00.HiB Honou1' .Iudge I&DonSg$ correeted the rol}and i.nittallsd F1ame.Hearing adJourned.1?afla IClerk,-.-

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