1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes 1956 Georgina - Council Minutes


-2 *L?. Ralph E. CornerIB. Ralph E. corner19. Ralph E. Cornereo. Ralph E. corner21. Ralph $. florner .A2. Ilenk Aird23. }Elllan Harvey?J+. Mr$. E. Bnrmhy25, Ieonard l,tstt26, Oscar Doble2"1. 0eorge Beekie28. Bichard Cha:rJ.es?9. ELeine McGte ,3C. Townshtp School Boerd31 , C . 1-I, Bodley32, ftorge Foster33. George Fost'er3h. George Foster35, George ?osterSts.tGrnents & Voters L.RetrrnLng officerPLclrtng jurorsDivision RegtstrarAdding naneg - Voters L.0.H.0. No. ID.R.O" No. 2D.R.O* ltro. J end rentD.R.o. t{o. l+D-R. 0. No. 5D.R.o. No. 6D.8.0. No. 7PolLClerk No. 7Rent-lr polling boothsMarket Falr tr antRellef 0fficerMileage, Te1e. Stat. etc.Relief-!tr*. flaLneynelief-lFs, blilson-150,0015o.oo16 .00\.5o *'Ar . io3r.oo31.0036.0031.0031.O03l..oo?'oc6.0020.c025'ooI5o r o060.h53.803.1+oI'Ioved by Councillor Pringle and seconded hy Couneillorthe follorlngCeneral AccountsDr. G. 14. gsprOrd8J. I{. AnrlereonJ. II. AndereonSuttpn lltnk Connlseionbe paid:Re RlsebroughSelecttng Jur:ortTelephone & rnileage carGrantMoved hy Deputy lleeve Rlxon and seconded by CouncillorMercer thatB1arrchard$ lC .008.oo,35.00e00.00Carried.that an addittohd grant of S50,OO be ganted to Srtton Agrieultrrral$oclety.CarrJ-ed.Chief of Folice Frl1lar reguestedsone tinre off durl.ng the holidayEeasun,Council uere unanimous in gfantlng hin four dqrm et New Years,Mr.. Ed Rennie walted on Couneil re dogs runnlng et lerge.Counelltnstrueted ftief trtlLlar to enforce the By*Law for purotection of cittzens.l,tr. Frsnk Break discusscd with 0oune11 protrlens aTlsing out of sheepe1d.ms. l(,'ounetl deferred any deciston untl.t iIgST ae to lnprovernente inhandllng elrlms.Councl-I1or Uercer recornmendod that ln futrreyeers CouncLllors befined for non-attendance at Couneil neetlngs when they are on a saLaryJor a Sparr'The C1erkruas instructerl to nottfy the VilLageof $utton that Corurellrequeeted thern to eontinue theLr -gaLtrage service infor at leaet the rnonth of January, 195? so;Georqina.could neke permanent err.angernents." the Reeve presented to Council ttre reslgnetlonthe Township ofttrat the 195? Counetfof R. E. Corner asC1erk, Treagwer and Collectorof Te.Tesr. Morred try 0otrttctllor Hercer end seconded by CounellLor Pringlethnt' jtis t+lth regret that wtr the tlorrncil of Georgine Townshrp, aceeptthe reslgnetion of R. E. Cornerr freslgnatlon effeetlve December 3letrL956. Carried'"--

- 3 -After sorne diseusslon, t'he folJorring resolutLon was paosed.Moved by touneillor Pringle and Eeeonded by CouncllLor l{ercer thatIFs. Evel;m lrtaggett be appointed sptlng clerk es of January Ist, 1957untll" e new clerk 1s eppointed.0smied.By-Inw No. .T)2 providing for the first meetLng of the I95? CounciLwes glven lts eeveralreadings end passed.Mr. Mason Horner walted on Counell on behalf of l4r. frvlng and 14r.MeGuJ.re re theirproposed $ub*d{r6s16n.Hoved by CouneillorMereer arrd seconded hy Corrncillor BLanchard thatthe 'lhuneil lg in agreernent l,'tth I'fessrs. Irving and McGulre retaintngownership of Block f$n on pnoposed plen on pert of Lot 1?, 0on. T end B,erhJeet to thej.r dedieatLng sailF to trse of all purchesere of Lote onabove proposed Sub*dJvisJ.on.Caml-ed.l{oved b'y Couneillor Pringle and eeconded by Councillor Mercer thetCcrurcrl-J- egress to names of streets on proposed pLan of frrrlng and Mc&uire.Wrglnle BIvd, (t'Iorth .South Rd.)South St.l,lc0uire Ave.Centre $b.Gordon Rd,North St. Lakeviev Bhrrl, Car::ied.Mored by Counelllor Pringle and seconded try Counel,Ilor i{ereer thatIdIIEREAS tlte eppaintment of a flX.erlr, I?easurer and Collectonof lbxes isnecesser:r esrly in Jenuary, 3:95T.0,Nf) I"IIIEREAS ercpertenee ls deerrpd necessafy for the posittontAND t"lI{HRFlAs lffu. E. Waggett hns hed a ysaTts experienee and her wonk has beenvery setisfactoryBE IT RES0LTJED that Ha:ry Waggett be reconunended as Clerk,Feasr.rrer andCo3-lector of Terces for the '7ear Lg57 at a ealary of $3'50O.OC iflfr^s. Evelynllaggett be the asslstant and work along wlth Clerk without extra sflIary. Ca.rri.ecl.Moved by Deputy Reeve Rlxon and seconded by Oounei"llor Blaneherd thatthe Clerk advertl-ze for app}lcattonsfor a Clenk, Treasrrer and Collectcnof Tsxes for the Tcwnship of Georgtna st e salty rf $31500.00. Applicantsto be prepared to supply el1 aseistance nec€saary to do the work.Applicantsto .stats qualificatlons or Eilcperl"ence, All *pplications to be in hands ofActing Olerk by 12:o0 oterock noon Januany $th, 1957.cfflee spece to hedtscrrssed rrith epplicant.Cerried.Council adJourned sl-ne dl-e..a.-"_}!r lt; r . .\ --"--ts" t l'[* ,L.Lir-iLl-.!i*tTJ....t\ClerkReeve

-2 *L?. Ralph E. CornerIB. Ralph E. corner19. Ralph E. Cornereo. Ralph E. corner21. Ralph $. florner .A2. Ilenk Aird23. }Elllan Harvey?J+. Mr$. E. Bnrmhy25, Ieonard l,tstt26, Oscar Doble2"1. 0eorge Beekie28. Bichard Cha:rJ.es?9. ELeine McGte ,3C. Townshtp School Boerd31 , C . 1-I, Bodley32, ftorge Foster33. George Fost'er3h. George Foster35, George ?osterSts.tGrnents & Voters L.RetrrnLng officerPLclrtng jurorsDivision RegtstrarAdding naneg - Voters L.0.H.0. No. ID.R.O" No. 2D.R.O* ltro. J end rentD.R.o. t{o. l+D-R. 0. No. 5D.R.o. No. 6D.8.0. No. 7PolLClerk No. 7Rent-lr polling boothsMarket Falr tr antRellef 0fficerMileage, Te1e. Stat. etc.Relief-!tr*. flaLneynelief-lFs, blilson-150,0015o.oo16 .00\.5o *'Ar . io3r.oo31.0036.0031.0031.O03l..oo?'oc6.0020.c025'ooI5o r o060.h53.803.1+oI'Ioved by <strong>Council</strong>lor Pringle and seconded hy Couneillorthe follorlngCeneral AccountsDr. G. 14. gsprOrd8J. I{. AnrlereonJ. II. AndereonSuttpn lltnk Connlseionbe paid:Re RlsebroughSelecttng Jur:ortTelephone & rnileage carGrantMoved hy Deputy lleeve Rlxon and seconded by <strong>Council</strong>lorMercer thatB1arrchard$ lC .008.oo,35.00e00.00Carried.that an addittohd grant of S50,OO be ganted to Srtton Agrieultrrral$oclety.CarrJ-ed.Chief of Folice Frl1lar reguestedsone tinre off durl.ng the holidayEeasun,<strong>Council</strong> uere unanimous in gfantlng hin four dqrm et New Years,Mr.. Ed Rennie walted on Couneil re dogs runnlng et lerge.Counelltnstrueted ftief trtlLlar to enforce the By*Law for purotection of cittzens.l,tr. Frsnk Break discusscd with 0oune11 protrlens aTlsing out of sheepe1d.ms. l(,'ounetl deferred any deciston untl.t iIgST ae to lnprovernente inhandllng elrlms.Councl-I1or Uercer recornmendod that ln futrreyeers CouncLllors befined for non-attendance at Couneil neetlngs when they are on a saLaryJor a Sparr'The C1erkruas instructerl to nottfy the VilLageof $utton that Corurellrequeeted thern to eontinue theLr -gaLtrage service infor at leaet the rnonth of January, 195? so;Georqina.could neke permanent err.angernents." the Reeve presented to <strong>Council</strong> ttre reslgnetlonthe Township ofttrat the 195? Counetfof R. E. Corner asC1erk, Treagwer and Collectorof Te.Tesr. Morred try 0otrttctllor Hercer end seconded by CounellLor Pringlethnt' jtis t+lth regret that wtr the tlorrncil of Georgine Townshrp, aceeptthe reslgnetion of R. E. Cornerr freslgnatlon effeetlve December 3letrL956. Carried'"--

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