1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes


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VTO!,INSITIP tr CEO.ITSTIIIA,FrInffiANTr{MEETIJ'IrJ.*;Dffim.lBEnI5r<strong>1956</strong>, t*uusnt to adJourtrrnent, the Municlpal <strong>Council</strong> of, the .Townshi-p ofOeorglna met at the Townshtp IIaLL, peiferlawnon Saturday, Decenib*t tn*f,5ttr, ].:g56 et gr30 a.m.: Me,nbers of the Courreil a1L preeenL- IlinuteE of the last reguJ.er meetl-ng were adopted'. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rl-xon end eeconded by <strong>Council</strong>lor Bl-enchafd,.that voucher No.. L2-l, of Decernber 15th, <strong>1956</strong>, for ocpendl-tures on the.,Totmshlp roads totalHng $5r58J.13-Uu ***"pted end the 8,eeve grant htaorders on the lbeasurerfor the sane and the seal of the Corporatlonbe hereto attaehed,Carrled._lbved by Deputy Reeve lli,.con and seconded by counci.JJor Pripgle.thst Schedule of Police Aecounts dated Decenber l5th,<strong>1956</strong> * fteme tto h j.neLusl-ve and totalLlng$t157.15 be accepted, 4ru1 the Reeve granthte orclers on the 'lbeaeurer for sqns and ths sea] of the corpora"t'Lonbe hereto attsched.CEmied.PoLice AccountsL. J, I{. l4t11er2, Rl-verelde tunch3* Corner BLdg' Co.h. Vlllage GerageSalaryPrlsoner t s MeelConvertlng CupboardCsss 13 ? . 50.65. 15.,)0h.ooI,torred by <strong>Council</strong>lcr prC.ngie and seeonded by Counclllor ]ltercer thatSchedule of General A.ecounts deted Deeenber t5th, <strong>1956</strong> - ftens Lto 35tncLusive and totalt5-ng $lar66?.23 be aeeepted, and ttre Beeve grant hisordere on the lbeasurerfor eame and the seal of the Corponation tehereto attaehed.Carried.C'enere.l Accorrnts1. Iteporter Publlshlng Co.2. Strongments Store3. Sutton Prlntersh. Eobert 0rNei115, J. E . Taylor6. vtllage of Sutton7. ffilare W. Monr*son8. Clare W. MorrisonI . vil-]-agP of $rttonlO. J. H. Anderson1.J.. E. IlfxonL2. F. F::inglqL3 . C. Bl.anchardil . A . I.lercar15. nalph E' Corner16. Recelver General of Can.Advertislng0ffice zupp33esBsllotstfrrant offleerSalery, Jurorer Postage, ete ,&rbagg*Isc*l funPr ov'BlnentLegal feesffant to Poppy fundElreflghtJ-ng serviceeSalary .Bnd ercpen$esSalaqf and expenses$alary and e4peneet$a1ery and orpensesSalery end orpensosgslaqfTan deduetLons$ 16.91t3.o555. oo32.5oL, 22O'62hoo , co15,oo15.00I21.OOl+r5.oo3h0;00310.o03r0.00. 3lo.0o?80.67ll.o0-

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