1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes 1956 Georgina - Council Minutes


*2 *PoILing Subdirrislon I{o. 5Bert thonpsonPoIILng $ubdivlston"llo. 6 Wrn. GriffinSubject to any of +,he above-nne4tioned beingunableto ect,theCIlerk ls Eut*rcnLsed to *ppointsoneone l-n thejrplqce.Carrd-ed.Hr. Edward Arno}d asked {iouncilto do soilnedltchtngat the rear ofhls farn on rloatl allowance between Conceesions Isnd 6.CounciLagreedto funrnediatety look intothe natter.Councll- adJ owned.--

^-TOIdI{,5HIP OF ffiOEOI}IA: :Purslrant to adjourrunent, the l{rtrlclpalCouncil of the Torrnshlp of Georglnanet et the Townstr.ip HalI, Feffertafi,rl on Monclay, Decanber the 3rd, 1956 *Il3O p.m.ttpmUers of ttre Oouncll allpresent.I,[inutes cf t]re lest regular meeting snd speclaLrneetings otere ariopted.,ilpvecl by Deputy Reeve ltixon and eeconded by Counctllor B1*rchard that "Voucheb $io. 1.1 of f]ecenfuer 3rd, 1956, for cnpenditureson the Townshiprosde i"t*Ufng{t2r?02.61 be accepted and the H,eeye gl'ant hls orders onthe llbeesurer for the sane antl the seal of the CorporatLon be heretoettnahpd.Moved by Deputy Reeve Rlxon and seeonded by CouncillorFrlnglethatcqr4gq.Schedule of Pollce Aceounts deted Decentrer 3rd, 1"i56 - Ttems I to 13lncluslveand totallJ-ne $lr9?o.l+h be accepted, and the Heeve grant hiporclers on the Feasureratta#hed.for same and the seel of the Corporation be heretoCar4L{.PolLce Aceountsl.2.3.l+r5.6.7,B. I{. Mil}erJ. II. l,tl]-lerReceiver General of. Catr.A. Shier. H. Godfreyi{" BirdI'I. UalsweerViLlage GaragePefferlaw lblephone Sys.Cangdlffi Indrrstries Ltd.C. N, R.E. $trongnanVJ.Llage of .futton$alary $ 1.?0 . 75$alar1y 137.50Tur dedrrction L6"75$e1ary J5.00Salaqy40 . O0Gae & 011 25,5OGae & Repairs l+0. 67O*s g Repairs 28.35Telephone 9.80trIlareeP?.28FreightI+.81+StampsI0.0OBalance dlue Sutton for Lg55-]:956 Ll+Ig.OOincludlng settlement of aesetsMoved by CouncillorPrintlle and seconded by Councillon Mercer thetSchedule of Oeneral Aceounts dated Decenber 3rd, 1956 * Iterns I to 30J-nehrsi.ve and totalttng$1"800.96 be accepted, end the Reeve gra,nt hlsorders on the lbee.surer for safite and ttre seal of the Corporationattaahed.be heretoC.+nried,CashReliefPaytrlollofDeeenberlstrl95fo1". Ralph }tral-lace2 , lft-ldred Draper3. !trs. Edittr ldll"son22.003h.o03h.ooRg_ll-efbyVoueherforNovelHrrrlg&h. $tlrongnanrs Store5. Pefferlaw Feed l4t11E. LlcErchern-0roc.E. 1{cBchern-Coa}30.cjo28.lr0

*2 *PoILing Subdirrislon I{o. 5Bert thonpsonPoIILng $ubdivlston"llo. 6 Wrn. GriffinSubject to any of +,he above-nne4tioned beingunableto ect,theCIlerk ls Eut*rcnLsed to *ppointsoneone l-n thejrplqce.Carrd-ed.Hr. Edward Arno}d asked {iouncilto do soilnedltchtngat the rear ofhls farn on rloatl allowance between Conceesions Isnd 6.CounciLagreedto funrnediatety look intothe natter.Councll- adJ owned.--

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