1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes 1956 Georgina - Council Minutes


-? -AlftedStockleyRoLL No.2062ItFs. Stfckleyto be assessed as owIlBFrI{rs. M. Sefunondsrlrfw6Building&ssessnent taken off.Beryrnond J. Tucker|r?r.38Buildlngassessment taken off.Nathsn Sernuelstl2il9Lgnd s.esessrnent reduced to $135.00.B. VersbergIt2213*1.&sses$nent sustained - frontege corr'ected.Changod to British sub j ect.iloved by Councltlor Mereer and scconded W Counclllor Blanchard thatI^/HEREAS on Rol[ Ub. 918, part of Lot 25, Conceieion ?, essessed to Id. D.Br#Lock, Port, Boleter, a new assesement hss been made reducing the buil'din'gsssessldent by $720"0O, e.nd tgces far Lg56 have been peidfnihffbmBEarmrrnt of $36.0o.fT RE$IVTD tlrat * refr:nd on the f956 ta*ee be rnade in theItlCarr{"ed.I'loved by CouncillorBl,anelrar.d and ssconded by Deputy Reeve Rlxon thatI^II{ERDAS an eppeal has been made on essessnent * RoILNo.21"36 - Lot No. LZf,Plan l+2?r ConeesEion 8, by new ouner l{ra. 14. Salnnndg on the trasts ofhavrng no builtilngs on -ttris particular lotAIiID 1^llmnAAS they.have patd thelrtarceg on the lcnd e;ssessrpnt ln ttre antountof $10*50A{ERI'$'ORE BE fT RESoL\rEIl tfrgt the qnorrnt of $8.98 forbe nritten off the Collectorts RoIl for the year 1956tpaces on a breildlngIVIt ,ls furttrerrecormended that the Eesesenrent for this buil"cllng be Edded tothe assessrent o4 the proper lot.Moved by CIounclllor PrinpJe and seconded by Deputy Reeve Rlxon thatHHERfiAS l{rs. Del}a (tseentfood, hllNo. 5l+3 - crmpluined of her assEssmentCe::ried.Iin the year 1955"rrtth respect to mcsaurerrBntg and eane wes not correctedrrntlLafterthe ]956 tax bil"ls were delJ.-v.eredAI\ilD IIIHERSA$ Hrsr Feenwood has paid her te.:cee for the year 1956AI'ID I',tllHREAS ttle correctedsss€sffrent has reduced nane by S75'O0t1tffibT0ltE BE rr REsoLvF'D thet a refund in the anount of $3'8t be madb toI{rs. Greenwood on her 1956 taxes.Moved by Derputy $eove Rlxon and seconded by CouncllLor Blancherd thatl{HIilmAS fieorge Cronsberryrs asgesanent shouJ-d have been reduced $5f5.00"IICamJ.ed.for the 1956 tffir ro11 and he hes pald hts 1956 t'exesBE IT fiESIIJIED he be refunded #25.?5 on 1956 tnocee, I{oved by Councillor },lercer and secondcd by Councillor BlEnchmd thatI,IHEHEAS Mlss Sadie Stewnrtr Lot I$c. 2r PIan 2?7 * ConcessLon I - appealedher essesement In 1955 and rms advieed that' her sssessmerrt would be***i.dl"I-

.L-- 3-correetcduhan property nas rB-tn€&$ur€dAND ul{EfrEAS e corroctedaeseesment wss mailed to Misr $tewert Septernber8ttr, L956 for the y;ar 1956 roducl-ng her asscafttent frorn $lrhE0.Octo SLroSo.ooTHERFIi,DHE BE TT RESOL\IED that s refund in the amount of $8.50 he mada / rtCI W-ss Sedle Stcwart on hen [p$6 tameerCarrled.Hrnred by CounclLlor erJ-ngl"e and secondcd by Deputy Eeeve ftLxon thatIWI{EREAS by crror garbege collectl-on Hss assessed to }lr. J. t. OtBrLEnon RoIl No. 2ob?r there being no brdldlngson thte tot1T{EF.ET,UrIE BE IT fiESoLlm that the garbage t*rc in the arnor:nt of $3.?5 berdtten off the Collectorts RolLfor the year 1956. Csffted.I,lMorrcd by rDounelllor Pringle],I1{ERF,AS the Corrrt of Revision forand eeeonded by Deputy Reeve Rlxon thattJre yeer Ig55 ruled that aIL Srb*divisionproperty should be assegsed on an acreage basis as long as ownership ofthe sarm remsins nith the origlnsl $ub-rtl-vldcrAiqD IIIIEREAS Messrs. Tom rurd f;ftrarles Burnie dld not heve theirsssessilFntsrsduced *ccord5.ngly on Regtetered Ptan No. 321, Corneeslon 7n end infp56 pafd tmces on a rmrch hl-ghcr ssgeasrpntTIIERF}I}RE BE IT NESTVED TIIATLot No. hhn ascessed in 19ji5 for $252.00, ta:ces bel.ng $1"2.62 and on the Ig56a.ssessment of $20,00 ta,xes worild be $1.O0, a refund be mada in the amorintof S1L.6?.IvInt No. 51, rns**sed ln L91i5 for $265.00.The new asses$nnnt shouJ.d be$25.00 on wtrj-ch the tax for: 1956 would have been $1.25 - refund. $12.00. "' ItfLot lrlo. $8, asseseed in fp55 fcrr $200.00. fhe 1956 assessment should beS20.00. Befund S9.OO.Iflts I'los. 59 anA 6C, whlch HerG sold in L956, the taxes paid by Bumies,tIwere $3?.50 on an assessrnent of S650*00. Reconrncncted refund fufr * $16.?5.flJnTT{En BE IT RE$otliru t}rat the assessnent be sorreeted on the ebovenentf.onedLotsLot 51 h Returned to Burniers awn€rship $ 25,-OOn 5g 25.00n 59 - Now sold 250*00|l (b _ hoo.00,,'lTot*Lrcfund - $h8.87Carrled.

.L-- 3-correetcduhan property nas rB-tn€&$ur€dAND ul{EfrEAS e corroctedaeseesment wss mailed to Misr $tewert Septernber8ttr, L956 for the y;ar <strong>1956</strong> roducl-ng her asscafttent frorn $lrhE0.Octo SLroSo.ooTHERFIi,DHE BE TT RESOL\IED that s refund in the amount of $8.50 he mada / rtCI W-ss Sedle Stcwart on hen [p$6 tameerCarrled.Hrnred by CounclLlor erJ-ngl"e and secondcd by Deputy Eeeve ftLxon thatIWI{EREAS by crror garbege collectl-on Hss assessed to }lr. J. t. OtBrLEnon RoIl No. 2ob?r there being no brdldlngson thte tot1T{EF.ET,UrIE BE IT fiESoLlm that the garbage t*rc in the arnor:nt of $3.?5 berdtten off the Collectorts RolLfor the year <strong>1956</strong>. Csffted.I,lMorrcd by rDounelllor Pringle],I1{ERF,AS the Corrrt of Revision forand eeeonded by Deputy Reeve Rlxon thattJre yeer Ig55 ruled that aIL Srb*divisionproperty should be assegsed on an acreage basis as long as ownership ofthe sarm remsins nith the origlnsl $ub-rtl-vldcrAiqD IIIIEREAS Messrs. Tom rurd f;ftrarles Burnie dld not heve theirsssessilFntsrsduced *ccord5.ngly on Regtetered Ptan No. 321, Corneeslon 7n end infp56 pafd tmces on a rmrch hl-ghcr ssgeasrpntTIIERF}I}RE BE IT NESTVED TIIATLot No. hhn ascessed in 19ji5 for $252.00, ta:ces bel.ng $1"2.62 and on the Ig56a.ssessment of $20,00 ta,xes worild be $1.O0, a refund be mada in the amorintof S1L.6?.IvInt No. 51, rns**sed ln L91i5 for $265.00.The new asses$nnnt shouJ.d be$25.00 on wtrj-ch the tax for: <strong>1956</strong> would have been $1.25 - refund. $12.00. "' ItfLot lrlo. $8, asseseed in fp55 fcrr $200.00. fhe <strong>1956</strong> assessment should beS20.00. Befund S9.OO.Iflts I'los. 59 anA 6C, whlch HerG sold in L956, the taxes paid by Bumies,tIwere $3?.50 on an assessrnent of S650*00. Reconrncncted refund fufr * $16.?5.flJnTT{En BE IT RE$otliru t}rat the assessnent be sorreeted on the ebovenentf.onedLotsLot 51 h Returned to Burniers awn€rship $ 25,-OOn 5g 25.00n 59 - Now sold 250*00|l (b _ hoo.00,,'lTot*Lrcfund - $h8.87Carrled.

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