1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes 1956 Georgina - Council Minutes


- 3 *Couneil consLdered l{r. Joe lrrrlngfsrequest for asslstsncs on tftelrth corrcession but deeided that owing to the lack of money in the budgetfor such pur?oss$ and the fact that }tr. Irvl.ng s€ yet hae not preeented ap].cposcd plsnr flnanctal, sssistance f,or the improvirrg of the road muldheve to wait untll the year 195?.Ibpury Reeve RLxon was eppointad, togsttrer ltith Reeve Andersonr tonneet rapresentattvesfrffit Drcloe PoJ.nt and land otmers on thc l}rclos Pointroad r+lttr respect to pwchaslng octra road allowanee. It was suggeetedthey hotd such neetlngs dur"Lng ttre conl.ng reekend to reportst the nextspecial. meetJ.ng of Oouncll.ft was decl-ded to hold a specl"al. neetj-ng of Counctl on Monday nlghtt0et*erthe 8t'h, at 8100 p.n. at the Clerkts of,fice.'tlouncil *dJorrned.CLerk

trECIAt I{EETII{G ltl,lN$[IIP 0F ffiOR0I]$AOetfberlgthrIgS6A spccLal mectLng of, the lfmtcLp*lCouneJ-I of the Tornshtp cf Georginares hald et the fiLerkte officeat 7c30 prmr on thc tbove dcba fon ttrppulTose of nrekLng plana fettre Cowt of RevLsl.on.'Mcr*rere al]. prresent errcept Rearre And€treon.Moved by Courreillor Pringle end sccondad by Councillcr- He,rccf, ttrrstthe Mernbsrs of Gor:nej.} neet at PefferlawHetI on l'fonday, l{ovcrber the 5tjr,tg56 at 10;0O f,r.rBr* fortlre purToEG of holtlJ.ng e Court of RcirLeton of ths195? Asecsenrcnt RolJ.. ALl mmberg of Councll to bc. menbene of AppcelBoerd.Carrled.Movcd by Couneillor Prtnglc rnd secondcd by Corurcl}lor Blanctrardthrt due to nut wcrther and the ernount of work trret to be dons nn gr*ve1resurfscJ-ng nnd snor fanclng and genersl FaII work, th Dl"etriat EnglnecrbE rsqrrested to transferS3TSO.OO to nelntcnenco and *5OO.OO to constructLonof culrrerts fron mordcs set out for roed constnrction rrndsrBy-l.ew 291.Cerr-iGd.Hoved by OouncLllor Bl-anehard and geconded by CounelllorPrlnglethat a grent of $200.00 be nede to Srrtton Agrlculturd.ycar 1956.Soetety for theCarrl"ed.Meeting ndJourne'd .SPECIAI HEETTNGMWNSTTP OF OEOROTNAOetober22ndrIg56A rpeclalmectlng of the ilurtcLpal" Counetl of the Ton'rstrtp of Gcorgl.nems csl-Icd by the Reerrc at the Clerktc offJ-ec rt 7t3O prllr ol1 the above det+fon ths purpotc of atudytng the eppeels on esscgsnent.Mentrers eJ"Lpreaant exeept Oounclllor Prlngle.Mr. IH taylor,the Asaessm, elso attended the nectlngr

- 3 *Couneil consLdered l{r. Joe lrrrlngfsrequest for asslstsncs on tftelrth corrcession but deeided that owing to the lack of money in the budgetfor such pur?oss$ and the fact that }tr. Irvl.ng s€ yet hae not preeented ap].cposcd plsnr flnanctal, sssistance f,or the improvirrg of the road muldheve to wait untll the year 195?.Ibpury Reeve RLxon was eppointad, togsttrer ltith Reeve Andersonr tonneet rapresentattvesfrffit Drcloe PoJ.nt and land otmers on thc l}rclos Pointroad r+lttr respect to pwchaslng octra road allowanee. It was suggeetedthey hotd such neetlngs dur"Lng ttre conl.ng reekend to reportst the nextspecial. meetJ.ng of Oouncll.ft was decl-ded to hold a specl"al. neetj-ng of Counctl on Monday nlghtt0et*erthe 8t'h, at 8100 p.n. at the Clerkts of,fice.'tlouncil *dJorrned.CLerk

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