1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes 1956 Georgina - Council Minutes


TO}.il,ISHIP OF GEO HGTNAENTH I,IEDTINOOCTOBER ?, L956" Pursunnt to adJcurnnent, the Munielpel CounctLof the Totrnehlp ofGeorgina net at the Tcrrnship HalL, Peff,erJ.aw, on $resday, Oetcber Zndt1956 et' 7130 P.n.. Merbers of tha Couneil aL1 pnesent except Reeve AnderEwr., l.fi.nutes of the last reEuler rreetftg and spccialmeetlngs nere qdopted."Moved by Council-lor Pr.tngle nnd seeonded by CounellJ.or l.{ereer thatVo"ucher No. I of October ?nd, L956, for expenditures orr the llor*nship roads "totallJngIleasurer$2r27B.hI be aecepted and the Reeve gnant his orde$e on thefor the garne and the geal- of the Corpcnatlon be hereto ettached..C aruled." Hoved try Corrncillor Mercer and aeconded by CounellLor FJ-ngl-e thatSc.Jredule of Poll-ce Aecounts dated 0etobe,r Znd, 1956 - Itemp I to ?1Lncluet\re and totetltneon the Treaeurer forattached.Poliee Aecounts$?35.05 be acccpted, end the Reeve grant luisgame ,,rnd tkre seal of the Oorponrtion be hereto.63derFCarr!.ed.1.. J. I,EIlar2.^ J. l{lI}sr3 ," i! r ,9rterh. H. GodfreY5. V* I{arteY6. V. Havey7. V. Harvev8. M. o. TremeyneI' M. or TtsemeYnel0 . tr[. BLrdLl. Vl1lege sarage12. Cookt s Garage13' Crooksil+. . Bslsley and Mereer15. Jttrr & Jeen t I16. Annebles17* Walsrrserts GaregeL8. Recciver Cbncrel of Cancda19. Fed lltnchley20. 0rNelL].ts rFocery2I. Rtehard TaylorSalsrySaLail"Jr$aleqv$alar:f$elcrlf$alrryHLl;e;ge Frp.Gss and OiIGas and RepeirsGeaGssGesG*$GesGs-E & RepairsTs dedwtioneTlreGeePelntlng sl.gnsL20.I513?.50?0.c017.0066.067.0510.686.BA8.8820.69h6.303.25?o,h03.BoL.hT3.oPr8h . 7616.?529,503.335.ooMoved by Councill.orBlanehard and seconded by CounctlLcn PrJ.ngIe thatSehedute of General Aecorrntg deted October Znd, 1956 - Items I to 28LncJ.rsJ.ve and totatltrU$1r??3.61 bc accepted, rnd the Reeve grant hJ.eorders on tjre ltsEasrrrer for san€ and the EBa] sf t'he Corporetlonbe heretoattachad. 939**.

- 2 -CashRellefpayrol-lofOctoberIstrIg56.l. Balph Hellaee2. Mildred Draper3 . lffs . Edlth lrtllson22.O03l+.OO3h . ooRellefbyVoucherfor$epteilberrL956.l+. Mah.lon Sedore5. $trongrnan t s $tore6- l\rpr af ThorahGener al Ac eountsMrs .ldav. RJ. sebrough- Groc .4 gcBacher rr - ffoc .Re l,lary Cleyton1?.0030.0017. 63?. Kenneth0omer Clarbage 20OrO08. North York Begietry office Llst of sales 6.Ll+9. Sutton Reporter Pub, gs. Advertlsf-ng l.lel0r (ieorge EeelrLe TonnehJ.p Perk 25.2Q11." R. BLlLeon llownship Park 13.05l?. Don frrepherd Garbage-Ducloe Foint 5m.0013. John Andrus Heed Lnspection I?5.00J"h" Bostttoh-Cancda Ltd, Staplen & Suppltes 58.3515. Itydro Eleetric iro$er Comrn. Tonnship Park 2.0?16. .Iames R. 'rfelr Ins, Park-Fire Brlgsde hh.ha17. R. E. Corner Hpress charges 2.0O18. J. E. Taylor straps 125.5219. J. E. Taylon Jlsgessorts Guide 10.0020. fhos. 'lrihilller & $on J[Bsessor app. cards 33.11521. E. $trongman Stamps 35.0022, County of Yor* Ilospltaltzetion - August .. L?.7023. oeetetner (Curada) I,td. $upplies 26.2.6?h. Village of Srtton Stre fightlng 35.5025, W. J. Iqgons lttleage ?I.tB?6., Ralph E. Corner $etary ?8O.5?27,r Receiver General of Cenada fax deductions Ll.n0tU,: Nonth fork Plorfinents Assn. Fent E5"OO. -, FfrE. MuILct and IIrs. Dnaper of Fefferlaw discussed their assessnpJrt andfurxes wttlr the Council. ft was sr4lgented to theln that they mlght appcal :theLr essessnents lfttrey thou$nt they were rrnfal"rl;r eesessed." ,*. Scott ltsnnle ;rnd Mr. Ken Janes diseusscd the Pound Keepers' Act* ,withthe Councll and referned to prevl-oue discusslons of Councll rrlth Hr. .Andrew ffirLer ." Tha proposed plan of part' of Ist 12, Concessions 7 & I recetved from .the- Department c'f Pleruring and Developlrcnt' nas tabled. the Clerk tn- ."*sstrueted to take such action as had been prmrlousl;r propoeed for thls plan.The pnoponed plan of part of tots 2t and ?2, Conceseion h omed try Mr.K}[mex, was tsbl"ed.Moved by CouncllLor Prlngle and seconded by Counetllor l{ercer that thsproposed plan recelved from the Dept. of Planning & DeveSopment on part ofInts ?L& 2?r concesslon forrand owned by l{r. C, Klinex be returned asroads are not 66 ft.r,ride and service road to conccsslon hes two sharp rfghtangledturns wittrout any a]lqtgnce to l-nprove 84me,lhe ctuestion of errors in the 1955 aesessnent nae dLscussEd but tabledunttlthe nert special nreetlng of Counsil.Hlg$.

- 2 -CashRellefpayrol-lofOctoberIstrIg56.l. Balph Hellaee2. Mildred Draper3 . lffs . Edlth lrtllson22.O03l+.OO3h . ooRellefbyVoucherfor$epteilberrL956.l+. Mah.lon Sedore5. $trongrnan t s $tore6- l\rpr af ThorahGener al Ac eountsMrs .ldav. RJ. sebrough- Groc .4 gcBacher rr - ffoc .Re l,lary Cleyton1?.0030.0017. 63?. Kenneth0omer Clarbage 20OrO08. North York Begietry office Llst of sales 6.Ll+9. Sutton Reporter Pub, gs. Advertlsf-ng l.lel0r (ieorge EeelrLe TonnehJ.p Perk 25.2Q11." R. BLlLeon llownship Park 13.05l?. Don frrepherd Garbage-Ducloe Foint 5m.0013. John Andrus Heed Lnspection I?5.00J"h" Bostttoh-Cancda Ltd, Staplen & Suppltes 58.3515. Itydro Eleetric iro$er Comrn. Tonnship Park 2.0?16. .Iames R. 'rfelr Ins, Park-Fire Brlgsde hh.ha17. R. E. Corner Hpress charges 2.0O18. J. E. Taylor straps 125.5219. J. E. Taylon Jlsgessorts Guide 10.0020. fhos. 'lrihilller & $on J[Bsessor app. cards 33.11521. E. $trongman Stamps 35.0022, County of Yor* Ilospltaltzetion - August .. L?.7023. oeetetner (Curada) I,td. $upplies 26.2.6?h. Village of Srtton Stre fightlng 35.5025, W. J. Iqgons lttleage ?I.tB?6., Ralph E. Corner $etary ?8O.5?27,r Receiver General of Cenada fax deductions Ll.n0tU,: Nonth fork Plorfinents Assn. Fent E5"OO. -, FfrE. MuILct and IIrs. Dnaper of Fefferlaw discussed their assessnpJrt andfurxes wttlr the <strong>Council</strong>. ft was sr4lgented to theln that they mlght appcal :theLr essessnents lfttrey thou$nt they were rrnfal"rl;r eesessed." ,*. Scott ltsnnle ;rnd Mr. Ken Janes diseusscd the Pound Keepers' Act* ,withthe Councll and referned to prevl-oue discusslons of Councll rrlth Hr. .Andrew ffirLer ." Tha proposed plan of part' of Ist 12, Concessions 7 & I recetved from .the- Department c'f Pleruring and Developlrcnt' nas tabled. the Clerk tn- ."*sstrueted to take such action as had been prmrlousl;r propoeed for thls plan.The pnoponed plan of part of tots 2t and ?2, Conceseion h omed try Mr.K}[mex, was tsbl"ed.Moved by CouncllLor Prlngle and seconded by Counetllor l{ercer that thsproposed plan recelved from the Dept. of Planning & DeveSopment on part ofInts ?L& 2?r concesslon forrand owned by l{r. C, Klinex be returned asroads are not 66 ft.r,ride and service road to conccsslon hes two sharp rfghtangledturns wittrout any a]lqtgnce to l-nprove 84me,lhe ctuestion of errors in the 1955 aesessnent nae dLscussEd but tabledunttlthe nert special nreetlng of Counsil.Hlg$.

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