1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes


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: h-bf nroat Tounslrip ruqucstlng hlm to havc e slgFr poutcd prolrl.bttlnsCrcorgl.na Tcnrnshtp rccidffits fron dqnqrlng gnrtEgc and to furtfic reqrrcettJren to do eonctlrtng Sout keqtrrg tho duq ln brttcr condttton er thrresLdGntc of (horginn src eornFla-tntng *out thc nctrct of r*fi.I,GtttrB frcnn tJrc DucLoa Polnt Propcrty ftrn*u Inc. and l{eHro BsactrSscocieti-on ragu;stlngen tnprovcd_ roed to Duclos Pslnt end r ncctLngwi.th Counctl tn ths ncer firtrrra wer.t rcad. CorncLl rct thc datc ofScptembcr tho 2m st 7l3O prn" et ths Cmnrdty Helt Ln Pcffslcw rlthc tlms and placc for thc rmctlng.Ttrc Clcrk" reg l-ntrtruntcd to rdviscttrrc Assocl.r'.t!.ons of thc meotlng.rcquart fron Hrg. l{eqf Ann Oodfrcal for firrthcr old e6a *aalstnncrr*e dj"eousscd. Tho Rer\rG was to ruk tJra ilclfcrc Offlccr, l{r. Foetm, toLnwatLgetrr thc or,t{r''Csuncll sdJorrncd.a t r4'i--Frt**o*J'ifiirrrr.fat.t.a. taaraar..aU,,''l,* .t ,lrJ /t. ..'Jr'l,trtif rt . . . t \rt"#('.t J.L. . . . ,Racvc

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