1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes


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$?E[T^[I, UEE[]]'IC *lSl{NSHIP oF {EORGII{AAueugt20L_<strong>1956</strong>A epeclal meeting of the lfimtctyral- Cou:tcLl of thE lbnnship of<strong>Georgina</strong> waa called by t'he Reeve at the ClerktsoffLce on the eborre &h,to diecuss urgent bueJ.nese.Merribers all preeent exoept <strong>Council</strong>lor Prl.ngl€rlhe President and $ecret*y ot' the Pefferlaw & Dlstrict Ltone Clubattended the meetLng to digcrrss ttre future opcratlons of the Tormahippark.Moved by CounelLlor Mercer" antl seconded by Deputy Reeve Rlxon thatttre Pef-ferlaw g Dlstntct lfons CIub be authorlzed to oporate the ?ownshipPark on the following basJ.s for tlre balance of ttds sunnpr.Retain full profite nade frorn the Bootlr.Retaln $Ofr of net profl.t on parklng, Oarr{.ed.llr, flane ldomlson, Soltcttor retalned for the prrrpos€ of handlLngthe vote under the Idquor ld-cence Actr wes preeent to advJ-ce Councll" ofproper proeedwe.0ouncll was egreed thet the vote should be taken the sqne day as thelfunlcipalELectLon.By-Law No. 300 providLng for the Ncmrinatlon and Election of a }leeve,a Deputy Reeve end tlrree <strong>Council</strong>lors for the TonnsTg"t0eorgtna for they,ear 1957, eleo for the NomJ.natlon and Hlectton of dft"iient,ens of thetfunteipal$choo1 Bcard for the *rear 1957 rrras gtven J"te several readingsand passed-Iln qrpJ.icetlon of Pol"nt llubdir4ders re thelr proposed plan on partof Int ?1" 'GoncessLon l+, was diseussed.It r,,rs.s &greed that $olicltcr,l{r. Morrison, uould take cs,re of the necessary egreements, etc. to $eethat the fi&*dtvider ca*ied out the ulshes of Counctl with respect tnthe propoged sub-diviston.Meetlng adJour:red.

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