1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes 1956 Georgina - Council Minutes


- 3 *-tAl{D WI{SAEAS thcrc hss bcan tt rcqucdt for tfi+ t*lcl.ne of a votc onbothquest!.ons,fitffi$F'ffi BE IT RESTTSD tdrat tha l{unlctps} tbuncll of tha TownetrLp ofGcorgl"nr unnd.rmusly applo\rt tht t'sld"ng of e vott on bottr guastlonstnd t'het thc ldquor Ltccncs Bord of Onterlo bc co notdJicd. 9315[$.h. Jeckson, rcpcmntrtlvc of the Toronto $tnF, togcthcr withItb. llorrLe snd l,lr. I(ny of ttra Fcdcrntlon of AgrLculturc wrLt'cd onCouncll rc rord stgns. li[r. Jsckson lndlcetGd thnt ttrc Tononto Stsrwould supply both algne rnd poata, Ef,uG to be orcetcd by tlrc Fsdarrtionof Agriculturc Ln eo-opeetton wtth thc Hoed $rrpcnlntsndent.l{r. I{rrry Hnggctt, $ecretrry of the l^tona G[S, ruquaetcd ttrcHnLL rsnt t?cc on bahetf of tha CIub for their rrnrLous notivttLas lnthc fi.rtun .Flovcd by CounclLlor Mcrccr nnd ecoondcd by Councillor Blanclrnrdthat thc Pcff*Iew & Dlstn"tet Ltona GLub bc grrntcd frae uec of thaPcfferlsw florunurdty flrll, g3gtlgS.I'{r. Pet OtBrisnr rcprcscnttng thc l{ossington Fsrk CottegcrotAeeocj.ttion, dlecusead s drgl-negp pnoblm orr Dunlclrk Rord. CIouncll wesrgratrhla to hsvlng the Rocd fuperlntcndcnt look sftcr tlrc problm tftt dtd not involvta nr*Jor crcpcn{tture.!{r. Andrtw Srler lresanted h5.s problam to Oourail rc p}rcing of* eov ln n pound et l,Ir. ftott Rcrurl.cfe. Councj.l *dvLs+d Hr. SrLcr thetthcy t*ruld dLscuee the nettar trith l'l[n. Rcnnla. ]IF. ftls rcquteteddnnrgce in the roount of $1,0.0Orl,lrer Rogcreon, Ldrc Srorc Rosd ncrt to Mogsingfun lre,rk, eakcd forrcpetre to thc l.cke $horrc Ln front of hsr pl*cs. $hp r,nr rdrrtscd thrtsonat'hlng would bc dons to rcctifythc sltuatlon"InF. C. C. ltrrr"ts dennrutrafud thc rrsc of n reeuacLtrtor to CouncJ.LCouncll arfld tr56" rmu].d discusg trhp netten firthor.Cou$sil dl-ecusscd tfic rdvj.srbilityof e Flnrrntng Borrd for ttrefcnrnsldp of Georgj.nn.Ifir f.inr.l d ecl"eLon rns rerchcd.Tlrc Clark wes glvon pcrnLsrLon to rctrj.ll tha scrvlccs of Mr. Clnral{orrLeon, $olJ-cttor,for hcnd}firg tha voto undcr thG l*{quor ldccnccSctr

*' h -Upon actt).orn+nt rrtth Hr. lllllar Hsrblnson rc dlssofurtlon of thcLaasc fortlrc Torrnehlp Pcrkp ttrc Rewc 1fl8 l-nstl"ustcd to nrlce nswtrra11gcnGnts to h*ve ttre rrfrcehhtnt Etrnd opclratod for thc brl,enac ofthc gctson"CounclLadJouYnod.Rccw

- 3 *-tAl{D WI{SAEAS thcrc hss bcan tt rcqucdt for tfi+ t*lcl.ne of a votc onbothquest!.ons,fitffi$F'ffi BE IT RESTTSD tdrat tha l{unlctps} tbuncll of tha TownetrLp ofGcorgl"nr unnd.rmusly applo\rt tht t'sld"ng of e vott on bottr guastlonstnd t'het thc ldquor Ltccncs Bord of Onterlo bc co notdJicd. 9315[$.h. Jeckson, rcpcmntrtlvc of the Toronto $tnF, togcthcr withItb. llorrLe snd l,lr. I(ny of ttra Fcdcrntlon of AgrLculturc wrLt'cd onCouncll rc rord stgns. li[r. Jsckson lndlcetGd thnt ttrc Tononto Stsrwould supply both algne rnd poata, Ef,uG to be orcetcd by tlrc Fsdarrtionof Agriculturc Ln eo-opeetton wtth thc Hoed $rrpcnlntsndent.l{r. I{rrry Hnggctt, $ecretrry of the l^tona G[S, ruquaetcd ttrcHnLL rsnt t?cc on bahetf of tha CIub for their rrnrLous notivttLas lnthc fi.rtun .Flovcd by CounclLlor Mcrccr nnd ecoondcd by <strong>Council</strong>lor Blanclrnrdthat thc Pcff*Iew & Dlstn"tet Ltona GLub bc grrntcd frae uec of thaPcfferlsw florunurdty flrll, g3gtlgS.I'{r. Pet OtBrisnr rcprcscnttng thc l{ossington Fsrk CottegcrotAeeocj.ttion, dlecusead s drgl-negp pnoblm orr Dunlclrk Rord. CIouncll wesrgratrhla to hsvlng the Rocd fuperlntcndcnt look sftcr tlrc problm tftt dtd not involvta nr*Jor crcpcn{tture.!{r. Andrtw Srler lresanted h5.s problam to Oourail rc p}rcing of* eov ln n pound et l,Ir. ftott Rcrurl.cfe. Councj.l *dvLs+d Hr. SrLcr thetthcy t*ruld dLscuee the nettar trith l'l[n. Rcnnla. ]IF. ftls rcquteteddnnrgce in the roount of $1,0.0Orl,lrer Rogcreon, Ldrc Srorc Rosd ncrt to Mogsingfun lre,rk, eakcd forrcpetre to thc l.cke $horrc Ln front of hsr pl*cs. $hp r,nr rdrrtscd thrtsonat'hlng would bc dons to rcctifythc sltuatlon"InF. C. C. ltrrr"ts dennrutrafud thc rrsc of n reeuacLtrtor to CouncJ.LCouncll arfld tr56" rmu].d discusg trhp netten firthor.Cou$sil dl-ecusscd tfic rdvj.srbilityof e Flnrrntng Borrd for ttrefcnrnsldp of Georgj.nn.Ifir f.inr.l d ecl"eLon rns rerchcd.Tlrc Clark wes glvon pcrnLsrLon to rctrj.ll tha scrvlccs of Mr. Clnral{orrLeon, $olJ-cttor,for hcnd}firg tha voto undcr thG l*{quor ldccnccSctr

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