1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes 1956 Georgina - Council Minutes


$rEclArHryr_rbrc*fi4ruHHIP0Fe'ry$olMJunetB.lg55.A rpectalr*otlng of the ltunlctpal CouncLl of the Tonnuhip of Georginawae ceJ.l.Ed by the Reerre at the Glerkte offJ.cc on the Sove ftterto dLscussurgent buglneag.Merrbere prerent il,Bra * Reeve J. II. Andnrron, Deputy fleevt E. Rl:con,IDorrnelllors C. BlAnahsd' and t. HercerrCouncil dl.esusaed the drngeroue bathing sltu.wtton rt the.nout'h of t'hcBlactc Fiver et Hosel.ngton P*k. ifter due correl"deratLon, the follonlngresolutd.on Efi pf,ttscd end the Clerk flec lnctfilcted to pand * certlfled coplrto l[r. J..8. ftrI.th, Itt.P.Moved by Deputy Bearn lUlxon and secondcd by Counclllor Blanchrd ttratI{HEREAS there nere tvo drornrtrrgc fn 1955 and ons dror*ntng to deta Xn 1956 *t themouth of t}re BLsck Rl.ver at' l{ossJ,ngton Park Ln tns Tonnehlp of GecrgLnn,AND I'lltEREA$ condl.tlonsoutsj-de tlre dredged chennEl of the rLver ere extarcnclSrdangeroun as {rhe dcpth of water vqriee sevcrel feet in + v6ry few feet rrherechl"ldren brttre Ln the l*ke,IIISREF'0RE BE IT RESOTVED THAT thie CormcJ.I do earneetlyrequest' orrr Henber ofPanlJ.ment, llr. J. E. Sd.th, !{.F. to tnke thls matter up wtt}r Fropereubhorf.tlee Ln Ottana rcqueatlng tmrediate astton to heve thl-s dnngerouesondj.tion rect{.fLed se ttle Councl]. f.s erqloue thnt firrthsr *ctdcntc bepnetrnted.Ccr{.ed.CounciJ. dtscusasd the ftiltng of t*re p*king lot of, tlrc Townshlp Farksnd the eenitary cordlu.ons.It, wss decLded to herc a rneetd.rrg et the frrkl&dneodny, June the eOfir, at 9r0t1 f,rrru rt rhich tfure prtcee for ttre harrllngend spneadtng of fLLI warld be chtatred and srrangprpnte to hsne the toilleteput tn Fropor condltLon would be nds.Chtef Constable J. l{LllEr dtecuf,esd rrraqy p}tceproblone r*lth CsuncLl..HeetLng adJourned et 12r.ffi p.m.t r a a aRegve

$FS0IILMEEITI{S--lSHt{_sIIPCIFffi0RBIN[&$-B2or1956A rpcctal ileottng of ttre ltrurlctpal Oounel,l of the lbunship of Creorglnrms ca-llsd by ttre Rpene at the lbunsld.p Prrk,at 9l0O grm. or ttrc abovedete f,or the pur?oss of naldng J^qrovoncntast the Perk.l,ferfrera. all" lneae:rt,,l{r. l{lljord Ave'r1y and l,i[r. Cltff l{htt6 ngrg prssent and gave E priaeon drswir€fllJ,l{oved by CounclllorFilanchard ailiLcecondod by Depnty Rcew Rtxctl titrst!fltford lreqy ard ffiJ.ff Uhlte bc a*rded the contrrct to drew and Levsll,r0OO yerda of grevel ftLL rt 60 cents per yd. to ttre,Torm#rip Psk..llluork to be done to tfie setlsf,act'l,on of the Boed $uperlntendentrCsrrlcd.It ras dacidd thEt t'tre Bod $peri.ntendent uould take cme ofelteratLons to tJre ;resent toLLet buflff.ngs to put them in good repal.r.Uectfuig a{Journed.. .Q t,il ,. #r*taw,FREe\rB

$rEclArHryr_rbrc*fi4ruHHIP0Fe'ry$olMJunetB.lg55.A rpectalr*otlng of the ltunlctpal CouncLl of the Tonnuhip of <strong>Georgina</strong>wae ceJ.l.Ed by the Reerre at the Glerkte offJ.cc on the Sove ftterto dLscussurgent buglneag.Merrbere prerent il,Bra * Reeve J. II. Andnrron, Deputy fleevt E. Rl:con,IDorrnelllors C. BlAnahsd' and t. Hercerr<strong>Council</strong> dl.esusaed the drngeroue bathing sltu.wtton rt the.nout'h of t'hcBlactc Fiver et Hosel.ngton P*k. ifter due correl"deratLon, the follonlngresolutd.on Efi pf,ttscd end the Clerk flec lnctfilcted to pand * certlfled coplrto l[r. J..8. ftrI.th, Itt.P.Moved by Deputy Bearn lUlxon and secondcd by Counclllor Blanchrd ttratI{HEREAS there nere tvo drornrtrrgc fn 1955 and ons dror*ntng to deta Xn <strong>1956</strong> *t themouth of t}re BLsck Rl.ver at' l{ossJ,ngton Park Ln tns Tonnehlp of GecrgLnn,AND I'lltEREA$ condl.tlonsoutsj-de tlre dredged chennEl of the rLver ere extarcnclSrdangeroun as {rhe dcpth of water vqriee sevcrel feet in + v6ry few feet rrherechl"ldren brttre Ln the l*ke,IIISREF'0RE BE IT RESOTVED THAT thie CormcJ.I do earneetlyrequest' orrr Henber ofPanlJ.ment, llr. J. E. Sd.th, !{.F. to tnke thls matter up wtt}r Fropereubhorf.tlee Ln Ottana rcqueatlng tmrediate astton to heve thl-s dnngerouesondj.tion rect{.fLed se ttle Councl]. f.s erqloue thnt firrthsr *ctdcntc bepnetrnted.Ccr{.ed.CounciJ. dtscusasd the ftiltng of t*re p*king lot of, tlrc Townshlp Farksnd the eenitary cordlu.ons.It, wss decLded to herc a rneetd.rrg et the frrkl&dneodny, June the eOfir, at 9r0t1 f,rrru rt rhich tfure prtcee for ttre harrllngend spneadtng of fLLI warld be chtatred and srrangprpnte to hsne the toilleteput tn Fropor condltLon would be nds.Chtef Constable J. l{LllEr dtecuf,esd rrraqy p}tceproblone r*lth CsuncLl..HeetLng adJourned et 12r.ffi p.m.t r a a aRegve

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