1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes


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.-.U- 3-Hoved by lbputy' Reeve H5.xon and seconded by CounoillorBlenchardthat Voucher No. h of Uay 7t'hr <strong>1956</strong>, for erqenditurcson the ltownstrlproeds totalli.ng$Ir28?.5I be eccepted and the Recve grant hl-e orrlert onthe 'l?easr,rer fctr ttre garne end Lhe scal of the Co4roretlonbe heretoattaehed.Ceruled.the questlon of lnstnlJj.ng toileta at ths Tornrshtp Park rl*s digcussed.CounrylLdecidcd to get some spectflcationafrom ttre lleal't]r Untt anrl ]atenpoeslbly cn11 fon tendes.By-Lew No. ?p? rcgulatlrU parking in Pefferlan nas givei ttsseveral riadingsand passtd.Councll queettoned ttre need for pesaLng 4 By-Lew to apotntsn"Inspectcr under tfie lFcneh hcavattons Prct€ctlon ltct snd"the {,l,erk watl,nstnrcted to tnqul-re as to drettrer it was atroolutely necasaarlrrTenderE ilcre opsrled for gnrbage collectisnat Duclos' Point andthc Moesington Park eraae.lloved by Ccrunelllor Pr{.ngtr nnd eccordsd by CounatllorMereer thattJrc tender of Don Srepherd for ttre col,lsctLon of gerbsge eE ad*rtLsed inthe Duclos Polnt eree be nccapted.Tender pnico S500.O0.Cerried.Iifoved by Councl"llor PrtngX.e end secondsd by <strong>Council</strong>lorHercerthat the tender of l{enneth Coner for t}re collectlon of g*bage ar" 'eavbrti'seh' th" the' jaek-sbhib" Fbfht a:ear'both babt iurB' tubbt bf' 'ilhg'Mosstngton Brd.dge, be acceptsd. lbnder price - West of BrLdger $S0.00 -Ea.st of Br{.dge, $h0o.00, 9#9.lloved try Counc*Ilor ltningle and secordcd by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mereerttrat the -lsssssor be advised he rney attend Aseesfiorsr tJonventlon atNorth Bey and that he nay have expenses of $10.00 per day plus f6per nl"Ie .CeTied.!,foved by <strong>Council</strong>Jor Pr{-ngle and eeconded by <strong>Council</strong>lor Uercerthat perrrlselon be glven to tlre Naztrenc 'Carql to operate l.n tht larnecatcgcry as a School Bus - to tnansport the chtl.dren from the NazareneCanp to the La]

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