1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes


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- e -^-,-gLvcn the eeveral readlngs end pessed,By-I-aHs No. 289 and No. 2p0 estebll.shlngDog Pound snd Pounds Keeperwere gLwn the severs.l readlngs and passcd.Mr. AlbertLflf,k and Mr. Ilunton denonetrated e Cicstetner nechlne toCouncll.ltloved by Counclllor l,lercer end sdcondad by Corrncillor Blanchard thetwe purchase e Gestetner machlne, hand operated, at e prJ-ce of Sh6O.OOlcso 101 and the Clcrk be erithmlzcd to cndcr B&lfp.Cerr.l.ed.A delegation fron lork County Fedsret'ton of AgricuJ.trrs neltcd on{bunel]" rcqucstl"ng a fl-nancleldonetion.l4oved by CouneillorMercer end seconded by Deputy Reeve Rixon ttrate grant of S125.00 be made to the FedaretLon of Agr{.cultrrre.Mr. E. $trongman md l{r. H. Weggett, as rcpresentau.ves of the.Ll6ne 01ub lntervLcned Councl.l rtth tJre thought of operattng perklng:faillttles in the lfiuricipal P&rk to mrtual satl-sfectlon. They uere 1n-'9gII!93,formed try <strong>Council</strong> ttrat' uhen Cor.nctl had deeld+d what theirprogranr wea lnthls respcot, they wor1ld be notlfled."Terders werc recrived for crrehi-ng, liardlng and spreadlng graveL"'ldoved by Deputy Resvc RJxon end sscond.ed try <strong>Council</strong>lor Mereer that^tfi6 tender price of R. A. B1ythCo. forleruahLng - hmrltng and spreadingss'dLreeted by tfie Roed"Superlntendent be eccepted.'Cnrshing and lor{1ng ln Tornship lFuck 38fCrlshLng and etockpl-ll.ng ln tlre pltbifiCrushing - haullng and opreadlng68iTsndrrs wsre reeeived for eupplying brush ktllana weed spray'Cerried.mteri al-e.'Morred by <strong>Council</strong>lor Bl"sncherd and seconded by Courclllsr lltrc6rthil tendar of Pcfferlar* Feed MtIl for supplylng brustr tdII and wcedthhtsprfXnaterialg'be acccptad.Moved by Deputy Hecve klxon and seconded by OounclllorPrlnglethb cltrk be lnet'nrctcd to cn]-r for tenderr for gmbage correction forthe f,ollor{ing ffees on s local inprovcrcnt basl"e. I'he nunbcr of col-Iecti"ons to be &s rcquosted by ttre verious Associationn.Duclog PolntJecksonts Point - Qre tender from the Mossington brtdge weetto Jecksonr e Point.- One tender from the Mossington brl.dge eaatto St. Georgers Chureh.that" Carried.Tendars to be in by Hay the hth, <strong>1956</strong>." Carrle{.-*.|#'

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