1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes 1956 Georgina - Council Minutes


^-.vSpeclalMeettng-Torn$lpofGeorglnlMsrchl5thrlg56.t qpsclalnreetS.ng of the Munietpal Counci.l of ttre Totonshlp ofGeorglne ues ce"ll,ed by the Reeve at the Clerkrs offtce on ttre abovsdete.lhe pwpose of the nreettng lras to dlecuss agreerpnte wl-ttr theVll1age of Sntton re police equlpnent, fire ftghttng servisss and thethrestof r$Lee.Medbers of the Counetl a.ll present.l1r. 0eorge twront,Reevc of Sutton ettended the neetLng.the dlvislon of f,ssets of ttre Sutton-Georgtna pollce departmeartwas considered but flnal f,rusngements as tp thelr dlsponttlon uere tobs mede at e laterdate.Moved by Councillor Marcar and gecondcd by Councllle Prl-ngle thettho ennuel retf,iner fee for ftlre Ftghtlng $errrlces be increaeed bythe sum of Flfty Dollars per y6err g#g$.Hoved by Courrcl"Ilor FrtrUlccnd secondcd by Deputy Reeve Rlxonthat tlte Clerk be inetructed to prtepera a By-Iaw setting up a dogpound appotnting I{r. Vlc Harvey es pound keeper with author{-ty te plckup dogs runnlng at large ttrat *e not l-nnoculeted and regl.stered andhsving authoritSr to collecta E[ve Dollar fee for re]-eese of dog withinl+8 houre providad dog ls then J"nnoculatcd, If these regulati.ons me notcmpLi.ed wJ-th, doge must be destrotrred.Cnrilled.Meeting edJourned.tI a I r t . . aRecne

^-.-TOUNSHIP 0F C',EORGINAFourthlleetlng-1996pursusnt to adJourrment, the MunietpalCouneil" of the Tornship ofGcorgina net, et the llownship HnIL, Pefferlau on Monday, April the zndtL95F, at 7r 30 p.m.Menbers of the Courncil ellpnescnt.l'lLnutcs of the leet rcgular rneating afft specJ"al rnectJ-ng rrtre ad,opted'Moved by Deputy Reeve "IILxonand seconded by Cowrclllor Pringle that$checlule of lccor:nts dated Aprll Znd, 1956 - ftcns I to 3ft inchrsive sndtotnlLlng$11616.30 be eccepted, and the Recve grarlt his orders on thtlYersurer for senc and the sral- of the Oorpcration be hereto ettachedrCashRellefPeyrol,lofAprtl?ndr1956.L2,3.h. Mary 1gellaceMildred DraperJoan BurgleDorothy GodfreyEdwerd SklnnerDonna DfErt$ 2u.00" 3lr.0oI00.0020.0060.003e.00Eell.efbyVoucherforMerch.lgffT,8.9.IO.11r12.13.th.15.General AccountuStrongnanf s Storelfrs, V. Horrl-sSutton Lurnber & FuslPefferLew Feed Mi.llTr*p. East GntlliributtyStrongRranta StoreDonne D I ErlJfun & JeanteIuke t $ Dtrig StorcEiLeen .McE achern- Gnoe.K, Gezey-flccnn & BoerdRoss Htrmsrl-FuBlEllecn l{cEachern*CoslHerry Doy1e-For Feb.l{rs. GIen Rtiney-Foc.RelLcf for MerchAlfred Godfrey-foc.Alfrsd Godfrey*fnsulin30.oo36.007.5027 , ?538 .oo5.oo2l+.00ho.oo5,551,6.17.IB.19.2O"?I.((t23.?lr.25.? of ConsnerceS.R. I{art & Co. Ltd.Toronto Strmp {r $tan.filos. tr'ltrl1}ler & $onItunicipal. hlorldR, E. Cornerl'lcslcy LyonsBruce CornerPefferlaw Courr. HaLLAurors lntrnel HosP.ltecoiver Ceneral of 'C.Sutton Prl-nters.Iohn L. CrozierNorth York RegletryCounty of TorkGrnntAssessorrs SuppliesDog ?egsClerk I s of fLce-AsseseorStatil"onery-Clerkr s off lce$almyl,[lJ.eageIblcl.-James WslJ.aceGrantConfinenent dog-f6ak C. Hselthlbx deductionStetdonery, ete.LegelFe*Hospttaltzation50.00l*. 7o1?.16Igr.7?1.66280.679.38?.0025o.oo?lr.0Or[.0097.5715.oo7.69127.1r5Hoved by CIouncllJor Pringle and seconded by Councillor Blancherdthat Voucher No. I of Apr{.I 2nd, 1956, for srpsndLtrrres on the Tounshlproads totalllng#3r,7?5.29 be eceepted and the Reeve grnnt trie orderson the Tr,ceewer for the ssne and the saa.l of the CorporetLon bEherttoattached.Ceml-ed.By*Iaw No' 2BB 4pointingHr:. John !11I1*r as ChLef ConstabLs wes

^-.-TOUNSHIP 0F C',EORGINAFourthlleetlng-1996pursusnt to adJourrment, the MunietpalCouneil" of the Tornship ofGcorgina net, et the llownship HnIL, Pefferlau on Monday, April the zndtL95F, at 7r 30 p.m.Menbers of the Courncil ellpnescnt.l'lLnutcs of the leet rcgular rneating afft specJ"al rnectJ-ng rrtre ad,opted'Moved by Deputy Reeve "IILxonand seconded by Cowrclllor Pringle that$checlule of lccor:nts dated Aprll Znd, <strong>1956</strong> - ftcns I to 3ft inchrsive sndtotnlLlng$11616.30 be eccepted, and the Recve grarlt his orders on thtlYersurer for senc and the sral- of the Oorpcration be hereto ettachedrCashRellefPeyrol,lofAprtl?ndr<strong>1956</strong>.L2,3.h. Mary 1gellaceMildred DraperJoan BurgleDorothy GodfreyEdwerd SklnnerDonna DfErt$ 2u.00" 3lr.0oI00.0020.0060.003e.00Eell.efbyVoucherforMerch.lgffT,8.9.IO.11r12.13.th.15.General AccountuStrongnanf s Storelfrs, V. Horrl-sSutton Lurnber & FuslPefferLew Feed Mi.llTr*p. East GntlliributtyStrongRranta StoreDonne D I ErlJfun & JeanteIuke t $ Dtrig StorcEiLeen .McE achern- Gnoe.K, Gezey-flccnn & BoerdRoss Htrmsrl-FuBlEllecn l{cEachern*CoslHerry Doy1e-For Feb.l{rs. GIen Rtiney-Foc.RelLcf for MerchAlfred Godfrey-foc.Alfrsd Godfrey*fnsulin30.oo36.007.5027 , ?538 .oo5.oo2l+.00ho.oo5,551,6.17.IB.19.2O"?I.((t23.?lr.25.? of ConsnerceS.R. I{art & Co. Ltd.Toronto Strmp {r $tan.filos. tr'ltrl1}ler & $onItunicipal. hlorldR, E. Cornerl'lcslcy LyonsBruce CornerPefferlaw Courr. HaLLAurors lntrnel HosP.ltecoiver Ceneral of 'C.Sutton Prl-nters.Iohn L. CrozierNorth York RegletryCounty of TorkGrnntAssessorrs SuppliesDog ?egsClerk I s of fLce-AsseseorStatil"onery-Clerkr s off lce$almyl,[lJ.eageIblcl.-James WslJ.aceGrantConfinenent dog-f6ak C. Hselthlbx deductionStetdonery, ete.LegelFe*Hospttaltzation50.00l*. 7o1?.16Igr.7?1.66280.679.38?.0025o.oo?lr.0Or[.0097.5715.oo7.69127.1r5Hoved by CIouncllJor Pringle and seconded by <strong>Council</strong>lor Blancherdthat Voucher No. I of Apr{.I 2nd, <strong>1956</strong>, for srpsndLtrrres on the Tounshlproads totalllng#3r,7?5.29 be eceepted and the Reeve grnnt trie orderson the Tr,ceewer for the ssne and the saa.l of the CorporetLon bEherttoattached.Ceml-ed.By*Iaw No' 2BB 4pointingHr:. John !11I1*r as ChLef ConstabLs wes

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