1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes 1956 Georgina - Council Minutes


^-.-r 3 -Hoved by CounciJLor Blanchard and seconded by OouncillorMercert'hat l,lr. John "lndrus be qrpointed Wesd Inapeator for thc yB* L956.Salary and miLeege not to e:cceed One Hundred end ltrenty*FiveDolLnrs,Cnrrded.Hoved Sr Counclllor Elanchrd antl seconded by Cor.rncl-llor Mercerthat r*c, the Councll of ttre Corporati.on of the TownshLp of Georgl"m,support e ResolutJ-on paseed by thc CotrnsiLofthe lown of Aurorawtrich Ls eF foll,ot'rsrWHEEAS tlrls l.lunl-cfpality ls undertaking e prograrnmo of test drllltngto flnd a $ource of vater to supply the needs of the Towr brought' onby expansl-on and developnent of the TounIAND I.II{EHEA$ rneny ot}rer Munletpalltl.cspr ogr effiie$AllD WIIEREJI$ the entlclpatedare aleo undertalctng efuntlcrdevelopncnt of tJrat pert of, Ontsrio surroundingToronto rrilLlnvolve the pro&rctl-on of e very )"arge supply of rater inedditlonto thet already belng produccdTHE'EFDRE BE fT RESoL1TEDTThat ttris Councl.l petLtd.on the ProtrlnclelGoverment to take eteps^ tobring wattr into thls anea fnorn Inke Sincoe, Lake 0ntarf.o, or' ffiy ot}errinllar sflrce, to be supplled to Municl.palitdeg ln thc serm ilry eshydro*aleet'rie porer is suppll-ed to local tlyfro Corunlssions, and ttrrat thsCorpcrationof the County of Tork, and a-ll othey HunS.cipalf"tles wlthlnthe County be eeked to support thls petltion.And that e certlfied copy of tltis ResolutLon be forwrded to the ProvincialGovernnent and our loca1 Mernber, MaJor A. L. FtacKenale.'Cgf,fied.Moved by CouncillorMercer slrd seeonded by Deputy ReevE ErnestIlLxon thatthe CouncLlrs repreaentet'l"vEs on the '0omrunity Hal.I Boardet Pefferlaw be Deputy Eeeve Rl.xon and Counclllor C].arencE BL*nahrd.Ccrried.eMovad by Corincillorlifercer end seconded by Dcgruty Reeve Rl-xon tirat,ttre order for purrchase of HarbLe ELy meterlaLE be pleccd wlttr C.I.L.tlrrorrEh Pefferlawfeed MilICarried.Hoved by Councitlor Blanchard ard seconded by Counci.llor Mercerthnt Ur. G. Drolct be engaged rr'tth hle traetor at *2,25 per hour forl*rnble fily sprry'lng and l,lr. B11I Eluell bc engegnd as an c:ctre menfor apr4ring.Ca*l-ed.

-l+ -LUMowd by CouncillorMercer erd seconded by Deputy Beeve ltlxon ttratthe Road $uperJ.ntendent be euthorlzed to ssk for tendare to crushard hrul and spreed on rsads at a flat rete 81000 cbbic yards ormore gravel to be crushed 3/h tnctr. Ccrr{.sd.Moved by Counelllor ilerccr and seconded by Councl1lor BJ.anchmdtJrat the Roed Srrper{ntendsnt be authorlstd to purchase eome lr5 tonoof, c{ciulr chJ.orJ-de uhLprnnt tp be nrsde by tnrck.--,qq+qq. +Mowd by Deputy Reerre Rixon ard seconded by Cotulcillorl.r[ercer tfiatth€ Roed Srperlntardent be authsired to ssk for tsnders on g0 gele.of brush ld"ll and IO ge1s. z.h.D weed sprey meterialsto be louvo1atlle.Cnrrricd.l{r. Joseph Inrtngnes prasent end esked ttre Council drat sonsj.derrt{srhed been given to openLng part of ttre 6t}r Correesslon to his property.He flas lnforrnsd that thlsmatter sorrld be dl-sc ussed Hith the Enginecrfrorn t'lre Depertment of Higltwry$ ss soon ts Errsngenents could be nndc todo go.By-Lew llo, 287 prortdtngf.ox bounty GtG. rres Elven the scv€rf,lrcu{ingnand paaued.Tsnders for the new Tovrnsltp one ton truek ilsre recelved End consldered,efter ntrlch the follot+ing Rcsolution waE passed:Moved by Councillor Mercer and geconded by Counclllor BLanch*dthat the tendcr of ,ArdlllMotore to supp\y a new ftre Ton Truck cqulppedas spectfied be rceopted subjeet to t'he qrpnovat of tf,re Depantment oflltghwrys of tha Provlnce of Onterlo.Price QuotcdS erhtsO.Ogttede*In .ftllowamce 950.00Balance-t#-"aMr. KeiihHaltee, Assi.stant Dletrict Engf.neer for the Department ofHigt*rsgs lras prreeont ntren the tanders for the truck lrere opened snd indic*tedthat the approval frqn t&e Depenntant of Higluaye uould be forthccral.ngin the nefAppltcatlonsfuture.for the posiu.on of Clrtef Constsble lrare consldered andttre foLlolrlng lleeolutlon wae ' paeeed:Hoved by Councillor Blanchard end seconded by Couriclllor Mercer thatthe Clerk be inetructed to contect t'fre following rnen to arrange person&1

^-.-r 3 -Hoved by CounciJLor Blanchard and seconded by OouncillorMercert'hat l,lr. John "lndrus be qrpointed Wesd Inapeator for thc yB* L956.Salary and miLeege not to e:cceed One Hundred end ltrenty*FiveDolLnrs,Cnrrded.Hoved Sr Counclllor Elanchrd antl seconded by Cor.rncl-llor Mercerthat r*c, the Councll of ttre Corporati.on of the TownshLp of Georgl"m,support e ResolutJ-on paseed by thc CotrnsiLofthe lown of Aurorawtrich Ls eF foll,ot'rsrWHEEAS tlrls l.lunl-cfpality ls undertaking e prograrnmo of test drllltngto flnd a $ource of vater to supply the needs of the Towr brought' onby expansl-on and developnent of the TounIAND I.II{EHEA$ rneny ot}rer Munletpalltl.cspr ogr effiie$AllD WIIEREJI$ the entlclpatedare aleo undertalctng efuntlcrdevelopncnt of tJrat pert of, Ontsrio surroundingToronto rrilLlnvolve the pro&rctl-on of e very )"arge supply of rater inedditlonto thet already belng produccdTHE'EFDRE BE fT RESoL1TEDTThat ttris Councl.l petLtd.on the ProtrlnclelGoverment to take eteps^ tobring wattr into thls anea fnorn Inke Sincoe, Lake 0ntarf.o, or' ffiy ot}errinllar sflrce, to be supplled to Municl.palitdeg ln thc serm ilry eshydro*aleet'rie porer is suppll-ed to local tlyfro Corunlssions, and ttrrat thsCorpcrationof the County of Tork, and a-ll othey HunS.cipalf"tles wlthlnthe County be eeked to support thls petltion.And that e certlfied copy of tltis ResolutLon be forwrded to the ProvincialGovernnent and our loca1 Mernber, MaJor A. L. FtacKenale.'Cgf,fied.Moved by <strong>Council</strong>lorMercer slrd seeonded by Deputy ReevE ErnestIlLxon thatthe CouncLlrs repreaentet'l"vEs on the '0omrunity Hal.I Boardet Pefferlaw be Deputy Eeeve Rl.xon and Counclllor C].arencE BL*nahrd.Ccrried.eMovad by Corincillorlifercer end seconded by Dcgruty Reeve Rl-xon tirat,ttre order for purrchase of HarbLe ELy meterlaLE be pleccd wlttr C.I.L.tlrrorrEh Pefferlawfeed MilICarried.Hoved by Councitlor Blanchard ard seconded by Counci.llor Mercerthnt Ur. G. Drolct be engaged rr'tth hle traetor at *2,25 per hour forl*rnble fily sprry'lng and l,lr. B11I Eluell bc engegnd as an c:ctre menfor apr4ring.Ca*l-ed.

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