1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes

1956 Georgina - Council Minutes


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T$,{NSHIPOF-GEORGTNAFIftST }{EETII\IG L956,The Lnaugurel meeting of the I'{uniclpalCotlncil of t}reTownship of GeorgJ.newas held at the Townshlp HaIl, Fefferlaw on Monday the 9f.[the members of the <strong>1956</strong> conncil harring subscrS-bed today of Janua^ry, Jl956.tJre oath of the Declarration of Offiee, look their place$ on the <strong>Council</strong> as foIlo$e:-Reeve, Ilowerd Andersonr; Deputy Reever Ernest FJ.xonll <strong>Council</strong>lore, Ellis lbingle,AIex, I4ercer end Clarence Blancha^rd,the l{inutes of the l.aet meetlng of the 1955 Councll nere read and confinled.Moved by CounclllorPrlngle seconded by Deputy Reeve Rixon that the lfunielpelCouncll of the Torrnshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong> spprove of the eddltional$hOnOOO. on theincreesed eosts to the l,lenmerket and Sutton t[i-gh Sehools and requests the CountyCouncllofthe County of York to lseue llebenture to the $rount of $6J.0r000.and that ttre Mr:nietpatity of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> HllI be r:esponsl-ble forthelr portion of seid debenture, CarrledMoved by <strong>Council</strong>lor Pri ngle, seeonded by CounclLlor Mercer that the 1955Coll-ectorts RoIl be accepted es presented, said RolI showlng taxes coLl-ected tobe $93r799.53, penalty colleeted $1O6,O8 and uncollected taxes ta be $?2r?8h.28as of Decenber 31st, 1955.Moved. by Deputy Reeve ,1[xon, seconded by <strong>Council</strong>lorcoples of the Munlcipal World be ordered for cne year+I{otred by Deputy Reeve Rixonn eecr:nded by CouneillorCarrledMercer that nlneCarriedMereer that a refundof $?.78 be paid to the Canadlss Natlonal Rallways for tarcee which were/received on land purehased ln L955 by the Tormsirtp of <strong>Georgina</strong>.Cerfi"edMoved by C .unellforMereer, seconded hy Deputy Reeve Rixonthet r*itestRixonand EllisPringle arre hereby alrpointed on the Police BudgetCommitf,eewlththe Vtllage of Sutton-I{oved by Deputy Reeve RHon seconded by Corrnetllor MercerCamiedJ-ng general accounts be paidfor the efrne and the seel ofand the Reeve grants his orders onthe Corporatlon be heretn atteched.ttrat the followtheTreagurerCash Re1iefHanuary$255.00Sutton Reporter PrintingCo.BelLotslB.?0W, J. Iryonsl,H_leage8.1+7C oun ty of TorkHospitalluation110.95Canadlan NetionalEallwaysRefund 1955 taxes2'78Strongman I s StoreStnongrran I e StorePefferlaw Feed. l.tl-lLJip and JeaneHelief, Eileen McEacherrlRellef, Marly ClaytonRellefrfuelRelief, llfred Godfrey3CI .oo30.0026.h0ho.oCI

*2-E. R. CrookMunieipal Hor1d0nt, Good ltoade Assoe.Ont. .Agsoe- Rurel- MunlcipralltiesE. StrongnanIiob ert O I NellLReS.lefr Bernar''dCharpontierP copteeMenbershlpHenfuershipPostageSchool ilttendance OffieersIo.oCI27.ooIO .O010.0010.0035. 70Moved by Deputy Reeve RiJcon, seconded by <strong>Council</strong>lor Prlngle that theregular neetings of ttre Muntcipal Cor:ncil of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> be heldon itru firstMo nday of each month during February, Marnch, Nove$ber and Decemberat lr3o tn the afternor:n, the remainder of the meetings to he lteld at 7:30 inthe eveni.ng, except during Julyp August and Septenber when the neetings wlL1 beheLd on Tuesday evening as the regular Corrncil meeting faLls on a holJ-day"CarriedBy-Law No. ZEI authorlzl-ngthe boruorringof monies to nreet theercpend-l"tule* of the MunS-clpality for the year untllthe tsrcee are co]lected,anciBy-Law No, ?8? appol-nting Skreep Valuators weregiven the severel reedings andpassed,<strong>Council</strong> then edjourned to meet ageln onI{onday,Feb* 6th, <strong>1956</strong> at L:30 p.m.. r , , . . . . . . , . . . .fl d. /rf,*,r . . . . rClerk4 ,. . f .;i-iSPECIAT MffilfING * IUI"INSHIP 0F GE0RGfI{A.A speeial rneeting of the Mrrnlclpal Counc:'-I of the Totrnship of <strong>Georgina</strong>called by the Reeve was held at the Townshlp I{e11, Pefferlawon l.Ionday,Jan. ?3rd, ].:956 et Lr30 p.m. for the pur?ose of discussing the <strong>Georgina</strong>-Srrtton Pol-i-ce.Moved by Deputy Reeve Rixon seconded by <strong>Council</strong>lorBlenchard that wethe Munlcipal" Councll- of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> ask that the Creorglna-$uttonPoJJce agreement terrninate es of JanuarT 3Lst, <strong>1956</strong> or at ttre earliestdatepossitrle.Cerried unardnously.At the flretregular <strong>Council</strong> meeting of <strong>1956</strong> the Clerk asked for'anessostant errd this matter was then brougirt up and discuseed.After several-,:il :::"::.: ::::-T:"::,li:"T::.H .:';:"-::::,1":-; ;:::1," rof Creorgina hereby accept the resLgnau-on of R. E. Weir as Olerk, Tbeagursrsnd Ta,n Collector, to take effeet Feb. 6ttr, <strong>1956</strong>, Carriedl4oved by <strong>Council</strong>lorMereer, seconded by Corrneillor Prj.ngle ttrat the

-- 3-<strong>Council</strong> of the Townshipof Georglna advertise for applicationsforCl-erk, treasurerand TaxCollector stating salaryexpeeted and qualifl-catione.AII appltcattons must bein the hands of GeorglnaTownship Clerks officenot leter ttran ft6 p.m.Feb. hth, L956.Camied--.-)CouncLl then adjourned.* t r . , , ,# . E . 6"r . r l . .fflerk. Re evs .

^-'IOliN$HIr Oir GEu.1,-iIl,lASECOIId MEEI'IIIGJ"956.r'rfrsu&nt i,o Ftijournment, the l,{untctpel Corrnell of the Townehlpof deorr;'lnn. met st the Townshlp H411, I'efferLa.w, on Monciay,the 6th day of .b'ebruary, L956.Membere all. present, l{lnutee of Ehe l-sst regular meetlngnnd specia.l meebing were reed and confirme',l.By-traw No. PB4 a.ppointing ii. E. Corner Clerk, Tres.$urer and^-r-]-fax Colleetor for the Township of rieorglna wns 6lven the severalres,dlngs and. p8*cB€d.Movert by Counclllor lrlngleand seeonded by Counct]1orIiixon that Lhe offer of the Village of Subton bo collecu garbngelln lllooci, itiver Acres, iJurke $ureet and llighway ITo. 48, Idtddle$[reet and iieclge rtoad, be aeoepted.Carrted.I[oved by <strong>Council</strong>lor itlxon and seconded by Counei]1orMercer that' the fteeve and Clerk be authorizedto sign and sukrrnttbo the Mlnlsterof llt6hways of the }rovinee of 0ntarlo the+€titlonof the Corporation of the Townshtp of Georglna showingthab durln6 uhe year January lst, 1955 uo Deoember Slst, 19$5there hss been erpended on the 'Iownshtp road.s & total of {fi31,199.81encl requentlng bhe $tatutory Grant on that amount a$ provtded, 'forby the Ontario Hl6hwaye Aot anil Amendmente thereto.Carrled..Moved by Counotllor Blanohard end seconded by CouneillortRlxon that Vouoher No. ?, of $ebruary 6, <strong>1956</strong> for expend.itrres onthe Townshlp lroart totalllnsi{i'1,9fl9.66 be neceptetl a,nd t'he iteevegranb hls Orciers on the 'I'reaeurer for the same end the $eal ofthe Corporation be hereto attached.Carried.,iringleMoved by <strong>Council</strong>Lor Blanahard and seeonded by Counellloruhat l'1"oyd Break and. !'rl1lltam l,atlmer be appointed wlththe Clerk to aet on the Brucelloeie Conbrol Commlttee.Carrled.By-Law No. P83 appolntlng lound Keepers and "u'ence Vlewers'for the 'Iounehip of Georgilna for the yea,r <strong>1956</strong> rcas glven theBevere.l. read.ln6s and passed.By*law No, P85 re the BrusellosieControl Act was glventhe several readinss and Paseed..

J , E. '-taYlor iie-assesetng ancl l{eel,ingfig , El*8 rMoved by Counetllor rtlxon and eeconded by <strong>Council</strong>Lor frtn5'lethat the Coad Eupertntendenb bes new one Lon pickup truek, &ndnow have be tra'ied 1n on same.E.uthortzed bo aek for tend.ers onthe 195P Chevrolet plckup we?grrled,.Moved by Counctllor Mereer end secondedby Counc i 11orBlanchard thet the following general acoounts be pald and bheReeve grants hie 0rd,ere on the Treaeu.rer for tbe same and theSeal of the Corporat{on be hereto attached.McKellar I'ownshtp ReIlef for Aprl1, 1955re Mre. Kr+thertne Gazey {l lP. 5PCash hellefCounfiy of York'I'hos. lTh1111er .& SonNewmarket Era & Expres*H. E. {rlelrR,, E. tri{e1rtieceiver $enerall' e b rua ryHoep I ta1 t zat i onOffloe Suppl-lesAd,vertl s emen tBlrthe and DeatheSalaryIncome TaxP55, 00l_94, g5169. 5016. 605, 002Z? . 6A1? . 50H AOlukes tlru6 $toreDrugs re Alfr.ed [iodfreY.f a V I$uEton Lwnber & .b uelGeorge !'ogterE, ft. Crook'-[ownshtp of EestGwtlltmburyPefferlaw I'eed M111.Llvnlck General StoreJlm and JeansSbronemans$[rongmf,nBHe Itussel Beaudrow * ooallte liuseel Beaudrow - drooeriesRe Bernard CarpontlergrooerlesIle II. Doy1e * DecemherIte GlLberte - CoalRe Wal-t Crlttendenite hLfr'ed dod,frey - Srocerteeiie Mary ClaYbon * grooerteeRe Elleen MoEa chern*sroee:.tee13, 504.4Q15. 00aP. 105. 60le. 004C . 00s0. 0050 . oCIfefferl"aw I'eed M111I . H. HlnchleYAppliance itesearchBe Eileen MeEaehernRe Bob i,iorlfrey - r'ueliie llial-t Critiend"encoalPB. PC1, 4040. 00leter libeveneonite unovin6 Mr. Irow1,6, 00'iliee IrYonsMlleage?, ?,8.tv.q, jt$ -. -'i.i,.i.

.-.-C oun e t Ithen adJourned, t,o meeU aE;s 1nat Sefferlawon t{anrlaythe 5th dayof Msrch, <strong>1956</strong>at 1 : 30 p. El.a . la a. a . latSFECIAII'IEETTI{G*TO1{I{SfIIPOFGEOR$I}IAiA speclaLneetingof the mrrdc{psLCouncll- of ttre Tormshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong>called Lry the lleeve was held at the Tounshlp I{alI., Pefferlawp on MondayFehruar5r 20th et"li30 p.m. Tlrls neettng Haa for the purpose of planningBruee]-losie controland police requLrernents for the Tonnshlp.l'lr. Cockhurn, York County Agrlcultrrrel representetl-ve outlined to <strong>Council</strong>the dutlee of the Brucelloeis fiontrol Cornnittea. Mr. WillJ.am Letlmer, Iff.Fl.oyd Sreak end I{r. Bnrce Rye attended the neetlng.Moved by Corrnclllor Blanchrd and seconded by Counclllon l{ercer thatthe eppolntment of Mr. Bmee Bye ee fnepector for Brucelloalseontrol beapproved try Councll,Control Gommittee.tfie appolntrrpnt being recormended by the Bruce]-losle0amLed.*t#l{r. tatlmeragreed to act ae Chd.rmsn of thie epeclal CorunLttee.l{r. Cockburn aeked the Coruaittee and the Inspectorto ettend a neettngin the Agrlcultr:re-lBoard Room at Nerrtnsrket on Monddsr Februery the ZJth, at2ro0 p.m. At thie neeting, furttrer informatlon would be suppll-ed. Mr.Cockburn aleo ouggested thst Dn. WalLer be asked to attend the meetlng.A soilsurvey nap of the County of York wao glven to the tg.erk to treflledfor future reference.l'lr. Vlctor Harsey of Pefferlaw dl-scueead ri.lth Corrncil the problems ofpollclngand parkLng ln the forenehlp Fark.l{r. lArthur Chepnan snd Mr. Ken ilcGeuley pneeented thelrviews to Councl}}wlth respect to our pol:lce set-trpr Hr. Chaprran preoented tvo ].etters toooturcllr one wrLtten by hlrnse}f and one by Mr. B. clyde Melnnls. Mr. Mccauleys&ld he represented tJre vlewa of ttre Brl"ere AssoclatLCIn. A telegram waereceived frmilr, I'tr,rdock L. Hartin stattng his views wittr renpect to police.

-h-,-.ttAfter nueh eonglderetlonand dLseussion by Councll, the follotflngresolutionwas pessed unanJ-mously.Moved by Counelllor Rlanehartl and seconded by Couneillor Pr{.ng}e that theClerk be authorlzed to ask for applicatlonsfor Chl-ef Coneteble for theTownshtp of GeorgLna, Appllcations to state age, qual.iflcatlons, experieneeand sfilary expected. Drrtles to conmenee Aprtl Istr <strong>1956</strong>. AppllcetJ-ons tobe l-n the hands of the Clerk not J.ater ttran 12 ofcl-ock noon on March 5th,<strong>1956</strong>. Advertisement to be put in the Srtton Reponter and Newnarket Era fortwo weeks and the Toronto Dally Star Februery 2Jrd, 2httr and 25th.Corncil then adJourned.Irt

-.-I"OIWSHIPOFGEORGINAltdrd Meettng - <strong>1956</strong>.-Pursuent to adJourzment, the Mun1ctpaI CounciI of, the Torrnshlp offfibrglna net st the Tlownship Hel[, Pefferlaw on Mondry, March sth, <strong>1956</strong>,at'1130 p.m,'llenbere present were Reeve J. H. dnderson, beputy Reave E. RJxon,snd Cor:ncillors Blsrchsrd and llercar. .'fhe }flmrtea of tJre leet rcgular mectJ.ng end. efeciat meeting rencaofifl"rnpd.,Bft** No. 286 qpointing l{r. J. E. Taylon, Assessor for ttre TounshlAof Ceorgtne at e salry of $1r20O.00 pcr ffinun wab given itb eeverFl :reudlngs and prssed.-Morrd by CorrncJ.llor l,lercer md stconded by Deputy Reevi Rtxbn ttrat"metrbership fees for the y*er <strong>1956</strong> ln the emount of $IO.OO be patd ttre, "to'AssocJ.etion d Mayors and fieores, Erd that npnbershl-p feeo for the"ye#<strong>1956</strong> fn the enor;nt of $I0.0O ba petd to tJre lseoclntion of Aseebslng0fftccrs.'Moved by Deputy Reerre Rl-xon and ssconded by CouncllleMercerCerrled.that thc Menbers of Counclll Hr. H. Anderson, Reevel !lr. E. Rlxon,Ileputy Reeve; lff. Clarerce Elanchard, <strong>Council</strong>-Ior end Mr. HlLis Pringle,<strong>Council</strong>lor bc s.LIoHed t\renty IbLIare each e*penses for cttending theOntarlo Good Roade ConventLon in Fcbruertrr, <strong>1956</strong>.Cerrled.Moved by CorurclllorBlsrrcherd std secondcd by Deputy Reeve FneetRLxon that voucher No. 2 of, l{sreh 5th, Ig56r for e:rpendihrres on ttreTormshlp road$ totelttng69$6.99 be eccepted and the Reeve grant h{sondcrg on the Trsasurer for thc sflre erd the ssal of tftr Corporatlonbc hcreto ettachcd.Carrled.ilovud by Deputy Reeve'Rilcon and sccondcd by <strong>Council</strong>lorHercer thntSchedrrLe of, llccorurte datcd Harch 5, J;9# - ftums I to 3L lnclusl"veffidtotalltng $1r7'l3.0l be accepted,, end the Reeve grilt hle orders on theTncasurer for sarn and the ses.1 of the Oorporau-on be hcreto attachedtCashRellefPayrlollofMsrchlstrlg56.lI.2.Hrs. !{8rTr We}leceuildrsd llr4er3. Josn BurgtGI+.5.Dotothy GodfreyEdwerd Skinner$ A? .003h.oo100 . 0020.0060.00

- 2 *,-.ItRerLefbyvoucherforFebruaqr.lgS6-Ttems6tolSincruslve,6. Strongman t s Store7. Pafferlew Feed Mt]'lB. BodJ.eyte StoreI, Fofferlew Feed MillI0. fiJ't & Jeents Groeeryll.tuke t s Drug $torcl?. E. R. CrookL3. Fl-vntekls General St.ilr. Tnp. Est Gwillimbwy15. Strongnan'e Store16. Lorne HalghtI?, Nenmarket Era & Sx.1S. Office Specislty Mfg.19. W. J. Lyans?0. B. E. Corner2I. Recatver Gsnerel??. Sutton Reporter Pr*b.23. Oilbert ,t. Doe & Co.2lr. !4r. R. s. wetr?5. Mr. R. E. Weir26. Frorrincial tFeasufer?7. f,ssnr 0nt. Mayorse8. Assn. Aseesslrrg Off .29. !Ir. Honsrd Anderaon30. }fu. Ernest Elxon31.32.!tr. CLnrence Blenchardtr{r. xfllls Prlngle33.3h.l{n. S. strongnenToronto Stf,r Ltd.E[Iean McEanhern-Foc.ElLeen McEachern-Coa].lfllfred WLlson-Crroc ,lfi}fred Wlleon*CoalA1fred Godfrey-Foc1Alfred Godfrey-fnsulinBernard flarAontier-Groc .Walter Cr{.ttenden-ffos.Harry DbylEMary Clayton*fuoc.BuIIdozS-rU DrmpAdvertisLngOfflce $uppllasltlleege-Bldg. Inap.SalerlyIncome TaxAdvertibin$Audltor - Part paymentSal arlfPostage, lblaphoneInsuLln-fieneva JewsllM$nberetdp FeeMembershtp FecConvention @ensesConventl-on H(pensesConventl-on FcpensesConwntton SrpeneesPostngeAdverti sing$ 3o.oo27.oa8.oo5.92l+0.003.dl+?0.00S.oo39'oo30.0035.0o6.26Io2.Co9.03?80.6?' 18.9011,20hoo,oc25o.oo15.7h.65I0.0010.0020.0020.0020.0020.0016.003?.80Moved by Deputy R+eve Blxon snd seconded by CouncllLor Blenchard that Hr.Brruce ftye be appointed es fnupeator to enforce fa$LeflLy Control ln theTonnship for the yss <strong>1956</strong>r ilrd ttrret he he euthorl"zsd to sign bii.ls fnrganoline used in the epnayer Fotor.Camled.Moved by Deputy Reeve RLxon and laco:rdedby Counclllorl{srcer t}ratwhcro eheques are rsccf.ved cover{ng tuces or tarc #rearaand penaltlenand rhere exchange Ls not includ,ed or provlded for,but the cheque coversthe rccount of taxet or talc eruaars urd pcnalti.es.ln ftrll to deto.Be It Besolved tfiat the ltunlclpelity *beorb flry $hortage lnaofsr asexchenge l-a eonecrned end neeaipta be nrnilcd for ttre vslue of sheques so'recelved by the Trx Col,Iecton and lteesurerte offlce.Carrf-ed.iloved by Deputy Bewe Bixon end secended by Counclllorl{ercer thatthe Clerk pnspcre e By-;,nr to pnohlbit ths parlclng of cars and.trucks ontfie sidsrnelke ln the Viil.ege of Pefferlaw.ggrrlgg.Tork County ltusic Featival,$alvatLon Artny and the Chmrber of Corsnerceby lettor reqrrested grants frm the CouncLl. After considerlne sane,tu ,the follotrlng ResolutJon was peseed:.Hoved bt' Counclllor Blr,nchard and seconded by <strong>Council</strong>lor Merser that.a grant of Fifty DoiIlere be nnde to thc Ink; Shore Chamber of Ccnumrco. Qiq$ed,

^-.-r 3 -Hoved by CounciJLor Blanchard and seconded by OouncillorMercert'hat l,lr. John "lndrus be qrpointed Wesd Inapeator for thc yB* L956.Salary and miLeege not to e:cceed One Hundred end ltrenty*FiveDolLnrs,Cnrrded.Hoved Sr Counclllor Elanchrd antl seconded by Cor.rncl-llor Mercerthat r*c, the Councll of ttre Corporati.on of the TownshLp of Georgl"m,support e ResolutJ-on paseed by thc CotrnsiLofthe lown of Aurorawtrich Ls eF foll,ot'rsrWHEEAS tlrls l.lunl-cfpality ls undertaking e prograrnmo of test drllltngto flnd a $ource of vater to supply the needs of the Towr brought' onby expansl-on and developnent of the TounIAND I.II{EHEA$ rneny ot}rer Munletpalltl.cspr ogr effiie$AllD WIIEREJI$ the entlclpatedare aleo undertalctng efuntlcrdevelopncnt of tJrat pert of, Ontsrio surroundingToronto rrilLlnvolve the pro&rctl-on of e very )"arge supply of rater inedditlonto thet already belng produccdTHE'EFDRE BE fT RESoL1TEDTThat ttris Councl.l petLtd.on the ProtrlnclelGoverment to take eteps^ tobring wattr into thls anea fnorn Inke Sincoe, Lake 0ntarf.o, or' ffiy ot}errinllar sflrce, to be supplled to Municl.palitdeg ln thc serm ilry eshydro*aleet'rie porer is suppll-ed to local tlyfro Corunlssions, and ttrrat thsCorpcrationof the County of Tork, and a-ll othey HunS.cipalf"tles wlthlnthe County be eeked to support thls petltion.And that e certlfied copy of tltis ResolutLon be forwrded to the ProvincialGovernnent and our loca1 Mernber, MaJor A. L. FtacKenale.'Cgf,fied.Moved by <strong>Council</strong>lorMercer slrd seeonded by Deputy ReevE ErnestIlLxon thatthe CouncLlrs repreaentet'l"vEs on the '0omrunity Hal.I Boardet Pefferlaw be Deputy Eeeve Rl.xon and Counclllor C].arencE BL*nahrd.Ccrried.eMovad by Corincillorlifercer end seconded by Dcgruty Reeve Rl-xon tirat,ttre order for purrchase of HarbLe ELy meterlaLE be pleccd wlttr C.I.L.tlrrorrEh Pefferlawfeed MilICarried.Hoved by Councitlor Blanchard ard seconded by Counci.llor Mercerthnt Ur. G. Drolct be engaged rr'tth hle traetor at *2,25 per hour forl*rnble fily sprry'lng and l,lr. B11I Eluell bc engegnd as an c:ctre menfor apr4ring.Ca*l-ed.

-l+ -LUMowd by <strong>Council</strong>lorMercer erd seconded by Deputy Beeve ltlxon ttratthe Road $uperJ.ntendent be euthorlzed to ssk for tendare to crushard hrul and spreed on rsads at a flat rete 81000 cbbic yards ormore gravel to be crushed 3/h tnctr. Ccrr{.sd.Moved by Counelllor ilerccr and seconded by Councl1lor BJ.anchmdtJrat the Roed Srrper{ntendsnt be authorlstd to purchase eome lr5 tonoof, c{ciulr chJ.orJ-de uhLprnnt tp be nrsde by tnrck.--,qq+qq. +Mowd by Deputy Reerre Rixon ard seconded by Cotulcillorl.r[ercer tfiatth€ Roed Srperlntardent be authsired to ssk for tsnders on g0 gele.of brush ld"ll and IO ge1s. z.h.D weed sprey meterialsto be louvo1atlle.Cnrrricd.l{r. Joseph Inrtngnes prasent end esked ttre <strong>Council</strong> drat sonsj.derrt{srhed been given to openLng part of ttre 6t}r Correesslon to his property.He flas lnforrnsd that thlsmatter sorrld be dl-sc ussed Hith the Enginecrfrorn t'lre Depertment of Higltwry$ ss soon ts Errsngenents could be nndc todo go.By-Lew llo, 287 prortdtngf.ox bounty GtG. rres Elven the scv€rf,lrcu{ingnand paaued.Tsnders for the new Tovrnsltp one ton truek ilsre recelved End consldered,efter ntrlch the follot+ing Rcsolution waE passed:Moved by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mercer and geconded by Counclllor BLanch*dthat the tendcr of ,ArdlllMotore to supp\y a new ftre Ton Truck cqulppedas spectfied be rceopted subjeet to t'he qrpnovat of tf,re Depantment oflltghwrys of tha Provlnce of Onterlo.Price QuotcdS erhtsO.Ogttede*In .ftllowamce 950.00Balance-t#-"aMr. KeiihHaltee, Assi.stant Dletrict Engf.neer for the Department ofHigt*rsgs lras prreeont ntren the tanders for the truck lrere opened snd indic*tedthat the approval frqn t&e Depenntant of Higluaye uould be forthccral.ngin the nefAppltcatlonsfuture.for the posiu.on of Clrtef Constsble lrare consldered andttre foLlolrlng lleeolutlon wae ' paeeed:Hoved by <strong>Council</strong>lor Blanchard end seconded by Couriclllor Mercer thatthe Clerk be inetructed to contect t'fre following rnen to arrange person&1

,-U- 5 *Lntervlew$ on thursdff,March tt, <strong>1956</strong>, et 2r3O p.m.McI,eenAlbert Lemchelhomes LelngRoy BoleeMiILsrLoris BergarHr. Roland H. Hclpan, ChLef of Police forDrndalk wes prosent et themeet*ng srd was lntcnrlcsed by Counctl rltlt respect to hLe appll.catlonfor the positlonof Chief Const$le.Councl-I then edJowned to reet again2nd day of AprLl, <strong>1956</strong> et ?r30 p.n.at Pefferlawon Honday the

$pesielHectlns-Tosnshipof<strong>Georgina</strong>'Merch 8th, Ig&-vA speclrlne€ting of the t{unf.clpal <strong>Council</strong> of the Township of Georginewas ca"Lled by the Reene at the Township Hf,II, Pcfferleu,for the prrrpoBaof consldertng aupllsmtc for thc poaitlon of Chlef Constnbl"e.Mertrers ell trlresent except CoundLlor Prtngla. .fire Clerk hed been lnetructsd to nottfy ttre following men to appe#rt Peff,erLnw at 2i30 p.m.^Lltrert LemckeIroui s Bcrgerthomas LeingJohn Hillsr- Thorntrury-Urrh[.r[TorontoTononto<strong>Council</strong> lnterviured I'lr. Albert Lsnrcke of lhornbury end Mr. John l{il1rrof Toronto.No ottrer +plicante being preeent, <strong>Council</strong> rfiourned to neet agalnMarch 9th at ttre Clerkte offictto rrnkc e declsLon.FrLdryrMmch9th.<strong>1956</strong>.After drre consideretton, the follrl*ing resolutd.on was passed;ldoved try Courrcillor l{ercer snd seconded by Courrclllor Elanchard, nlaofr ., a **4 to. t lr'-ut*tslgned by Gc#cC#6r Rlxon tJret the dlerk contact Mr. MLlLar to notlfyhim ttret hts eppll-catlon for the positLon of Ctrlef Conetsblc wes acccptad.And that the Llerk be instrpucted to Irrcpsre e By-Inu for his epry.roinfunentto be cffeetlve ss of the flrat day of Apr{.I, Lgffit sld that Hr, Hlllsrto be notlfledttret he ls belng hLred on probetlion for a period ofOtlc$8 ff rMovEd by CounciLlor Mercer erd eeconded by Deputy Recve HLxon thstCart{.ed.notlca bc placed ln the Srtton Reporter tjrat elloHlrers of dogs ln thcItftmtcipalltyof the Townshtp of Georgtna be raqueeted to have a].l dogsinoculated or kept on lcash shile th:reat of reblee ls prevrlent.Carrl"ed.-eileetfugadj ourned.

^-.vSpeclalMeettng-Torn$lpofGeorglnlMsrchl5thrlg56.t qpsclalnreetS.ng of the Munietpal Counci.l of ttre Totonshlp ofGeorglne ues ce"ll,ed by the Reeve at the Clerkrs offtce on ttre abovsdete.lhe pwpose of the nreettng lras to dlecuss agreerpnte wl-ttr theVll1age of Sntton re police equlpnent, fire ftghttng servisss and thethrestof r$Lee.Medbers of the Counetl a.ll present.l1r. 0eorge twront,Reevc of Sutton ettended the neetLng.the dlvislon of f,ssets of ttre Sutton-Georgtna pollce departmeartwas considered but flnal f,rusngements as tp thelr dlsponttlon uere tobs mede at e laterdate.Moved by <strong>Council</strong>lor Marcar and gecondcd by Councllle Prl-ngle thettho ennuel retf,iner fee for ftlre Ftghtlng $errrlces be increaeed bythe sum of Flfty Dollars per y6err g#g$.Hoved by Courrcl"Ilor FrtrUlccnd secondcd by Deputy Reeve Rlxonthat tlte Clerk be inetructed to prtepera a By-Iaw setting up a dogpound appotnting I{r. Vlc Harvey es pound keeper with author{-ty te plckup dogs runnlng at large ttrat *e not l-nnoculeted and regl.stered andhsving authoritSr to collecta E[ve Dollar fee for re]-eese of dog withinl+8 houre providad dog ls then J"nnoculatcd, If these regulati.ons me notcmpLi.ed wJ-th, doge must be destrotrred.Cnrilled.Meeting edJourned.tI a I r t . . aRecne

^-.-TOUNSHIP 0F C',EORGINAFourthlleetlng-1996pursusnt to adJourrment, the MunietpalCouneil" of the Tornship ofGcorgina net, et the llownship HnIL, Pefferlau on Monday, April the zndtL95F, at 7r 30 p.m.Menbers of the Courncil ellpnescnt.l'lLnutcs of the leet rcgular rneating afft specJ"al rnectJ-ng rrtre ad,opted'Moved by Deputy Reeve "IILxonand seconded by Cowrclllor Pringle that$checlule of lccor:nts dated Aprll Znd, <strong>1956</strong> - ftcns I to 3ft inchrsive sndtotnlLlng$11616.30 be eccepted, and the Recve grarlt his orders on thtlYersurer for senc and the sral- of the Oorpcration be hereto ettachedrCashRellefPeyrol,lofAprtl?ndr<strong>1956</strong>.L2,3.h. Mary 1gellaceMildred DraperJoan BurgleDorothy GodfreyEdwerd SklnnerDonna DfErt$ 2u.00" 3lr.0oI00.0020.0060.003e.00Eell.efbyVoucherforMerch.lgffT,8.9.IO.11r12.13.th.15.General AccountuStrongnanf s Storelfrs, V. Horrl-sSutton Lurnber & FuslPefferLew Feed Mi.llTr*p. East GntlliributtyStrongRranta StoreDonne D I ErlJfun & JeanteIuke t $ Dtrig StorcEiLeen .McE achern- Gnoe.K, Gezey-flccnn & BoerdRoss Htrmsrl-FuBlEllecn l{cEachern*CoslHerry Doy1e-For Feb.l{rs. GIen Rtiney-Foc.RelLcf for MerchAlfred Godfrey-foc.Alfrsd Godfrey*fnsulin30.oo36.007.5027 , ?538 .oo5.oo2l+.00ho.oo5,551,6.17.IB.19.2O"?I.((t23.?lr.25.? of ConsnerceS.R. I{art & Co. Ltd.Toronto Strmp {r $tan.filos. tr'ltrl1}ler & $onItunicipal. hlorldR, E. Cornerl'lcslcy LyonsBruce CornerPefferlaw Courr. HaLLAurors lntrnel HosP.ltecoiver Ceneral of 'C.Sutton Prl-nters.Iohn L. CrozierNorth York RegletryCounty of TorkGrnntAssessorrs SuppliesDog ?egsClerk I s of fLce-AsseseorStatil"onery-Clerkr s off lce$almyl,[lJ.eageIblcl.-James WslJ.aceGrantConfinenent dog-f6ak C. Hselthlbx deductionStetdonery, ete.LegelFe*Hospttaltzation50.00l*. 7o1?.16Igr.7?1.66280.679.38?.0025o.oo?lr.0Or[.0097.5715.oo7.69127.1r5Hoved by CIouncllJor Pringle and seconded by <strong>Council</strong>lor Blancherdthat Voucher No. I of Apr{.I 2nd, <strong>1956</strong>, for srpsndLtrrres on the Tounshlproads totalllng#3r,7?5.29 be eceepted and the Reeve grnnt trie orderson the Tr,ceewer for the ssne and the saa.l of the CorporetLon bEherttoattached.Ceml-ed.By*Iaw No' 2BB 4pointingHr:. John !11I1*r as ChLef ConstabLs wes

- e -^-,-gLvcn the eeveral readlngs end pessed,By-I-aHs No. 289 and No. 2p0 estebll.shlngDog Pound snd Pounds Keeperwere gLwn the severs.l readlngs and passcd.Mr. AlbertLflf,k and Mr. Ilunton denonetrated e Cicstetner nechlne toCouncll.ltloved by Counclllor l,lercer end sdcondad by Corrncillor Blanchard thetwe purchase e Gestetner machlne, hand operated, at e prJ-ce of Sh6O.OOlcso 101 and the Clcrk be erithmlzcd to cndcr B&lfp.Cerr.l.ed.A delegation fron lork County Fedsret'ton of AgricuJ.trrs neltcd on{bunel]" rcqucstl"ng a fl-nancleldonetion.l4oved by CouneillorMercer end seconded by Deputy Reeve Rixon ttrate grant of S125.00 be made to the FedaretLon of Agr{.cultrrre.Mr. E. $trongman md l{r. H. Weggett, as rcpresentau.ves of the.Ll6ne 01ub lntervLcned Councl.l rtth tJre thought of operattng perklng:faillttles in the lfiuricipal P&rk to mrtual satl-sfectlon. They uere 1n-'9gII!93,formed try <strong>Council</strong> ttrat' uhen Cor.nctl had deeld+d what theirprogranr wea lnthls respcot, they wor1ld be notlfled."Terders werc recrived for crrehi-ng, liardlng and spreadlng graveL"'ldoved by Deputy Resvc RJxon end sscond.ed try <strong>Council</strong>lor Mereer that^tfi6 tender price of R. A. B1ythCo. forleruahLng - hmrltng and spreadingss'dLreeted by tfie Roed"Superlntendent be eccepted.'Cnrshing and lor{1ng ln Tornship lFuck 38fCrlshLng and etockpl-ll.ng ln tlre pltbifiCrushing - haullng and opreadlng68iTsndrrs wsre reeeived for eupplying brush ktllana weed spray'Cerried.mteri al-e.'Morred by <strong>Council</strong>lor Bl"sncherd and seconded by Courclllsr lltrc6rthil tendar of Pcfferlar* Feed MtIl for supplylng brustr tdII and wcedthhtsprfXnaterialg'be acccptad.Moved by Deputy Hecve klxon and seconded by OounclllorPrlnglethb cltrk be lnet'nrctcd to cn]-r for tenderr for gmbage correction forthe f,ollor{ing ffees on s local inprovcrcnt basl"e. I'he nunbcr of col-Iecti"ons to be &s rcquosted by ttre verious Associationn.Duclog PolntJecksonts Point - Qre tender from the Mossington brtdge weetto Jecksonr e Point.- One tender from the Mossington brl.dge eaatto St. Georgers Chureh.that" Carried.Tendars to be in by Hay the hth, <strong>1956</strong>." Carrle{.-*.|#'

-,tl73*<strong>Council</strong>lor Prl-ngle reported thet oniy the oridnsl Ilst as preparedby the Vll1rge of Sutton to receive gerbage eollectionfcn theslin of $h00.00 would be gettingtfie servicc.A rnequcet earne from the l'l"nnl.sh finglersr eJxd Hrrnteret Aesocietion.Moved by CounclllorMercer and seeonded W.DEpuW Reeve Rixon that<strong>Council</strong> hes no obJection to the FlnnLeh Anglerer end Huntergr .fissoclstlonestabltshingan outdoon ehootlng rang6 tt Cedar Club noer Udora.Carrt'-ed.Notlce was rcceived frorr Mr. Robt. Snoddon that he dld not nlshtoeet as fencc vlewEr any longer.counctl declded not to edd antrroneJ.nhf.s plece for thls XBAI.Mr. Joeeph ttrillcky inrlulred ebout' t'tre rction boing teken rrithrespcct to hl-s proposed plen of $L$-divlslonJ.n Lot l7r Concesslon ttrMoved by Counci.llor Mercer and eecondod by Counctllor Pringle thattite Munlcipal<strong>Council</strong> of the Townsltip of cieorglna q)provs of ttrre pro*poaed plan of sub-divislonof part of Iot 17, Conceseion 8, and ownedhy lh. Jo,*eph }Inlliclry, reetrlcted to the prorrLslons of By-Iaws No"25f ana 252 and amendnente thereto. That thc lnltrlctpeltty rrll1 notf,'ssunte any re$ponaibi-h-ty for tfie constructionor maintenance of roadst'rithin aatd plan cn be l$eble for any leeLdents or darngea that mtghtsccur on setd roads.That the Slerk be l-natrueted to fqrrilard a copy ofthls Rcsorutton to thc Department of Prennl.ng end Developuent.Camiad.By-Icw No. ?9I ro road erproprLati.onsf,or the yeer lg56 wes givenLtr eeveral reaaings and pnssedicouncLl t"hen adJourned to hoLd ttenext regrrlar meeting on May '/th,<strong>1956</strong> at 7r3o p.m.Raeve

-,-SPFfIAL WEftNSTOhI}ISHIP OF GEORGTNAAprt1t7th,_<strong>1956</strong>A special neetjng of the MunielpaL<strong>Council</strong> of the Townshtp of'Georgi"nawas ealled by the Reeve at the 0Lerkfe qffj-ce on the above date, forthepurTo$e of urgent htrsl"ness.IvllllAr ,Members of the <strong>Council</strong> were all present, also Chlef Constsble JohnIJpon receivtng a ccrrmunieatd.on fron Hr. J. D" Lueas, l'c'pcounctleonsldered the proposed $rb-Divislon plan of 'Messrs. Inring snd Wileonof parts of Lote 22 and 23, Conce$sion 7 in the Township of Georg'j.na.To finelizeCormei.Ifs duties r'rith respect to thts proposed $ub*Divislon the follouing Resolutione were passed.Moved by Oounelllor Pringleanrl seeonded by Corrncil-Ior Blaneha*dthat the Councj-Lof the Totmship of C'eorgina do hereby assure theMinlster of Pleruring and Development that the Township wtllr at lteearliest eonvenl-ence fcll-owine ttte reglstraLion of a proposed plan ofsutldJ.ulsion now referredto in the seid flepartment as FlIe T-866J", pasea by-Iaw pursuent to $eetlon 390 (I)(3) of The l{unlcJ.pal Act prohlbltingttre ereetlon of any buJ-i.dlngs or etructures for resldentialor eonmerelal prrrposes on lots Nos. 91 10r 152r and I53 of the proposedplan of subdllrisi.on.Carrled.Moved by CorrnclllorPr|ng}e and seeonded by Deputy Reeve fii.xonthat .Iqnes Douglas Lucas, es Solieltorfor the'Tor+nship of GeorgLnatnotifythe Minl-ster of Planning and Developnent that ttre condltionsfor reg5.stration attached to the letter of the Department of Planningend Devel-opnent snd addreseed to Messrs. Trrrlng and Wllsonr with a copyto the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> witfi reJlerenee to FileT-866t ura dated6etober ?th, 1955, have been earrietl out to the satisfeetionof theCouneil of the Township of Georgi.na." Moved"by. CIouneillsr"Mereer" anC seeonded.by. Deputy. Reeve 'RjxonCarrled.ttrat Blocks trAil and rrBrr of proposed srrb_Dj.rrl"slon by l,Iessrs. Trvjngand wilson of parts of Lots 22 and 23r Conce$sion 7 ln the Tounshipof Gecrgina when deeded to the Tovrnship of <strong>Georgina</strong>, the Township wtIIdedieate these lands for the comnon use of all property owners ln theproposed Srrb-Dtvision or at some future date deed these pafeel-s to theprcperty owners thereby rel-ievlngwith respect to sueh parceLs of land.the Tounehlp of any responsibtlttyffi9'

.-,- -2 -Mr. Jsnes Wilson attended the meetlng whlle the above matterr.ras eonsi.dered..Cnune1-I eonsj.dered ttre Township Police trudget for the yeer <strong>1956</strong>.After clue eonsideratton,the estjmated butlget for the year wae{}811[6.}0 end the fo1lowin6 tuo Resclutions were pe$sgd by Corurcil.Moved by Corrnctllor Mereer and seeonded by Cguncillor. Pninglethat the pollee eg fornerly used by korgina $utton po]5ce bepurchased from Ardill Mators, lfutton t1lest, for the srxr of t\l;eLveHtmdred and Nlnetlr-Five Dol}ars'l.{oved bI. CourreLl-Ior Mercer and se+onded by Deputy ReeveH4-Rlxon that the Chief Constable he glrren authority ta hire Mr,''fi.c Harvey as a constable. The salafy to be ae follows * {+,1.0Oper huur when called on weeke'nds. $5c.01 per rreek lrhen on ar^reekly basl-s frcrn June ?2 to September p.C erri ed .Meetlng adJorrned.ffiygt11I r'1 t .t.!+,*2:1,." f,{*G/,.{,'.-{*f:f ..,,.,,..,i/ReeveSpee!-alMeetlng-Tolmshipof@orglnaAprtl23rdr<strong>1956</strong>A speciaS. neeting cf the Munlclpa"L #ouncil of the Township ofGeorglna was calLed by the F"eeve at the Olerkts offlceon the absvetlate, ehieflyto dJ.seuss the proposed poltce budget and the f,ollorrlngResol-ution was passed;Moved by Counel-llor I'lercer and seeonded byCounclllorPringle thatthe proposed Budget for" Pclice senrl,ees for theS8'IL6.lC be oqrprorred.I'ear <strong>1956</strong> amounting toCarrl-ed.

-3---,vBy-Ln'is for the purpose of regulatlngparking in certal-n nreas lnthe Tormship were considered.Ccuncil decJ-ded that they would inspeetthese.arees - namely, the Leke $rore ltoad, J*eksonrs Polnt and themai-n streetin Pefferlst'r before passilg the necessary By-Laws tor"egulate the parking.Heeve J. I{. .4nderncn reported that, arrengernents hed heen n*de rd r,,!:,,ttldl-l.l Motors far the prrehase of pcliee eruiser for tJre sum of$1r295.OO. Chlef }tllLerwas Lnstructsd to get pri-ces on new rarll-oequJ.pnent for sane.Reeve J, I{. Anderson reported that t}re Vll-}age of Sutton hedoffered the servlces of thelr pollee offl.ees free for this year rulthrespect to radl-o trensnittlngservl-ce.CouncJ"l-Ior Mercer reported that he had been interviewed try Rev.R. CoghllLre the trus serviee for ehll-dren frorr the Nauarene Oamp toLake $ineoe.ftre follolri.ng Resc;lution was passedlMoved try founciltor Prl.ngle and seconded by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mercer thatthe CouneiLhas no cbJection to Rev. R. Coghill" cperati.ng a bus totransportehj-ldren from the Church of the Nazerene Canp to Lake Sl"ncoe.1lor reereationelpurposes durlng the sunnner.CaryJ"ed.Meeting adJourned.

^-.UTOI,II\IffiIP OF GEffiGINAqTht{esti"s-1156Pureuant tn a{Jourrurrent, the tfunlclpalCorrnell ofthe Township ofGeorgtni metat the Townehip HaI[, Pgfferlewon Hondry,May the ?th, <strong>1956</strong>r"at 7l3O p.n.lleqbers of the Oouncil alLpres+ntrl{inutes of ttre }ast regu-Iar meetLng and spccJ.el meetirrgs rereadopted'.Hr.' J, D. Sibbald esked for a hsaring befofe Councll whlch wasgrante.d.He diecussed the problem thet sroee frrom havlng the leke Srore Roadheavlly"sendcd dotng certai"n danage to hetlgcs, etcr along the road andauggested rnore cautton be taken in fubrre ysera. l,b. Sibbald volccd someobJectJ-ons to the change !n orrr police eet-up and requeeted tirat Couricil :":as soon 'as possibLe nake affang€$ltnte to finallae the deal betrr€en St.0eorgers Church Board, the To$nship of <strong>Georgina</strong> erld ttre County of Yorkrylth respect to closl-ng and deeding portions of roed a1lslrflnc€Br ;Hr.- wlIHanMason geve h5-s vl"ewe wlth reapcct to the present po}Lceset-upr ,l,Ir.- Iliugston requeeted <strong>Council</strong> to inprove the shoulders of the roadln flontof hls horne.Mr.. Hibbert requesind r*ork on his culverts ln 'front of the Patal Mi1IRestatrrlnt. Councll eadO tfrey worrld refer Urts rnatter to the fononto and'Iork Roade Ccnmieel"on.Mr. Ross iGlsh and l{r. fvsn }'oster requeoted scrne gravel- on the roadteedingto ttt*t" homes. -It"* R. J. hbod of Port Bolster diecussed t\e prctrlen of perlclng and :ttghtingportlon of rtad at, Port Bolster.l{ov"ed by <strong>Council</strong>-l.or Herser and sesonded by Deputy Reeve RLnon t}rettfre Sch{drrle of Accounts dated May ?th, <strong>1956</strong> - ftelrns L to $l lnclustve and..totalllrie"$3'586.L? be accepted, and the Reeve grant hl-e orders oi the"ttseaslrer for sans end thE seel of the Cor?oratl.on be hereto ett*ched.'Lg56.CeshRel*efJayToU.of MeyTth,1. , Rf,Iph WaIIaee?. Fllldred Draper3. Eftrard Sdnnerh. Dorura trErl-5. I{rs. Chr{.s Whe}en6. Hrs. Chrl"s l'ttrelenis56'Apr{1I{aY"ia.oo-31.00l+2.0O32 .00l+5.00l+5.00

-2 -.-.URe}iefbyVoueherforAprtlrlgS67.g.9.10.11.L2.L3.lbrp. of thorattl\rp. of East G\rllllnburyStarongnant s $torePefferlau Feed HilJ.Strongmants StoreJtttt & ,IeanrsPef,ferLan Feed UilI}{erbleELyConttroL1lr.r5.16,T?.18.Fox*Dogs19.20.21.2?.23,2h.Polic e Accounts?5.26.27,.,35.36.37,38.39.0rNe111rs ffioceryPefferlar* Feed 1,1111B nrc e F;ruItn. ElwelLBud DroletM. HardJ.ngCalvin HcmisAlex MercerV. HarveYBodleyt s StoreV. IIarneYJohn FowljeCanadim TLre Oorp.$trongnanrs StorePefferlaw TelephoneAurora Automotlve0ffice & Ehop SulpnentJ. MlLlsrJ. l,flllar% HarveYIIp Tcp Tallore Ltd.T[p Top Tailors Ltd.Ttros. Wtrilller & Son'sutton Reporter PubL.John l[11]+John t{lllarCreneral Accotuttgl+O. Gestetnsr (Canada) ttd.l+I. Vlllagc of, Suttonl+?. Gllbert ,,{. f)oel+3. Repmter Fubllshing Co.hh. County of Yorkh5. fioutty of Yorkl+6. Teer lrlursing Honel+7, Jalnee ft. WelrhB . Srrt ton PrintersL9. D4t. Lands & ForestsS' Thog. I'Irritller & Son5L,- Tederatl-on of Agrl-eulture52, Receiwr Generf,l of Canede53. R. E. CIorner5b. Pefferlew Teleptrone $Sretenr55,- strongmanr s Store#, W. J. LYons57. V. !{orrls:*u.Mary Clayton*MerctrHany Doyle*MarchtrHlleen lftEechsrn-Grec.ELleen lileEachern-FuelI,lr$. Glen Rsiney-koe.Alfred Godfrey*ft"6s.lolrs. Glen RaJ,ney-FuelSuppllesHarblcldeWarble tr{Ly spra}ringl#rb1e FIy up ayfngWartle Fly sprayirgFor BountyFoc BountyFox BountyStatptflg FoxeePunch for atarnp. foxesDestroying doge-AprllSftrouLder Holster$potJ.arpArrununi tii onRentel & LonE Dist-PoILce LEflrpRtl.ing OablnetMileage for AprllPostageDeek enal 0halrReeferTunic, Pant, etn.Carbon P aperStatlonery, etc.Se)rrySaIarYGEetatner & $rppLf-enFire ElghtdnB Servl-ceAudl tonfldvetl"eingHoepi tallaati on-Feb .'HocptteJ,i zntJ,on-DIer.Mery Ann Godfre;lI?easurer I I BondStatLoneryMapeAsEessont s suppliesfantTan Deductlons$alrryRental - Long Dlst.PostageI,ELeageRelief - K. Gazeyr?.63bt.oo30 .ct27'.?512.0Oho.ooh.o5L.?BL78.00110.008r.oo18e"?5lr.0OLh.o02.oo2.frL.798.ooh.506r?53.9023$520.15hg.oo90.00lo.o035.0ol+2.5079 . 50\t22l+3. 13137.50r20.75h85.5090. 503S.oo,I8rO399,7Q21}.L5?5.0o16,L02,751.00?0.h?r?5.007?. ne80,67?5. ?020roo9.3836.0o"

.-.U- 3-Hoved by lbputy' Reeve H5.xon and seconded by CounoillorBlenchardthat Voucher No. h of Uay 7t'hr <strong>1956</strong>, for erqenditurcson the ltownstrlproeds totalli.ng$Ir28?.5I be eccepted and the Recve grant hl-e orrlert onthe 'l?easr,rer fctr ttre garne end Lhe scal of the Co4roretlonbe heretoattaehed.Ceruled.the questlon of lnstnlJj.ng toileta at ths Tornrshtp Park rl*s digcussed.CounrylLdecidcd to get some spectflcationafrom ttre lleal't]r Untt anrl ]atenpoeslbly cn11 fon tendes.By-Lew No. ?p? rcgulatlrU parking in Pefferlan nas givei ttsseveral riadingsand passtd.Councll queettoned ttre need for pesaLng 4 By-Lew to apotntsn"Inspectcr under tfie lFcneh hcavattons Prct€ctlon ltct snd"the {,l,erk watl,nstnrcted to tnqul-re as to drettrer it was atroolutely necasaarlrrTenderE ilcre opsrled for gnrbage collectisnat Duclos' Point andthc Moesington Park eraae.lloved by Ccrunelllor Pr{.ngtr nnd eccordsd by CounatllorMereer thattJrc tender of Don Srepherd for ttre col,lsctLon of gerbsge eE ad*rtLsed inthe Duclos Polnt eree be nccapted.Tender pnico S500.O0.Cerried.Iifoved by Councl"llor PrtngX.e end secondsd by <strong>Council</strong>lorHercerthat the tender of l{enneth Coner for t}re collectlon of g*bage ar" 'eavbrti'seh' th" the' jaek-sbhib" Fbfht a:ear'both babt iurB' tubbt bf' 'ilhg'Mosstngton Brd.dge, be acceptsd. lbnder price - West of BrLdger $S0.00 -Ea.st of Br{.dge, $h0o.00, 9#9.lloved try Counc*Ilor ltningle and secordcd by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mereerttrat the -lsssssor be advised he rney attend Aseesfiorsr tJonventlon atNorth Bey and that he nay have expenses of $10.00 per day plus f6per nl"Ie .CeTied.!,foved by <strong>Council</strong>Jor Pr{-ngle and eeconded by <strong>Council</strong>lor Uercerthat perrrlselon be glven to tlre Naztrenc 'Carql to operate l.n tht larnecatcgcry as a School Bus - to tnansport the chtl.dren from the NazareneCanp to the La]

- h *.-,UA requeat frorn tha Duclos Potnt Property Snn€rs Inc. for nor:ccalclum on the roed leading to the several beechts in Duclos Point r*asdiscussEd. tCIouncil declded thet they would put additLonal calc'"umon t,l.e Townnhlp roads leadlng to Drrcloe PoLnt.A lstter fronr the Secretaqy of t*re Pefferlaw and District LlonsCIuh re excevetLon on a lotbelongtng to t'he Percy fleaS.ey Estate LnPefferlaw nae r:cad to ttte nreetLng. Tfie Clerk nas instructcd to vrttca letter to FIr$. Ipis llee-ley asld-ng that tJrcy eltar.up a rather dan-Eeroua situatJ.on.The pnopoeed budget forqf-lew No. 293 establlshj-ngthe yeen <strong>1956</strong> was preaentod to CorrncLl.the nerLous rnlll natse was glvcn lts severalresdlnge and passad.<strong>Council</strong> then adJourned to hold Lts next reguLar naeetd.ng on Junehth, <strong>1956</strong> at 7:30 p.m.

l-$peclalMeetl.ng-Totmshipof'GeorgtnaMayllrthrIg56,A special neetlng of the mrxtctpal <strong>Council</strong> of the Tounship ofGeorg5-na was calJ.ed by the Reeve et the Clerkt s offLcc on the abovedate, to digcrrss urgent busl-ness,I'Ienbers present Here Reevc J. H. Anderaon end CounclJ*lors Blenchardand Mer"clr.rd-eqion for the uee of the Cest€tner machLne. Perrulssd-on $as granttd.**. gtNeiL1 frorn the Health Untt dlecussed wlth Counell theaenltat$"on pnoblem in the Tormshtp Park. It was agreed that he wouldaek for spccifieetLons from tlte Eeelt'h .Untt re the 1nsfallet{on ofpossiblytwo paJ.l-a-dsy trrrit;.l,lr. tllbbert lntervleusd Cor:nctl offer{.ng hls property }snown asPatalHlllRestaurant to the CouneLl for e Munictpa.l centre, rcqueetl"ngCouncll to eonp end look the property over. Hls asld.ng price wesS9r5oo.oo.Chtef ConstabLe l{il-lar dS"scuqsed csrteLn pollce prcb}ems rrlthtlre .'0ounel-I.It uas rnoved by Counci)J.qr I'{ercer and eecondcd by Councl}IorBlanchard thet the Councl-I of tJre Corporationof ths lbnnshlp of, Cieorgtnnme in *cordwith the County of York in .pesslng a By-I,,ew tJrat theHonourable l"ff.nister of l{unleLpalAffatrs be reepectf,ully raquested toerrterrd the T* lrref,rs Procedure outlLrred in the Department of.Muntclpal. tff,atreAef,, RSO 1950, Chepter 96, ts eqch of thol{urllelpalltdea corrrprieing thc County of Iork. Csrried.IIt was decided not to rneke n grrnt to the Canadian Motrhercraft3:::=----llhe Clerk was Lnstructed to harre e rlgn placod at lrte officeatetd-ng office houra ,9r0O t'o 5:OO llonday to FrLday, and gl00 to 1.2100on Setwd4r.Frqn June 15th to Septenber f5fir onl.y houre to ?100 on

-2-lvSatwdry.l,feeting adJonrned.' ' d ' f ReeneSpecial MeetlngTotunshi"p of 0eorglnaMay?3rdrIg56A special meeting of the Municipal Couneil of the lbwnshlp of Georgl-nanas eallcd at t.tre Clerkte office to discuse tdth representatlves of theLions Club the pr:oposed plan of fireprotectton.Menbers of the <strong>Council</strong>, aII present.Moved by <strong>Council</strong>lorMercer and Eecondcd try Deputy Reeve Rlxon thatwe, the Councj-l of the Township of Oeorgine, accept rrlth pleaeure thefire truck snd equipment - a gl.ft fronr the Pefferlaw and !)istrl"ct LionsClub to ttre Townsh-tp of Geongina.ft ie understootl the Pef-ferlaw endDistrict Lions SIub will form a Volunteer Fire Brigade and operete tirefire truck. the said truck to tre ln the cere of the Peffenlew snd ftl"strletLtons 0lub at Pefferlaw.The appointrnent of the Ghlof-,,ta be rkionimer,ydedby the Pefferlaw and Distrl-ct Llone Olub and tfie Chief to reconrnend theappointnnnt of hts Deputy Chief, Chief fnstructnr,CaptaJ.ns snd firefighters,and these men to be covered by the lntrorlqnenre Oompensatd.onAct by the $otrnshlp while on duty. ?he flre ftghttng equipr.rent andtnrck to be uged for Fefferlawand Georgl-na Totrnahip.Cerried.Itre C1erk was lnstructed to urite a letter to the <strong>Council</strong> of theTounship of Brock to get theirperrnlsslon for the IJ.ons Vohunteer Fl-re

lU-3-Btdgade to operate Ln thePort Bolster and Wilfrj"d areeg should the needgtrise..Some pollceprcblenawene discusged.Heeting adJourned".lf-,rH.',.#ffi/11/-1 I/ Re6ve

lttSircth Meetl.ngTCHNSHIF OF OEORGIMPursuantto adjownnent, the l{unlelpaS. CounctLof the Townslrtp of<strong>Georgina</strong> met atttre Townshlp Hall, Pcfferlew on Mondeyp ,Iune tfre htta, <strong>1956</strong>at 7;30 p.m.Menbers ofthe <strong>Council</strong> eLL preeentlFltnutes of the lest regrtlar nectLng and gpecj"a} neetlngs wero adopted." .Moved by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mercer and seconded by Deputy Reeve Rixon that .$chedule of General Accounts dated June ht'h, "1<strong>1956</strong>- Itens 1 to 3o inelueLvc.Reeveend tota-1une s1,652.l+1 be aceepted, arrd thE Fant"his orders onthe Ttseasurer for sarp and tht seal of thc Corporatlon be hereto attsehqd;CaehRelie.fpeyr,olLof,IuneLet*<strong>1956</strong>.1. Ralph WaILacc" 2 , MLIdred Dnaper" 3. Edward Skinner" k. chr{s l.tharen5. chrls lfialen. 6. Kattrerine Gezcy, T. Katherine "GareyRe]-tcfbyVoucherforMayrlg56.8. Strongrnant s Store9. Townsh5.p of ThoratrWsrble_ltyCont:rol10. Bnree [6r'e11. Bud foletFox-DogsI2 . John P . Edth13 . Mtchael- Ha^rding1l+. Janes Rae15, v. HarveyffireepClafun{16. Fank lliltzl'*7. wltrle.rd Arnold18. M. B . Sroddon1,9. J. E. TaylorGeneral Aceounts20, Oestetner (Caneda) Ltd.21. Lukets Drug store2?, ltros. lfhl]lJ er & $on Ltd.23. Prnotinciel Trcaeurer?b, R. E. Corner?5. Recciver ttenerel of Canada26'. $utton PrLnters27. lrl. J. JJrons28 . J. E. Teylor29, J. E. Taylor30. J. E. TeylorForForFor!'orMryJuneMayJuneSlleen McfiachernrGroe.Mary Clayton-AprtlWerble Fly ,$prayin6Warble Fly SraylrrgFox BorrntyFox BountyFox BountyInnpectorts feesSfieep OleimSreep Value torSheap C lel$Sheep VaLuator$tandOffico Supplics0ffice $uppliesCreneva Jefle1}-fnsul_ing6]er]Tax DeductionsTax NotlcceMileageRe-aeecsel.ngConvention & Mileagefilctrl"ct ir{ectfng""S 2?*oo. 3r.oo" Le"oo12.0058.0o36'0036"0o30.00L7..62181.82156.38?.001l+.0o?.002.5090.00?.5080 . oo2.50" 8r.oo7.3319L.10.65?80.6768'90L03.h019.1811.0055 . 6eI2 . 2ll

*2 --,UMoved try Deputy Reerrc Rlxon and eeconded by <strong>Council</strong>lor Blencherd that$cheduls of poLisc Accormts dated June fth, l"'956 - Iterns I to 19 inclusi\rcand totalllng $?r32]'.2b be accepted, and the Reeve Erant hj-e orrlers onthe Trcesrrrer for sail1e end the seal of the ,,CorporatJ.on be hercto attached -cxcept ftern No. 2 - Gruj.sar $lr?95.o0.Pollj:sAccolg-brI. N. BLrd & $on2. ArdllLltotors3. HeFjachcrn lbansPorth. ItelCs ilenufachring Oo.5. office & ShoP EquiP. Co.6. carewell Co. Llrntted?. John Fow1icB. vtl-If,ge Gnragt9 , Salnthlll-terrlne & Co .I0. Vtetor Herrey11. {ndrew Brler12- Howard GodfreyL3. J. Mlllaril+* J. l4i}lar15. J, M[r].ar16. Glbson Radl-o & T.V.17. Sutton I'rtntersI8. Jas. R. l'lpir19. ,Ias. R. WoirGBsPollce Crulssrhcight ChargesBedgc$I$permiter & $tandr{himl"na1 tlbde & }lanualBelt, Ho1eter, ete .Mech. & Body repalrsTun5.e, Ca1:, Shlrt, et'c.76 hrs. @ $1.0o63 lrrs. (i Sl.oo20 hrs. {d $1.o0lfr.leagc Sor l4aYSalarxrSalaryInstallJ"ng radioNo Parldng CardsPolLca Llabllity fns-PolJce Cruiser fns.S 33.90r"295.006,78g.89gg .0018.239,2592,3567.6576.0063.o0_ ?0. 005l+'oo"137.50"u0.75. 30.00. 11.00" 69.0h10?.90t"!tovcd. by.<strong>Council</strong>lor Mercer snd seconded by <strong>Council</strong>lor Prlngle that"Item No. 2 on Po]icc Accounts detsd June httr, <strong>1956</strong> for Po1ice 'Cflrlserin the eruount of $1r295.0o be paid.,,l,lovcd by Deputy Reeve Rixon end gecondcd by <strong>Council</strong>lor Meecer thetVoucher No. 5 of Jrrne lrth, <strong>1956</strong>, for mrpendl.turcE on tfte Townshlp roadatota1ltng$5rOO?,06 be accepted and the Eeeve grent hie orderg on thcI?eaaurer for the us"rne and the seel of the CorporatJ"on tre heretoet tachtd .Carried.1fr. Harry Waggett, ,Secrctary of ttre Pefferlew end DLstrlct LLonsChrb,preuentcd 6ogneil rrith a llst of thclr Volrrntecn Flro Brigada andreported that Brock Tosnship CIouncll was in aecord with thsir requeetto operetc in tlre Port Bolstsr and Wilfrtd 6roas of that ?owttshlp.,tr{r. Ercd C1ine of MlllerPaving and l{r. Clarence Bell of CtrrrieProducts attended the mectlng and discusecd"the problem of road'olltngand surf,ace treatlng.,Moved by Derputy Reeve Rixon and seconded by Counctllor Prl"ngleurr4ythe pri-ces of M{}}er pavJ-ng to ter prirne urd surfacc treatas aqb*nitted be eccepted.Carr{.cd.lllr. Ted Norris repf,Gscntfng the Fedcretl"on of Agriculture93ryi99-dleeusscdpl"ecing road signe riththe flouncil.

-tt - 3-Movsd by Deputy Reeve Rlxon ard seconded by Couneillor Prl-ngle thatthe offer of the Federation of Agrleulture to ereet slgns designatlngeoncesgion roads, ete. be accepted.Cerried.By*Lou No. 29lr appof-ntlng George Foetcr ed Inspector under thelFench hreavattons Proteetj.on Act was g'iven ltsseverel readlngs andpassed.aUBy-I.aw No. 295i - f, By-Law for the eetebLLshnent end regulatlon of aVolunteer E[re Depertment was glven its several readings end passed.By-Law No. ?p6 sppointing James MaJor as Chlef of the VoluntecrFire Department weo given ltsseverel readj,ngs end passed.By-Lan No. 29? rsstricti.ng the use of certain lends on registeredplan I'lo. l+72 was glven itsseveral reedlngs and passed.Ttre qusstionof havJ"ng an Area of Srb*Dtvl-sLon 0ontnoi. By-Law tohaw control over the devel-oprnent of certeln properties withln the Townshipwes digcussed.Moved by Councl-l"Ior Prtngleand seconded by Counel-l}or Mercer thatthe Clerk be l-netructed to prepare or have prepared hy a $oHcitor e.Sttb-Dtvl.slon Control Sy*1,s16.Carrj.ed.Moved by Couneillor Prtngle and seconded b;r Counelllor Mercer thatthe trrslfare Offlcer!,1r. George Foster he alloured to attend the Welfsre. Offieersr Conventd.on at I&LLand J.une 11, t2' and l3.ttl ,atd "thst he be . ,allowcd expenses of $1o.oo per dey plus nileage of f cents per mI-Ie, endThat the C1erk-Treasursrbe ellowcd to attend the Munlcl"pal Clerksand Fi.nance OfficergtConventLon at Honey Harbour on June 2$, 26 and27th, on the same besi.s.Camied.The question of traffieon Maple Avenuc in the Moaeington sub*dlvlslon was dlscusesd.Moved by Corrncillor Pringle and seconded by Corrnclllon Mereer thetthe CLerk be J.nstructed to prepaf,e a By-Law to Urntt the speed to 30fld.lse per how on Mqple Avenue.Cerried.Moved by CorrncllLor Pringle and secondad by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mereer thatthe Bulld5"ng Inspectm be lnstnrcted to inspect cottags on l-nt 25,Plffi 3h8, Coneession 8 to see that samd Ls properly eonstructsd.C ar=ied.A ]etter fron tJre Department of Lande and Forssts eelclng for thecrpinl.on of Counel-I as to the edvisablIltyof havJ"ng an open deer season

-h -tttthl"s year rras diseussod.Corrneil was divJ-ded - Reeve J. H. 4nderson,Deputy Reeve Rl"xon and Counci}lm Uercer belng J,n fevow of the shortopen deer scaaon and Corrneillors Blanchard and Prlngle being strictlyopposed to it,.Moved by CouncLllor Mercer and seconded try Deputy Reeve Rixonthat Corincll does reeorunend to the Departnent of Lande and Forcstea short open Deer Seaeon tre perrnttted during ttre Fel1 of <strong>1956</strong>.fhe queetlon of eontrolJ-ing treeking yards was reised,+JratCarrLed.F-l{oved by Oounclllsi Pringle and seconded by CouneiLlor Blencherdthat' Mr. Harding, cperator of a rffeeking yard on lot ?$, Conceselon 6,bs notified that he muet conform to his orlglnal egreenent to operatehls yard or hLs ltcense nitlbe cencel-led rrlttrln 30 daye.Carrl-ed.<strong>Council</strong> adJourned at 1130 a.lq. to hold tte next regular meeti-ngon $resday, Jrr3.y 3rd, at fl30 p.rn.{1 i .t.. #, ,.?trt {4*lW,{F,eeve

$rEclArHryr_rbrc*fi4ruHHIP0Fe'ry$olMJunetB.lg55.A rpectalr*otlng of the ltunlctpal CouncLl of the Tonnuhip of <strong>Georgina</strong>wae ceJ.l.Ed by the Reerre at the Glerkte offJ.cc on the Sove ftterto dLscussurgent buglneag.Merrbere prerent il,Bra * Reeve J. II. Andnrron, Deputy fleevt E. Rl:con,IDorrnelllors C. BlAnahsd' and t. Hercerr<strong>Council</strong> dl.esusaed the drngeroue bathing sltu.wtton rt the.nout'h of t'hcBlactc Fiver et Hosel.ngton P*k. ifter due correl"deratLon, the follonlngresolutd.on Efi pf,ttscd end the Clerk flec lnctfilcted to pand * certlfled coplrto l[r. J..8. ftrI.th, Itt.P.Moved by Deputy Bearn lUlxon and secondcd by Counclllor Blanchrd ttratI{HEREAS there nere tvo drornrtrrgc fn 1955 and ons dror*ntng to deta Xn <strong>1956</strong> *t themouth of t}re BLsck Rl.ver at' l{ossJ,ngton Park Ln tns Tonnehlp of GecrgLnn,AND I'lltEREA$ condl.tlonsoutsj-de tlre dredged chennEl of the rLver ere extarcnclSrdangeroun as {rhe dcpth of water vqriee sevcrel feet in + v6ry few feet rrherechl"ldren brttre Ln the l*ke,IIISREF'0RE BE IT RESOTVED THAT thie CormcJ.I do earneetlyrequest' orrr Henber ofPanlJ.ment, llr. J. E. Sd.th, !{.F. to tnke thls matter up wtt}r Fropereubhorf.tlee Ln Ottana rcqueatlng tmrediate astton to heve thl-s dnngerouesondj.tion rect{.fLed se ttle Councl]. f.s erqloue thnt firrthsr *ctdcntc bepnetrnted.Ccr{.ed.CounciJ. dtscusasd the ftiltng of t*re p*king lot of, tlrc Townshlp Farksnd the eenitary cordlu.ons.It, wss decLded to herc a rneetd.rrg et the frrkl&dneodny, June the eOfir, at 9r0t1 f,rrru rt rhich tfure prtcee for ttre harrllngend spneadtng of fLLI warld be chtatred and srrangprpnte to hsne the toilleteput tn Fropor condltLon would be nds.Chtef Constable J. l{LllEr dtecuf,esd rrraqy p}tceproblone r*lth CsuncLl..HeetLng adJourned et 12r.ffi p.m.t r a a aRegve

$FS0IILMEEITI{S--lSHt{_sIIPCIFffi0RBIN[&$-B2or<strong>1956</strong>A rpcctal ileottng of ttre ltrurlctpal Oounel,l of the lbunship of Creorglnrms ca-llsd by ttre Rpene at the lbunsld.p Prrk,at 9l0O grm. or ttrc abovedete f,or the pur?oss of naldng J^qrovoncntast the Perk.l,ferfrera. all" lneae:rt,,l{r. l{lljord Ave'r1y and l,i[r. Cltff l{htt6 ngrg prssent and gave E priaeon drswir€fllJ,l{oved by CounclllorFilanchard ailiLcecondod by Depnty Rcew Rtxctl titrst!fltford lreqy ard ffiJ.ff Uhlte bc a*rded the contrrct to drew and Levsll,r0OO yerda of grevel ftLL rt 60 cents per yd. to ttre,Torm#rip Psk..llluork to be done to tfie setlsf,act'l,on of the Boed $uperlntendentrCsrrlcd.It ras dacidd thEt t'tre Bod $peri.ntendent uould take cme ofelteratLons to tJre ;resent toLLet buflff.ngs to put them in good repal.r.Uectfuig a{Journed.. .Q t,il ,. #r*taw,FREe\rB

o1^JN$gr_gg_(tE0R0rNaSEVEI*TH UIIETII{G *Tg56PltrEuRnt to adJourrment, ttre Munl.clpal Corrnclt of the lbwnshtp of,GeorgLne met et the Tcrwnship HaL[, Peffer].aw on firesday, tluly ttre 3rd, <strong>1956</strong>et ?r:30 p.n.Members of tfie Councllallpesent.ULnutee of the lest reguler meetLng snd epealal. rneetJ-ngs were ulopted.Moved by Counclllor Mercer and secondEd ty Counclllor Blanchsrd tlratVoucher No. 6 of July 3rd, L9561 for e*pendltweson tJre Tonnshi-p roadatotsllJ.ngS3'OB$-97 be e*cepted and ttre Reeve grant his orders on theltseagurer for the same and the seql of the CorporatS"on be hereto attsched.CarrLed.ryHoyed by Oowrcfl*lor Pringl"e and seconded by Counctllor librcer that -schedur'e of t'olLce Accounts daterl Jrrry 3rd, 1g56 - rtems I to rg tnclusl-veand tfteJ-lLng S11358.86 be accepted; end the Beeve gfent hl-gorders .on the ltessurbr for sa,rm end the seel of the CorporetJ"on be "heneto Ltteotred.Cerr$,ed.Poljce Accountp1. 4,. Slrtsr?; H. oodf rey "3. V." Harveyl+; V.. I{arrrey5. V. * Hrvey6, Jip {c Jeants7, H.. BLrd8. Copkte GerageI . Mefilon SedoreI0. ',*alewear.tg (lfirsgsIl, J.I,,Spllletts & Sonl?. toponto S-ber Ltrd.tedlJ. Pefferlau lblephone Sys.1lr. J." II. Mtllar15. Cap. Natl-onal Dcpnese16. J. H. Millar17. J. H. llillar18. Rec. C'eneral of CanadaLP . Toronto Televlsion Ser.?6$ hrs. @ Irffi3l hro. o l.oo.9o-3/\ hrs. 0 l.oof8-3/h hrs. @ .5oJune 22 - Jrrne 30Osst0es, Otl, €tc.I)o.Do.Do.liiehtarAdventisingApr.?futrIry 30l{lleagefitrgs*SaIarySalaryTan illeductloneRadto for CnrleerS 76.5031.0090.75g.h0F5.oo??.6216.F5.9.753.50Lt"oj1.95?2.883? ,6515.58.90137.50IeO.75L6.756h3.50Moved by Corurcillor Bl.archm'd and secpnded by Counclllor Mercer theta pefrtrd of tocea ln the nnount of $51r.?6 be rnade to l,[r. iJpyd lIlchardeonon Lot No. 30, PImr 3?L,l$lElfirls lot has bFen assessed to Mr. Bona1d Riehandeon Sl00.0O on landend $h00.oo on truLldJ.ngs for the xl'eers 1g5l+ and Lg55.No brrildtrrg has beenerected on tlds lot.}ff. Lloyd llLchardson prodrrced proof of ornerghipover sarp per{,od of tfune but had not recelved Aeseesnent Notlcee or TmrBlL1s and was uneusre of ar=ears. Itr. Lloyd ld.cherdson peid mgeas of$68.h5. Refund 80f, - $Sr.?6.Hg.

- 2 -Moved by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mercetr and eeconded by <strong>Council</strong>lor Blanchrdthet t6e account for hose for tfie ftreunderetendi-ng that the Tornslrfp wlIItnrck ss ordered be perid on tlrebe reirrbrrrEed the account tn fullby the Pefferlet end DLst'rict ld.one Club.C*r{-ed.lloved by <strong>Council</strong>lorMercer' ;rnd seconded by CouncLllor Blanchmdttrat Sohedr,rle of Genersl Aecorrnts deted JuIy 3rd, L956 - Iterns I to 2?lnelusLve snd totallLng $Ir835.I-? tre ancepted, and the Reeve grant hLuorders on the Treesurer for rf,.n€ and ttre seel of the CorporntLon behereto attached.CashReI[EfPailrrollofJu]SPndr<strong>1956</strong>.l. Ral.ph HELJ,ecc?. Mtldrsd Drryer3. KetJrerine Gaz€y22.003r,0o36.0OCg,rr.Lgd.Relj.efbyVoucherforJunErIg56.l+. Strongnant e Store5. l&trlon $edore6. $utton ,leporter PublCo.Oensral .Aceount*'1,I"toyd Riehardeon8. Vlllege of Srrtton9. Pefferlaw Telephone S5rs.I0. Pefferlffi Feed I'{11111. E. , :Stnongnen12. F., G. Burtows13. Ont. Ithrnictpal Boerdlh' J..D.Lueas15. 8."8. conrer16. $rrtton PrrbIJe $chool Bd.I?. Strtton Reporter Pub.co.,18. County of York19. Corrnty of Yek20. Re€. (bnercl of Canada2I. R. " E. Corner2?. Illnrlnce RLrE EngineHleen McBachern-ffoc*Waverley RLsebroughEelLef Voucher formgTsc refirndFtreftglrting SernrLong ffietnnce" Wrblcl.dc- HOetage-Frk * Paint, €tG.FeeeLegel SerrricesConventdon FcpeneesDente1 SersLceerdventlslngHosptt*llzatLon - AprLlHoepitelizrtd.on - HayTar DeductLone "SeleryIIoecs .oo?r.61+10.lr35h.?691. 0ol+.lrO27.2075 .ootg . 0hJ.0 . o015 .0020. 005m.oo5. ohlh.h5l.zL . l+559,.o5?8o + 6735b.ooCh{ef Conatable t'fi.ltar reported that the BrLrfsCottage f"ro"i."ttor,-oflfered to supply a rmtorc;rcle snd ell the eqtrlpment nsccsesrtrr for ltropcn*tJ.on for one of tJre offl-cere.Cowrcil egreed to nccept the off,er onthe urderetandlng thnt there would be" tn cost to the Tonnshlp of Georglnn.ltre Preeidentand Secretarlr of ttre Drcloe Pol.nt. Cottagc Associ.atil"ondLscussed the dust problem on the roed to Ducloe Point.$ouncLl and tfieRoad Srryerl.ntendent are" Stdngaerlous consJ,dsretd.pn to lnpnorrlng tfircsituatLon. .ldr. Lentrardt discussed hfs propoeel to fift-dirride h? lcras ln I,ot 2I,Ooncession h.Moved b'y Counclllor Pr*lng1e and eecorded by Cowrclllor Mercer firtrt'tentfl.tj.ve approvel tra grented to li[r. Ipntr#dt to sub-didde h2 aeres J-n

-3 -I.ot 20r Concessf"on Four, provided he reetri"ets ell lots agd.nst outstdctoilete.gglggg.Mr. fed l{ornls and ]F. Barnmd fiey, nefrers of the Federstdon ofAgrlculturtrdJ.rcussed the poeeibilJ.ty of having road slgns oreeted atsII road interaectionsln the Torrnshlp a'td regrebted thet a nsnriber ofthe stqff of the Toronto Sts rns not prersnt but agreed to attend t*renext special neeu.ng on JuIy 16th and heve e rspresentatlve preeentl{r.Eeg Hmehall reked CouncLl lfeq$hfng coutd be done regerdtngtf,te transpontetd.on of publlc echoolchlldrento Srrtton publle Schoolfrarn ld.s a,refl, He ms refsrrod to "ttrs $utton prjbllc School Bosad.By-Llv No. ?98 restrletlngttre specd on HapLe Avenue nas gf.ven 1"teggverel readLnge and pneaed.By-.Law lto. 29.9 re polJ.ce agreement and dlst'rlbutLon of assetsrdtllthe Sutton Pollce Deparfunent rras given tts esveral rcadings and paaaed,I letter from the Island VLmr Be*ch Aeeocleltdon wf,s red and theC1erk was instrueted to fLLe the letterard advloe ttre ,ilesociau.on thrtcouncl.r had no degLrs to interferev-Lth ttreJ.r loc*l problens.Moved by councirlor Merncer and eeconded by Gounclllon glsnrharathat upon the requeet' End recoruurndntlon of ttre Ertar Il*11 Cemetery Foerd," , . .ttrs c,runc{L '|}f. tbe .l*rrrslrl4g of, G$cngln* qpotnt* H.F.. &41flh Erran+r, h. .Houard Lake and Hr. Frank ,tlrd es rnerribers of that Board,FlnEl dlsporitlonof the propoesd plnn of I'lr. Josaph tfirt11cky rnsCepJ.ed.made by ttre folloringreuolutton.Moved by <strong>Council</strong>lor Prlngle nnd eecondsd by Counclllor Mercer thattha Clerk be authorAzed to adviee the Deparfunent of plarmtng and DevelotrnenttJrat ilr. Joseph llnlllelcy hee nsuls settsfastotry srrangFnenta r*lth theTonnship of Georglne for the approwr of, his proposed $rb-Dl"rriefon J.n prtof 1ot 17, Concessl"on 8n TonnrhLp of tleorglna.gnrrledrA letter fron l{r. J. E. M.th, l{.p,r re hLs acH_ons on tlre requestto itrprove the conrlttlons *t tlre rnouth of the Moeetngtcn fil"ver wsg read.Movsd by Corurcillor Mercer and seconded by Counctllor prlngle thatCotutctl te Ln agr+ement nit}l CIIerkts lettgrof Jufy 3rd, lg56 to lfr. T.A.CrTpreLIr Depmtnsnt of Plrnntng flnd Dwelopnmt re pr.oposed plrn of l{rs.Doyle * Lot l?,UorcessJ.on 8, Townohip of Ceorgtne.Gallrled.The Clerk adviaed Counctl of, the lturrlcipalBoard hearl"ng on July26th at Ir30 p.m. re th6 land Use Restrletf_on fy*l,sy ln plsn h7e,(Wtlson end frt.Lng) .

- L-Mr. Al Strongnan ettcnded the lnestlng and agfecd to lnveet{gete ,the proble'rn of getting comect workmenls conpensat'ion for the VoluntaerFlm Department.Ttre lbwnetrlp Park prAblm Has dlscusged.Moved by Councl-Llor Hercsr nrrd eeconded by CounclllorPringLe thrtttre C1erk rcgreet l{r. HltlerH*trl.nson to nttend the SpecS"el }leetdngof Corureil. at Ure Clerkrs offlce Jul+r l6th, et 8t3S p.n.C anr{.gd.Moved by CouncLllor }fers€r and seconded by CorrncLllor Blanatrud thatthe 1tsea&rrFr be errtlrorfsed to pry Mesers. Av€ry and t*d.ta for .drawlngand gedtr4 of flLl et ttte Towns[J.p Park on autlrori.zrtf-on of tfle RoadSuperl"ntendgnt ,Gerrted.Oouncll edJoufned to hold e epeciaLneetf.ng at 7e3O prlrr .at tlrsClcrktp ofJlce on Jrrly the l6thr L956'-'LiEtr.. . .*,&*r] /, t , 1';.(. :.tr,i, ;''. . .. r . r..rc/err

SficlA4l4ffNo:fr*JNst{IPoFGEOR0IIIAJulnr l6th, L956.A spaeir-L nrrrtd.ng of tfrr Munlctpal Oounetl of the Tormrhip of(laorginr wrs csllcd by thc 4novc *t thc Cl.crkrs offiee on thc *owdntc, to dlaaust urgcnt buslntss.Mcrnbers aLL prctant.ilr. lbg Mrrsh*LL of Ccdnr ,f;llff Uenor prcsrntcd n Lrttcrto Corurci]rektng for a'vote undcr $cctlon 6F of tJra Llquor ll.ecnsc Act.Monad by CounclJlor Harcer end eccondtd by OounctlLcr Blf,nahnrdthet 'lF, the'llunl,clpnl. <strong>Council</strong> of, thc Tomshlp of Craonglnrs do hcrcbygl"m eJryrcrcl thet r vota nly bG telicn rccordLng to thc l*iquor-Ltctngr fict to crtrbltahr lll.nlng LounBa undcr Scct$.on 69 - Subaecttcn7 rrd 8rCeml"sd.Chlaf Const{.b1c !,Illlsr dlEcusaed eona trroble.fis stth tho Souncil.Movcd by <strong>Council</strong>Lor PrlnEI.e ewl sccqrdcd by Counc!.l.Ier l{srccrthrt r rcwer.'d of S100.00 ba offercd to thc pcrson oF pareolla prrotrld{.ngirfornetlsn lcndj-ng to tha rrrast and convletlon af r pcraonor pcrsons gutlty of wt}firll*v denngtng til.rcs enil notor of Ttetor'l{u.lrryr8tnuck uht}e "ou 'po:lf.cc 'dnty nnd 'atcrl.tng 'pdH,dd "cruirtdrbelonglngts thc $ownrhLp of 0rorgin*.rldvcrtLsa tn Hslldsy flnd $rrt'ton Reporteir.Bsr.f"ad.ktl{r, M:[]lcr llerbtnaon, u!.t]r ]dr Slicl.tor, Mr. Cl*e l,lomtaon,rttrndcd thc mctj"ng to d{.sauen ecrtej.n p,rob}rms nt thc Townetrip ps}c.CouncLl dcfcrr"ed any dcelel;cn on thi.s nettGr untll lnt;r tn the rcck*Megsrg. .rrrrtng and McCIulrGr wlth ttralr sollci.tor; l[f,. lrlcsonIlorucr, mitcd on Counej-l rttth rcgard to thslr pmpoocd Sub*Dlv1sfur.Hotrud by Courcillor Blntrsherd, aad sccordcd by Cgunctllor FrC-ngIcthrtthc Councl-I apprdva cmd rtccurmnd to thc Depertnrant of plnnningand Daveloprnant tJrat tJrc plan u$rnttted by Mcf,ars. Irvlng end Mcftrlraon cest h*lf of thc urat hrlj of Lot 12, Coneccsion Sevan Ln thcTounshl"p of Georglnr, bc appnovad orr thc follortngcondj"fi.onalThrt thl 8uh-dtvtdcr rqatrj.et all lota agalrrnt rny outcldc tcil.Ictsend thet Lotc olu tfi 22 inclusLvi ard tots 105 t{ I.2O lnclusl\rc borcstrlctcd to bulldtngs of not lcss tfif,n 720 aq. ft. of floor grac Lnbungrlowa end 900 ft. tn nors th{.n onc floor. Cn:rricd.

-2-l{r. Lenhs.rdt preaentad a fi*thmprbpobcd plan to Cornci}.t{ovrd by Corrnct}lor l{crccr cnd #sondad by <strong>Council</strong>lor Blanchsrdttrnt ttre Hrlrtclpel Coumil of ttra ltrwnship of Gcorglns epprovc thoproposed plan subnd.ttcd by Polnt Srrbdlvldcrs LtnttcdCon. hr Cborgina TownshS-p, cnd reomilcnd l.ts sprydvtton Pt. Ipt ?ltto the Dcpertnurtof Pl*rr$ng *nd Dcvolopmnt subJoct to thc followJ"ng reetrJ-ctLoncl1. Tft"t brrlldlngp trs r"estrJ, ctarl to insLds eonvctdcnces."11 2. frret ona-tlr-lrd of tha J,ot6 on proposed plrn bc rtstrictpd tobrr5.ld1ngc hrvlng onc stoFoy to not lcas thsrr 720 sq. ft.of floorf,FGf,r3. Ttrc Suh*dl.rrldcn esnrlrro. firi"l rceponrtbillty for roade, dltchcs, Gt'G. Cfrylq4.McetLng d.Jourrrod.ffiECItL UEETING *TOUN$trp 0F 0E0nGII|A.Jul-ytgthrlg56rA apeoirl mcctl.ng of tha lfunlcip*l Cotrncil of tJnc Townahip of C,ccngfnnrne anJIGd by ttrre Rccvs et thc Clcnkrs offl-cc on thc Scrvc dntc,to dJ.ccusaurgcnt bueLnces.Menbars eJI pnosont exeqlt lkrurrctllorPringlG.ldovcd by Daputy Rccvo Rlxon effl seeondad by Corrnotllon l{srccr tJrstttlIgfiEAS thcnc ers eewrel$neII belarrces ln the Ts Arlrsrrs Lcdgcrsuountlng to only e ftw etnts eaahAND WHERE.IrS thc .ludtfor{r hJ.s fleport for thc yrnr 1955 recmrnsnds t}rst

- ? -EngII ryrrorrnts undGr $1.00 bc rrrlttcn off Eincc thc cost of eolloetlngtfrcsa onuuntsl usuelly ctceeede'the anount'collsetcd'TIISIIEFOIE BE IT RESoL\IED that tfis"frr'11or:fj-ng l.terns ba urittcn off, thcTsrc Arrc*re lcdger es of thLs datttN. Pt. la - con. 3 l{lahnal RotttPts. 21 & 22 * Con. lrftol'f l(cllnrPt. ?L- Cmrr 6 - t{. C$qp J. R. CnossPt. 21 - Oon. 6 - tf. Cerqp lrlrs. CrTncc lftIfrcnLot L15 * I'Ian 318 - Con. ? R$.cher'd DtgFylot l?I - P]an lI8 - Con. ? R. *I. BrctiliIpt 16 * Plnn 229 * Con, ? HlsB JoIEe l{abbtot 35 * Plan 32]- - Con. 7' Itohcrt SrenLot 39 & l+0 - P1arr 321 - Con. 7 .Icftn A. BobJ-neonI.ot 11 - Ptcn 36b - Con. ? R. J. lilurr*yLot l3 & Ih - Plcn 361+ - Oon, 7 llrffy E. lilcHobbLot 15 - PIsn th8 - oon. 7 $towrrt CamsronN. Pt. 3 * Con. I I'ttahrcl l{lggfnoPt€. I & 9 * Con. B - Pfrn 363 .Ioscph $rcst$.1{.Cor.Blk.C-Plen 363-Con. tl brdon [ir'*enIpt 11 - Plm 3L8 - Con. IG. 1}1mtott ?5-6-?-8-9+1ffi l+2?*c.8 Tlnnk "{. llerdbetldLot l3? - PIsn he? - Con. I l{ro. Mary C. MeRrc''[6t"Ifi?':'PlafitfiT i'C6ni'8"'" lrt]rur KcrnredcIDt l,?h - Pl.nn lr?? - Con. B $rrl+x Snkonj.thLot I98 - Plen lrfi? - Con. I Hrs. Rosc SsneLLst I * PIrn 3Oa - Son. I l{lsr i'lrr{on ldhytaLot 6 * Plan 227 - Con. I litss. Eu+fi MsArtcrLot E - PIsn 221 - Con. I Andrsn LceehakS-+-31 - H[sn I92 - (bn. I A]bcrt R. ]Iffr+nI.o[ 51 * PIrn ]92 - Con. I ]Fs. Dorl-s PuStLot 60 - Plan L9? - Con. I Jerrpe H. $proulcIpt II8 - PIan 35I * Con. I Mrsr Rete ltlleockIot 10 - PIan l.hg - Con. I ltFs. Holan l{oodwardLot 3 & LA * Flnn ?1T - Con.B o. s. onrdcncrPts, 82 & 83 * Ptrn ?5I * C-8 ftre Sklpori !.l+2.13-13.15.lrd.26.15,28.?8-15.68.h5.3o.0?"07 .65.bB.13.07*15.2?.15.h5.60,15.gg.,55Csmtod.l{r. l.tillar llrrbLnson rves imrlt'od to tttcnd the rn*cting to dLecuasprobl;ms et thc Tonnohlp Pck, but dtd not nttcnd thc necting. Afternuch constdcrnu.onr th; foalortJ.ng resolutdon tms pnaucd.Hoved by rtlorrncilLor Msrcer and nccondsd by Dtputy Rccvc lllxonthat Hr. IliLlcr Hnrbtnsonp tlrorrgh hls Soll-al.tor, bc notdfLcd *l. Ttrat ttrc Councl-I f-ntcnds to contl.nuc to rrnnka a change for pffld.nget tha Pf,rk and rct*fnthc noneYr2,That thc Corrneil le raecly to tcnnLnetrthc Lesstr3.ltrrt an offer of $?00.o0 bo off,enad ln Eettlcncnt provldad thaterrent cstflblLsh tJre brrilding io worti'h $1.r000.0O.Cerri+d,Meetlng adJoutned.

HEATTTNG BErcRE f1{E UIJNTCIPAI, BOAHDIIil lTtE lfi[TIEn ffi $sctfon 390 of rTtrd ]{untclpnlAetr (ft.S.O- 1950, Chaptar ?lr3)t* tnd -I'l ?l{E I.IATTER OF sn epplienticn of the Cprpont'ionof the Tormship of Gcorglne for ryprovelof ite Rsstrictcd .dran By-I*w Nuribcr 297 anttt"[6dnA BFl*w to rostrlct the rrse of ecrtel.nIsnde baing pert of RefiLstarcd ptan h72:"{'Heartng was held at 1130 oteloak prm, Tfirirsdeyr the ?6th day ofJulJr, ip$g, nt the Townrhip IIILI in FefferLaw. f,cprctsntativus fr:outhc ltunicipel Board wera ltr. JnnLeson. end Mf. Gnecnwood r*tro' irdLcatcdttrat thc By-lnfl uoul"d ba apprcrvid.' .t..--.--. .- /'-r/+.rr; l:/t(." r\rirta lt ari.l-rF .r f ] rrr .tlr a a t atatr r r a r'I.l'tlcrtr

TffiMTHIP OF @OffiINAEIGTITI{ Mffi'lTt'lG 1955purournt to ndJourrrurcnt, thc }Aur$.cfppl 0ounc11 of tlre [bwnthlp of(horgln* rnst nt the TowrrshLp HeI[, Pcffcrlsn,on Trrced*yr August tire Ttht.<strong>1956</strong>, rt 7:3o p.nrllenbare of thE tlogrrcll *I.J. pqccent cxcapt Counci}lor Prlnglc., Minrtcs of thc tcat raguLar nccting rnd spccl-*I rnoatinga wcrc ndoptcd.a -Movcd by CouncltLon Mcrceand aceondcd by CounellLor BlencherdtJret Vorrchcr No. ? of Arrgust ?thr <strong>1956</strong>, tio* "xliio"Oftrrrcson tha TotmshlFroa4r totrllingS31031*6Lbc *ccept'cd and ths Rceve gf*rlt trls crders on"tfrs -freeewar fcr t}rc ffHF nnd tJre gsrl of thc Corporntd.on ba hsrcto :strahtd'cirr"J"ed'Mowd by Dcputy Rscrre fllxon and sccondcd by Gourrcillor llcrccr that$chodrrlo of PoJlce lccomts.dafod August 7th, <strong>1956</strong> - Itcns I to 26tnciuelrlt end totrllLng $88?'97 bc scacptcdr an{ ttre nicvc Fn4t {rts oqderson tha ltcaglrsrfor samG cnd-tlr; eGf,l of the CorporetLon be hcfctoStnnhed.Pollcc Accoturtel. " .{. TlrrmJ.ns2. Sutton Pr{ntens3. tiatrcdtsn Nettonal Stpncaah. "R. c. Hclt$r5. . Tlllege Guage6. Fcffcrlu'r Tclc. qrgtm7, , Paffarl$r Tela. $reton8. J. t. SpLlrette & $on9. . E. A. Hor4on Salse10*, E. A. Ilorton Ssles11. . 0. Srl.Gr1?.. H. 0odfrey13. . V. HmcyLhr" M. 0. Trarnryne15. - v. HarvuyL6." J. H. lltrlnrl?*. J. H. liH"ILerL8. " RsccJ-rrur GcncrsLGf caffdf,L9,- J. lI. MlILsr?0'" QuLrurt e Boeteet." otNclIItB Groccvy22 , F. Hlnchlcy23. E. R. Llnookseh. WrLsrrucrtB osregg25,26.I'{r8. A. Mcrccr$rrtton Reportcr I'ubI. Co.Alter UnLfornrRubber St*npsBctte$-es for I?ryAdJuct on tLraEepntra & GeePho nc RcntclJune 3 - Junc 30B*ttery for CErRopeJ.rs to Faptray Coeeh chnrges9$ hrs. o L.oo50 Hrs. o Ir00$al*yRi - V. Ilurrey.q!ls,rySe-LnrySslflryTex deductLonsl{1l.crgcGes & OllCr*c & Qt. 0f 11rr?8,0as & OiIGesO*d - Otl - Rcpeirrt[rno.tdvertislngdsrrLcd.ffiilr.go3.1+o.ts5.Q062rl38.Q5r7.50"19.[53 .0o1.30. " Pr.$o50.80l"l0.8o33.9077.00rJ?.501"e0.?5L6. i59.363r.eh29.63h"B53.65r0.h725.002.2bMorrsd by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mcrccr end eecondad by Oounclllor Blenchrd thet* rcfirnd of tmccs Ln the emorutt of $L.90 ba pnld to li[r. Hugh F. ftd{h' ZhBlGstwood Avc., Torontor on Lot' llo.by the Aocoeaor, lufr. ;. E. taylon.2?, PIen 22?, Oonccaston I es ednlscdSarriad.

- 2-MCIvad by CouncLllor l,lcrc;r nnd E loondcd by Daputy fipctrc RLxonth*t Schsdulc of (hncrrJ. Accsunts dntad Auguet Tthr <strong>1956</strong> * Itams 1"to 36 inclusLve snd totf,trlLr€ $2r?98.59 ba ecocptad, and ttrc Reevggt.fnt lds ordcrs ,sn ths lYersurorfor eane gld thc sssl sf tha Corporatlonbo herato nttschcd., I Cr.f,ri-GdrF5JCeahRelLsfmyrollofAugrrstl,st'<strong>1956</strong>." l. Rs.lph Wallecae . illldrcd DrepcrRaliefbyVouche_rf.gJrrlyr<strong>1956</strong>.3,h.5,6,7,Tornuhtp of ThorrlrGeorgo Cllnpeontfcol.oy RLscbroughMrhlon $adorcStrongmrnr s $toreTotsrghipFrrk8.9.10*11"12.13.il+.15.0aorge RceltlcR. BlLLnonReponter Fub. CotW. fi. Johneton & Cs.Button tuubar & ftttLO I l$cfllr s foccrlrDlilfordlvcrlrl{rsf G. FostwGsnercl lacounts16. EI[tc PrtngleL?. ' Bnrce Src18. . R. D. welr19." Lornc Hd.ght20r. Ilcpt. of l*nde & Forcatt91." County of, Tork?2, ' Peffrrlrr Tohphona?3;' thos. ltrllLlar & Sen23.' County of Iork?5.- tf . J. Wons26;" W. J. L;rona27." HugttF. ftttth?8.' Slhupeon-Saers29 .' Kcnncth ocmer3o*. Clnre llomf.gon31." Brucara Tad.3?. ' Pcfferl*tr Fssd l{lll33." ft. B. Corncr3h,' RcacLwr Gsncrnl of cnncde35." fisre1d E. fahclrt36." J. E. TnylorUrr:f ffi.ayton - Fo€ .Uaggte Jemll - tlnoc;|aggf.e Jctrcll - RentWawrlay Rl.ecburoughEiLocn McEachern-Gt'oc .65 hrs , t] 90d3o$ tro. @ 90#P*ftscs for PskAdrd.aalon TlckctePlyrood for $5.gns}llgto-Vcnfflll et PrdrPelnttng s.gnsPostngcWs,rtLc Fly - Tolc,Orcn Dcposft 1955BuILdo alng DutpI{4sLsnd Trsnsf cra ,Long DtgttncG & Rmt.Offlco SrppLtcsHoeplt rll stti on-Jurcl{tlc egu for JunsI{llaego for JultTrx RafundSwfngGerb egn Collcctd.ouflc Mlllm llsrblnnonRc Jnucs I'iellaecBmch lfl.il-ler$rlrryTrx lbductLons$tracp Clf,trt$hccp Vrluntor22.0031.0052.8622.00]"e.0030*oo30.0058.5o&7.h51o,23L?5?.0O5,77600.002.00, 7I.00?.ho3L,8170+ooI,O09.67l2.tS. . 58 .g?. ,157.h5" 21*oo" hh . alrh.5o" 3?r0?" ,200ro0"?00.00lo*00" . u.5.60ago.6T, 11.0060-ooe.50" HcrvEd by Conneillor !{crcar end $seondcd by Conncillor tsle,rnchard thatt*mnEAS the $"quor LLcancc Act pnovidcc for the t*lclng of e voto on thofollorlngqunstLorrolI, Arc ;mu l.n farour of ttrc E*lc of liquor undcr r dftdng loungclJ.cencc for sonfiilqltLon wl"th usels on JLccnecd prcml.scr,2. ,lrc 5rou ln fevour of thc eetc of llquor undcr * 3.oungc llcancafon coneratptd.on on }loeneed Frcrllscs,

- 3 *-tAl{D WI{SAEAS thcrc hss bcan tt rcqucdt for tfi+ t*lcl.ne of a votc onbothquest!.ons,fitffi$F'ffi BE IT RESTTSD tdrat tha l{unlctps} tbuncll of tha TownetrLp ofGcorgl"nr unnd.rmusly applo\rt tht t'sld"ng of e vott on bottr guastlonstnd t'het thc ldquor Ltccncs Bord of Onterlo bc co notdJicd. 9315[$.h. Jeckson, rcpcmntrtlvc of the Toronto $tnF, togcthcr withItb. llorrLe snd l,lr. I(ny of ttra Fcdcrntlon of AgrLculturc wrLt'cd onCouncll rc rord stgns. li[r. Jsckson lndlcetGd thnt ttrc Tononto Stsrwould supply both algne rnd poata, Ef,uG to be orcetcd by tlrc Fsdarrtionof Agriculturc Ln eo-opeetton wtth thc Hoed $rrpcnlntsndent.l{r. I{rrry Hnggctt, $ecretrry of the l^tona G[S, ruquaetcd ttrcHnLL rsnt t?cc on bahetf of tha CIub for their rrnrLous notivttLas lnthc fi.rtun .Flovcd by CounclLlor Mcrccr nnd ecoondcd by <strong>Council</strong>lor Blanclrnrdthat thc Pcff*Iew & Dlstn"tet Ltona GLub bc grrntcd frae uec of thaPcfferlsw florunurdty flrll, g3gtlgS.I'{r. Pet OtBrisnr rcprcscnttng thc l{ossington Fsrk CottegcrotAeeocj.ttion, dlecusead s drgl-negp pnoblm orr Dunlclrk Rord. CIouncll wesrgratrhla to hsvlng the Rocd fuperlntcndcnt look sftcr tlrc problm tftt dtd not involvta nr*Jor crcpcn{tture.!{r. Andrtw Srler lresanted h5.s problam to Oourail rc p}rcing of* eov ln n pound et l,Ir. ftott Rcrurl.cfe. Councj.l *dvLs+d Hr. SrLcr thetthcy t*ruld dLscuee the nettar trith l'l[n. Rcnnla. ]IF. ftls rcquteteddnnrgce in the roount of $1,0.0Orl,lrer Rogcreon, Ldrc Srorc Rosd ncrt to Mogsingfun lre,rk, eakcd forrcpetre to thc l.cke $horrc Ln front of hsr pl*cs. $hp r,nr rdrrtscd thrtsonat'hlng would bc dons to rcctifythc sltuatlon"InF. C. C. ltrrr"ts dennrutrafud thc rrsc of n reeuacLtrtor to CouncJ.LCouncll arfld tr56" rmu].d discusg trhp netten firthor.Cou$sil dl-ecusscd tfic rdvj.srbilityof e Flnrrntng Borrd for ttrefcnrnsldp of Georgj.nn.Ifir f.inr.l d ecl"eLon rns rerchcd.Tlrc Clark wes glvon pcrnLsrLon to rctrj.ll tha scrvlccs of Mr. Clnral{orrLeon, $olJ-cttor,for hcnd}firg tha voto undcr thG l*{quor ldccnccSctr

*' h -Upon actt).orn+nt rrtth Hr. lllllar Hsrblnson rc dlssofurtlon of thcLaasc fortlrc Torrnehlp Pcrkp ttrc Rewc 1fl8 l-nstl"ustcd to nrlce nswtrra11gcnGnts to h*ve ttre rrfrcehhtnt Etrnd opclratod for thc brl,enac ofthc gctson"CounclLadJouYnod.Rccw

$?E[T^[I, UEE[]]'IC *lSl{NSHIP oF {EORGII{AAueugt20L_<strong>1956</strong>A epeclal meeting of the lfimtctyral- Cou:tcLl of thE lbnnship of<strong>Georgina</strong> waa called by t'he Reeve at the ClerktsoffLce on the eborre &h,to diecuss urgent bueJ.nese.Merribers all preeent exoept <strong>Council</strong>lor Prl.ngl€rlhe President and $ecret*y ot' the Pefferlaw & Dlstrict Ltone Clubattended the meetLng to digcrrss ttre future opcratlons of the Tormahippark.Moved by CounelLlor Mercer" antl seconded by Deputy Reeve Rlxon thatttre Pef-ferlaw g Dlstntct lfons CIub be authorlzed to oporate the ?ownshipPark on the following basJ.s for tlre balance of ttds sunnpr.Retain full profite nade frorn the Bootlr.Retaln $Ofr of net profl.t on parklng, Oarr{.ed.llr, flane ldomlson, Soltcttor retalned for the prrrpos€ of handlLngthe vote under the Idquor ld-cence Actr wes preeent to advJ-ce Councll" ofproper proeedwe.0ouncll was egreed thet the vote should be taken the sqne day as thelfunlcipalELectLon.By-Law No. 300 providLng for the Ncmrinatlon and Election of a }leeve,a Deputy Reeve end tlrree <strong>Council</strong>lors for the TonnsTg"t0eorgtna for they,ear 1957, eleo for the NomJ.natlon and Hlectton of dft"iient,ens of thetfunteipal$choo1 Bcard for the *rear 1957 rrras gtven J"te several readingsand passed-Iln qrpJ.icetlon of Pol"nt llubdir4ders re thelr proposed plan on partof Int ?1" 'GoncessLon l+, was diseussed.It r,,rs.s &greed that $olicltcr,l{r. Morrison, uould take cs,re of the necessary egreements, etc. to $eethat the fi&*dtvider ca*ied out the ulshes of Counctl with respect tnthe propoged sub-diviston.Meetlng adJour:red.

T0I{NHIIP OF {ECIR0IMNIIfTT{ I'TEETIIID $cpte'rqber htn, <strong>1956</strong>Prrrauant to rdJourmcnt,tha l,lurdclpal Cornrcll af the Townshlp ofGeorgln* nst at thc Clerkte offlee,PefferIEIH, on Tuecdry, Septeurber tlrtLtlr, <strong>1956</strong>, at 7130 p.rn.Hcuibrre of tha !]ouncLt rllllLnutrs of thr laet rcgulnr1rcgcnt oxecpt Councl-Llor Prlnglr.rmctlng and epccta.l rncctLng w+rc adoptcd.l{r. Lanhardt, on bdrnlf of Poi.nt futrdtvtdcrs HrnLtcd, prcaentcd n neuproporcd plan to Councll.l,lowd by Counctllor Blrnchard and eecondad by Counclllor Hcrcer ttratttrc plmrFH propoecd by Po5.nt SrbdJ.vldcre on Lot ?1, Concaerl.on four,Townairlp of Georglnn end covcrtng 182 lotsplus tno tcn mrc parccla bcqpprovad on thc camG basLg as the plan prcvtouslffc arte propcrty.proposcd on pert of ttrcCerr{.cd,ItT. L€nhrrdt agrccd to poot bond ulth t}re Tornshlp gurr*ntcol.ng thec*ryJ-ng out of hl.a rarponslblU-ty w5.th rtspqct to roads.Flr. Dnrneolfte and !lr. ilndarsonr purche$cre of pmt of l{r. Ed RtchardsrFepertyr pncaented a propossd plrur of ?O tcrss, part of Ipt ?O, Concceslon7.Hovcd by CorurcllLor l{ererr and cccondcd by Courrcillor Bl.anchard thatnpprovrl bc granted on the propoaed pl.an of Mr. Dunconbs and tr{r. .{ndcrstrlon Part of Lot 20 Conccssion | zubJtctto 8n agrccnrent b6tng cntcred lntogu.erantecl.ng thstL. BuXldlngs be rastnLcted to l"nsidc conv€nlcncGo,2. 011. Iots on proposcd plan bs rsctrictcd tn cottagcr wtth not legs thffi?20 cq. ft. of floor erGa on flrst ffoor.3. ?tte $rbdivl"der aBflnF full raqponsiblLity for roade rlrtch rtIl bo bulltto Tosflshtp specifLcationo.h. . All lsts bcfcrrc being sol.d to be filLcd to ttrc tntftfaetl"on of York, County lleelth h Unit snd the TonnghLp TonnghJ.p of Oaesinr" Ostrglnlo:5. " lhat ln Llru of pmvS.dtnr 5fr of proposrd plm for pf,rk purtrrosce tha" Tounsittp aecapt a donsbLon of One thoucsrd DoIIars frm stibdlvldcrs, tt*,t rnay br uscd to irryrovc Georgtrn Tornshlp park.Fqqrle4.. I'he abovc-mentloncd "uUaftfJurgalso agrccd to poet bond guerentcctng :*Ttpart of ths contraet rlth rospect to roads.

-2 -lilrs. IlrlLockrrtth ttrc <strong>Council</strong>.dtecusssd tlhe rsrcssmant on har houlc at Port BolctcrBrf,or.c naldng a decLclon, CouncLl prcpoeed to tako thtsrettar up rrlth tJrc AsgaEsor, IF. faylon, rnd at tbo cH tfut dtscues thaproblcln of l{r. Kclll,ngtonerrl Dr. Carvsth.Mr. J. frving roqucsted Corrncil to do sone gradlng "nagravollLng onttrs 3rd conc'cselon cast of ths Black Rlver.l,tr. Irv-5.ng at 8:3O on Wcdrusd,ay, $cptarber0ouncLl agrcad to nrect rrtththc 5th to look the eLtuatdonovcfrl&. Barlow of PcfferLsw rcqueeted Gcunctl to do eonethlng rcgardJ.ngttra dralneg; on hls proparty. Corrncll proposcd to look lnto hls problomat ths esm tl$e aB I{r. Irvlngrs.!fr. lndrctr "SrJ.er asked <strong>Council</strong> whet actlon hed beGn teken rcgardLngttrc pound kesplng facllLtles J.n Peffsrlaw. Hs was ndvlsed thet firthcn tl"rncwould be requlredto errl"vc at any dcci,tton.,l[ pctttlon frcmr cottagsrs Et Port Bolctcr raqu*eting furt]rcr polJ.e*protoctton ln the rrlrrter uonths wau prcsentcd, Csurcil dcfer"red enSr decl"olonuntLl a latar d*tc.Mcnrcd by Counclllonl{ercar and saeondsd bry Dcputy Rcsvs RJ.xon thatVorrohcn Hor I of Septcrfier lrth,Lg-#.t for c*pendl"tirms on thc formshJ.p roedstotaltLng$Lr62?.eh bo eeceptcd arul tJre RecvE grsnt hLs ord€rs on thcTraasurer for thc same and the sc+l of, thc CorporatLor bs hcreto attached.Carrj.cd.Ilorled by <strong>Council</strong>Lor Herccr and eacondcd by CornclllorBlsncherd that$chedute of PolJcc Accountq dated ptcnhtr htfr, f956 - Itcne I to 19 lnclusl"vsand totetll.ng$8CI0.66 be nccepted, end ttrc Facva grent hf.s ordcreon the Ileaeurcrfor samc end thq ecal. of t}re 0orporatton be hcrotcattachcd.CarrJ.ad.Pollca AecountgI. J. H, Miller?. .I' lI. t{lllar3. Raeclver Gencrel of Canadrl+ , v. HarvEy5, v. Ilarwcy6. M. o. ltcmalmr7. A. "Shletr8. H. Godfrcy.9. J. H. HillrrI0 . Pef fsrlaw Telcphonc Syston1I. Bcscon Preas1?. E. A. Horton $aLcs13. N. BLrd & Scnnil+. WrJ.swctr t r 0anagc15. Bnl.nr s GrnaguL6.I?.F. Ifl.nchJ.ryOtl{tllJ.ts Onoc;rlr$altySalru1rTm dcduottonsSalerySe.LrryRB V, Harvcyl$2 hrt. 6 Lr00l+3 hrs. @ l.0ol{11rege,fuIy Ir.D . & RentaL50 BootraBattcr"lre for Trapt},,m & OtIOac0agBacG*eL3?.50Ieo-?516.75ILO.00gg.op22.0O1o2.00h3.oo12.2.hbT'.Ji12.oe3.75t2.753.3h3.hoilr.803.56

- .1 -lE. Bel.a1ey & UorcerJ.9. E. StnongnstOssPoctago3?.1+5lftr0olloved by Dcputy fleove Hilon snd eccondcd by Gouncl-lLor l{crccr thetarefund of S3.58 bc nadc to lr{r. Pctar Epp f,or hie I"955 ttrme, bej"ng nadcup sE follousl' Tex+s - S3.31 Frnalty - $.28. HF. fup petd hts textEfor ttrc yuar IP55 on August 9th, 1955, reccl-pt for whJ.ch J.e on rccsnd.III-s roLl nunbc te t8O for thc ytar 1955.Carr{"cd.Hovcd by CorrncLllor Blsnchsrtl and seaondrd by Dcputy Reeve Rlxon thrtfuhodulc of Gencrnl Aceounta dttcd Septcl&tr Lthr <strong>1956</strong> - Itarr I to e0inclusLvc and totalH.ng $6h?.9? bo *cccptcdr rnd thc Rccvs grant tritondcrs on ttre Trtasurcr for sf,ffis and ths srfll of tlrc {:orAoretlon bc hcrstorttachcdrQqs!_neuefPqtrollq{q4lerFqflg!-lp5q.I. Ralph 'lf,Ilacc2. l,tl.ldrcd lFepcr3. }Fd. Edj-th UL1son9S.?2'0o3l*0030r004q1J.6{byllolqhqflqAq$rytrUlq.lr. ltelrlon Scdorc5. Strongnm t s $tore6. Jln & Jcrntc7. Tormetrtp of Tltpreh0cnarrlAccounts8.9.$utton Lur&cn & FusIThoa. t*rllltcn & Son10. I}I'ovtnCLal, ltneesrrrffIIr Oounff of Yorkl?. Joacph HcDorcll Sgllr Ltdr13. Ibrth York ftrgLstry 0fftcrLlr. Pcffarlen Trlaphonc ffyetcm15. Iloward Ccrncr16. Pctcr ryp1?. Eacd-Y6r GGflcraI of Canrdal8 . Rryh S. Corncr19. W. J. Iysts20. Its. 0. I. I{ellarl,[rs .W*v. ftLcebnough-Or oc .& HcEnch;rn-Orocrllrsr (hacy-Gnoe.l{nry 0laytonTornchlp PerkOffllee supplS.ccfnqrltn*$ PrsrcerHoeplteJJ. z*tl on-*IuIIrSsrylcc on CalpuletonL*rd ltenefcraLD. - Clcrkt g offLcsl{eod ControlTnx rcfirndTzut daductd.onEsalaryItl.lcegrDeetroylng Dog.e6.go30.008.lr?1?.631O.?063.20.6552.h516.66L.3h3.h58.003.58II,OO280,67eo.lE?.00l{,rtrd by CounelllorHcncar snd sceondcd by Dcputy Racve El.xon thatt*rr Rcetu and tllcrk ba authorl-zcd to clgn end subrrflt to thc l,[tnlrtcrofPublLe HLghunys of flrc Provl-ncc of Ontrrto flrc petj.tlon of thc Co4roratl.onof the Township of Ocmgtnn ehotrlng that durtng ttrc perl"od tlarruary let, Ig56to lugrrat 314t, <strong>1956</strong> therc has been arpendcd on thc TownshLp rondt a tot{Iof $I9r0h5.h3 end requcstlng thc stehtw5r grant on that mount er prov"ldcdfor by thc Onta.rtlo Htsnrays Aet errd ;lnendncnts thcrsto.Car:rled.By-Lar I{o. 3ol rc t}rc Liquor Ltecrrco Act vote ues gtvan l"te scvGrrlrcadlnge and pasacd.A }cttsn fron Bnock Townshl.p rcctivcd rc the gert*ge dury ncer Po*Bolstcr rras rcad. The Clcrk wes Lnstructcd to srttc e latter to thc C1erk

: h-bf nroat Tounslrip ruqucstlng hlm to havc e slgFr poutcd prolrl.bttlnsCrcorgl.na Tcnrnshtp rccidffits fron dqnqrlng gnrtEgc and to furtfic reqrrcettJren to do eonctlrtng Sout keqtrrg tho duq ln brttcr condttton er thrresLdGntc of (horginn src eornFla-tntng *out thc nctrct of r*fi.I,GtttrB frcnn tJrc DucLoa Polnt Propcrty ftrn*u Inc. and l{eHro BsactrSscocieti-on ragu;stlngen tnprovcd_ roed to Duclos Pslnt end r ncctLngwi.th Counctl tn ths ncer firtrrra wer.t rcad. CorncLl rct thc datc ofScptembcr tho 2m st 7l3O prn" et ths Cmnrdty Helt Ln Pcffslcw rlthc tlms and placc for thc rmctlng.Ttrc Clcrk" reg l-ntrtruntcd to rdviscttrrc Assocl.r'.t!.ons of thc meotlng.rcquart fron Hrg. l{eqf Ann Oodfrcal for firrthcr old e6a *aalstnncrr*e dj"eousscd. Tho Rer\rG was to ruk tJra ilclfcrc Offlccr, l{r. Foetm, toLnwatLgetrr thc or,t{r''Csuncll sdJorrncd.a t r4'i--Frt**o*J'ifiirrrr.fat.t.a. taaraar..aU,,''l,* .t ,lrJ /t. ..'Jr'l,trtif rt . . . t \rt"#('.t J.L. . . . ,Racvc

wEcrfit MffifING - TOl INSIIIII i 0r tEOR orNA.ScpterPcrI7r<strong>1956</strong>A rpcelaLmectlngof the Muntetpnl Councll of the Township ofGaorgina was call,cd by the .Rscvs at thc Olsrktsoff,t"cs et 7130 prtrrr' orlttrc nbovr datc to dlscuas urgant buslnees.l{anbcrs e1"} prtscnt exccpt Counclllor Prl.nglc.. lhe rcqrrast frc'rn propcrty owncns ln the Port Bolstsr arce for Cxtrapoltcc protcctLon rns dlecusscd.Mowd by Counclll-or Msrcar and -sscondod by Counef-llor BLancherd thntWHEREAS e pctLtl,on hae bocn rceollrBd flrun propetyoI{nGrE et Port Bo}atcrrerprastS.ng cxtna pollcc protcctiondurdng rdntcr monthutAND lfl{EttEA$ thc proporty orilncra }rava nsrblllry agrcod to ralsa end rlonattmoncy to dfsatthc cxpenec of s{nnrTI{ERHF'0nS BE TT nESOtllED that ttrc 8Gl'rricc undcr rupcrvlsl.on of '0hiefUilLsr bc provLded by Howard 0odfrey when r*ritten arssurane+ ls recclwdthat donatione of approxlmetely $2hO.Oo tcllLbcroccl-wd.illarrLcd,The qucstlon of c:rt,re holp for ttrc Chlaf nlonst$lc wee df-scuescd.No dcclsLon lras errlwd at for cxtra help and ths Chlaf dwidod to carry0n al,onc for thc prcsent.Tha ..Iesrnr lnfo:"rnod CouncLl hc rmuld not bc hornc et ths tfuns of therraxt rcguJ.er Councl-Lmtet'lng.Ag the I^lonu tlfurb wcrc hsxrixg e spaclalrncetl"rrg Monday, Octolrer lett* chenge of drtc for tlra rmotLng ctantcd dvLc*bla.Mowd by Dcputy ltcovc R:l-xon end socondcd by CounctllorBlanahnrdtlrat thc narct rcgul-f,n nrectlng of CouncLl be hcld Lrceday, Octobcr 2ndnIt 7130 P.n.GamLed.<strong>Council</strong> edJourrnd..(:#o**;l.t . ; /ilnd*?tr. r , , , r , le+vg

WECIAT }m",gfING -IUI"INSIIIP 0F @ORGIM$aptcrrrber22rt956As praviouoly arrurgcd t*ith ttra vrLous AsEociations at DuclosPolntr" + special rneetS"ng was hsld et 7130 prrfr. or Saptenbcr 22nd at ttreCorurunity HaIl, Pefferlewril{erfrcrs of the Cquncl-I a}I Snosent exeapt OounctllorPringle.A lerge reprcscntatton of cottngcrs frorn Duelos Pol-nt uas presont.Thc C}erk read t;he Lsttcr datcd August Slstr <strong>1956</strong> f,ron the Duelos PoilntProperty Orrners fnc.l-Ir. I$dsn rctsd es spokesnan for thc dclegati"on, spaeldng l"n supportof thc sbovc-nentLoned letter.Reavc Andcreon statcd that ttrs Department of Highttays had advieadthat tha firetetap to ba taken lcas to havc the road allouance rridensdto 66 ft. Hc aLeo mentl-oned an estl$ete of epproxlurat;ly $33r00O.0O tocorrplete the rosd frorn htghl.ray lr8 to Torn McRecfo, and ttrat tho furth*rplccoof noad teedLng .to Ouclos Polnt llrsBerrurld be proportlonatcly florGrAftcr consLdcrabJ.e discusslon, thc following rcsolutlon rns trnesrd.Mcrved try CounelllorMercar and secondsd by Deptrty Rcavo Rlxon t"tret]d{liREAS lcttershave becn recuived fron tirrca Aqeocltrf,Lons et Drrclos PoLnt;nan61y, firelos I'oint foperty ormers InG.r l&ftpa Baaeh asaocL*tton andMoorets Bcach AsEoctatton, rcflrostl-ng a nGtl.herd-surfrcsd road fban hLghm.ylr8 to Duclps PolntBE fT IESOI,TIFD that the HwrJ.cLpal. 0ounrj. Lof the To'lrnship of Ceorginf, #cLn aceord wtttr the r;qucst and ulll inrnodlately aprprorch the propcrty ovnctrsrlong eald road trith rcspect to prrrchaslng land riqulrcdto make road.. *lloneneee 66 ft. wido to lrcet Dep*tnmrt of Hlehway roquiraus4ts. fiffirrted.Menibors of ttrs delegatlonageoct to aeelst Cqunctl in nraklng rcprsscntati-onto tho propcrty ouncrs trj-ttr thc purpoec of buying pnoportyfor the oxtra roed allornncc.:! dclegatdm of cottago ownctrs on tcgJ.stcrcd PIsn No. 235 aS port'f;i 'td; '.ioi;gatr;ti.Bol.stor res prcsant. trfr". Fcrftla s#tcd # up"r"##They reqrrested assietnnec rc a dralnnga problcn ln theLr arcs.Furthorconel-dcratJ-on was to bc givon to the pncblorn of dreLnrge as to

-2 -wficthar or not ths road ehoul,d be raigad snd whethcr semcnqr be doneupon f, loca1 imPnovcmcnt besig.FlnEl trrsngcrncntsto bcdecid;d leter.O:r.urcll adJorrrntd'. ,,'il,*o,!::Nreu-"{1... . .

TO}.il,ISHIP OF GEO HGTNAENTH I,IEDTINOOCTOBER ?, L956" Pursunnt to adJcurnnent, the Munielpel CounctLof the Totrnehlp of<strong>Georgina</strong> net at the Tcrrnship HalL, Peff,erJ.aw, on $resday, Oetcber Zndt<strong>1956</strong> et' 7130 P.n.. Merbers of tha Couneil aL1 pnesent except Reeve AnderEwr., l.fi.nutes of the last reEuler rreetftg and spccialmeetlngs nere qdopted."Moved by <strong>Council</strong>-lor Pr.tngle nnd seeonded by CounellJ.or l.{ereer thatVo"ucher No. I of October ?nd, L956, for expenditures orr the llor*nship roads "totallJngIleasurer$2r27B.hI be aecepted and the Reeve gnant his orde$e on thefor the garne and the geal- of the Corpcnatlon be hereto ettached..C aruled." Hoved try Corrncillor Mercer and aeconded by CounellLor FJ-ngl-e thatSc.Jredule of Poll-ce Aecounts dated 0etobe,r Znd, <strong>1956</strong> - Itemp I to ?1Lncluet\re and totetltneon the Treaeurer forattached.Poliee Aecounts$?35.05 be acccpted, end the Reeve grant luisgame ,,rnd tkre seal of the Oorponrtion be hereto.63derFCarr!.ed.1.. J. I,EIlar2.^ J. l{lI}sr3 ," i! r ,9rterh. H. GodfreY5. V* I{arteY6. V. Havey7. V. Harvev8. M. o. TremeyneI' M. or TtsemeYnel0 . tr[. BLrdLl. Vl1lege sarage12. Cookt s Garage13' Crooksil+. . Bslsley and Mereer15. Jttrr & Jeen t I16. Annebles17* Walsrrserts GaregeL8. Recciver Cbncrel of Cancda19. Fed lltnchley20. 0rNelL].ts rFocery2I. Rtehard TaylorSalsrySaLail"Jr$aleqv$alar:f$elcrlf$alrryHLl;e;ge Frp.Gss and OiIGas and RepeirsGeaGssGesG*$GesGs-E & RepairsTs dedwtioneTlreGeePelntlng sl.gnsL20.I513?.50?0.c017.0066.067.0510.686.BA8.8820.69h6.303.25?o,h03.BoL.hT3.oPr8h . 7616.?529,503.335.ooMoved by <strong>Council</strong>l.orBlanehard and seconded by CounctlLcn PrJ.ngIe thatSehedute of General Aecorrntg deted October Znd, <strong>1956</strong> - Items I to 28LncJ.rsJ.ve and totatltrU$1r??3.61 bc accepted, rnd the Reeve grant hJ.eorders on tjre ltsEasrrrer for san€ and the EBa] sf t'he Corporetlonbe heretoattachad. 939**.

- 2 -CashRellefpayrol-lofOctoberIstrIg56.l. Balph Hellaee2. Mildred Draper3 . lffs . Edlth lrtllson22.O03l+.OO3h . ooRellefbyVoucherfor$epteilberrL956.l+. Mah.lon Sedore5. $trongrnan t s $tore6- l\rpr af ThorahGener al Ac eountsMrs .ldav. RJ. sebrough- Groc .4 gcBacher rr - ffoc .Re l,lary Cleyton1?.0030.0017. 63?. Kenneth0omer Clarbage 20OrO08. North York Begietry office Llst of sales 6.Ll+9. Sutton Reporter Pub, gs. Advertlsf-ng l.lel0r (ieorge EeelrLe TonnehJ.p Perk 25.2Q11." R. BLlLeon llownship Park 13.05l?. Don frrepherd Garbage-Ducloe Foint 5m.0013. John Andrus Heed Lnspection I?5.00J"h" Bostttoh-Cancda Ltd, Staplen & Suppltes 58.3515. Itydro Eleetric iro$er Comrn. Tonnship Park 2.0?16. .Iames R. 'rfelr Ins, Park-Fire Brlgsde hh.ha17. R. E. Corner Hpress charges 2.0O18. J. E. Taylor straps 125.5219. J. E. Taylon Jlsgessorts Guide 10.0020. fhos. 'lrihilller & $on J[Bsessor app. cards 33.11521. E. $trongman Stamps 35.0022, County of Yor* Ilospltaltzetion - August .. L?.7023. oeetetner (Curada) I,td. $upplies 26.2.6?h. Village of Srtton Stre fightlng 35.5025, W. J. Iqgons lttleage ?I.tB?6., Ralph E. Corner $etary ?8O.5?27,r Receiver General of Cenada fax deductions Ll.n0tU,: Nonth fork Plorfinents Assn. Fent E5"OO. -, FfrE. MuILct and IIrs. Dnaper of Fefferlaw discussed their assessnpJrt andfurxes wttlr the <strong>Council</strong>. ft was sr4lgented to theln that they mlght appcal :theLr essessnents lfttrey thou$nt they were rrnfal"rl;r eesessed." ,*. Scott ltsnnle ;rnd Mr. Ken Janes diseusscd the Pound Keepers' Act* ,withthe Councll and referned to prevl-oue discusslons of Councll rrlth Hr. .Andrew ffirLer ." Tha proposed plan of part' of Ist 12, Concessions 7 & I recetved from .the- Department c'f Pleruring and Developlrcnt' nas tabled. the Clerk tn- ."*sstrueted to take such action as had been prmrlousl;r propoeed for thls plan.The pnoponed plan of part of tots 2t and ?2, Conceseion h omed try Mr.K}[mex, was tsbl"ed.Moved by CouncllLor Prlngle and seconded by Counetllor l{ercer that thsproposed plan recelved from the Dept. of Planning & DeveSopment on part ofInts ?L& 2?r concesslon forrand owned by l{r. C, Klinex be returned asroads are not 66 ft.r,ride and service road to conccsslon hes two sharp rfghtangledturns wittrout any a]lqtgnce to l-nprove 84me,lhe ctuestion of errors in the 1955 aesessnent nae dLscussEd but tabledunttlthe nert special nreetlng of Counsil.Hlg$.

- 3 *Couneil consLdered l{r. Joe lrrrlngfsrequest for asslstsncs on tftelrth corrcession but deeided that owing to the lack of money in the budgetfor such pur?oss$ and the fact that }tr. Irvl.ng s€ yet hae not preeented ap].cposcd plsnr flnanctal, sssistance f,or the improvirrg of the road muldheve to wait untll the year 195?.Ibpury Reeve RLxon was eppointad, togsttrer ltith Reeve Andersonr tonneet rapresentattvesfrffit Drcloe PoJ.nt and land otmers on thc l}rclos Pointroad r+lttr respect to pwchaslng octra road allowanee. It was suggeetedthey hotd such neetlngs dur"Lng ttre conl.ng reekend to reportst the nextspecial. meetJ.ng of Oouncll.ft was decl-ded to hold a specl"al. neetj-ng of Counctl on Monday nlghtt0et*erthe 8t'h, at 8100 p.n. at the Clerkts of,fice.'tlouncil *dJorrned.CLerk

trECIAt I{EETII{G ltl,lN$[IIP 0F ffiOR0I]$AOetfberlgthrIgS6A spccLal mectLng of, the lfmtcLp*lCouneJ-I of the Tornshtp cf <strong>Georgina</strong>res hald et the fiLerkte officeat 7c30 prmr on thc tbove dcba fon ttrppulTose of nrekLng plana fettre Cowt of RevLsl.on.'Mcr*rere al]. prresent errcept Rearre And€treon.Moved by Courreillor Pringle end sccondad by <strong>Council</strong>lcr- He,rccf, ttrrstthe Mernbsrs of Gor:nej.} neet at PefferlawHetI on l'fonday, l{ovcrber the 5tjr,tg56 at 10;0O f,r.rBr* fortlre purToEG of holtlJ.ng e Court of RcirLeton of ths195? Asecsenrcnt RolJ.. ALl mmberg of Councll to bc. menbene of AppcelBoerd.Carrled.Movcd by Couneillor Prtnglc rnd secondcd by Corurcl}lor Blanctrardthrt due to nut wcrther and the ernount of work trret to be dons nn gr*ve1resurfscJ-ng nnd snor fanclng and genersl FaII work, th Dl"etriat EnglnecrbE rsqrrested to transferS3TSO.OO to nelntcnenco and *5OO.OO to constructLonof culrrerts fron mordcs set out for roed constnrction rrndsrBy-l.ew 291.Cerr-iGd.Hoved by OouncLllor Bl-anehard and geconded by CounelllorPrlnglethat a grent of $200.00 be nede to Srrtton Agrlculturd.ycar <strong>1956</strong>.Soetety for theCarrl"ed.Meeting ndJourne'd .SPECIAI HEETTNGMWNSTTP OF OEOROTNAOetober22ndrIg56A rpeclalmectlng of the ilurtcLpal" Counetl of the Ton'rstrtp of Gcorgl.nems csl-Icd by the Reerrc at the Clerktc offJ-ec rt 7t3O prllr ol1 the above det+fon ths purpotc of atudytng the eppeels on esscgsnent.Mentrers eJ"Lpreaant exeept Oounclllor Prlngle.Mr. IH taylor,the Asaessm, elso attended the nectlngr

*2 -fi Large prolrortf.on of tlre appealn wers dlscuesed with the A*ceslor,and tax refunde for the folloulngBol.I N0, 1593 -il n 1623r rt 162h - Dr. Carvethn rr L6ZZ *r R f}g Br5h8315Meeti.ng edJourned.KeI JJ. ngton"Dr." CarwthHugheaII. OgdenCrewfcrdO. Iladlor.rtnocpetrrera HGr€ dissussedl$ 22.253e.008.25n,759'0Olry.?5!5.25Regve

COUITT-CF' REVISIOilotr rrE rp5t lssm-$fr,{sNT noLIJMcntrErs of the HuniclpalCouncLl of the Townshl-p of Georginn mat at theTonnshlp HeIl, peffcrlew, at loc0o flrllt oll Mond*y, November tfre 5tfr, fg56for tha prrTroge of holdlnga Court of Revlsion of the 195? ilstc$dncnt RoIL.Meilbers aII preeent. After sl"gning thc nsccssrry Oeth ffE Merfiers ofthe Court, they pnocccdrd to deel siththc rppcnls llsted.Hurray ComEr RoL[ I'lo. 128 Bulldlng assessment reduced to $9L0.o0.tli'rnnk Wil.lLsHouard ollvsrKing rcarselll'red IneeonElsle Alwardn tl 13I l"erd essossment reduccd to $h00.00. Bulldtngc$scssment rcducad to $1r080.00.It rr 3h? Iand Esoessment reduced to $3r8h0.00.ri fr j8? Land msessnent rEduced to $580"00.rr tt 1il8 Asgesemant sustained.n n lihg-t Lst neesuroment to be corrected.M. A, Wade rt rr I+75 Assessment sustslned.Jarnes Me_ror rr rr' lt83 Buelnocs f,sscssflFnt tsken off.'E. Fapertt n 6Lf-f $sscssment sust*incd..t6llJm Hgnu.ey n tr 82O Lend asssssnent reised to $2?5.00.Il. H, Corner rt 853 Assssgment susteined."Ilezel H. Anbler tr rt B5h trtsontagc to be correctgd.$. Duncwrbc F n 8?l-I tand $ssessment reduced to $2rh00.00.t{. D. BuIIock n" |l g18 Buildi.ng. esscsinent" rcduccd to $86$.00.t. I. Ilall rf il ' I23B Aegessment sr:stelned.O. McEvoy il rt IJ26 , Aseessrlent sustelnsd.tJoseph GruspLce . h [ 1J+S5 Aeces$ilent suet*Lned.H. Enstwood tl tf. I52h AEs+sement' sustelned.Bernl_ce M. Gnoves .rr n L527 A$eesBment eustelned.G. E. Maefeeaetl tt L536 , Land aescssflrent reduecd to $Lre00.00.H. Mitchelt r fr1553 Iftld taf,cEarnent rsduccd to $Irh60.00.A. J. Hecsby ' rl n 1;557 Asscssnent eustalncd. 'E, Flngland tr: tr 1585 Ilnd esssssnent reduccd to $820.00.Homrd Ollver rr fr 1720 ,lsssssnent sustal-ned.W. ',r1. olirror , rl rr L?23 Lcnd aessssnent reduecd to $81$.00.I{rs." R. Marehell rr rl L777 Aesee$ment sust*incd.DIrs, Bf,nflold tr tl L8?9 fiEsG$sor to correct dcscrlptlon.Ethel McKein tf rt 1968 Aeseeemsnt sustaLncd.John P, OrBrLen n rr 1971 Aseesstflsnt sustel-ncd.

-2 -Elmo CagnonRolJ.No.2006Asscssment sustained.John Curtisnff2065.O:"o**"tttsustatnad.Mre. 0Hve Seele appeared bef,ore ttre Court of Revtej.on on behalfof I,F.G. E. Munroe fl$kLng for eorrectlon to his asscsffilent. $uildlng nsscssment l-nthe amount of $?h5.00 Ers taken off l,ot h8, Plen 20lr and edded to the bultding*sscesnent of Lo+" b7, PIsn ZOh.Mowd by nlounciJ.lor Prlnglcend secondcd by GouncS-llor Blarrcherd thatf'nfnnnis certhinpnoperttes were grossly svgr-eseGssed in 1955 for X956Elfn i'.+rnftnas the foll.orring persons have paid tisir <strong>1956</strong> talc bi1le and askedfor ' rcfundsnffRItFoRE BE IT RESc)LVED that the follonlng rtfunde be m*de tol. Ihomas 6s]ttngton2. Dr. Carweth3, Dr. ccrvethItoll I{o. 1593Rol"l" ltro. L623RoILNo. 162l+s 22.25 i3?.oo ,,'B .25 ,tl+. H. OgScn5, i:o*fd Crar*ford6. oltvsr HadlowRoIl No. L198RolI No. 15hBItoI[ Nc. 315 -P.OOl+9,'i. ?5 rii.t65. 25 '/Carrlep,I. . Moved by Counclllor Pringl-e nnd secondtd by Deputy Reevc Rtxon that" ',illtrfiEA$ on RoA[ [Io. 15?9 rc t{. M. ough Ertatc, c/o Mra. F. M. Brofln,Apartrnent 10, I Hurner*ood Avenue, Tor."onto, Ipt .No. I05, I'Ian 35L, Conccsrlon.I hee heen aesesapd to the abova 5-n etror, Ttri.s lot being asscsecd aleoto t'he Ducloe Point tand $mdtcatep lt has becn dorrb\r *secsecd.THEREFURE BE IT nESotVED ttrat the ta:ras on lpt I'lo, 105, PIsn 35I, ConcGfrsLonI aE asssseed to ld. H. Orrgh Eetato ln the enount of $I"5.71+ be rrtttcnpfftJr+ Collcctorts RoLl for the year <strong>1956</strong>. C arr{"ed," Moved by Councl"llor H-ngle and sccondcd by <strong>Council</strong>lor Marcer that1{I$R!:AS lr,tr. 0eorga ,I. }fughes on part of Lot 8, Plnn ildr, Bo11 lIo. L622 was .srgsptrstd fon thrcs loteinstfrad of oneAI{D ifiFjREA$ hie qorrsetsd apscssnent tmu.ec rns giveR to hln by the Aarcssor,(TfmREmRE BE f? RESOIr/ED ilrat ta:csa in ttre enount of $30.?5'b" rrrttten of,f ^ ,]the trooke for the" ycar <strong>1956</strong>.Court edjourned until1O100 arril, FrLd.8y, Noverber the 9th,<strong>1956</strong>.Garrted.* '

TOt{NSIfiP OI' ffiORGII{A" ELE\llENTHl,tlTEtrl'lG - mvEMBmS'<strong>1956</strong>pursuent to edjourrunent, thc Mrrnlcip*I Cor,mctl of ttrc township ofGcarginr rrpt et thE To*nshLp HaII, PefferLaul on Mondey, Novet#er the $tht<strong>1956</strong>ratlrc0Op.n.Meurhere of the CouncLl all presont.HLnutce of thc last regular r[ectlng end speclal neotlnga werc adopted.I{owd by Couneillor Blancherd and seoondcd by Counclllor Pringlc,thst Voucher No. LO of Noverber 5th, <strong>1956</strong>1 for orpcnditursf,on the llbwnshlproad6 totall5-ng $1rh82.IO be acccptcd and the Reevt grent hls order" "on the. TbGasurgr for the sarp and the ecel of the Corporntionbc hsrctoettaahad.Moved by CounclLlor Pringlesnrl socondcd by Deputy Reave Rlxonthat $eh+dule of pollceAccounte deted Novsndber 5tn, f956 - Itene I toLl lneluelvp and totelllng $38,I+.fg bo accapted, and the Reeve grnt hlsord.crs on ttre 1l?Gssuror for Fame and the BceI of the Oorporstton be hereto.attached.Polj-cp Accountel. J. tlLllar2. J. l{lller3. Rscclvsr @neral of Oenpdalr . A. Shier' ' ' ' 5i' Hi GodfreY' "6. I[. Bird7 . l*lalewsar t s GarAgAB. Jfun & Jeents9. Pefferlsst Te1ePhone $)sten10. Varlety Storc11. lltra. tr'1. Jonee (Sutton)Sa.lrrySaleryTco( dcduction$eleryOsa ana OftGesGlenentclStaplon & StapleaMat'ron9irrl.4.{i 120-75137.5016.?5Sala,rg 20 .00,hOtOO"'2h.I5h. o0il..985.35r*682.0OMoved by CorncillorBl.enchard and secondsd by Oor:ncilLor PringletletSchcdu3.e of Genernl {ceounts dntcd Noverbcr 5th, <strong>1956</strong> - Iterns I to3lr tnclusLrre nnd totallLng$11677.86 be accepted, and thc Eeeve gpent htsorders on the lbeesurerettssh*d.for s$ne and tha sesl of the Corporatl-on be heretoGorrted.CaehSpllcf,FnyRol[ofNovemberIstrIg56.I. REIfrtt Wallace2. Hllctned Dnaper3. l,lrs. Edtth hlllsonRc lrE.s. ycry HaLLrce2?.003l+.O03l+.00ftrllcf by Vouchcr for october, <strong>1956</strong>-.--.HL. Btnongrnan I s Store5. Township of Ttroreh6. $rrtton fuporter Pub.Co.Gensrcl Ac countcE. l4eEachern-(Focrl{ary ,|1leyt,on-Groc rEnvelcpes30,00L7.626.73[:firomae KellJ-ngtonDn. CsrvethTa:c RefundTax qpfmd?2.25 /ItQ,,25,'

-2 -9, H. Ogdcn Tax RcfundL0. Donald fFardord Telc RcfufldLl. O}[rm Hedlor"r Tax Bcfund12. Vll1agc of Suttsn ELre figlrttng1.3. MerrrLca Ktng Bu1ldoairu Urrttpllt. John Andrus Attending Weed S.$choo]15. Pefferlaw Tclefrhone Systen Clerk-Rent*I & L.D.16. County of Tork Hospl-taltzetion - Sept.17. Worhnents Compensrtf"on Bd. Asscssnent - Jan./5618. W. J. Iryons I'{llcege19. Gsetetner (Cen*de) Ltrt. $rrpplJ.es20" Ftrongmnrs Store Strnpe21" Retrph E. Corner Salary22. ReceJ.ver General of Cancda Te:c dcductions33. Strongmante $torc Stationer"Srah. bEllLan Mason Elrunerator?-5. Mr'f,. Hlorence WeLLs frlrrmcretor26. l,lrsr MurJ.el Cronsberqi, Snurncrstor27, Wm. C. 0lerke Snurmraton28 . H. th,ggett Srumsretor29. Goorgc Clrrk hrumereton30, $rrtton Agricultural Soci.ety Cbent31* Peffqrrlaw Toloprhone qrsten Towneldp Prrk'32. John Cheppella Garbage33. $utton Prlntss $upp$ca & Printlng3h. R. Ccrner 0erbagc9.0Orl$ .75 ,6$.2$" , ',,'[tt3T.oo26.005.oo11,8529.95IB . 6?2L.567.905.00280.6?LI.00r.753e.oo32 .0032.oo32.0033.7632.00200 .00" ?.O5e52.5o3?.h0e00.00Hovod by Counclllorl,[ercor .snd eoconded by Counc{].lor Blenehnrdt'hatthsRecvo, J. H. Anderson, be sllowod the eun of $IO.OO per dry for fl-vonrttcnding Roeds 4tonvantlon st Quebcc.drlrs forCerrled.Courpll adJourmd.

$EC0quHEITNG0I'THEcolJRT0FqllrqoNNove4erPthr<strong>1956</strong>Menbers of t'he Court a1l present.ltre followlng +peeJ.e being dealt wlthlIYed lHnelfleyRoLl. No.$2Iand asseesnent redrrced io. $l+?5r00.G. NeuJokasiltlh23Ianrd aesessment reduced to $725,00.Haffy l,IaggstthBLAseessment sustained.&roch Bainn5olIar.rd asneeffirent reduced to. Shlr0.o0.Velyn t{aggettIttl501IFnd meessment neduced to $225.00.Wt1llen l,Ialsl{eerfi505-1Innd qrsessment reduced to $11010.00tBusluass asseeement redueed to $725.00.IE. StnongmanF. Hlnehley5c85raLand essessment reduced to $irh6.gg,Brrtldlng &€tsesgnent reduced to Sbr275*00,Business assessnent lncreceed to $Lro30.00.Buil,d.tng arsa€sErrrent reduced to $Ir200.00tBusl-nesg asseFsrn€nt redueed to $3OO.0O.F. Htnehley539Aegessnent eustqlned.V. Or0onne1l72tBuildj-ng egsessnent reduced to $1r50O.00.V. Qrdnntl733Bulldtng assesffient redueed to S1r865.00-Ed lttehardsF8?IAsgessrnent sustained.N. Bl-rdLLIOLand assessrcnt' redr-rced to S330.0O.N. BlrdlltrLend e,ssessnent reduced to $515.00.N. Blrd8do,lsgeg$lpnt gust4i.ned.. D." A,', Ree ,. 1617, ifild. ,np.sgpsrngnt p.edpqed""to. $635"..00. eubJeet toproductlon of deed.C . K. Johnston52ABrrtldtng a.ssesnrr€nt reduced to $1r6e0,00.l"1rF. E, Chrtettanllh77Land sseesfinent reduced tp $h50.00.Fred Johnstonilu02Ipnd assesffrent reduced to $10O.00.fedJohnstonI2ljrLand eeseeenent reduced to $76010O.Fred Johnetonrt78Asee.$sment suetalned.Fred Joturetonr2I5Lard aseessrpnt reduced to $135.00.Lot ?3 to be ssgessed to l{rs. Shearer.Fred Johnston883Land asseegnent redueed to $535.00.Fred JohnstonilsffiAssessment sustalngd.lbed JohnstonttI2L7Land assessnent reduced to S195.00,$re assessor instructed to sssegg Lot lb. ?Bto Hargaret DesjardLne.lUMoved by <strong>Council</strong>lm l{ereer and seconded by Depuff REeve Rlxon that tarce$ln the arpunt of S25.?5 be wrttten off the <strong>1956</strong> Coalectorts RoLl for Roll I'Io.62I fn the nanre of l{rs. Errel:,m Foeter.Carried.Court of Revlston ad;iournEd rrntil Wednesday, Noverrber the il+ttr at lt30 p.n.I

SPACIAT MFffTING -TOI'IN$HIP 0F @ORGIU,ANovenbergthrlg5fA spectal meetlng of tlre Munictpal CormelLofthe Tcnnstrlp ofOeorglna wes eelled by the Reew at ttrre Tcrrrrship Hsl-L, Pefferlau,Ontarioat lrt00 prilr. oil ttre Sova dato for tlre purpoee" of .ungent buslness,'. Menfuers aIL gnesent exeept CouneLllor PrLngLe.lhe Chief of lloliee reguested a prlvate telephone llne for hlsr€sLdence. 1hl-s rnatter was deferred untlt ].:957," " Counell also opposed reeorrffiendertion of a central County r"adto eystenfetJre verlous pol5ce forc€srl&. GrLnnell requeated Counel-I to te.ke sone fittf.on re dralnegaprohlern on hls property w Reglstered PIen No. 235, Counetl agreed thatsone inveetl.getion ehould be made.I<strong>Council</strong> adJorrrned.ltt

lvTHIRD HEETINC OF 1I# OOIIR? CF REVISIONgvemuerl-hr<strong>1956</strong>Menbers of the Cor.rrt present - Reeve Anderson, Deputy fteeve Rlxonand C ounclil.orBlanchard.ltre followingappeals bed.ng dealt wltfirFr:ed Dalllnnre RoII No. 52 Asseesnent on buildiqgs redr.rced to $1r080.CO.A. Useson trr rr $$ on proof of citlzenshtp, nane to be addedto Votersr list.R. Fidari tr' n 6? AssegEnent sustelnedrHclni Novlsk r! tr 67rl Aseessnent sustained.H. peern " r rr ].Q].-] Butldtng asses$ilcnt reduced to $3r8h0.00,Buslness agsessment reduced to $11065.00.SeochBalnr $r. tr tr t38 land assessment redused to $785.t10,Butlding assessryent reduced to $2"635.C0,Buslnees assessilrent redueed to $530.00.H. Agnltsch ttr n 201+ Address eorreeted.fbyd llollinger tr rr A[rf Assesenent sust&lned.Irv:r-ne Tomllnson tt 316 Latrd arsseesment reduced to $IO0.00.Irvine Tomlinson rr rr 2h3-1 Building as$essment redueed to $?r355.00oBustness assessment recluced tc $635.00,Rrrth Hermeeton rt n Jlp-?O Assessnent sustalned.Leonerd llettreral E n 3Ltl Land assessment rerluced to $1rp00:00.I[aurice Burnl-e tt rt lreO Building &isaessr$nt reduced to $11605.00.C. ,S6earer rt t! h3O Land sesessment reducod to $500.O0*Elsl-e Alward n hL9-1 Frontage corrected on roll-assessment sustaLned.Thornes Stevens tt tn LZ:*f Pr"eviouely correeted.0. Il. Flar4mer rt tt itl- Fuildtng essessment reduced to $6rjl0.00,Businege essessfient reduced to $1e19O.00.Mrs. $rlLett trrr 536 Land assesernsnt redueed to $J05.00rBuildLng assessment redueed to $1r580.0o.Flcrr"ence Gibeon tt rt 537 Land assessment reduced to $3o5,00.Sectt Rennl.e ilr rl il,fi Land aesessment reduced to $500.00,Brrlldlng assesgnent reduced to $Lr5L5.00.C. H. Ilodd tr tt 63L tand atsseesment reduced to $110.00.01ge Aho tt fn 6h6*LLend ajssessment reduced to $L10.00.F. H. Kingdon ft n ,6trf Iend asseesrpnt reduced to $110.00.Re;v. H. Brovn il n ?60 Assessment sustained.11aae], ArfiIer tr ilt B5l+ lnnd eesessnent reduced to $720.00.

*? -J. $penee11o11 No .868O*rrership changed.D. A. Verkestntrgr0AsEesgnent eustelned.E. A. Bert'ram962Assessnent sustalned'Il. C. Dutton1032-1Assessment sugtained.B. Q. Church1'oLr]'rlrong essessntent on notice - Asgessnent onro11 $925.00 -sustained.IlTra Mageerch2Land asee$gment reduced to $61o.0).fttrilyDaviesto83Aseegsnent sustalned,E. l. Kempft1"1161ilddregs corrected.1rl. G. Stephensr?33Asseefflent on roLl correct descriptLon - ollAssess[rent notlce incorrect., George ClarkL?73,4sgEegtflent suetained.CeorgeMlnehulLrlL277-8-gLend assessrent reduced to $11000.00,, rndelride Meeree ttL. F. Eltzpetrlck fru13l37o-?Fuildlng&ssessnent reducod to S925.00,$eparate gchool supportcr not applJcable.S. W. Nicho}le' rlLboglls sessnent sustained.Douglas Davies n{rJ+bl+Assessment sust,qLned.Al.bn 0. BlakcttrJ+65Asgessnent eustalned.' Sadie Stewertttrh?5:lssessment suetnlned.Auguet MletttncnlSogAssesgmerrt sust{dned.llrs.Marge.r'et Amd.tager$l+FLand essessrnent reduced to $2r?00.00.,BenJ anin OugJr tfHoward Mortonrlll158rt58eIle$esentent changed to lln. H. Ough Estate.Assessment sustained.Court adjournedat thecallof the Chalr*ran of the Corrt.* t/ tr'^l'*-*/ ci*;*--Iv

F0URIHHIqItl-tG0FrI{ECouRToFltPvr$roNt'tglenbprlgr-EF6Menberg of the Court a.L[ pnesent.ltre follor+tng appeals being dealt wtth;E. KelllngtonRo11 l{o.r593Lend aeseefinent reduced to $570.00.Cieorge Clar*Verna FeylfnIt1{f2rtr)gLand ansessment reduced to $5lr5.OO.Land aseeesment reduced to $320.0O.Evelyn {o*ellI6ilrlsses$nent sustflined.Dr. W. CarvethilL623Assessnent sustained.11. 1,1. Blcasdelltf162LBrrlldtng &Eaessmgnt reduced to S900.00.h. HopkineItReginnld ,llook$eorge Holder ff,John ChalmersA. W. ChapnnenL. J. CockbwnJohn ff-bson|lnillltltlItl{:rer lrene 0oe,kburn,5Br atr Lov€tlL. J. CoclburnL. J. Cockburnilil,tfItntl1658-60 Lot 10 to be Essessed to l"lrs. C. L. Hopldns.169517061713r725r8151.820BrrlldLng escesffrent reducsd ta $635.00.rnsse$$ment sustalned.l"leasurements corrected - assesfllent zustained.Assessnent sustaLned,1?90-3 Lot 19 asceesed to Britton. Iot No. 20I$ol-o? reducsd to $5o.oo*r8071.808I8I3*1Asses$flent sust'al-ned.Land assessilent reducsd to $60100,Asseswrent susteined.To cornect orrnership.Land assesement reduced to $105*00.A. W. OhaPnant?I822*f827 Asseesilpnt sustained.A. W. ChapmannI8?pAsses$rent sustalned.A. W. OhaPmanltfBhT-1850 ' ,lsscsffiient suetained.A. W. ChapmenttfBbPAsseement sustaLned.A. W. ChapnantlI853*5-BAssessnrent sustaLned.,1. W. ChalxnanffI86eLot 118 assessed to Ai D. Dorunj-e. Iandsssossment reduced $165.00 to Chaprnan.JulJ.a L. thorrgstfIt189lrAddress eor:recterl.Janes A, lloodt1908To he aseessed to D. H. ChrLetlfln.ilbertZtkovi tzID193?To be BritiehsubJect on roII.Isuis l{eekr933Assessnent sustsined.f,ubJGct.Changed to Britleh-,-Viols 0. Bnown1965Narne and d#esseorrected.Jemee Harronn1989Frontage corrected.Assessrnent zustalned.J. Bsflflrlli2009Brrtlding assessnent reduced to $30O.O0.

-? -AlftedStockleyRoLL No.2062ItFs. Stfckleyto be assessed as owIlBFrI{rs. M. Sefunondsrlrfw6Building&ssessnent taken off.Beryrnond J. Tucker|r?r.38Buildlngassessment taken off.Nathsn Sernuelstl2il9Lgnd s.esessrnent reduced to $135.00.B. VersbergIt2213*1.&sses$nent sustained - frontege corr'ected.Changod to British sub j ect.iloved by Councltlor Mereer and scconded W Counclllor Blanchard thatI^/HEREAS on Rol[ Ub. 918, part of Lot 25, Conceieion ?, essessed to Id. D.Br#Lock, Port, Boleter, a new assesement hss been made reducing the buil'din'gsssessldent by $720"0O, e.nd tgces far Lg56 have been peidfnihffbmBEarmrrnt of $36.0o.fT RE$IVTD tlrat * refr:nd on the f956 ta*ee be rnade in theItlCarr{"ed.I'loved by <strong>Council</strong>lorBl,anelrar.d and ssconded by Deputy Reeve Rlxon thatI^II{ERDAS an eppeal has been made on essessnent * RoILNo.21"36 - Lot No. LZf,Plan l+2?r ConeesEion 8, by new ouner l{ra. 14. Salnnndg on the trasts ofhavrng no builtilngs on -ttris particular lotAIiID 1^llmnAAS they.have patd thelrtarceg on the lcnd e;ssessrpnt ln ttre antountof $10*50A{ERI'$'ORE BE fT RESoL\rEIl tfrgt the qnorrnt of $8.98 forbe nritten off the Collectorts RoIl for the year <strong>1956</strong>tpaces on a breildlngIVIt ,ls furttrerrecormended that the Eesesenrent for this buil"cllng be Edded tothe assessrent o4 the proper lot.Moved by CIounclllor PrinpJe and seconded by Deputy Reeve Rlxon thatHHERfiAS l{rs. Del}a (tseentfood, hllNo. 5l+3 - crmpluined of her assEssmentCe::ried.Iin the year 1955"rrtth respect to mcsaurerrBntg and eane wes not correctedrrntlLafterthe ]956 tax bil"ls were delJ.-v.eredAI\ilD IIIHERSA$ Hrsr Feenwood has paid her te.:cee for the year <strong>1956</strong>AI'ID I',tllHREAS ttle correctedsss€sffrent has reduced nane by S75'O0t1tffibT0ltE BE rr REsoLvF'D thet a refund in the anount of $3'8t be madb toI{rs. Greenwood on her <strong>1956</strong> taxes.Moved by Derputy $eove Rlxon and seconded by CouncllLor Blancherd thatl{HIilmAS fieorge Cronsberryrs asgesanent shouJ-d have been reduced $5f5.00"IICamJ.ed.for the <strong>1956</strong> tffir ro11 and he hes pald hts <strong>1956</strong> t'exesBE IT fiESIIJIED he be refunded #25.?5 on <strong>1956</strong> tnocee, I{oved by <strong>Council</strong>lor },lercer and secondcd by <strong>Council</strong>lor BlEnchmd thatI,IHEHEAS Mlss Sadie Stewnrtr Lot I$c. 2r PIan 2?7 * ConcessLon I - appealedher essesement In 1955 and rms advieed that' her sssessmerrt would be***i.dl"I-

.L-- 3-correetcduhan property nas rB-tn€&$ur€dAND ul{EfrEAS e corroctedaeseesment wss mailed to Misr $tewert Septernber8ttr, L956 for the y;ar <strong>1956</strong> roducl-ng her asscafttent frorn $lrhE0.Octo SLroSo.ooTHERFIi,DHE BE TT RESOL\IED that s refund in the amount of $8.50 he mada / rtCI W-ss Sedle Stcwart on hen [p$6 tameerCarrled.Hrnred by CounclLlor erJ-ngl"e and secondcd by Deputy Eeeve ftLxon thatIWI{EREAS by crror garbege collectl-on Hss assessed to }lr. J. t. OtBrLEnon RoIl No. 2ob?r there being no brdldlngson thte tot1T{EF.ET,UrIE BE IT fiESoLlm that the garbage t*rc in the arnor:nt of $3.?5 berdtten off the Collectorts RolLfor the year <strong>1956</strong>. Csffted.I,lMorrcd by rDounelllor Pringle],I1{ERF,AS the Corrrt of Revision forand eeeonded by Deputy Reeve Rlxon thattJre yeer Ig55 ruled that aIL Srb*divisionproperty should be assegsed on an acreage basis as long as ownership ofthe sarm remsins nith the origlnsl $ub-rtl-vldcrAiqD IIIIEREAS Messrs. Tom rurd f;ftrarles Burnie dld not heve theirsssessilFntsrsduced *ccord5.ngly on Regtetered Ptan No. 321, Corneeslon 7n end infp56 pafd tmces on a rmrch hl-ghcr ssgeasrpntTIIERF}I}RE BE IT NESTVED TIIATLot No. hhn ascessed in 19ji5 for $252.00, ta:ces bel.ng $1"2.62 and on the Ig56a.ssessment of $20,00 ta,xes worild be $1.O0, a refund be mada in the amorintof S1L.6?.IvInt No. 51, rns**sed ln L91i5 for $265.00.The new asses$nnnt shouJ.d be$25.00 on wtrj-ch the tax for: <strong>1956</strong> would have been $1.25 - refund. $12.00. "' ItfLot lrlo. $8, asseseed in fp55 fcrr $200.00. fhe <strong>1956</strong> assessment should beS20.00. Befund S9.OO.Iflts I'los. 59 anA 6C, whlch HerG sold in L956, the taxes paid by Bumies,tIwere $3?.50 on an assessrnent of S650*00. Reconrncncted refund fufr * $16.?5.flJnTT{En BE IT RE$otliru t}rat the assessnent be sorreeted on the ebovenentf.onedLotsLot 51 h Returned to Burniers awn€rship $ 25,-OOn 5g 25.00n 59 - Now sold 250*00|l (b _ hoo.00,,'lTot*Lrcfund - $h8.87Carrled.

- h-l'{oved by 'CounclllorBl.srchard and secondcd by Deputy Reeve Rlxontlrst tlre 1957 nssesqrent roLLbe aceepted after the listed appeaJ.shave becn comected ffieordj.ng to i,he attached gchedule. . !Thls Court now adJounr untll, the call of the Chsirmsn of theCourt.'earfied.^l-

l-sPECrArl[llETr]il]:S]fN$HTLSTCEoRGIMNovemberl9r<strong>1956</strong>A spectal neetLng of the Munictpal councilwes ce1led by the Reeve at the Clerkls officeof the Townshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong>at' 1130 p.m. on the sbovEdate fethe pwpose of urgent busLness.l4ernbers allprc$ent.lrtr. Eoy C,ronsberry, lF. .Iohn Lsvlolotte and 14'. bic Sronsberryattended the meetLng 'to discuss ttre proposed r+idenlng of the ft'rclos Pointroatl.The fol-lowing deciglon l€s arr4ved atlrrlde, the rrndereLgned olmers of land abuttlngt'he 'Duclos Pt, Road froraI{tghmy hB to f)uclos Point Gate, treroby a'gree to gellto the Towneh*p of6corglna enougfr land to riden above Hoad to a wtdth of $il.xty-$ix et t,hsrate of Ttro llundred DoILars per 8#16rrt is understood eetion wiLl be takenrrlthin the next twelrre rpnthe. lff. Roy Croneberry and John Leviolettesgree to split ttreir share equallyi($igned) ErLe llronsber:ry John iBviolettc Hoy Cronsberry rtMoved by <strong>Council</strong>lorBlanchard and seconded by Deputy Eeerre Rixon thatrm" Councll of Oeorgina TornshJ-p, do hereby epprove of the purchase ofsufflclentland to widen the road from Highway LB to Duelos Point gater'ra1rto a width of (f ft. ?trl"s land to be purchasad firom Roy Croneberryr JohnI-flvj-olette ancl t]nl.c rFonsberry at the rato of $200.00 per acrc plus fences.AIL tfiis be5.ng subject to t]re auproval of Department of HLg]rways. Caffl-ed.Moved by Corurcillor Blanchm

*2 *PoILing Subdirrislon I{o. 5Bert thonpsonPoIILng $ubdivlston"llo. 6 Wrn. GriffinSubject to any of +,he above-nne4tioned beingunableto ect,theCIlerk ls Eut*rcnLsed to *ppointsoneone l-n thejrplqce.Carrd-ed.Hr. Edward Arno}d asked {iouncilto do soilnedltchtngat the rear ofhls farn on rloatl allowance between Conceesions Isnd 6.CounciLagreedto funrnediatety look intothe natter.Councll- adJ owned.--

^-TOIdI{,5HIP OF ffiOEOI}IA: :Purslrant to adjourrunent, the l{rtrlclpal<strong>Council</strong> of the Torrnshlp of Georglnanet et the Townstr.ip HalI, Feffertafi,rl on Monclay, Decanber the 3rd, <strong>1956</strong> *Il3O p.m.ttpmUers of ttre Oouncll allpresent.I,[inutes cf t]re lest regular meeting snd speclaLrneetings otere ariopted.,ilpvecl by Deputy Reeve ltixon and eeconded by Counctllor B1*rchard that "Voucheb $io. 1.1 of f]ecenfuer 3rd, <strong>1956</strong>, for cnpenditureson the Townshiprosde i"t*Ufng{t2r?02.61 be accepted and the H,eeye gl'ant hls orders onthe llbeesurer for the sane antl the seal of the CorporatLon be heretoettnahpd.Moved by Deputy Reeve Rlxon and seeonded by <strong>Council</strong>lorFrlnglethatcqr4gq.Schedule of Pollce Aceounts deted Decentrer 3rd, 1"i56 - Ttems I to 13lncluslveand totallJ-ne $lr9?o.l+h be accepted, and the Heeve grant hiporclers on the Feasureratta#hed.for same and the seel of the Corporation be heretoCar4L{.PolLce Aceountsl.2.3.l+r5.6.7,B. I{. Mil}erJ. II. l,tl]-lerReceiver General of. Catr.A. Shier. H. Godfreyi{" BirdI'I. UalsweerViLlage GaragePefferlaw lblephone Sys.Cangdlffi Indrrstries Ltd.C. N, R.E. $trongnanVJ.Llage of .futton$alary $ 1.?0 . 75$alar1y 137.50Tur dedrrction L6"75$e1ary J5.00Salaqy40 . O0Gae & 011 25,5OGae & Repairs l+0. 67O*s g Repairs 28.35Telephone 9.80trIlareeP?.28FreightI+.81+StampsI0.0OBalance dlue Sutton for Lg55-]:956 Ll+Ig.OOincludlng settlement of aesetsMoved by <strong>Council</strong>lorPrintlle and seconded by <strong>Council</strong>lon Mercer thetSchedule of Oeneral Aceounts dated Decenber 3rd, <strong>1956</strong> * Iterns I to 30J-nehrsi.ve and totalttng$1"800.96 be accepted, end the Reeve gra,nt hlsorders on the lbee.surer for safite and ttre seal of the Corporationattaahed.be heretoC.+nried,CashReliefPaytrlollofDeeenberlstrl95fo1". Ralph }tral-lace2 , lft-ldred Draper3. !trs. Edittr ldll"son22.003h.o03h.ooRg_ll-efbyVoueherforNovelHrrrlg&h. $tlrongnanrs Store5. Pefferlaw Feed l4t11E. LlcErchern-0roc.E. 1{cBchern-Coa}30.cjo28.lr0

-2 -6.n | .Stnongnrnnt.s StoreTtrp. of thorahItrs . W. Wilson* ffoc .Ite - Marlr Clayton6.ooL7.ffif'enefal AccountsB. Kenneth Corner riarbage9, J. H. lndereon Conventl-on trhpenees10. Reglstry 0ffice Llst of saLee11. l{fss Sedl-e Stewart Tarc refund12. l{. IJ. BrrLlock lbx refund13. I,{rsr DeLLa fireenuood Tex refu;ndlJ+., George CronsberryTax refund15. Thos. & Chss. Burnle Tax refuntl16. E, Strongnan Registered M*iI - C. of R.1?. Bruce Rye Inspector - Brueell"osi sI8. Iieceiver General" of Cen. Unem. Ins.19. Sutton Reporter Fub. Co. Bellots20. PefferLaw Telephone $p. Clerkta offl.ce2L. thos. Whillier & Son Srrpplles22,- 0ltr1rn Lodge Banquet Fees?3. Gestetner (cenada) ttd. fiupplies2l+. Village of Sutton lrl"re retainer fee25. Judge J. A. $hea Revislng VoterEf Llst26. Ralph E. Corner Salarxr27. Receirrer tleneral- of Can. ?ax deductLons28. Angris lladden ffeve1 f111 (Park)29. l{esley Lyons }{1Leage30. Mrs. John L.*rons Orant - $anta Olaus Perade300r005o,oo" 6' 9b8,50/36,-w/3.81,r25.75.h8.B7g;i2lr.o?39.20" 6h.h?10.l+5h.L59.?086.0095.8t35o.oorB'50280.6?69.1050.oo21.?0?5.00<strong>Council</strong> agreed to offer Dr. Mclnnnan frfr of the bill rendered to l'fi:.John tfetherall .Councl.l-Ior Pringleagreed to aseert,rln whether or not Mrs, Nora Gnoveaquall-f{.erl to receive hospltal-izstlon.Reeve Anderson egreed to take care of fonnsr, €tc. re Al-lce Berle $hapnn+n.I't wss unanLnously agreecLtlrat nrembers of flouncil should reeeive Slr.O.OOeaeh for ecting on the Court of Revl-sion separate frcn their salsries asC orux: il-Iors.Councl} adJourned to meet agaln Saturday, Decerber ttre l5thr<strong>1956</strong> at9130 arm.I--

VTO!,INSITIP tr CEO.ITSTIIIA,FrInffiANTr{MEETIJ'IrJ.*;Dffim.lBEnI5r<strong>1956</strong>, t*uusnt to adJourtrrnent, the Municlpal <strong>Council</strong> of, the .Townshi-p ofOeorglna met at the Townshtp IIaLL, peiferlawnon Saturday, Decenib*t tn*f,5ttr, ].:g56 et gr30 a.m.: Me,nbers of the Courreil a1L preeenL- IlinuteE of the last reguJ.er meetl-ng were adopted'. Moved by Deputy Reeve Rl-xon end eeconded by <strong>Council</strong>lor Bl-enchafd,.that voucher No.. L2-l, of Decernber 15th, <strong>1956</strong>, for ocpendl-tures on the.,Totmshlp roads totalHng $5r58J.13-Uu ***"pted end the 8,eeve grant htaorders on the lbeasurerfor the sane and the seal of the Corporatlonbe hereto attaehed,Carrled._lbved by Deputy Reeve lli,.con and seconded by counci.JJor Pripgle.thst Schedule of Police Aecounts dated Decenber l5th,<strong>1956</strong> * fteme tto h j.neLusl-ve and totalLlng$t157.15 be accepted, 4ru1 the Reeve granthte orclers on the 'lbeaeurer for sqns and ths sea] of the corpora"t'Lonbe hereto attsched.CEmied.PoLice AccountsL. J, I{. l4t11er2, Rl-verelde tunch3* Corner BLdg' Co.h. Vlllage GerageSalaryPrlsoner t s MeelConvertlng CupboardCsss 13 ? . 50.65. 15.,)0h.ooI,torred by <strong>Council</strong>lcr prC.ngie and seeonded by Counclllor ]ltercer thatSchedule of General A.ecounts deted Deeenber t5th, <strong>1956</strong> - ftens Lto 35tncLusive and totalt5-ng $lar66?.23 be aeeepted, and ttre Beeve grant hisordere on the lbeasurerfor eame and the seal of the Corponation tehereto attaehed.Carried.C'enere.l Accorrnts1. Iteporter Publlshlng Co.2. Strongments Store3. Sutton Prlntersh. Eobert 0rNei115, J. E . Taylor6. vtllage of Sutton7. ffilare W. Monr*son8. Clare W. MorrisonI . vil-]-agP of $rttonlO. J. H. Anderson1.J.. E. IlfxonL2. F. F::inglqL3 . C. Bl.anchardil . A . I.lercar15. nalph E' Corner16. Recelver General of Can.Advertislng0ffice zupp33esBsllotstfrrant offleerSalery, Jurorer Postage, ete ,&rbagg*Isc*l funPr ov'BlnentLegal feesffant to Poppy fundElreflghtJ-ng serviceeSalary .Bnd ercpen$esSalaqf and expenses$alary and e4peneet$a1ery and orpensesSalery end orpensosgslaqfTan deduetLons$ 16.91t3.o555. oo32.5oL, 22O'62hoo , co15,oo15.00I21.OOl+r5.oo3h0;00310.o03r0.00. 3lo.0o?80.67ll.o0-

-2 *L?. Ralph E. CornerIB. Ralph E. corner19. Ralph E. Cornereo. Ralph E. corner21. Ralph $. florner .A2. Ilenk Aird23. }Elllan Harvey?J+. Mr$. E. Bnrmhy25, Ieonard l,tstt26, Oscar Doble2"1. 0eorge Beekie28. Bichard Cha:rJ.es?9. ELeine McGte ,3C. Townshtp School Boerd31 , C . 1-I, Bodley32, ftorge Foster33. George Fost'er3h. George Foster35, George ?osterSts.tGrnents & Voters L.RetrrnLng officerPLclrtng jurorsDivision RegtstrarAdding naneg - Voters L.0.H.0. No. ID.R.O" No. 2D.R.O* ltro. J end rentD.R.o. t{o. l+D-R. 0. No. 5D.R.o. No. 6D.8.0. No. 7PolLClerk No. 7Rent-lr polling boothsMarket Falr tr antRellef 0fficerMileage, Te1e. Stat. etc.Relief-!tr*. flaLneynelief-lFs, blilson-150,0015o.oo16 .00\.5o *'Ar . io3r.oo31.0036.0031.0031.O03l..oo?'oc6.0020.c025'ooI5o r o060.h53.803.1+oI'Ioved by <strong>Council</strong>lor Pringle and seconded hy Couneillorthe follorlngCeneral AccountsDr. G. 14. gsprOrd8J. I{. AnrlereonJ. II. AndereonSuttpn lltnk Connlseionbe paid:Re RlsebroughSelecttng Jur:ortTelephone & rnileage carGrantMoved hy Deputy lleeve Rlxon and seconded by <strong>Council</strong>lorMercer thatB1arrchard$ lC .008.oo,35.00e00.00Carried.that an addittohd grant of S50,OO be ganted to Srtton Agrieultrrral$oclety.CarrJ-ed.Chief of Folice Frl1lar reguestedsone tinre off durl.ng the holidayEeasun,<strong>Council</strong> uere unanimous in gfantlng hin four dqrm et New Years,Mr.. Ed Rennie walted on Couneil re dogs runnlng et lerge.Counelltnstrueted ftief trtlLlar to enforce the By*Law for purotection of cittzens.l,tr. Frsnk Break discusscd with 0oune11 protrlens aTlsing out of sheepe1d.ms. l(,'ounetl deferred any deciston untl.t iIgST ae to lnprovernente inhandllng elrlms.Councl-I1or Uercer recornmendod that ln futrreyeers CouncLllors befined for non-attendance at Couneil neetlngs when they are on a saLaryJor a Sparr'The C1erkruas instructerl to nottfy the VilLageof $utton that Corurellrequeeted thern to eontinue theLr -gaLtrage service infor at leaet the rnonth of January, 195? so;Georqina.could neke permanent err.angernents." the Reeve presented to <strong>Council</strong> ttre reslgnetlonthe Township ofttrat the 195? Counetfof R. E. Corner asC1erk, Treagwer and Collectorof Te.Tesr. Morred try 0otrttctllor Hercer end seconded by CounellLor Pringlethnt' jtis t+lth regret that wtr the tlorrncil of Georgine Townshrp, aceeptthe reslgnetion of R. E. Cornerr freslgnatlon effeetlve December 3letrL956. Carried'"--

- 3 -After sorne diseusslon, t'he folJorring resolutLon was paosed.Moved by touneillor Pringle and Eeeonded by CouncllLor l{ercer thatIFs. Evel;m lrtaggett be appointed sptlng clerk es of January Ist, 1957untll" e new clerk 1s eppointed.0smied.By-Inw No. .T)2 providing for the first meetLng of the I95? CounciLwes glven lts eeveralreadings end passed.Mr. Mason Horner walted on Counell on behalf of l4r. frvlng and 14r.MeGuJ.re re theirproposed $ub*d{r6s16n.Hoved by CouneillorMereer arrd seconded hy Corrncillor BLanchard thatthe 'lhuneil lg in agreernent l,'tth I'fessrs. Irving and McGulre retaintngownership of Block f$n on pnoposed plen on pert of Lot 1?, 0on. T end B,erhJeet to thej.r dedieatLng sailF to trse of all purchesere of Lote onabove proposed Sub*dJvisJ.on.Caml-ed.l{oved b'y Couneillor Pringle and eeconded by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mercer thetCcrurcrl-J- egress to names of streets on proposed pLan of frrrlng and Mc&uire.Wrglnle BIvd, (t'Iorth .South Rd.)South St.l,lc0uire Ave.Centre $b.Gordon Rd,North St. Lakeviev Bhrrl, Car::ied.Mored by Counelllor Pringle and seconded try Counel,Ilor i{ereer thatIdIIEREAS tlte eppaintment of a flX.erlr, I?easurer and Collectonof lbxes isnecesser:r esrly in Jenuary, 3:95T.0,Nf) I"IIIEREAS ercpertenee ls deerrpd necessafy for the posittontAND t"lI{HRFlAs lffu. E. Waggett hns hed a ysaTts experienee and her wonk has beenvery setisfactoryBE IT RES0LTJED that Ha:ry Waggett be reconunended as Clerk,Feasr.rrer andCo3-lector of Terces for the '7ear Lg57 at a ealary of $3'50O.OC iflfr^s. Evelynllaggett be the asslstant and work along wlth Clerk without extra sflIary. Ca.rri.ecl.Moved by Deputy Reeve Rlxon and seconded by Oounei"llor Blaneherd thatthe Clerk advertl-ze for app}lcattonsfor a Clenk, Treasrrer and Collectcnof Tsxes for the Tcwnship of Georgtna st e salty rf $31500.00. Applicantsto be prepared to supply el1 aseistance nec€saary to do the work.Applicantsto .stats qualificatlons or Eilcperl"ence, All *pplications to be in hands ofActing Olerk by 12:o0 oterock noon Januany $th, 1957.cfflee spece to hedtscrrssed rrith epplicant.Cerried.<strong>Council</strong> adJourned sl-ne dl-e..a.-"_}!r lt; r . .\ --"--ts" t l'[* ,L.Lir-iLl-.!i*tTJ....t\ClerkReeve

APPEAT FTTOU THE COUNT OF EE\TTSION*FEFC)REHISH9NoURJUDGEMcDOMffIA Heari-ng ryas helrl at the CLerkts officeon Decenber the L8t'ht1955 s{b }2100 ote}ock noor},Apyrellant -MF. Rr ILCornerRe - Land assessment on RolI No. 853Itf,. Corner etated that heLng eonneetcd with }finlclpslaffairsln the Tcnrnehip of ftorginn for eevernLVs#gr he felt that he knewsonetlrJ.ng about land valueg.He outLlned the three prlncipal"rear.eonE why he tJrought hls pnoperty slrould be reduced --1, the land weg Iow,2. Close to ttre Coverranent dock.3. $e,urlust accrrnulsted in front of hts cottage becau-qe ofthe dock .l?re Asaes$or, Mr. lEylor, heLd that he thought it was eevalurrble *s nany other propertlesIn the Township of Georglnassaesged on the same be.g1g.IJeclslonLanrl asseesnent reduced to S1r50.00.HiB Honou1' .Iudge I&DonSg$ correeted the rol}and i.nittallsd F1ame.Hearing adJourned.1?afla IClerk,-.-

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