Výročná správa 2009 - Komunálna Poisťovňa

Výročná správa 2009 - Komunálna Poisťovňa

Výročná správa 2009 - Komunálna Poisťovňa


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Full-time employees(average adjusted number as of 31.12. of the given year)2001 Index 2002 Index 2003 Index 2004 Index 2005 Index 2006 Index 2007 Index 2008 Index <strong>2009</strong> IndexTotal number of employees 232 1.08 210 0.91 217 1.03 230 1.06 255 1.1 272 1.07 287 1.06 293 1.02 334 1.14of which sales 118 1.18 98 0.83 102 1.04 118 1.16 136 1.15 142 1.04 151 1.06 162 1.07 198 1.22From the total number of employees in<strong>2009</strong> the company had 21 managers, of which5 were female.Employee age structure as 31.12.<strong>2009</strong>:• 24% 18 - 30 • 34% 31 - 40 • 27% 41 - 50• 14% 51 - 60 • 1% 61 and overEmployee education breakdown as of 31.12.<strong>2009</strong> is shown on thefollowing graph:• 3% High school w/o certificate• 62% High school with certificate• 4% Bachelor • 31% UniversityEmployee benefitsOne of the components of employee incentivesystem is also the annual broad range ofemployee benefits. Every year KOMUNÁLNApoisťovňa funds and utilises its social fund inline with legal obligations. The company makesmonthly contributions towards supplementaryretirement scheme, in line with the employercontract with Supplementary Retirement Companymanaged by Tatra Banka.The company recognises employees onthe occasion of their anniversaries in the formof special anniversary bonuses. At the retirementtime, we provide our retirees with a pay­-out higher than required by law, in order toalleviate the transfer from productive age toretirement.These various types of employee benefitscontribute to the improvement of the livingstandard of our employees, better internalcommunication and development of productiveworkplace relationships.5.8. Marketing communicationSince the beginning of <strong>2009</strong> KOMUNÁL­NA poisťovňa supported cultural and sportingevents organised by cities and villages in Slovakia.In this way we have reinforced our traditionalcommunication concept “Your familyinsurer”. In support of the brand awarenessimprovement we have used mainly PR campaignin daily and weekly newspapers mainlyat the regional level. The most communicatedproduct in the campaign throughout the yearbecame the building and household insuranceproduct under the name of PRODOMO. Inthe months of November - December <strong>2009</strong> wehave shown TV spot for Third Party Liability insurance.Throughout the year we were placing educationalarticles about our company products inall magazines specialising in municipal affairs.Through PR articles we have traditionallycontributed to the current public and approachedthe main target group - opinion makersand socially active people in cities and villages.Mainly towards the end of the year our communicationfocused on the information for publicand the company clients about the mergerbetween <strong>Komunálna</strong> poisťovňa and KONTI­NUITA.Social responsibilityAlso in <strong>2009</strong> the KOMUNÁLNA poisťovňaparticipated in great extent in activities supportingprojects, focusing mainly on the accidentprevention. Same as last year, the targetsegments were mainly pre-school and schoolage children. In connection with previous projects“Safe community“ and “Smiling Kids“ KO­Správa predstavenstva I Management Report65

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