Výročná správa 2009 - Komunálna Poisťovňa

Výročná správa 2009 - Komunálna Poisťovňa Výročná správa 2009 - Komunálna Poisťovňa


Výročná správa 2009 I Annual Report 2009 KOMUNÁLNA poisťovňa a.s., Vienna Insurance Group60• Udržanie pracovných miest a štandardupre všetkých zamestnancov• Motiváciu zamestnancov k naplnenie cieľovfirmy a dosiahnutie líderstva na trhu• Pravidelné hodnotenie výkonnosti zamestnancov• Manažovanie nástupníctva skupiny ViennaInsurance Group• Personálny controlling a efektívne riadeniezamestnaneckých vzťahovUdržanie pracovných miest a štandardupre všetkých zamestnancovŽijeme v dobe, ktorá je charakteristická veľkouhospodárskou neistotou a nestabilitou napracovnom trhu.V roku 2009 skupina Vienna InsuranceGroup zrealizovala strategický zámer – spojilaKOMUNÁLNU poisťovňu a KONTINUITU poisťovňu,čím vznikla 4. najväčšia univerzálnapoisťovacia spoločnosť s prevzatím všetkýchprevažnej väčšiny pracovných miest.Motivácia zamestnancov k naplnenie cieľovfirmy a dosiahnutie líderstva na trhuV priebehu roka 2009 sme rozvoj a otvorenúkomunikáciu so zamestnancami realizovalipravidelnými stretnutiami členov predstavenstvaspoločnosti so všetkými zamestnancami.Okrem toho sa predstavenstvo spoločnosti osobitnestretávalo so všetkými manažérmi firmy.Na týchto stretnutiach bola diskutovaná stratégiaspoločnosti, ako aj ďalšie dôležité otázkyrozvoja firmy a jej napredovania. Rola manažéraje vo firme nezastupiteľná. Ľudia najmäv čase krízy hľadajú silných vodcov, ktorí musiavedieť prevziať zodpovednosť, komunikovať, nepanikáriť,mať nadhľad a vedieť jasne deklarovaťciele. Vyžaduje to zrelých ľudí, ktorí sa nestáleučia a pracujú na sebe a svojom rozvoji.Pri realizácii tréningových a rozvojovýchpotrieb pre rok 2009 sme vychádzali z toho,že každý zamestnanec je spoluzodpovedný zasvoj vlastný kvalifikovaný a kariérny rozvoj.Tréningové a rozvojové aktivity boli v roku2009 zabezpečované efektívnymi formami:• interne – vlastnými zamestnancami• prostredníctvom e-learninguStratégia vzdelávania sa sústreďovala nanasledovné ciele:• Jednoznačnú zákaznícku orientáciu• Komplexnosť poskytovaných služieb• Odbornú produktovú prípravu• Zdieľanie firemných hodnôt všetkými zamestnancamifirmy• Lojalitu a stotožnenie sa zamestnancovs víziou, stratégiou a smerovaním ViennaInsurance GroupPravidelné hodnotenie výkonnosti zamestnancovRiadenie pracovného výkonu – hodnotiacisystém je proces, ktorý umožňuje firme trvalonapĺňať svoju víziu a poslanie pomocou stabilizáciepracovného výkonu, resp. neustále sazlepšujúceho pracovného výkonu zamestnancov,ako aj rozširovania, prehlbovania a zlepšovaniaznalostí a vedomostí, ako aj správaniasa jednotlivcov a pracovných tímov firmy.Riadenie pracovného výkonu systémom stanovovaniaosobných cieľov zamestnancov a ichpravidelné vyhodnocovanie výkonnosti vediek cieľavedomému vedeniu ľudí k plneniu pracovnýchpovinností, k zvyšovaniu miery lojality, akoaj k zdokonaľovaniu ich osobnostných vlastností.Výsledkom hodnotenia je zvýšenie parametrovvýkonu zamestnanca, zlepšenie vzťahovna pracovisku, v tíme, vyššia spokojnosťzamestnancov vy spoločnosti, čo vedie k ďalšiemuzlepšovaniu sa výsledkov celej firmy.Systém riadenia pracovného výkonu zabezpečujekompletný prehľad o výkonnostizamestnancov, možnosť difereciácie zamestnancovpodľa ich skutočnej výkonnosti, určovanieperspektívneho využitia zamestnancov,ako aj motiváciu zamestnancov, ich primeranústabilizáciu, zvýšenie profesionality jednotlivcova pracovnej výkonnosti celého ľudskéhopotenciálu spoločnosti.Manažment nástupníctva skupiny Viennainsurance GroupVienna Insurance Group je neustále rastúcapoisťovacia skupina so silnou trhovou pozíciouv strednej a východnej Európe.Zdrojom vynikajúcej pozície nášho koncernusú naši zamestnanci a manažéri.Aby si koncern dlhodobo zabezpečil pozitívnutrhovú pozíciu, je nevyhnutné trvalo,prostredníctvom aktívnej politiky nástupníctvazabezpečiť vodcovstvo v skupine.S programom nástupníctva má Vienna InsuranceGroup vytvorený strategický nástrojna identifikáciu a dlhodobé pripútanie talentova nositeľov potenciálu.Manažment nástupníctva ponúka zamestnancoms potenciálom možnosti na ich rozvoja dlhodobo ich pripútava k Vienna InsuranceGroup. Fungujúci manažment nástupníctvapodstatne prispieva k strategickému zabezpečeniuvodcovstva v skupine VIG. Cieľom jestrategické zabezpečenie lídrov v rámci ViennaInsurance Group.Personálny controlling a riadenie zamestnaneckýchvzťahovSpoločnosť má jasle vytýčené ciele v oblastipersonálneho controllingu:1. Nadväzovať na strategické ciele spoločnosti2. Explicitne definovať prínosy riadenia ľudskýchzdrojov

ship position on the market• Regular employee performance review• Vienna Insurance Group succession management• Personnel controlling and employee relationshipsmanagementMaintaining work position is and standardfor all employeesWe live in times, characteristic with greateconomic uncertainty and instability of the labourmarket.In 2009 the Vienna Insurance Group carriedout a strategic objective - it has mergedKOMUNÁLNA poisťovňa and KONTINUITApoisťovňa, thereby creating 4 th largest universalinsurance company with the continuance ofmajority of job positions.Employee motivation leading towardsachieving company goals and attaining leadershipposition on the marketDuring the past year we have supportedthe development and open communicationwith employees by way of regular meetingsheld by the Board members with all employees.In addition the Board of Directors heldseparate meetings with all company managersas well. Topics of these meetings were thecompany strategy, as well as other importantmatters related to the company developmentand its future. Manager’s role in the companyis irreplaceable. During the crisis time in particular,people look towards strong leaders, whomust be able to assume responsibility, who donot panic, have the ability to step back and whocan declare goals clearly. This requires maturepeople, who are learning constantly and workon themselves and their development.Our training and development needs in 2009were based on a premise that every employee isco-responsible for his/her own unqualified andcareer development.Training and development activities weredelivered in a number of effective forms:• internally – own employees• through e-learningEducation strategy was focusing on the followingobjectives:• Clear customer orientation• Comprehensive services• Specialist product preparation• Company values shared by all employees• Loyalty and identification of employees withthe VIG vision, strategy and directionRegular employee performance reviewsWork performance management – assessmentsystem, which allows the company tofulfil its vision and mission by stabilising thework performance or a constant improvementof employee work performance, as well asextending and improving the knowledge andskills, as well as behaviour of individuals andcompany work teams.Managing work performance through asystem of personal goals setting for employeesand their regular performance reviews leadto targeted management of people toward theexecution of their work duties, increasing loyalty,as well as improvements in their personalqualities.Result of the review process is an increasein the employee performance parameters,improvement in workplace relationships, betteremployee job satisfaction, which leads tofurther improvements of the company results.the work performance management systemprovides a comprehensive overview of theemployee performance, an opportunity to differentiateemployees according to their real performance,definition of future job allocations,as well as employee motivation, their adequatestabilisation, improvement in professional skillsof individuals and work performance of thewhole human potential of the company.Vienna insurance Group succession managementVienna Insurance Group is constantlygrowing insurance group with strong marketposition in Central and Eastern Europe.The source of excellent position of our concernare our employees and managers.In order for the concern to ensure its long­-term positive market position, it is permanentlynecessary to provide for leadership in thegroup through active succession policy.In the succession programme the ViennaInsurance Group has created a strategic instrumentto identify and attract talent and carriersof potential over a long-term horizon.Succession management provides employeeswith potential with the opportunity to developfurther and binds them over a long-termwith the Vienna Insurance Group.Personnel controlling and employee relationshipsmanagementThe company has clearly defined its goalsin the area of personnel controlling:1. to pursue the company strategic goals2. Explicit definition of the benefits of humanresources managementThe introduction of personnel controllingwas a result of the need to optimise the HRuse, as well as optimising expenses attributableto human resources management.Personnel controlling focuses on the following:• Conducting analyses related to the numberSpráva predstavenstva I Management Report61

ship position on the market• Regular employee performance review• Vienna Insurance Group succession management• Personnel controlling and employee relationshipsmanagementMaintaining work position is and standardfor all employeesWe live in times, characteristic with greateconomic uncertainty and instability of the labourmarket.In <strong>2009</strong> the Vienna Insurance Group carriedout a strategic objective - it has mergedKOMUNÁLNA poisťovňa and KONTINUITApoisťovňa, thereby creating 4 th largest universalinsurance company with the continuance ofmajority of job positions.Employee motivation leading towardsachieving company goals and attaining leadershipposition on the marketDuring the past year we have supportedthe development and open communicationwith employees by way of regular meetingsheld by the Board members with all employees.In addition the Board of Directors heldseparate meetings with all company managersas well. Topics of these meetings were thecompany strategy, as well as other importantmatters related to the company developmentand its future. Manager’s role in the companyis irreplaceable. During the crisis time in particular,people look towards strong leaders, whomust be able to assume responsibility, who donot panic, have the ability to step back and whocan declare goals clearly. This requires maturepeople, who are learning constantly and workon themselves and their development.Our training and development needs in <strong>2009</strong>were based on a premise that every employee isco-responsible for his/her own unqualified andcareer development.Training and development activities weredelivered in a number of effective forms:• internally – own employees• through e-learningEducation strategy was focusing on the followingobjectives:• Clear customer orientation• Comprehensive services• Specialist product preparation• Company values shared by all employees• Loyalty and identification of employees withthe VIG vision, strategy and directionRegular employee performance reviewsWork performance management – assessmentsystem, which allows the company tofulfil its vision and mission by stabilising thework performance or a constant improvementof employee work performance, as well asextending and improving the knowledge andskills, as well as behaviour of individuals andcompany work teams.Managing work performance through asystem of personal goals setting for employeesand their regular performance reviews leadto targeted management of people toward theexecution of their work duties, increasing loyalty,as well as improvements in their personalqualities.Result of the review process is an increasein the employee performance parameters,improvement in workplace relationships, betteremployee job satisfaction, which leads tofurther improvements of the company results.the work performance management systemprovides a comprehensive overview of theemployee performance, an opportunity to differentiateemployees according to their real performance,definition of future job allocations,as well as employee motivation, their adequatestabilisation, improvement in professional skillsof individuals and work performance of thewhole human potential of the company.Vienna insurance Group succession managementVienna Insurance Group is constantlygrowing insurance group with strong marketposition in Central and Eastern Europe.The source of excellent position of our concernare our employees and managers.In order for the concern to ensure its long­-term positive market position, it is permanentlynecessary to provide for leadership in thegroup through active succession policy.In the succession programme the ViennaInsurance Group has created a strategic instrumentto identify and attract talent and carriersof potential over a long-term horizon.Succession management provides employeeswith potential with the opportunity to developfurther and binds them over a long-termwith the Vienna Insurance Group.Personnel controlling and employee relationshipsmanagementThe company has clearly defined its goalsin the area of personnel controlling:1. to pursue the company strategic goals2. Explicit definition of the benefits of humanresources managementThe introduction of personnel controllingwas a result of the need to optimise the HRuse, as well as optimising expenses attributableto human resources management.Personnel controlling focuses on the following:• Conducting analyses related to the numberSpráva predstavenstva I Management Report61

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