Výročná správa 2009 - Komunálna Poisťovňa

Výročná správa 2009 - Komunálna Poisťovňa Výročná správa 2009 - Komunálna Poisťovňa


obchodu, čo sa odráža aj vo vynikajúcom ratinguod agentúry Standard & Poor’s (A+, stabilnývýhľad).Stabilita v ťažkých dobáchPráve v časoch hospodárskej krízy sa ukazujedôležitosť širokej geografickej trhovej základne.Rôzna hospodárska dynamika v jednotlivýchkrajinách má na Vienna Insurance Groupvyvažujúci vplyv. Vďaka tomu sa Vienna InsuranceGroup aj napriek súčasnej pochmúrnejhospodárskej situácii podarilo podať vynikajúcivýkon a úspešne pokračovať v raste aj v roku2009. Vienna Insurance Group predstavuje finančnústabilitu a svojim klientom ponúka aj dobudúcnosti vysokú mieru bezpečnosti. Na základeznalosti svojich trhov v krajinách stredneja východnej Európy Vienna Insurance Grouppredpokladá, že tieto – v porovnaní so západnouEurópou ešte nenasýtené – poistné trhybudú aj v nasledujúcich rokov vykazovať rast,ktorý prekoná rast v západnej Európe.Naši zamestnanci sú naším kľúčom k úspechuAngažovanosť a podnikateľské nasadeniezamestnankýň a zamestnancov poisťovní koncernuumožnili spoločný úspech koncernu navšetkých trhoch. Z toho dôvodu patrí všetkýmkolegyniam a kolegom skupiny Vienna InsuranceGroup veľká vďaka. Spoločnými silamimôžeme, najmä v turbulentných časoch, veľadokázať a posilniť koncern aj v budúcnosti.Ďalšie informácie o Vienna Insurance Groupnájdete na stránke www.vig.com alebo vovýročnej správe koncernu Vienna InsuranceGroup.Welcome to the family ofVIENNA INSURANCE GROUPVýročná správa 2009 I Annual Report 2009 KOMUNÁLNA poisťovňa a.s., Vienna Insurance Group34

y the Vienna Insurance Group, leads to correspondinglyresilient business structure, Shahalso by an excellent rating from agency Standard& Poor’s (A+, stable outlook).Stability during difficult timesIt is an event such as the financial crisiswhich highlights the importance of and broadgeographical market base. Different economicdynamics of different countries has balancingeffect on the Insurance group. Thanks to thisthe Vienna Insurance Group, despite the gloomyeconomic situation, has managed to deliverexcellent results and to continue successfullyin its growth also in year 2009. The Vienna InsuranceGroup is the synonym of financial stabilityand it offers its clients and high degree ofsafety also in the future. Based on its knowledgeof markets in Central and Eastern Europe,the Vienna Insurance Group expects that these- in comparison with Western Europe unsaturated- insurance markets will be, also inthe coming years, showing growth, which willoutpace the growth in Western Europe.Our employees are our key to the successInvolvement and professional enthusiasmof our employees are the ingredients allowingour common success in all markets. Thereforeall our colleagues from the Vienna InsuranceGroup deserve and big thank you. Together wecan, in particular during turbulent times, achieveand lot and to strengthen the group also inthe future.For more information about Vienna InsuranceGroup, please visit www.vig.com or askfor the Vienna Insurance Group concern annualreport.Vienna Insurance GroupFebruary 201035

y the Vienna Insurance Group, leads to correspondinglyresilient business structure, Shahalso by an excellent rating from agency Standard& Poor’s (A+, stable outlook).Stability during difficult timesIt is an event such as the financial crisiswhich highlights the importance of and broadgeographical market base. Different economicdynamics of different countries has balancingeffect on the Insurance group. Thanks to thisthe Vienna Insurance Group, despite the gloomyeconomic situation, has managed to deliverexcellent results and to continue successfullyin its growth also in year <strong>2009</strong>. The Vienna InsuranceGroup is the synonym of financial stabilityand it offers its clients and high degree ofsafety also in the future. Based on its knowledgeof markets in Central and Eastern Europe,the Vienna Insurance Group expects that these- in comparison with Western Europe unsaturated- insurance markets will be, also inthe coming years, showing growth, which willoutpace the growth in Western Europe.Our employees are our key to the successInvolvement and professional enthusiasmof our employees are the ingredients allowingour common success in all markets. Thereforeall our colleagues from the Vienna InsuranceGroup deserve and big thank you. Together wecan, in particular during turbulent times, achieveand lot and to strengthen the group also inthe future.For more information about Vienna InsuranceGroup, please visit www.vig.com or askfor the Vienna Insurance Group concern annualreport.Vienna Insurance GroupFebruary 201035

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