Výročná správa 2009 - Komunálna Poisťovňa

Výročná správa 2009 - Komunálna Poisťovňa Výročná správa 2009 - Komunálna Poisťovňa


4. Vienna Insurance GroupVýročná správa 2009 I Annual Report 2009 KOMUNÁLNA poisťovňa a.s., Vienna Insurance Group32Vienna Insurance Group je jedným z najväčšíchmedzinárodných poisťovacích koncernovv strednej a východnej Európe kótovanýchna burze. Koncern so sídlom vo Viedni je zastúpenýpribližne 50 poisťovňami v 23 krajinácha zamestnáva asi 23 000 zamestnancov. Poisťovneskupiny Vienna Insurance Group ponúkajúkvalitné poisťovacie služby tak v životnomako aj v neživotnom poistení. Hlavným cieľomje pritom poskytovanie inovatívnych poistnýchriešení pre všetky životné oblasti a optimálnychslužieb klientom na všetkých trhoch.Vedúca pozícia v strednej a východnejEurópeVienna Insurance Group bola prvou západnoupoisťovňou, ktorá v roku 1990 vstúpila natrh krajín strednej a východnej Európy. Od tejdoby kontinuálne a cielene buduje svoje pôsobeniev tomto regióne. Vďaka cielenej a jasnejmedzinárodnej stratégii v hospodárskompriestore strednej a východnej Európy sa z národnejpoisťovne stal medzinárodný koncern.Dnes je Vienna Insurance Group zastúpená na23 trhoch, ktoré sa rozprestierajú od Estónskana severe po Turecko na juhu, od Vaduzu nazápade po Vladivostok na východe. V stredneja východnej Európe patrí Vienna InsuranceGroup k vedúcim medzinárodným poisťovacímskupinám.Zameranie na strednú a východnú EurópuRastový potenciál v krajinách strednej a východnejEurópy otvára spoločnosti rôznorodé alepredovšetkým dlhodobé rozvojové možnosti. Vposledných rokoch Vienna Insurance Group postupnerozširovala svoje pôsobenie v tomto regióne.Zo začiatku bola v popredí predovšetkýmponuka poisťovacích služieb v oblasti motorovýchvozidiel. Okrem poistenia motorových vozidiel bolveľký dopyt aj po poistení domu a domácnosti.So stúpajúcou životnou úrovňou začala ViennaInsurance Group ponúkať okrem základných poisteníaj sporiace a investičné produkty vo formeživotných poistení. V súvislosti s tým posilnilaVienna Insurance Group svoje pôsobenie natrhoch v krajinách strednej a východnej Európyprostredníctvom kúpy s Versicherung, ktorá sašpecializuje na životné poistenie, čím podporilasvoje silné, už existujúce odbytové kanály.Vienna Insurance Group má teda tú najlepšiupozíciu, aby sa mohla podieľať na rastúcomživotnom štandarde a s tým spojeným zvýšenýmdopytom po poistných produktoch v krajináchstrednej a východnej Európy. Skupinasi svoju pozíciu v krajinách strednej a východnejEurópy výrazne posilnila, pričom asi 50 %celkového objemu poistného vo výške cca 8miliárd EUR pochádza práve z rastúceho regiónustrednej a východnej Európy. V oblastineživotného poistenia predstavuje podiel poisťovníz krajín strednej a východnej Európy nacelkovom poistnom koncernu už dokonca viacako 60 %. Žiadna iná medzinárodná poisťovňanedosahuje taký vysoký podiel poistného vtomto regióne.Jasné strategické smerovanieVienna Insurance Group sa ako medzinárodnýpoisťovací koncern so zameraním na regiónstrednej a východnej Európy usiluje o dlhodobýa kontinuálny rast výnosov a poistného.K cieľom Vienna Insurance Group preto popriposilnení vedúcej pozície na trhu v Rakúskupatrí expanzia poisťovacích aktivít v stredneja východnej Európe. Ťažiskom tejto expanziebude organický rast poisťovní. Už mnoho rokovsleduje Vienna Insurance Group jasnú stratégiuhodnotovo orientovaného rastu. Ústrednouje pritom požiadavka stať sa lídrom na trhu. VRakúsku, Českej Republike, na Slovensku, vRumunsku, Albánsku, Bulharsku, Gruzínsku ana Ukrajine už patrí Vienna Insurance Group klídrom na trhu.Jedným z dôležitých a kľúčových faktorovúspechu pri upevňovaní pozície na trhu jestratégia viacerých značiek Vienna InsuranceGroup, ktorá sa na všetkých trhoch opierao silu overených značiek bohatých na tradíciu.Okrem toho stavia koncern na optimálnom prístupeku klientovi prostredníctvom predaja cezrôzne kanály, dôslednom využívaní synergickýchefektov a širokej diverzifikácii rizík.Skúsenosti a dobrá znalosť trhu, ktoré ViennaInsurance Group získala za posledných 20rokov, sa neustále zúročujú v poistnom obchode,ktorý je diverzifikovaný na jednotlivé krajiny,obchodné kanály a produkty. Tento smer,ktorým sa Vienna Insurance Group dôsledneuberá, vedie k zodpovedajúco pevnej štruktúre

4. Vienna Insurance GroupVienna Insurance Group is one of the biggestinternational insurance concerns in Centraland Eastern Europe listed on the stock exchange.The concern with head office in Viennaconsists of approximately 50 companies in 23countries, employing more than 23,000 people.Vienna Insurance Group companies providequality services in life and non-life insurancesegment. At the same time the main goal is toprovide innovative insurance solutions for alllife situations and optimal client service in allmarkets.Leading position in Central and EasternEuropeVienna Insurance Group was the firstWestern insurer who in 1990 entered theCentral and Eastern European market. Basedon clear and focused international strategy inthe central and eastern European economiczone and national insurer became internationalconcern. Today Vienna Insurance Group isrepresented in 23 markets from Estonia in theNorth to the Turkey in the South, from Vaduzin the West to Vladivostok in the east. In Centraland Eastern Europe the Vienna InsuranceGroup belongs among leading internationalinsurance groups.Focus on Central and Eastern EuropeGrowth potential of countries in Central andEastern Europe provides the company withnumerous and varied, but above all long-termdevelopment opportunities. Over the last fewyears the Vienna Insurance Group has beengradually increasing its presence in this region.Early on it was mainly motor vehicle insurance.In addition to motor vehicle insurance therewas also and great demand for property andhousehold insurance. As the standard of livinghas improved the Vienna Insurance Groupexpanded its offer of basic insurance to coveralso savings and investment products in theform of life insurance. In order for Vienna InsuranceGroup to strengthen its position marketsin Central and Eastern Europe and has acquireds-Versicherung, which specialises in lifeinsurance, thereby enhancing its strong andalready existing sales channels.Hence Vienna Insurance Group is in idealposition to participate in the growing standardof living and related increased demand for lifeinsurance products in the countries of Centraland Eastern Europe. The Group has strengthenedits position significantly in the countries ofCentral and Eastern Europe, whereby approximately50 percent of the total premium incomeof approximately 8 billion Euro originates fromthis growing region of Central and Eastern Europe.In non-life insurance segment the Centraland Eastern European countries contributemore than 60 percent of the total concern premiumincome. No other international insurancecompany is achieving such high proportion ofpremium income in this region.Clear strategic directionVienna Insurance Group, has an internationalinsurance concern focusing on the centraland eastern European region, thereby aims forlong-term and continuous growth of revenueand premium income. Therefore the ViennaInsurance Group goals include, in addition tostrengthening its leading position on the marketin Austria, extension of insurance activitiesin Central and Eastern Europe countries. Basisof this expansion will be organic growth of thecompanies. The Vienna Insurance Group hasbeen following the value oriented growth strategyfor and number of years now. The centraltheme is and requirement to become the marketleader. Already in Austria, the Czech Republic,Slovakia, Romania, Albania, Bulgaria,Georgia and in Ukraine the Vienna InsuranceGroup belongs to the market leaders. One ofthe important and key success factors in maintainingmarket position is the multi-brand strategy,which is building on the strength of testedbrands rich in tradition. In addition the groupemphasises the optimal approach to the clientutilising various sales channels, taking advantageof synergy affects and abroad diversificationof risks.Experience and excellent market knowledge,which the Vienna Insurance Group hasacquired over the past 20 years, are benefitsfor the insurance business, which is diversifiedby individual countries, sales channels andproducts. This direction, strictly adhered toVienna Insurance Group33

4. Vienna Insurance GroupVienna Insurance Group is one of the biggestinternational insurance concerns in Centraland Eastern Europe listed on the stock exchange.The concern with head office in Viennaconsists of approximately 50 companies in 23countries, employing more than 23,000 people.Vienna Insurance Group companies providequality services in life and non-life insurancesegment. At the same time the main goal is toprovide innovative insurance solutions for alllife situations and optimal client service in allmarkets.Leading position in Central and EasternEuropeVienna Insurance Group was the firstWestern insurer who in 1990 entered theCentral and Eastern European market. Basedon clear and focused international strategy inthe central and eastern European economiczone and national insurer became internationalconcern. Today Vienna Insurance Group isrepresented in 23 markets from Estonia in theNorth to the Turkey in the South, from Vaduzin the West to Vladivostok in the east. In Centraland Eastern Europe the Vienna InsuranceGroup belongs among leading internationalinsurance groups.Focus on Central and Eastern EuropeGrowth potential of countries in Central andEastern Europe provides the company withnumerous and varied, but above all long-termdevelopment opportunities. Over the last fewyears the Vienna Insurance Group has beengradually increasing its presence in this region.Early on it was mainly motor vehicle insurance.In addition to motor vehicle insurance therewas also and great demand for property andhousehold insurance. As the standard of livinghas improved the Vienna Insurance Groupexpanded its offer of basic insurance to coveralso savings and investment products in theform of life insurance. In order for Vienna InsuranceGroup to strengthen its position marketsin Central and Eastern Europe and has acquireds-Versicherung, which specialises in lifeinsurance, thereby enhancing its strong andalready existing sales channels.Hence Vienna Insurance Group is in idealposition to participate in the growing standardof living and related increased demand for lifeinsurance products in the countries of Centraland Eastern Europe. The Group has strengthenedits position significantly in the countries ofCentral and Eastern Europe, whereby approximately50 percent of the total premium incomeof approximately 8 billion Euro originates fromthis growing region of Central and Eastern Europe.In non-life insurance segment the Centraland Eastern European countries contributemore than 60 percent of the total concern premiumincome. No other international insurancecompany is achieving such high proportion ofpremium income in this region.Clear strategic directionVienna Insurance Group, has an internationalinsurance concern focusing on the centraland eastern European region, thereby aims forlong-term and continuous growth of revenueand premium income. Therefore the ViennaInsurance Group goals include, in addition tostrengthening its leading position on the marketin Austria, extension of insurance activitiesin Central and Eastern Europe countries. Basisof this expansion will be organic growth of thecompanies. The Vienna Insurance Group hasbeen following the value oriented growth strategyfor and number of years now. The centraltheme is and requirement to become the marketleader. Already in Austria, the Czech Republic,Slovakia, Romania, Albania, Bulgaria,Georgia and in Ukraine the Vienna InsuranceGroup belongs to the market leaders. One ofthe important and key success factors in maintainingmarket position is the multi-brand strategy,which is building on the strength of testedbrands rich in tradition. In addition the groupemphasises the optimal approach to the clientutilising various sales channels, taking advantageof synergy affects and abroad diversificationof risks.Experience and excellent market knowledge,which the Vienna Insurance Group hasacquired over the past 20 years, are benefitsfor the insurance business, which is diversifiedby individual countries, sales channels andproducts. This direction, strictly adhered toVienna Insurance Group33

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